Water Margin Survival

Chapter 677 What!Fang La also voted for Wang Lun?

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The next day, the sky was just gray and bright, and regardless of the cold weather, Tian Hu, the smug "Son of Heaven" of Jin, got up early in the morning and personally bid farewell to all the people who were about to go to the front line outside the west gate of Liaozhou.

However, just from the appearance of choosing to bid farewell at Ximen, anyone who has a heart can still get a glimpse of Tian Hu's inner true thoughts from this detail.

Whether it is going north to Daizhou to open up the passage to the Liao Kingdom, or going south to Zezhou and Jiangzhou to seize the natural moat of the Yellow River, it seems that none of them can replace Tian Hu's urgency to Taiyuan Mansion.This newly promoted "Son of Heaven" longed to have a palace of his own, probably his eyes were red with longing.

But this person still understands in his heart that the suggestions of Hu Ying and Qiao Li are the prerequisites for him to stay comfortably and long in Taiyuan Mansion.Therefore, in the compromise strategy of the three armies going out at the same time, the aspect of attacking Taiyuan Mansion did not take up too many resources in Tian Hu's hands.

This road is still in charge of the commander-in-chief Zhang Xiong. Today he will rush back to the front line to command the [-] soldiers who are fighting with the imperial court in Taiyuan at this time, and speed up the encroachment of the few soldiers outside Taiyuan who are still in the hands of the officers and soldiers. the county seat.It’s just that in order to be able to move into this pre-determined capital city of the Great Jin Dynasty as soon as possible, Tian Hu sent additional commander Feng Mei, and two commanders of the imperial army and horses, Li Ming (formerly the Xuzhou soldiers and horses in the Song Dynasty). Righteousness (former Dengzhou Bingmadujian).And there will be ten members.Five thousand soldiers and horses went to support.

On the North Road, Niu Wenzhong, the privy envoy, was led by the privy envoy Niu Wenzhong. The governor Hu Ying and the privy envoy Xue Shi were his deputy. Supervisor) is the forward general, and there are ten other generals.Fifteen thousand soldiers and horses attacked Daizhou.Originally, to attack a Daizhou, it was enough for the governor Hu Ying to take the lead, but Tian Hu considered that he wanted to join the Liao Kingdom in the shortest possible time, so he finally sent Niu Wenzhong, a privy envoy who is quite important in the Jin Dynasty court, and also It is better to negotiate with Khitan.

South Road is the heaviest one this time, and the lineup is also luxurious.It was led by Qiao Li, the right prime minister of the national teacher.Dian Shuai Dong Ping, Bi Sheng, Governor Tang Xianzuozhi, Duan Pengju (former Suizhou Military and Horse Superintendent), Chen Zhu (former Zhengzhou Military and Horse Superintendent), Wu Bingyi (former Chenzhou Military and Horse Superintendent).Ma Wanli (former Ruzhou Bingmadujian) was the vanguard.He commanded [-] generals and [-] soldiers and horses in total. He borrowed the Longde Mansion and sent his troops southward.

In this way, a total of [-] soldiers and horses will be put into the third-line battle, which is equivalent to about [-]% of Jin's current strength.In order to win the battle, Tian Hu made an unprecedented contribution of hundreds of thousands of money from the treasury, and started to work in the army last night.Not to mention, the effect is really there, and the morale of the soldiers and horses that go out for the conscript is immediately boosted.

Let's talk about the composition of the puppet Jin army at this time.Either the surrendered soldiers of the Song Dynasty, or the thieves of Ju Xiao, no matter how powerful they are, they can be considered to have been relying on swords and guns for a living. They are no strangers to fighting, and they are really different from farmers who are used to hoes.

Sending them to attack the local defenders of the Song Dynasty is considered to be a match for the opponents. For a while, it is hard to say who is worse than the other.Therefore, after Tian Hu launched the silver bullet offensive, the morale of the army was high.In addition, Tian Hu gave the army another injection of stimulant, that is, after capturing the city, he will set a special time to plunder the city, so that the people who go out to fight will be more hopeful and fearful of fighting.

"Third Brother, Prime Minister Li, Clerk Xue! After you all return to the state capital, you need to worry more! At the very least, you must pull up a team of 10 people for me! The beginning of the new year will definitely be a big battle. , all on the three of you!"

Standing in the smoke of tens of thousands of torches when they were extinguished, Tian Hu looked dignified and encouraged the three important ministers under him.

"Your Majesty, don't worry! Longde Mansion is a large state with a vast land and dense population. At least my younger brother will pull out a team of 5 people for my Jin Dynasty! Within fifty days, no! Within one month, all of them will be handed over to Your Majesty." !" Zhao Wang Tianbiao assured Tian Hu, patting his chest, and the sum of Li Tianci's and Xue Shi's missions was fulfilled as soon as he opened his mouth.

Tian Biao opened his mouth, and the two of them did not dare to neglect, they both bowed and accepted the order with a guarantee.At this time, Tian Bao came up and said, "Third brother, you only collected 5 people for a large Longde Mansion? How will it be used in the future! Brother, I can raise 5 people only here in Liaozhou The human team is coming!"

Tian Biao smiled and said nothing, but Tian Hu looked at his second younger brother with a half-smile and said, "If you can recruit 5 people, I will send you to fight Jinzhou and Fenzhou!" It's not that Qiao Daoqing didn't see this, but he just let go of these two state capitals for the time being in order to seize the natural moat of the Yellow River.

"What's it worth? Your Majesty, it depends on your second child's ability!" Tian Bao patted his chest loudly.

Tian Hu smiled, and didn't take Tian Bao's words too seriously, and immediately went to the Taiwei's room in front of the hall, like an elder with a deep heart, and said: "The Taiwei is going to Hebei, and he has a heavy responsibility. Don't disappoint me!"

"The heroes of Hebei have been looking forward to it for a long time, but it's just that no one knows them! As long as His Majesty ascends to the heights, are you afraid that these people will not come to seek refuge? That's why Wang Lun doesn't know anyone well, so they have no branches to rely on. Your Majesty is here Taiyuan Mansion is waiting for the good news from the humble officials!"

While Fang Xuedu expressed his attitude, he incidentally said an auspicious word that Tian Hu loved to hear, and he really called this "Son of Heaven" Longyan Dayue.Fang Xuedu seemed to be full of confidence at this time, it was not an act of faking.After all, with Tian Hu's blank decree in hand and a large amount of money and property with him, he didn't believe that this money-spreading boy could still do a good job.

"Song Jiang, it's best if he can be recruited. If he can't be recruited, it's fine! I still can't see through this person. Even if he is forced to come here, it may not be a good thing!" It can be described as ridiculous and lamentable.

"Weichen can take care of himself!" Fang Xuedu had obviously had an in-depth exchange with Tian Hu on this issue, and now he just mentioned it in a word.

"Be sure to protect the Taiwei!"

Tian Hu's eyes fell on Xiong Wei General Dong Cheng and Jackal Wei General Sheng himself among the eight mighty generals in front of the imperial court. Fang Xuedu was not only his confidant adviser.This trip also brought gold and silver jewels worth millions.How can Tian Hu be relieved easily?No, even the former imperial generals sent two escorts with [-] elite cavalry. I don't know whether it is because they feel sorry for the people or the money.

After all, it was also a liaison mission, and Lin Xin, the deputy privy envoy sent by Tian Hu to Wang Qing's office, could be regarded as light-packed.There were only about a hundred people at full count, and the donkey carts and mule carts in the team were very messy.

"Since he is using Lao Tzu...my name to scrape land in the west of Beijing, you have to get me some benefits and come back to make up for it! Otherwise, I will just expose his bullshit and shake off Wang Qing and Wang Lun. Come out! If you're going to die, let's hug each other and die together!"

Although they scolded them in the middle of the night last night, the high-ranking officials of the Jin Kingdom still agreed, and that was to hold this grievance and go to cry in front of the two perpetrators.It's also frustrating to say, Tian Hu has no suitable countermeasures at this time.Except for Wang Lun who was disgusting and disgusting in Hebei, this dumb man suffered whatever he suffered.

After all, the shameless Wang Qing was making trouble under his own banner, so he can't bow down to fight under Wang Qing's banner in the Great Jin Dynasty anymore?Not to mention flying Wang Qing's flag, but even Wang Lun's flag, Tian Hu felt that he couldn't afford to lose face.

What's more, some things work for the first time, if you pick up your teeth again.It may not be effective.more critical.Tian Hu really doesn't have the strength and energy right now to take this gamble that may not be fruitful.

Tian Hu's anger at this time is equivalent to setting the tone for the mission, that is, this big boss cannot be taken for nothing.When Lin Xin, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, was about to make a statement, he suddenly saw Zheng Zhirui, the Minister of Zhongshu and the head of the household department, rushing from the city, and shouted from a distance: "It's not good, it's not good!"

The central government officials of the Jin Kingdom, although they have the characteristics of quick-finished products, can be regarded as top-notch at any rate. Zheng Zhirui is in charge of financial power for Tian Hu.Never had a big mistake.There is almost no precedent in Tian Hu's memory for such a gaffe like him at this time, which made him feel that the matter was serious, so he hurriedly said: "Stop shouting! What's going on? Tell me!"

"Weichen just received the news that the two cities of Jiangzhou and Chizhou on Jiangnan East Road in the Song Dynasty were broken down not long ago!" Zheng Zhirui reported panting.

"Guan Zhen fart..." Tian Hu was still thinking of something important, so he subconsciously answered, but the word "injustice" written on Zheng Zhirui's face suddenly reminded him, Tian Hu suddenly came to his senses, and cursed: "What the hell?" ! Did it under the banner of Lao Tzu again!?”

"Your Majesty sees thousands of miles! I don't know which group of thieves who killed thousands of knives actually claim to be admirers of our Great Jin Kingdom!" Zheng Zhirui confirmed Tian Hu's guess, and said: "I heard that this group of people is not a monk. , it was the Taoist priests who suddenly launched an attack in the city, and broke through the magistrate's office first..."

"Trying to cover up! Trying to cover up!! What kind of monk army, Taoist army, dare not start in Liangzhe, but ran to Jiangnan East Road, thinking that this would disturb the line of sight, and everyone in the world believed it! This song country is full of people Is it a pig? In my opinion, it’s all caused by those cultivators who eat vegetables and cause trouble!” Fang Xuedu is indeed Tian Hu’s confidant counselor, and he guessed the hidden truth behind the matter without much effort.

"What? Even Fang La voted for Wang Lun?" Tian Bao said, feeling extremely unbelievable.He couldn't figure it out, how could a guy who only dared to hide in the water and not come out, be able to command the world's heroes like Wang Qing and Fang La.

"For Yuxi that day, our revenge for killing his generals Xu Fang and Liu Zan is still unresolved. I heard that not long ago, their Mingjiao foolishly tricked the imperial court and lost a large sum of money for shipbuilding. Come on, there is a motive! Thinking that breaking the city not only avenged, but also gained benefits, it is the best of both worlds for them. It’s just that these guys are so full of anger that they actually attack at this time!”

After Fang Xuedu finished speaking, he glanced at King Yan, and said in a calm tone:

"Fang La thinks highly of himself, not like Wang Qing's rascal. If you ask him to listen to Wang Lun's greetings, I'm afraid it will be more difficult than killing him! We have had a grudge against him for seizing the seal and killing the general before. This matter is mostly because this guy is fishing in troubled waters!"

"You all regard me as a boss!?"

After listening to Fang Xuedu's analysis, Tian Hu was furious, and yelled at Fan Quan, the deputy privy envoy who was about to go to Liangshanbo: "Wang Lun created all of this! Tell me clearly, every word Warn him with one sentence: He will be responsible to me!"

Pitiful to the father-in-law of the Great Jin Dynasty, he was slobbered all over his face by his son-in-law spitting "I" one by one, but he didn't even dare to show his dissatisfaction. (to be continued~^~)

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