Water Margin Survival

Chapter 676 Disturbing Hebei where your surname is Wang!

Since returning from the aggrieved trip to Lingzhou, Tian Hu finally got rid of the humiliation of being inferior to Wang Lun. This series of encounters are all happy events, but now he loses his composure again because of this Wang Lun, as if he hit a magic star In general, Tian Hu couldn't help but couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

As the saying goes: "The master humiliated the officials to death", seeing Tian Hu so angry, naturally some of his subordinates came out to scold Liang Shan.

Although Tian Hu's Jin State is a grassroots team, the central government officials are still well equipped. Marshal Guang Dian appointed four people, but the Marshal who ranked first among the four came out of the team and said:

"Your Majesty, calm down! This guy Wang Lun, who can't achieve success in writing or martial arts, is a sloppy bastard! As soon as I recover Hebei from the Great Jin Dynasty, the final general is willing to lead a team of troops to level his Liangshanbo, and capture this guy alive to appease Your Majesty! "

If someone else is so nonsense, Tian Hu will definitely make him unable to step down on the spot.But this person is the first one in Jin who can fight, Tian Hu coaxed him before it was too late, how could he humiliate him on the spot?Immediately said: "By the auspicious words of Aiqing, if I want to use troops against the Liangshan bandits in Japan in the future, I will send Marshal Dong to the battle!"

"Your majesty's kindness to you, this Liangshan is not at odds with my minister, but there is a mission, and I will die!" Marshal Dong went up and bowed down, saying "Long live, long live, long live", very emotional.

It is said that at this time the practice of prostrating three times and prostrating nine times was not yet prevalent in the state of Jin, and the other important ministers were inevitably a little embarrassed by Marshal Dong doing this.Originally, the leader of Tian Hu's subordinates was easier to talk about, after all, he and Tian Hu were of one mind.But Marshal Feng and Bi Sheng, who are also Marshal Dong, and the commanders of the eight imperial soldiers and horses present are all people who have gone through the sea.I salute Zhao Ji.Kneeling this Tian Hu again, although there is nothing unusual on the surface, I don't know how much I feel in my heart.

Tian Hu was born as an Orion, so he is proud to have such a pomp in this life, how can he not be proud from the bottom of his heart?At this time, he couldn't help laughing out loud, immersed in the authority of the emperor and couldn't extricate himself.

Tian Hu forgot to call Ping Shen.Everyone was not feeling well, just kept kneeling like this.Among the ministers was a man dressed in Daoist attire. He glanced back at the surrendered generals of the court and saw that they all lowered their heads and none of them looked up at Tian Hu. He noticed something was wrong and immediately reminded: "Your Majesty... ..."

"Oh...Pingshen, Zhongaiqing Pingshen!" Tian Hu subconsciously stretched out his thick arm and wiped the corner of his mouth. At this time, the exposed dark skin was in stark contrast to the fine silk clothes.It's like a black bear bathing in a monkey's crown, until the two serving maids next to him saw it, they thought it was funny, they wanted to laugh but they didn't dare to laugh.

"Your Majesty, it's almost the Chinese New Year, and Qinfeng Road is experiencing bad weather again. I don't think the imperial court's soldiers and horses will come in such a hurry. It's rare that Your Majesty summoned all the important officials here today. Please listen to everyone's discussion on the current national policy! Take a look at our Great Jin Dynasty." What should the country do?" All the officials returned to their respective positions, and it was this man in Daoist attire who came out to report.

"The national teacher is right! The Western Army of the Song Dynasty is not easy to play. The Xia thief beat him to the brink of death, and Tong Guan is a ruthless man. All the lovers are talking about what we should do!" Tian Huhao Even if I have not forgotten today's important topic, I asked this Taoist to remind me at this time, and I will get back to business immediately.

"The Song Army is resting, we can't rest! Seeing that the Taiyuan Mansion is half down, please Your Majesty to send additional reinforcements to the last general. Try to take Taiyuan Mansion as soon as possible!" The only one among the four palace commanders was Tian Hu's former team. Zhang Xiong came out of the squad and said that he was in charge of the battle in Taiyuan Mansion, and rushed back from hundreds of miles away overnight.

"What Marshal Zhang said is true! But I feel that we can't use all our strength in Taiyuan right now!" said Hu Ying, the commander in charge of calming down the army.This person is also considered a dark horse. Tian Hu's subordinates did not count the number of leaders they were familiar with, but they insisted on sending him to take charge of the Pingding Army, one of the only four states in Jin.

Seeing the slight impatient expression on Tian Hu's face, Wu Li, the uncle of the country, knew her brother-in-law's intentions, and was worried that he would get angry, so he hurriedly said, "Oh? What's the best idea for Governor Hu?"

"To the north of the Pingding Army is the boundary of Yuxian County, Taiyuan Prefecture, which was incorporated into our country. To the north of Yuxian County is the Daizhou of the Song Dynasty. The last general has found out that Daizhou has ten commanders of the Song Dynasty garrison, with a maximum of 5000 people. Among them, the four commanders of the Ma Jun..."

Tian Hu lost his patience after hearing it. Now his mind is full of conquest of Taiyuan Mansion to build a palace. Otherwise, what kind of dignity would it be to live in such a place where ministers stay all the time?

"Old Hu, don't go around in circles, get to the point!"

Hu Ying blushed, and hurriedly said the main point: "The north of Daizhou is the Xijing Road of Daliao! As long as we border Daliao, the worst ending in the future will be the end of the Xia thief..."

The worst is Xixia's ending!

This sentence moved many people present, but Tian Hu, who thought that his destiny belonged to him, felt a little aggrieved, "The ruler of the Song Dynasty is stupid, the treacherous officials are in power, the civil officials love money, and the generals are afraid... In short, it is the anger of the sky and the grievance of others. The goal of my Great Jin Dynasty is to win From Song to Dai, if you were only a western thief, you would underestimate me too!"

Tian Hu finally remembered that there were quite a few generals from the former Song Dynasty in front of the emperor, and they used bold words to bring the words forward.

The monarch has made great wishes, and the courtiers of course want to encourage them, but at this moment, one person shouted sharply: "Your Majesty, please kill Hu Chun quickly!"

Immediately, there was chaos in the hall, everyone looked at the person who spoke, it turned out that it was the man in Daoist costume who spoke just now, and they couldn't help talking about it.

This Taoist priest is a person who has recently become popular. Although he voted for Tian Hu a long time ago, he has not been reused. Later, after Tian Hu came back from Lingzhou, he suddenly became interested in him.An insider revealed that when Tian Hu and Wang Lun met that day, the latter suddenly asked about this person for some reason.Later, he rejected the officers and soldiers three times. This person had a lot of ingenious schemes and made great achievements. In addition, Fang Xuedu's strong recommendation made him achieve the official positions of the national teacher and the right prime minister, which surprised many people.

"Qiao Li, why do you ask His Majesty to kill me!?" Hu Ying's qualifications are not too old in Tian Hu's army, but compared with this You Cheng who has no foundation, he is still much stronger.So when he heard that this junior actually asked for an order to kill him, he became angry and didn't give the other party any face.

"What do you think, you know, I know, everyone knows! Liao people, tigers and wolves, you expect them to support us. The result is to force your majesty to be Shi Jingtang. To be the emperor, you will bear the eternal infamy! Say, kill Are you wronged or not!" Qiao Li said with a righteous face, glaring at Hu Ying.

Qiao Li was so upright that Hu Ying was momentarily at a loss for words. Seeing the other party trembling with anger, she suddenly knelt down to Tian Hu and said, "Your Majesty, a loyal heart can show the sun and the moon in the end!"

"Let's discuss the matter and discuss the matter. What do you say to kill who will not be killed? If you come up with an idea, you will be beheaded. Could it be that you regard the wise master of my family as a tyrant?" Tian Bao, who hadn't found anything to say for a long time, made a sound, and immediately glanced several times. Come, it was full of appreciation, even Tian Hu made an exception and nodded to this stupid brother.

Although Tian Hu doesn't really want to be the emperor, but being able to hook up with the Liao Kingdom has a lot of benefits.But this Qiao Li is a capable person, and there are other people who want to poach from him.Pulling this person over, Tian Hu didn't want to hurt his face too much, so he just said to himself:

"I don't want to be Shi Jingtang, I still want to be Li Shimin! I heard Fang Taiwei tell me in his spare time that when the Tang Dynasty was not strong enough, he made false claims with the Huns. We used them. How can I not use Khitan now? I learn from Li Shimin , Taiwei Fang happens to be learning from Fang Xuanling! Isn’t that right? You all learn from Huo Qubing, Yan Qing...yes, it’s Wei Qing, so why worry about my failure?"

Fang Xuedu blushed and reminded in a low voice: "Turk, Turk...not the Huns!"

"Ah!?" Tian Hu was taken aback, unaware that there was something embarrassing about it, "Don't they all live in tents? What do you do so clearly! Anyway, that's what I mean, Khitan can contact him. You see ?”

"Senior!" Hu Ying was the first to jump out and say.

"Seniors and others!" A group of generals headed by Dian Shuai Feng Mei and Bi Sheng all stood up to support Tian Hu, not only flattering, but they knew that with Jin's current strength, it was really difficult to compete with Song. It's too difficult, if Tian Hu doesn't get a strong support as a backer, Tian Hu will fall, and they will never end well.

"Your Majesty, please listen to my humble minister. We should never place all our hopes on foreigners. It will be a disgrace to us if we are controlled by others in the future! Now it is better to concentrate our efforts and attack Xiaze, Jiang, Xi, and Ci first." The four prefectures won the natural moat of the Yellow River, and will fight against the Song army in the coming year! It is said that the Western army is not an elite in all battles? We will meet the enemy on the water, just like Liangshanpo..."

It's good that Qiao Li didn't mention Liangshan, but when he mentioned Liangshan, Tianhu's expression changed, and he was suddenly frightened. Fang Xuedu came out to smooth things over and said, "Okay, okay, what the national teacher said makes sense, after all, the four states should be captured first. In the future, there will be an advance and retreat! Even if you don’t have the strength to take it down, you have to give it a strong wall and clear the field first, and see what the imperial court will use to consume us!”

Tian Hu saw that his expression softened a little, but he still didn't speak.Zhao Wang Tianbiao said at this time: "Based on the current opinion, it is one way to attack Taiyuan by force, and another way to go north to Daizhou. With the suggestion of the National Division, this will divide the army into three groups. Let me say that the three The roads are all tricks, and there is no delay, but we still have to protect the four state cities, and the troops are not enough!"

"Not enough troops? It's a joke! You won't go to the crowded crowds in the streets and fields?" Tian Hu finally found a place to vent his anger, and waved his arms very forcefully, saying, "All civilian men over fifteen years old are welcome." Into the army!"

Even the officers and soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty had the behavior of "La Zhuangding" in the past. How could the people present think this is absurd?Only Qiao Wei pursed his lips, and was about to make a suggestion, but Fang Xuedu secretly waved his hand at him, and said loudly to the crowd: "The common people have never fought a war, and their combat power is a bit worrying! But I have a way , can add [-] tiger and wolf soldiers to our Great Jin, so as to relieve the suffering of insufficient troops!"

Tian Hu looked at Fang Xuedu expectantly when he heard the words, and Fang Xuedu pointed his finger and said: "It is said that Hebei is the sphere of influence of Liangshanbo, but Wang Lun can't tolerate people, and many people on Hebei Road Yinghao, instead of recruiting, he suppressed him, forbidding him to do this or that, and he would kill those who violated it, forcing everyone to have no way out, so he dared not speak out! As far as I know, there are Several groups of people are the most powerful!"

"The first group is the original Yanshan Golden Retriever Shiwei, the poisonous fire dragon Yang Lie, the life-saving general Deng Tianbao, and the Iron Spear King Dashou who were taken away by Du Yan. Now they are falling grass in Xingzhou Ganyan Mountain. Originally, the three bosses of the cottage gathered 7000 people."

"In addition, there are Flying Marshal Kuang Jinlong, Dementor General Sha Mohai, Aiye Leopard Di Lei, Hungry Worm Yao Shun, Iron-backed Wolf Cui Hao, Jinlin Python Ma Yuan, Iron City Wall Zhou Xing, Feilian Huangfuxiong, Hei Shi God Wang Bochao, Ghost Seeing Sorrow Lai Yonger, these people, either alone in the village, or occupying a mountain in twos and threes, all suffered from Wang Lun and hid in Hebei. , is willing to work for my Dajin!"

"It's okay for others to say that I have dealt with Jin Mao Shiwei before, and this person is not easy to deal with!" Tian Hu shook his head.

"One moment, another moment! In the past, we were like him, who would obey whom? Now that His Majesty has made such a big battle in Hedong, and now there are thousands of miles of fertile land in the country, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers. As long as you are willing to spend money, you may not be able to get it. This person's heart?" Fang Xuedu said confidently.

When Tian Hu saw this, he also took courage and said: "In this case, the important matter of recruiting these reckless heroes will be left to the Taiwei! I will give you twenty blank imperial edicts, and the titles will be handled by Ai Qing on the spot! If you need gold and silver, just go to the library to get it!"

Just now everyone was envious of Wang Qing's grabbing land in the west of Beijing, but it was because they made a huge fortune when they took down the four military states, and it was because of themselves and others.That's why Tian Hu can be rich and powerful at this time, and then go to recruit and recruit a group of strong people who have not been attracted before.

With Tian Hu's strong support, Fang Xuedu gained confidence in his heart, and promised on the spot, and finally refused to shirk. Tian Hu was overjoyed: "What is this called? Come and not reciprocate, it's indecent! This guy Wang Lun hurt me behind my back, look I'm not going to make a big fuss in his Hebei! When the time comes, let's see who he orders!"

No one thinks there is anything wrong with this statement. Although the Great Jin Dynasty is a country and Liangshan is just a corner, but when it comes to who is the host of the Green Forest Road in Hebei, even Tian Hu, who hates Wang Lun the most, agrees Mouth: "Trouble your Hebei".

"Your Majesty, Taiwei, why did you miss out on a group of people? Seeing that this group is also in Hebei today, with tens of thousands of people under their command, they are not several times stronger than Shi Wei?" Tian Bao listened for a long time, but finally couldn't help it. out loud.

Tian Hu and Fang Xuedu looked at each other and frowned.Even Tian Bao, an idiot, knows the existence of this group of people, so how can the two of them be ignorant?

This group of people said that his strength is indeed strong enough, so strong that the group on Qianyan Mountain is not enough for them.It's a pity that among this group, the leader is too evil, and he has a "Brother Ke" record, so even a fierce and unscrupulous man like Tian Hu can't help hesitating at this time. (to be continued~^~)

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