The land of Deng and Xiang is connected to Guanzhong in the north and Jinghu Lake in the south.There are thousands of miles of fertile fields, rich people and rich things, and it has always been the natural granary of the Song Dynasty in the west of Beijing.Since the fall of Guanzhong after the Tang Dynasty, it has become an important logistics base for the Western Army to manage Xixia. There are countless merchants from south to north throughout the year.

Speaking of which, on this day, the guards of the city discovered a rather abnormal thing, that is, the number of caravans entering the city was more than double that of usual, but what corresponded to this was the gradually inflated wallets and private pockets of the guards. .

This kind of unexpected benefit made the soldiers couldn't help thinking, if they could meet so many knowledgeable merchants every day, how much more nourishing their lives would be in the future.

At this time, the appearance of a young man and woman attracted the attention of the guards.It's not that these two people look like dangerous people, but that the woman among them, who was born enchanting and bright, has the aura of a celebrity in her gestures and gestures.Although it is less dignified and dignified, it has a different taste.

The guard who stands at the gate of the city every day has no other skills, and he can still stand up to countless people. Seeing that this woman has a unique temperament, and she is not like a courtesan woman at all, then there is only one answer, This woman is by no means born in a small family.

Knowing that such a woman is not to be messed with, the strong visual contrast still made many officers and soldiers secretly fix their eyes on her.

The man walking next to her has a much smaller chance of attracting attention. After all, in front of a beauty, who would covet her man?Although this person was born with a good skin, but in his seemingly harmless smile, there was a cynical and frivolous taste.

"Excuse me! May I ask where the Yamen of Xiangzhou Zhizhou is located?"

The man spoke politely.The question was again about the location of the highest authority in the city.The guard didn't dare to be negligent, and explained in detail how to walk. The man thanked him with a smile, and left with the coveted woman.

"This guy speaks with a Tokyo accent, I'm afraid he is the son of an old friend of our Zhizhou!" After they left, the defenders couldn't help talking.

This group of people guessed rightly, and the young couple went directly to Zhizhou Mansion.Reported to Menzitong: "The nephew of Tong's family in the Privy Council passed by Baodi, and asked the local parents and officials if he had anything to do!"

Menzi didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, he didn't even give an announcement, and he just led the two guests in. A minister in the lobby was just talking to his staff, and when he saw Menzi directly bringing in a couple of young men and women, he couldn't help frowning slightly , said: "Old Huang, what's the matter?"

That door should be Zhizhou's family.Seeing the question and answering: "Master, this son said that he is a child of the Tong family of the Privy Council in Tokyo. He passed by here. He has something special to ask the master!"

Privy Council Tongjia! ?As if a spring had been attached to Zhizhou's buttocks, Zhizhou immediately jumped up and walked down the hall.He looked up and down at the young man.Secretly said: Zensheng has never seen this person before?It's just Tong Jian's sons who have met each other anyway, how can there be such a person?When I was full of question marks, my face was very kind,

"I have been brought here by Tong Shumi all the way. Tong Shumi was reborn with kindness. I don't know what to call the young master and the Shumi?"

The young man said with a heavy face, "The boy should call the clerk as father-in-law! It's a pity that he doesn't want to recognize me..."

"Bold! Come here, get it for me!" It seems that Zhizhou not only has springs installed on his buttocks, but also has similar devices on the soles of his feet.Hearing this, he jumped up angrily.At that time, Tong Guan's daughter was missing, and the news in Tokyo City caused Tong Guan to go to Cai's mansion to ask someone. this matter.

The corner of the young man's mouth was still smiling nonchalantly, and he didn't pay attention to the Zhizhou in front of him at all. When the Zhizhou saw this, he was really a little uncertain about the identity of this person. It's just that the order has been issued, so how can he slap himself in the face? ?At the moment, we should keep the same and respond to all changes. We have to see what kind of tricks this young man will play in front of him.

"Wait! If you dare to touch my husband, you don't want to live anymore!"

The beauty is angry, it is no small matter, the yamen servants on both sides were stunned, and saw that the woman pointed her finger at Zhizhou again, "Huangzhizhou, Mr. Huang! Who came to my house on New Year's Eve last year and gave my father 100 taels?" Li Jin, what did you say that this is called one in a thousand!"

Huang Zhizhou was stunned. This happened, but he and Tong Guan were the only ones present at the time. Tong Guan definitely wouldn't talk about it. Could it be... Could it be...

"At that time, Zhizhou Huang, you said that you were very aggrieved when you were working as the son of the household department. My father said that the minister of the household department was still aggrieved. Can you not be aggrieved?"

"Jiaoxiu? Are you Jiaoxiu? Alas, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. Your uncle was confused!"

If there were some doubts before, now all the joy remains.This kind of secret room language can be reproduced verbatim, this girl must be Tong Guan's adopted daughter, as long as I can send her back for Tong Guan, how can I not worry about a fortune?

"Niece Xian, why are you in my Xiangzhou? You don't know your father and your father-in-law (Cai You)..."

Before Huang Zhizhou finished speaking, Tong Jiaoxiu interrupted: "Cai You's generation is also worthy of being compared with my father? Huang Zhizhou, if you remember that my father cultivated it, don't mention Cai's family anymore! "

Speaking of which, in the whole world, is there any woman who dares to say that about Cai Jing's family?At this time, Huang Zhizhou became more and more sure that this woman was the missing Tong Jiaoxiu.But the man next to her, could it be her concubine?Thinking of this, Huang Zhizhou was terrified, it was a scandal, it was a huge scandal!

If I send this couple back to Tokyo together, don't say that Tong Guan will scold me for not being able to do things, I am afraid that the Cai family will hate me for the rest of my life.Huang Zhizhou frowned, thought carefully, and said:

"My niece Xian came here from afar, I'm afraid I'm tired, so let my uncle do his best to be a landlord, how about asking your aunt to come out and accompany you for dinner first?"

"I'm not busy eating, I have to ask my husband for a little help!" said the man who came with Tong Jiaoxiu.

"Concubine" also dare to interject indiscriminately?Huang Zhizhou obviously didn't have any reason to give this man a good look. After all, his benefactor absolutely hates this man, and he might be dead or alive by then.Tong Jiaoxiu here, if she has to offend.There is no other way.To please her must offend Tong Guan and Cai Jing.How to calculate this account is very clear.

"What are you doing in a daze, what does this officer say? Doesn't count? Why don't you take this guy down!"

If Huang Zhizhou wants to change his face, he must act in his true colors. Here he speaks kindly to Tong Jiaoxiu, but there is no mercy towards his concubine.

The yamen servants, who were nearly schizophrenic, finally stepped forward and took the man down.But the man didn't take it seriously, he just stared at Tong Jiaoxiu and said: "See, before you meet your father, my life is almost in danger. The matter between us will not be seen in the end, if you want to Go back to Tokyo, let's go now!"

"Wang Lang!" Jiaoxiu burst into tears when she heard that.Crying like pear blossoms with rain, weeping uncontrollably.Huang Zhizhou was stunned. The daughter of the minister and the man in front of him really didn't seem to be in love.But so what?How much is true love worth in front of adults?

Huang Zhizhou sighed rather emotionally, and immediately waved his hand.Ask your subordinates to take this wild man down.Unexpectedly, at this moment the concubine suddenly yelled: "Wait!"

All the yamen servants "respect" that he is an expert who dared to abduct the daughter of the privy envoy and the grandson's daughter-in-law, so they couldn't help but slow down, and saw the man yelling at the woman: "If you don't leave today, come back and do it with me." Mrs. Yazhai! Although my Master Taishan does not recognize me as a wild son-in-law, but if he is not sure, he will come to me one day in the future!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, did this man lose his mind?Tong Guan also has a day in front of him?Only Huang Zhizhou was taken aback. After all, the information he knew was not comparable to other people present. He looked at the man with a hint of panic in his eyes, and said calmly, "What is your name? !"

"Jingxi Wang Qing is me!" the man said confidently.After speaking, he struggled to break free from the shackles of everyone.Pointing at the yamen servants, he said: "Today's matter has nothing to do with you. I don't care about the offense just now. If you disturb me again, don't blame me!"

Everyone was frightened by him for a moment, Wang Qing sneered, and said to Huang Zhizhou: "I am here today, I have a little trouble to trouble Mr. Zhizhou, if you help, it will be convenient for everyone, the world is so big, you can go anywhere!"

"Wang Qing, you, you are too courageous! How dare you trespass into the state capital and threaten the state officials! What do you do? This official can drown you by spitting. What do you have to dare to be so rude! " Huang Zhizhou was not frightened, he pointed at Wang Qing and reprimanded him.

Seeing this, Wang Qing couldn't help sighing in his stomach. It seems that people have forgotten the name that broke Fangzhou back then.Forget it, if you don't have a record that makes people really scared, you can't even scare a dog by saying his name!I don't know when I will be like Wang Lun, who can poison fish to death by throwing a word into the water, and stop a child from crying by saying his name.

What should I do next?These bastards!It's been a long time since I've been in the city, and I'm still fucking dawdling, the boss is almost done talking nonsense here, and they haven't shown up yet, so it's possible that he, the boss, has to do everything by himself, messing around in this government office. ?Damn it, I must plan it out next time. Let's throw a cup as a sign. Not only is the scene beautiful, but it also has some connotations, doesn't it?

Seeing that Wang Qing didn't speak, Huang Zhizhou thought he was afraid, and immediately shouted: "I won't take it down yet! Remember, if any of you utter a word about what you saw today, don't blame me for not protecting it!" Wait..."

"Whoever dares to arrest me, Wang Lang, don't blame me for having a bad memory!" Tong Jiaoxiu finally made up her mind that she would never return to that sad place in Tokyo.

"'s not good! My lord, a group of thieves appeared from somewhere in the city. They have already robbed the gate of the city and are now killing them in the yamen!" A blood-stained officer of the Imperial Army ran in in a panic. , Kneeling down in front of Huang Zhizhou.

Wang Qing wanted to go to the meeting with a single sword, but he didn't know that his subordinates were not strong enough, so he had to do it himself. When everyone was in panic, he flew to snatch the single sword of the reporting officer, put it tightly in front of Huang Zhizhou's neck, and laughed loudly. : "You said that I threatened the state officials, what is my basis? Breaking your city now counts?"

Huang Zhizhou was so frightened that he couldn't help himself, and said "calculate" repeatedly, at least to let Wang Qing regain some face, but at this time Tong Jiaoxiu was already dumbfounded. She has lived for more than 20 years, and she has never had such a man by her side.

"Get out! Stand here, waiting for the New Year? The master is not a bloodthirsty person, but I can't guarantee my subordinates!" Wang Qing threatened everyone.

The city was destroyed, and it was useless to snatch the prefect back. Wang Qing's words just gave everyone a reason to disperse. In an instant, there were only three people left in the lobby, and even the door was gone. It seems that the critical moment has come. The whole family is useless.

"Niece Xian, look at this trouble! You have served your father half your life as an official. Now that things have happened, you can't call an outsider and ruin your uncle, right?" Origin to make a breakthrough.

Tong Jiaoxiu blamed him for wanting to arrest Wang Qing in front of her face, so she turned her head to one side.Wang Qing put down his sword and smiled at the eunuch, "I wish I had said so earlier? I came here today to ask you to do a small matter. You look down on me and ask someone to arrest me, so you put me away." Things got screwed up!"

"I don't know what your Majesty has to do with your subordinates?" The world immediately changed, and Huang Xianggong cupped his hands and asked.

"Huang Zhizhou is a scholar. Everyone who wrote articles in the previous dynasty should be familiar with it?" Wang Qing said with a smile.

"This... a little bit, a little bit!" Huang Zhizhou really didn't understand what Wang Qing wanted to do, so he said perfunctorily.

"That's just right. Mr. Wang has a question to ask Taishou Huang. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a guy named King Luo Bin. Is this man the surname of Luo Bin? Is his surname Wang, or just Luo?"

Don't say that Huang Taishou was dumbfounded by this question at the time, even Tong Jiaoxiu couldn't help laughing through her tears, she couldn't help but glared at Wang Qing, and said: "The surname Luo is a common surname in the south of the Yangtze River, but you don't read poetry and books, it's insulting to the gentlemen!"

Wang Qing chuckled and didn't answer. He just looked at Huang Taishou with a smile on his face. Seeing that he was waiting for him to speak, Huang Taishou had no choice but to say, "Niece Xian is right. This person's surname is Luo, his name is Guan Guang, and the article is excellent!"

"The article is excellent? I don't know what famous article he wrote!" Wang Qing was like a cat playing with a mouse, playing tricks on the prefect of this state.

"Discuss Wu..." Huang Zhizhou subconsciously said a name, then suddenly shut up, and looked at Wang Qing in horror, the fear in his eyes, like a flood of beasts, immediately engulfed him.

"My lady, your uncle didn't say enough! Tell me, what are the other two words?" Wang Qing looked at Tong Jiaoxiu with a smile. There is a lady from a great family who is going to be Mrs. Yazhai. Heavenly Demon is much happier.

"Shouting Wuzhao...Lang Jun, what are you going to do?" Although Tong Jiaoxiu came to the prefect's mansion with Wang Qing, she didn't know what his real purpose was, to be honest.

Eunuch Huang's guess was right, and what Wang Qing said next, every word was inserted into his heart like a needle:

"It's all right! I just borrowed the hand of this Huang Taishou to write a letter of 'Voting Jin to Discuss Song Xi'!" (To be continued~^~)

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