Water Margin Survival

Chapter 675 I suspect that someone is secretly killing me

Liaozhou is located in the middle east of Hedong, bordering on Xingzhou and Cizhou on Hebei West Road.It has always been difficult to equate with Xiongzhou Dajun, but at this time it is the geographical center of the newly-emerged Jin Kingdom. It is adjacent to Weisheng Army, the place where Tianhu started, and Longde Mansion, the largest state of Jin Kingdom, in the north. The Pingding Army was included in Tianhu's territory, and Linzhou to the northwest of it was the political center, economic center and military center of Dasong East Road-Taiyuan Mansion.

Tian Hu's temporary camp was set up in the government office of Liaozhou. For the first time, there was no major repair and construction, but he lived there.Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tian Hu was looking at Taiyuan Mansion eagerly.

This impromptu high-level meeting of the Jin State called the highest officials guarding the three states to come to listen to the holy will. Zhao Wang Tianbiao of the Longde Mansion and Hu Ying, the governor of the Heping Army, had already arrived. On the contrary, the nearest Wei Sheng Tian Bao, the king of Junyan, came late.

"Your Highness, why did you come here! His Highness King Zhao and the others have been in for less than half an hour!" At this time, the ones in charge of the camp security are Tian Hu Yu's former eight mighty generals, Pi Wei General An Shirong and Xiong Wei General Dong Cheng, The former is quite familiar with the second king, Tian Bao, so he said a few more words.

"It's been delayed for hours on the road, it's okay! Isn't my brother sitting on the throne?" Tian Bao said nonchalantly.An Shirong and Dong Cheng looked at each other when they heard the words, they couldn't help being speechless.Tian Bao rushed into the government office with a smile, and as soon as he entered the main hall, he saw that the important officials from all walks of life had already arrived, Tian Bao didn't care about anything else, he stepped forward and said loudly:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty! My Great Jin Dynasty is powerful and powerful, and guests from all directions are convinced. Now there are seven military prefectures in the west of Beijing. The above table declares that I will break away from that hypocrite Zhao Ji. I will join my pilgrimage tomorrow!"

Tian Hu became the emperor of Jin Dynasty.His two younger brothers have also risen with a rising tide.No, Tian Bao was named King Yan not long ago, and his third brother Tian Biao was also named King Zhao.

"This is all due to His Majesty's reputation, in the future..."

This person was full of joy, but at this moment in the main hall, the expressions of all the important officials were a little weird, and they all looked at the second king like a fool.Tian Hu just smashed something.It is because of the series of bad things that happened in Gyeonggi recently, who knows that there are still people who announce the good news as soon as they come up.

"Second brother, don't say a few words! You are the last to come, and you are disrespectful in front of the hall! If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb!" Anyone who dared to speak to King Yan like this, except for Jin Huang, also Only the brother Zhao Wang is left.

"What's the matter, third child, isn't this a great event? Don't let anyone talk!" Tian Bao was clearly well-intentioned, but he was slapped in the face.Can't help but feel very wronged.

"If you were not my brother, you idiot, you would have been dragged down and hacked!" Tian Hu slapped the case fiercely, so angry that he even forgot to say "Zhen", and just stared at Tian Bao with gritted teeth.

Tian Bao had never seen the boss get so angry, the fierce light in the opponent's eyes seemed to be killing people, and Tian Bao was at a loss for a while.

Zhao Wang Tianbiao knew that the elder brother had always been dissatisfied with the second.Things are still from the beginning.A fierce general like Bian Xiang was snubbed by Tian Bao and went to the Liangshan camp.This is just surfaced, and I don't know how many unknown heroes, because of Tian Bao's arrogance, they voted for other masters.

Therefore, Tian Hu has never been very interested in this second brother. After breaking through the Longde Mansion in Dazhou, everyone in the Tian family thought that Tian Hu would appoint his second brother Tian Bao to guard him, but Tian Hu directly sent his third brother Tian Biao to take over. However, the second child still stayed in the Weisheng Army and did not move. This unexpected personnel arrangement completely revealed Tian Hu's dissatisfaction with Tian Bao.

Just don't know why.Tian Bao is as normal as anyone, and I don't know if it's because he is kind-hearted, or because he doesn't feel Tian Hu's contempt at all.

As a real brother, Tian Biao felt that the second elder brother really didn't know that the elder brother had an opinion on him. At this time, Tian Hu scolded Tian Bao in front of all the important officials in the court. Tian Biao was afraid that he would not come down and speak out Turn around:

"Second brother doesn't know, the matter of the seven military prefectures in the west of Beijing is not simple! In the past half a month, have you seen anyone from these seven prefectures come to vote? Has there ever been a tael of silver as a tribute? Except Qi Dao general His Majesty We didn't get any benefit from the proclamation roasted on the fire, and it became a thorn in the side of the Song State, a thorn in the flesh!"

"I suspect that someone is secretly killing me!"

One sentence from Tian Hu made all the people present absolutely stunned. The emperor called himself Lao Tzu, which is rare in the world.But Tian Hu's background is well known to everyone, and it is not long before becoming emperor at this time, and he is so popular that everyone consciously ignores it, only Xue Shi, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, came out and said:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I feel that Wang Qing is absolutely inseparable from this matter! In the west of Beijing, there is absolutely no one else with his strength, and he is attacking seven military states almost at the same time! However, since Since His Majesty ascended the throne, Wang Qing has been very consciously cooperating with our army, actively attacking the army's food and grass back roads, so our country is now able to defeat the army several times and gain a firm foothold in the east of the river. Therefore, according to my view, Wang Qing is in the west of Beijing His existence is of great significance to our country, and it is not appropriate to have a bad relationship with this person for the time being, and to cut off Austrian aid!"

"Nonsense! It's so important that you can use the name of the Holy One to distribute his royal family's private wealth? The seven military states in the west of Beijing, with his Wang Qing's virtue, have not scraped off tens of millions of oil and water. !? In our name, but not paying us a penny, why do you ask His Majesty to carry the thunder for him!? According to Chen, he still needs to be punished!"

Zheng Zhirui, the servant of Zhongshu and the head of the household department, was born in a merchant and was sensitive to numbers.Although Tian Hu rebelled and looted every state he conquered, the money he got was huge.But how can the land on the border of the river be as rich as the west of Beijing?Besides, Wang Qing set up seven military prefectures within ten days. It has been almost a year since the founding of the Jin Kingdom, and only occupied four military prefectures, plus half of Taiyuan Prefecture.As the saying goes: "People are more angry than others", so how can he be smooth?

"More than ten million bones!? This guy is a hungry ghost who scrapes bones and boils oil. When Liang Shanbo lost a bone, he wagged his tail and couldn't wait to pick it up. This time it fell into the sea of ​​gold and silver, and he didn't scoop it up hard. a sum?"

At this time, no one cared about him, Tian Bao jumped out again, and said indignantly.It wasn't until this moment that he realized that this Wang Qing was just using his own name to carry the thunder, and he didn't get any benefits, but this King Yan was very angry.

"Crap, shit, what are you talking about!? Are we talking about money now?" If you say Tian Hu's self-cultivation is pretty good, after all, when he is the emperor, he pretends to be decent when he should.But now this group of people is getting more and more out of line, and he can't help but get angry:

"Wang Qing of the dog day used Lao Tzu as a gunman. Originally, the imperial court sent an army of 10,000+, with Tong Guan as the commander, and planned to attack Liangshanbo again! But he was disturbed by this dog day, and the whole **** came to me If it weren't for the continuous heavy snow on Qinfeng Road and the traffic jam, I'm afraid that once the Western Army arrives, we will have a hard time this year!"

"Your Majesty, I also feel that there is something strange about this matter! I heard that the imperial court has decided to conquer Liangshan. We Huang Yue, who has been lurking in Tokyo for several months, suddenly chose this time to attack, and even changed the assassination without authorization." The target, the target is actually the false emperor Zhao Ji! Think that Zhao Ji is an absurd person, if we live one more day, we will have one more day of blessings, whoever goes crazy will assassinate him! Therefore, I concluded that there is something wrong with Huang Yue!"

After all, Tian Biao is not an idiot like Tian Bao. After analyzing it, he said clearly: "Whether he succeeds or not, there is only one consequence, that is, we will replace Wang Lun and become the number one enemy of the Zhao family. Huang Yue's abnormal behavior, the minister My brother suspects that he was bought by Liang Shanbo! Because Liang Shan is the last beneficiary!"

"I said why this fellow is so active in going to Tokyo! It turns out...not good! Jin and Jinding are the best with Huang Yue! Maybe Huang Yue has already instigated rebellion! Isn't this another nail lurking inside us? " Tian Bao said excitedly, Jin Ding used to drink with him a lot, if he suddenly stabbed him while he was drunk, wouldn't he die unjustly?Thinking of this, Tian Bao couldn't help being afraid for a while.

"Where is Jinding now?"

Tian Hu also felt that something was wrong, these two people used to belong to the same mountain, but they came to cast the mountain one after the other, Tian Hu slowly recalled the scene where Huang Yue was the first one to come out to draw lots, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what the third brother said made sense.

"This person is stationed in Heshun County, Liaozhou!" Li Tianxi, a member of the political affairs department and the leading military department, came out to report.

"Let the king of Yan investigate this matter! If it is true, chop it up on the spot, as a warning to others!" Tian Hu obviously wanted to use Jin Ding's head, Tian Bao, a reckless man, what can he find out?

Tian Bao stepped forward to receive the order, and Tian Hu said again: "Wei Shengjun, don't go back, stay in Liaozhou! Prime Minister Li, from now on, you will take over the Weisheng Army!"

When Li Tianxi heard the words, Tian Biao glanced at his second brother with complicated eyes, and immediately went on to analyze:

"Unexpectedly, the false emperor in Tokyo was smarter this time, and concluded that Liang Shanbo did it. He was not confused by Huang Yue, and insisted on continuing to conquer Liangshan! But then something weird happened again! At this critical moment, Wang Qing jumped out again, playing a trick of seven military states breaking away from Song and surrendering to our Jin Dynasty, and spreading the seven proclamations written by the prefects of the states! Your Majesty, these two accidents It's all at a critical moment, it seems that someone from a master gave us medicine!"

After Tian Biao finished speaking, his eyes fell on Fang Xuedu, the Taiwei in front of the hall, and he saw the latter stepping out, saying: "Wang Qing is definitely not such an expert, otherwise there is no need for him to jump up and down in person. Someone drove him! The reason why Wang Qing, who was almost dying in Lingzhou, is able to make such a good appearance now, who is the master behind it, is ready to be revealed!"

"Wang Lun!" Tian Hu subconsciously wanted to grab something and throw it again, but his hand was empty. Looking back, the two beautiful maids backed away a few steps in fright. Going up, the hall was buzzing with shock, watching the fierceness of his strength, it is enough to see the hatred in his heart! (to be continued~^~)

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