Water Margin Survival

Chapter 672 Tianzi No. 1 detailed work

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end.Le He stepped forward to open the door calmly.It was too late and then soon, at this moment, I saw shopkeeper Wang being thrown in by someone vigorously, Le He was caught off guard, and subconsciously pulled shopkeeper Wang aside, Li Xuan blocked the empty space tacitly, drew out his sword to guard the door, Prevent violent people from taking the opportunity to rush in.

Unexpectedly, the man did not take the opportunity to break in, but withdrew the dagger in his hand, and said in a low voice: "I have no malicious intentions! Please take another step to speak!"

"Who are you serving?" Li Xuan did not want to believe this man dressed like a beggar. Now that Tokyo is about to become a mess, it is better to be careful to make the Wannian Ship.

The beggar looked left and right, but he still refused to reveal his identity. He just threw the dagger in his hand on the ground to show that it was harmless, and at the same time said in a low voice, "A hero who just died at the hands of the government asked me to meet him at the entrance of Quyuan Street." Xianlou, looking for a shopkeeper surnamed Wang, I have important matters to inform!"

"The places, plaques, and names are all correct, but we don't know any important criminals from the government!" Le He stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"He said he came from the water, and when he was at home, he worshiped Shan Gen Wanzuo!" the beggar said again.

Li Xuan couldn't understand what this person said at all, but Le He could hear some meaning.The "Shan Gen Wan" in the beggar's mouth is the "stone" in the surname, which is a bit of a spectrum.

As the top person in charge of the hotel system in Tokyo, Lehe is convinced that people without their own system are performing other tasks in Tokyo, but Di Ting Camp is a bit hard to say. Since Shixiu went up the mountain, Di Ting Camp has become more and more mysterious, let alone General leader.Even Zhu Gui and Yan Qing didn't necessarily know what they were doing.

Although Lehe is a little moved.But now is an extraordinary period, Bao Buqi is a spy of the Imperial City Department, who came to deceive himself, and still said: "Our hotel is a legitimate business, and we have never known any important criminals from the court! If you keep disturbing each other, don't blame me for reporting to Kaifeng house!"

The man was silent for a while, and suddenly he spread the dirty hair covering his face with his hands.Le He still thought that he was some kind of big shot in disguise, but stared at him for a long time, but couldn't see why.When he looked at shopkeeper Wang suspiciously, shopkeeper Wang was also at a loss. Only Li Xun let out a "huh" and pointed at this person and said, "I remember. When I came here, I saw the official arrest document from the government. This guy’s head is painted! He belongs to Tian Hu!!”

Le He met with the shopkeeper Wang and said, and it was confirmed that this person was not a court eagle dog.It's just that he was able to follow the clues to find Liang Shan's contact point in Tokyo, and he had to ask clearly about what he said.Li Xuan also thought of this at the same time, pulled the man into the room suddenly, then kicked him over, forced his neck with his sword, and said: "Say. Who told you our address!"

The beggar was in a series of actions by Li Xuan.He didn't fight back, but just let the other party deal with him. At this time, Li Xun pointed his sword at him, but he was not afraid at all. He lay on his back and muttered: "Someone died to cover me. Before he died, he asked me to come to Quyuan Street." When I met Xianlou, I looked for a shopkeeper surnamed Wang, and said that he would send me back to the water! Since he can exchange his life for my life, how could he harm me?"

Le and the three met and exchanged glances.Shopkeeper Wang went out quietly, closed the door from the outside, and stood in the corridor to let the people inside out.Li Xuan put down the big foot that was on the beggar's chest, but the sword in his hand was still pointing at this person, and said: "Who is that person?"

"Now there is a shopkeeper Wang?" the beggar asked back.

"Whether there is, it depends on who you are!" Li Xuan's sword was a little closer, and the meaning was obvious.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. My contact person's code name is 'The Oriole', and he told me this address. Unfortunately..." The beggar said this, and two drops of muddy tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Li Yan has never heard of this oriole at all. When he turned to Lehe for consultation, he saw that the elder brother also looked at a loss, and said immediately: "I don't care how this oriole knows about our hotel, but you guys You belong to Tian Hu, why do you think Liangshan will take you in!?"

"Huo Que and I were never Tian Hu's people, and I didn't expect Liang Shan to take them in. I went home rightly!" the beggar said confidently.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that you are still one of us?" Li Yan said with both a smile and a smile, "The killer Tian Hu sent to assassinate Hunjun is actually from Liangshan. I haven't even touched a drop of blood today, so why don't you Tell me about such an unruly legend!"

"Tian Hu never thought of assassinating Zhao Ji at all. Our mission in ambush in the capital was to assassinate Tong Guan, because he felt that Tong Guan was his biggest threat. As long as Tong Guan died, no one would be able to integrate the Western Army. As for It was Zhao Ji who was assassinated in the end, because I was ordered by the leader of Shixiu, and it is said that this was the intention of the village master Wang Lun!"

Finding out that the other party recognized Liang Shan's identity, and because of his incomparable trust in "Single Bird", the beggar finally told the truth.

"You still made it up!" Li Xuan got angry and kicked the beggar.No matter how good Liang Shan is, it is impossible to directly give orders to Tian Hu's death squad leader!He also hoped that such an exciting deed was true, but what this man said...was too fucking like a legend.

The beggar got kicked and didn't intend to shut up, but slowly moved his throat away from Li Xun's sword. Because he did this action aboveboard, Li Xun didn't respond for a while.The beggar slowly got up from the ground, straightened his clothes, and said solemnly:

"Tianzi No. [-], under the leadership of Shixiu, the leader of the Podi Listening Camp in Liangshan, made a fine yellow axe. Now that his identity has been exposed, he cannot continue to lurk. Please return to the team!"

"If you have any doubts about my identity, you can pass the letter to the cottage, and the leader Shi Xiu will explain it for me!" The two were stunned before they met, and Huang Yue added.

"Damn! Are you really one of us?" How could Li Xuan believe in such an unruly fact? "Tian Hu was led by Shitou like this... our village master led us by the nose?"

"Tian Hu's decision to kill Tongguan was well thought out, because if the imperial court sent other people to conquer, he would not be afraid, but rather look forward to it, because the tens of thousands of soldiers from the Great Song Dynasty who conquered have now turned into puppet troops from the Jin Dynasty. What he is afraid of is precisely people like Tong Guan, Lao Zhong, and Xiao Zhong (Tong Guan has a good record at this time). At this time, assassins are sent out in three ways, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate. I will report this news to the leader Shi Xiu.' Huang Que 'Bring news. I hope I can win the opportunity to lead the team in Tokyo this time, so there is the current assassination of Zhao Ji." Huang Yue explained the whole story without hesitation.

"If you say lead the team, you will lead the team? Killing Tongguan is a big deal. If you are not Tian Hu's confidant, how can you rest assured? If you are really Huang Yue, you will start from the time when leader Shi Xiu recruited you. It only took half a year to fight and calculate. How did you fight for it?" To Tian Hu's trust?" Li Yan questioned.

Huang Yue heard the words, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world, he laughed presumptuously for a long time, and then said:

"Is there still a fight for this errand in Tokyo? Yes, it's true, it's because everyone is fighting for their heads! This trip is a job of a narrow escape. You can't be the leader of Liang Shanbo around Tian Hu? Tell you, who is coming to Tokyo. It was picked by lottery, and if the 'dead' was caught, it had to be executed. I was the first to catch it, and I planned to change it secretly if it was a 'live', but Tian Hufei asked me to open it on the spot! Now I think about it. Every lottery on his mother's lot is probably written with the word 'death'!"

"This live treasure trick is really good!" Li Yanjian said.Putting the sword back into the scabbard, he shook his head and smiled.

"I have to ask Shanzhai for instructions about your matter. You are not allowed to leave this room until your identity is confirmed. If you are really one of us, you will understand my approach!" Le He finally spoke, and the weight was not light , representing the attitude of all Liang Shanbo's lurking personnel in Tokyo.

"I can understand!" Huang Yue briefly expressed his meaning, and added a compliment: "It is not easy to support such a big scene in Tokyo! I heard people talking about this meeting place the day I first arrived in Tokyo. Xianlou, I didn't expect that this is the place where I escaped."

"Sight!" Li Xuan stretched out his thumb, "Okay, take off your clothes!"

Huang Yue was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Since you know what this is, you say that you, a beggar, will not attract suspicion if you stay here for a long time? The young master is about the same size as you, so I just go out pretending to be you!" Li Xuan said.

Le He smiled gratifiedly, secretly thinking that Li Yan is getting more and more mature, no wonder even the village owner said he is a good talent.Immediately let Huang Yue go behind the screen to change clothes, pulled Li Xun and said: "This 'single bird', ask your brothers to inquire about it. We only need to wait for the news from the cottage. We cannot let the government dispose of this body at will!"

"Brother, don't worry, I'll take care of myself! Liang Shan will never abandon any brother, whether alive or dead!" Li Xuan put away his cynical smile and looked very solemn.Huang Yue, who was undressing behind the screen, couldn't help but tremble when he heard this sentence.

Le He patted Li Xun on the shoulder, signaling him to continue changing clothes, Le He opened the door, and summoned the shopkeeper Wang at the side of the aisle, and said: "Send more people to guard this room. Food and drink are in charge of him." , but until the cottage confirms his identity, he is not allowed to leave the house!"

In a simple sentence, Lehe didn't explain too much, shopkeeper Wang didn't ask too many questions, and took orders to assign people.When Le He was waiting for Li Xuan to go out, he suddenly thought of Shi Xiu.To be honest, he has not dealt with this person a few times, but he never imagined how he could make such a big achievement in such a short period of time, and he actually got all his hands and feet in front of Tian Hu, which is really unimaginable .

This matter is undoubtedly a good thing, but I'm afraid it will cause Zhu Gui and Yan Qing to think deeply. After all, being thrown away by the little brother suddenly is undoubtedly a matter of losing face and losing face.Don't think that the story of rivalry will only happen between the various military branches. To use a simple and intuitive analogy, the two armies under brothers Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi cannot be in harmony when they are actually pulled out for a competition.

"Brother, I'm ready! This sword is here with you, but you have to keep it for me. It's a gift from Uncle Wang's father to my younger brother!" Li Xuan, who was dressed as Huang Yue and came in, opened the door. He handed over the sword in his hand.With his appearance like this, if he was holding a sword in his hand, he would definitely be an eyesore to the public.

"Let's go! I'll 'drive' you out myself!" Le He chuckled and signaled Li Yan to come forward. At this time, shopkeeper Wang came over with a dozen strong men, with a look of panic on his face. Lehe looked wrong, and asked, "What's the matter? What happened to this one back and forth?"

Li Xuan also had a wry smile on his face. Right now, the city of Tokyo is changing three times a day.

"Just now Teng Ya Nei brought a group of people in and chatted there. When I passed by, I listened to it. It turned out that the identity of the assassin had been clearly investigated, and he was from Liangshan. The imperial court was sending an emergency for eight hundred miles. Report, order the [-] Western Army to speed up the assembly, and rush to the capital day and night!"

Li Yan subconsciously said: "Impossible! This group of people are all genuine Tian Hu's subordinates! As long as you find an old jailer, you can tell the truth! This faint...how did the trial!?"

At this time, Le He's face was full of solemnity. If what Teng Ya Nei said was true, the truth in it would be deeper, and he hurriedly said: "Be safe and don't be impatient. Let's move separately. I'll go and find out what Teng Ya Nei has to say first!"

Everyone had no other good solution, but to stabilize first and not to get confused, they saw that Le He called a guy to "drive" Li Xuan out, and he himself brought a jar of good wine to the perennial box in Teng Yamen .As soon as he entered the door, Teng Yanei saw Le He very enthusiastically, and said, "Brother, I heard that you almost fell into that incident. No, brother, I'm here to scare you!"

"What do you think is wrong with this world? Some people have taken the guts of a leopard, and they can't imagine doing such a thing to punish the nine clans! Ya Nei, have you found out, and which desperado did it?" Le He pretended to be angry.

"Liangshanbo did it!"

The person in front of him was his God of Wealth, and at the same time a person who was almost face-to-face. Teng Yanei didn't treat him as an outsider, so he opened his mouth.

Le He was very "surprised" and said: "The front foot killed Gao Taiwei, and the back foot came to assassinate the official. Are these bandits really going to overthrow the sky?! Could it be that they are afraid that the court will not punish them? It is simply unreasonable!"

"It doesn't make sense!" The expression on Teng Yanei's face at this time was a bit meaningful, "Ms. Gao is so cheeky! Although he has died for the country now, he is envious of many living people! He even asked the officials to endure being tortured." The humiliation of the assassination was clearly known to be done by that evil god in Hedong, but he was not allowed to say anything, just to ensure that Liangshan can be successfully conquered! It is said that the emperor's grace is mighty, but such a heavy favor, can his Gao family bear it?"

Lehe's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't care about the sourness in Teng Yanei's words at all.All his energy now is devoted to analyzing the information contained in these words.

It seems that this stupid gentleman is really hard to measure with common sense. According to him, he was assassinated, so he must have been furious and retaliated with his backhand. Who would have thought that he could endure the humiliation for a while in order to avenge Gao Qi, and he would not be able to shake it? Continue to conquer Liangshanbo! ?

I heard that before Gao Qiu was conferred the title, he said harsh words in front of Coach Lin and Coach Wang, trying to force the village master to let him live, it seems that he is not without support.From this point of view, these two are really like brothers and sisters.

Not good... This accident must be sent back to the cottage in time, and the brothers must not be misjudged the situation because of the success of the previous thunderstorm operation.

"Which group of thieves and bandits are to be recruited is not to be recruited. Anyway, if these two mountains are not flattened, how can our Song Dynasty be peaceful! Come, come, Yamen, let's drink! Don't talk about state affairs, don't talk about state affairs!" (to be continued~^~)

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