Raising the sword in his hand, a bone head fell to the feet of a Taoist robed man. He picked up the blood-stained head without any hesitation, and dashed between the gaps in the battlefield without hesitation, looking at the sky. He shouted sharply: "The leader of the Dengzhou regiment's training envoy is here, who dares to resist, take him as an example!"

This shout was full of energy and spread far and wide. Many officers and soldiers who were fighting at the gate of the city couldn't help being confused when they heard it.

I think this Dengzhou is the hinterland of the west of Beijing in the Song Dynasty, except for a few bandits, it is rare to see the flames of war.Therefore, the infantry of the Fourth Battalion of the Imperial Army stationed in the city have not practiced fighting for a long time, and it is okay to bully the common people. At this time, it is obviously not enough to encounter bandit soldiers several times their own in close combat.

What's more, there is a bandit general among the thieves. He is very brave. Carrying it so far has been considered a super-level performance.

Seeing the death of the highest military officer, many people lost their last trace of fighting spirit and began to put down their weapons and surrender. It didn't take long for this team of soldiers who looked like soldiers surrendered their identities and became prisoners of war.

"Strip all the armor and weapons to me, find a large cart and load it up, and register the dead brothers to prepare for the funeral. The first battalion will stay here to do these things, and the second and third battalions will follow me to the Dengzhou government office!" The middle-aged Taoist priest had a high prestige, so he gave an order, and no one objected to the two thousand bandit soldiers on the spot, and they all prepared according to the instructions.

Just now the fierce general on the battlefield hadn't finished his killing, and the officers and soldiers surrendered. He was so annoyed that he threw the [-]-jin five-finger sharp iron gun at his cronies, and caught up with the Taoist priest.Respectfully said: "Military division. This Dengzhou is a big grain-producing state in the Song Dynasty, and the grain harvested every year can be ranked first in the country. As long as all the grain in this city is moved to Funiu Mountain, it will be eaten in ten years It’s not over! We robbed the army’s ration team some time ago, and the food we got has no place to put it, it’s really worrying!”

This person's name is complaining, which actually means showing merit.How could this Taoist known as a military adviser not be able to hear it? With a smile on his face, he encouraged him and said: "You and Hu Chun have contributed a lot to this! My people, look at the generals under the lord, except for the Yellow River in Hebei. In addition to the leader Du in Kou Dazhai, the Teng brothers under the lord can compete with the two of you, as long as you work hard and don't have two hearts, you will be rich and prosperous in the future. The future is limitless!"

The strong man in front of him is Gao Qiu's confidant Cheng Ziming, who was forced to go to Fangshan by the Dao Changsheng.However, now it should be said that it is forced to go to Mount Funiu.Although Fangshan is the place where Wang Qing made his fortune, he seldom comes back now.Just because he needs to use the Yellow River to traffic smuggle salt, his base camp has been moved to the Funiu Mountains, which is closer to the Yellow River.In Fangshan, only two brothers from the Duan family were left guarding here.His tigress.Because he was angry with Wang Qing, he stayed behind closed doors in Fangshan with his two brothers.

However, people who can be regarded as confidantes by Gao Lian, without accident, have a distinctive feature, that is, they can pinch their noses to coax their eyes, and they have a strong ability to adapt to the environment.After all, a master like Gao Qiu has served him before, so why can't Wang Qing serve him?At the beginning, Li Zhu cut off the back road of these two people cleanly, and in the end even their family members took them up the mountain, so they had to accept the fact that falling grass was a bandit.

Now that they have decided to hang out, they must do well. This is their principle of life.I don't know what method Gao Li used to gather such "inspirational" people under his command.

"It's better to rely on the support of the military division!"

Sensitive people know their true situation better than anyone else.Li Zhu is right. As far as martial arts are concerned, Cheng Ziming and Hu Chun are the most powerful generals in the cottage. They didn't take them to Xiangzhou, and finally the military adviser came out calmly and ordered their generals.

This time, let the two see who is the most worthy of closeness in this force. So far, the two have not been unhappy with Li Zhu on the road, with more than 4000 minion soldiers, more than 1000 dependent and semi-independent Private salt dealers from all walks of life came to Dengzhou, the closest target to Fengfu (Dengzhou is only separated from Tokyo by the small Ruzhou and Yingchangfu).

"As long as you think about one place and put your energy into one place, there must be a higher position waiting for you!" Li Zhu was very talkative, and he ignored the people running around in the market along the way, and continued: "Let's Although he is pretending to be Tian Hu this time, he can't be too cruel, otherwise my junior brother will be hard to explain. But he can't act like a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, there is no reason to paint Tian Hu!"

Li Zhu's younger brother is quite famous, how can Cheng Ziming not know, it is because of him, a green forest alliance that almost fell apart, is now full of vitality.Due to the blood transfusion in the first period of Liangshan, and the continuous stream of mutually beneficial private salt business in the future, more than [-]% of the private salt dealers in the west of Beijing and Jinghu have regarded Wang Qing as their parents for food and clothing.

Wang Qing's hands are free, and the affairs within the alliance will naturally be resolved. After this period of recuperation, Wang Qing's regular army that can be drawn out to fight has already broken through the [-] mark.In the battles of harassing and attacking the various units of the army's back roads that attacked Tian Hu, the combat experience accumulated slowly has allowed many gangsters to complete the transformation into professional sergeants. Therefore, at this time, Wang Qing has the strength to send troops to the Seven Routes ( Dengzhou, Xiangzhou, Junzhou, Fangzhou, Jinzhou, Suizhou, and Guanghua Army, there are not many garrisons in these seven routes, and even Dengzhou, the most powerful imperial court, has only four battalions of infantry, less than [-] imperial troops).

Before that, Wang Qing also learned the various military systems that he had been familiar with in Liangshan, and organized his subordinates into battalion-level basic units. , Guan Jun was promoted to the deputy envoy, then the main and deputy army (Wang Qing must feel very kind, because he was born in the deputy army), and finally the ten generals and general Yuhou, and the current army revised by Liangshan The system is exactly the same.

The soldiers of each battalion of Wang Qingjun were selected from various cottages. They were usually given numbers such as "Fangshan [-]st Battalion" and "Xingshan [-]nd Battalion". The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, as well as some thorny leaders who were not easy to arrange, all came from where they came from and went back to the original villages.It can increase momentum.It can also be out of sight and out of mind, which is the best of both worlds.Anyway, Wang Qing can afford to support them now, as long as they don't make trouble, everything is easy to talk about.

Although this radical change is inseparable from internal factors, that is, Wang Qing himself, it is closely related to external factors.As long as Liangshan stops the private salt lifeline for one day, Funiu Mountain will suffer a day's loss. If it stops for half a year in March and May, I'm afraid Wang Qing will have to rise up and rely on robbing the government to support so many people pointing at him for food Mouth.

Because of this, Li Zhu's position in Wang Qing's army is aloof. Even Wang Qing, who is unambiguous, does not consciously show some flattery. It's all about loyalty!"

With the support of such a junior brother, Li Zhu naturally tried his best to bring the two families together and acted as a bridge between the two forces.No, not long ago, as soon as Liang Shan spoke, Funiushan's entire group was mobilized.Cooperate with the shocking assassination in Tokyo.Put Tian Hu to death.

Cheng Ziming, who lives in Tokyo and is quite successful in official circles, found out these backgrounds in less than a few months.But at this time, Li Zhu's words made him confused, thinking that he was neither cruel nor benevolent, so what should he do?

Seeing Cheng Ziming's doubts, Li Zhu said with a smile: "Qiu has nothing to do with us. They are vegetarians, how can this team lead? But there must be a bottom line, that is, only take money, not hurt lives!"

Cheng Ziming is no stranger to this model. Many officers and soldiers with poor military discipline do this when passing by, and many low-level soldiers will snatch their lifelong partners in such actions.

"This time the imperial court's attention is all in the direction of Mount Liang, so we must persist here until the imperial court changes course. During this period of time, all the materials in the state capital, including the most difficult to transport grains, must be transported back to Funiu Mountain !” Li Zhu confessed.

Cheng Ziming's expression was quite surprised, and he said: "We only have 5000 people at full capacity, and because we want to make a big splash, we have to send troops seven times, so it is impossible for reinforcements to come. This is a big grain-producing state. Can we finish moving? Let's talk What do you want these grains for? Even if you eat them for ten years and still rot!"

"My junior brother wants it!" Li Zhu only had four words, which were enough to explain everything. Cheng Ziming suddenly realized, and took all the questions to his stomach. Now that the master behind him has spoken, what else can they do as helpers? said?


Cheng Ziming didn't say anything, but it didn't mean no one scolded her behind her back.

At this time, in Fangzhou, one or two hundred miles southwest of Dengzhou, Duan Sanniang, who was nicknamed "Fangzhou Tianmo" and "Big Worm Nest", stood in the lobby of the yamen and went mad:

"This son of a bitch, he's really getting better and better! I think back then when I got married, what a majestic person! Who would have thought that now that some Liangshanbo [-] miles away said some bullshit, he would just run out and make a fuss , I wish I could lose my mother's face!"

Duan Er knew that the girl was already angry in her heart, and the gains from breaking Fangzhou this time were not as lucrative as other roads (after all, she just broke through once a few years ago), so she was taking this opportunity to vent her anger here, so she kept quiet and listened to her swearing and yelling for a while, after a while After a long while, he said: "Sanniang, there is a relationship with the military division over there in Liangshan, please save some morals!"

"What's wrong with Zhanqin? You can't scold Zhanqin?" When Duan Sanniang was angry, her face trembled like a wave of flesh. No wonder the hero of the world admires Wang Qing so much. If he dares to marry such a wife, he must be not an ordinary person.

"Sister, if you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face, right? Back when we got married with Wang Qing, it was thanks to the military adviser. Nowadays, there is no man in the world who doesn't have three wives and four concubines. You just need to firmly hold the position of the big house. Seeing Wang Qing, he doesn’t dare to turn his face and deny anyone! You always go back to your mother’s house, and when the time comes, a vixen from Tokyo will take up your place, so don’t blame the younger brother for not reminding you!” Duan Wu said from the side.

"He is my matchmaker, but he also snatched the lowly maid who stole the man back from Tokyo! Good people told him to do it!" Duan Sanniang said angrily, "This time, we will not help him!"

Seeing the girl talking angry, Duan Er laughed, "Why don't you help me go down the mountain? I think your man will jump into the pit openly, and you will jump with him!"

"Get married and follow the husband, what's wrong with my old lady dancing together!" Duan Sanniang was fierce, and she had no scruples in front of her elder brother, and said loudly: "You think my Wang Lang is stupid? We talked properly with Wang Lun at the beginning. When the city was built, and later if the imperial court retaliates, as long as it is our dead or injured, he Liang Shanbo will take care of the aftermath! Liang Shan and his gang have nothing else but their words are somewhat trustworthy. They say they are in charge, so what worries do we have? There is no need to pay a penny!"

Women are fickle. Her own man said it himself. When others said it, her tone immediately changed, and she became more protective of Wang Qing. Even Liang Shanbo, who she despised just now, also received more positive comments.

But how did she know that Liang Shanbo made this promise at this time because of his own considerations.Although there is some implication of "you contribute to me, I will guarantee you", but it actually stems from Liangshan's desire for immigrants.From now on, let alone accepting all the family members of Wang Qing who died in this operation, even if Wang Qing’s entire cottage was immigrated, that would be a trivial matter. These are the bases for paying food and taxes in the future. many?

"Will Qi Liangshan give money? I heard that people in Liangshan are very precious. If a person dies, they will be given a hundred guan. What about a pension? No wonder the word gold is added after it, it is really gold!" Duan Er was the first I heard a girl talk about this once, and couldn't help asking.

"I also hurriedly met with the military adviser, who spoke vaguely, saying that Liangshan would definitely satisfy the family members who were sent there, and didn't say how much it would be paid!" Duan Sanniang shook her head.

"Surely satisfied? He didn't know how much to give, so he didn't trust us, and he was afraid that we would take advantage of it! In the end, this is only for the benefit of the subordinates, and a fart benefit for us? After all, we have not gained any actual benefits!" Duan Wu looked at his sister suspiciously and said.

"I'm all at ease. I listen to my family Wang Lang with all my heart. Isn't it a great thing?" Duan Sanniang yelled at her younger brother: "Why do you think you are so stupid? I still count on you in the future. If you can help me, it's not all hell!"

Duan Wu smiled awkwardly when he heard the words. To be honest, their brothers don't have much ability, but the third wife in the family is a man who doesn't wear a headscarf, and a jingling woman!A man can stand upright with his fists, a horse can walk with his arms, and a man can walk with his face!Maybe the Duan family's hope is all on her.

"My, Your Majesty, I've finished my writing, so I'll see it as, will it be done!"

The magistrate of Fangzhou tremblingly handed over what the other party wanted, and Duan Sanniang snatched it. Although she could not read well, she was better than her two brothers. After a cursory look at it, she couldn't help but get angry:

"I didn't explain it to you!? I didn't vote for Wang Qing to abandon Lao Zhao, but to vote for Tian Hu to abandon Lao Zhao! You guys don't look at us one by one Wang Qing, in fact, we are all Tian Hu's people, huh!" (to be continued~^~)

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