Water Margin Survival

Chapter 700 In fact, he refused at first

Thank you Tangsangwangbu Hero for the rewards during the Spring Festival!I missed it, so sorry!


"General Lu?"

After learning the name of the scholar who was cursing Fang La on the street, Wang Lun was stunned.

It's not that the name is so unfamiliar that Wang Lun has never heard of it, but that this person has performed too dazzlingly in the original Fangla Group.So that whenever the leader of the rebel army starts to get confused, this person will always stand up and give relatively reliable opinions.It's just that Fang La, who is very assertive, regards it as a scholar's opinion every time and denies it.

The most important time was when Fang La had just gained a firm foothold.At that time, General Lu, who had just joined the Rebel Army, told Fang La that he must get Jiangning Mansion (Jiankang Mansion, the hometown of Shi Xiu and An Daoquan), the gateway to the southeast.Fang La is also a genius, saying, I know what the court is doing, even if he sends troops over, how can he do it in a short period of time?At that time, I have already seized all the wealth and wealth in the southeast, and it will not be too late to seize the door.When the time comes to plan the river and guard it, light corvee and light taxation, within ten years, it will be a mess.

Ordinarily, Fang La was right to think so, the Song court under the leadership of Emperor Daojun really had this kind of virtue.But there are always accidents in everything, and this accident, while exposing the strategic vision of Fang La and General Lu, also made the rebel army fall into a very passive situation.

This accident that destroyed Fang La originated from a dream of a monarch and his ministers cooperating between a faint king who wanted to leave his name in history and an eunuch who wanted to be king.This dream is now reaching its acme.So much so that Song Ting's fist was raised high.He was about to hit Khitan with all his strength, but the result was a big surprise, Fang La came out to attract the firepower, so the tragedy was cast.Many years later, there are still rumors in the world that feel sorry for this person: "Song Jiang should be early, Fang La should be late!"

In fact, Lu Fang is the same as Fang La.They didn't know that Song Ting had assembled an army and was preparing to jointly attack Liao with Jin.But General Lu was very vigilant, he knew very well that in a war together, for both sides, there was no room for any mistakes.If there is a mistake in strategy, no matter how beautiful the tactics are, it will not help.

It is a little speechless to say that the Song State conquered Fang La in the south, and Fang La was also "conquering" the Song State in the south at this time.They only sent Fang Qifo to the Northern Expedition. When they first arrived in Xiuzhou, they encountered the vanguard of the official army, Wang Zhi, and fought a bloody battle with heavy casualties. Since then, the rebel army was defeated.

At this time, it was counted from the Mingjiao uprising.Not even four months.The team used by the imperial court for the Northern Expedition went to the southeast, and Fang La finally tasted the consequences of overconfidence.

To put it bluntly, even if Fang La seized the Jiangning Mansion, he might not be able to successfully separatize the southeast as he expected, but General Lu's prescription was right.

The building will fall, and there is no way to recover.

General Lu later gave some tactical suggestions, such as abandoning Hangzhou City and preserving vitality, but Fang La still did not adopt them as usual.In the end, General Lu was captured by the officers and soldiers (historical data here are complex, one said that when Han Shizhong captured Fang La, he was also there. As a result, Xin Xingzong came to grab credit, and the officers and soldiers fought among themselves, so he actually told him to escape. Another story says that Fang La was captured General Lv was in Lin County when he was captured) In short, after Fang La was captured, General Lv still led the rest of the Rebel Army to fight against the Song Army. In the end, when he was desperate, the former imperial student chose to kill himself instead of surrendering. .

Such a courageous and insightful scholar who was deeply disappointed in the Song Dynasty government unexpectedly bumped into Wang Lun who had been shut down for thousands of miles. I don’t know if God was kind on purpose so that his trip to the south of the Yangtze River would not come back empty-handed. .

"Buy wine and meat first, and calm down with him. I'll invite him to meet again after I've dealt with the important matter!" Although Wang Lun wished to have a chat with this person right away, all the heroes in the south of the Yangtze River still looked at him eagerly. Wang Lun had to put this The stall is closed, which is related to Liangshan's next development strategy in the south of the Yangtze River.

"When we do things in Liangshan, we have always been upright and upright! The matter of Fang La will never be involved in you for no reason! I recommend this Green Forest leader to everyone this time, and I have no intention of annexing you. You can rest assured. On the contrary. Here, I also want to point out a way of making money for everyone! Next, I will ask League Leader Chao to explain it to you in detail!"

After going through so many things, Chao Gai has long been a figure that Ku Rong looks down upon. This time Wang Lun asked him to take on this important task, but he actually refused at the beginning.As an old Jianghu, how could he not see that this was a taboo thing?But in the end, Wang Lun's words made him decide to stand up: Now is the time to build a foundation, and you sit on the sidelines and watch me run for my life, so you can feel at ease?

Looking at Liangshan, there are really not many people who can be targeted by Wang Lun with such a "blame" tone.Chao Gai's heart became hot at that time, he put away all his worries, and expressed his resolute obedience to this "little brother"'s arrangement.That's what Chao Gai thought at the time. Anyway, when he was stubborn, he basically relied on others to save him.Listening to Wang Lun now, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, what is it?

"My elder brother has spoken, so I will simply say a few words to everyone. From now on, I will open a store in Siming Mountain. All of you here, who want to get involved, can contact me no matter sooner or later!"

After Chao Gai finished speaking, he waved his hand, and saw dozens of big men, holding salt plates in their hands, walking among the heroes.Many people here come from Liangzhe Road, and Liangzhe Road is one of the main producing areas of sea salt in the Song Dynasty, so everyone is no stranger to private salt.After seeing the salt samples Liang Shan took out, many people were secretly amazed. They all felt the same as Wang Qing at the time: Boss, the smooth flow of private salt depends on the word "cheap". How can you sell such a top-level product? ah?

Just when everyone was secretly thinking that Liang Shan didn't know much about it, Chao Gai said again: "This is the fineness that we, Liang Shan, can guarantee, and the shipping price is [-] Wen per catty..."

When everyone heard this, their reaction was exactly the same as Wang Qing's back then, and they immediately exploded.You must know that the lowest price of sea salt that the imperial court gave to salt merchants in Liangzhe was 31 Wen a catty, but that kind of product was the worst defective product among all sea salt.Going up one level, according to Cai Jing’s salt law, the premium is ten Wen, and the minimum wholesale price is 40 Wen. But compared with the fineness of salt in front of us, those are simply salt residues. It is estimated that the imperial court is more than [-] Wen. The shipping price of sea salt may not be comparable to that of Liangshan salt.

However, it is a little different from Wang Qing's. The price Wang Lun gave him was 28 Wen per catty. Not to mention Li Zhu's face, Wang Qing is also a big dealer at the regional level, and these small hills are impossible. enjoy the same treatment as him.If it weren't for the fact that the price of salt in the southeast is generally lower than that in the inland areas, Liangshan would have to increase the price.

"The volume of goods is guaranteed to be sufficient. You can have as much as you want. Cash and credit are easy to negotiate. It's just that the sales area is not the Yangtze River in the north, and Jingnan North Road is the forbidden area in the west. In addition, Mingzhou, Yuezhou, Hangzhou, Huzhou, and Xiuzhou are the forbidden areas. I sell the land of Siming Mountain, others must not covet it, and those who violate it are at their own risk!"

After all, Chao Gai was born as a big boss who had been sitting on the ground and sharing the spoils for more than ten years, so he was able to handle such situations with ease.Looking inside Liangshan, there are not many people who can trade with him.

What he said immediately aroused fierce discussions among the audience, especially the word "credit account", which made many wandering cottages think of doing it with a hammer.

Of course, there are also hilltops who have never touched this kind of business. Although they don't care about it at this time, they don't have much disgust.After all, when Fang La held the hero meeting just now, at best it was to recruit people into the group, at worst it was swallowing you without discussing it.You are surrounded by "acquaintances" who have a slightly indirect relationship with you. When they meet, they will pull you to explain how good the prospect of teaching is. If you don't join, it must be your loss. Although some people agreed on the spot, but More people felt very intimidated in their hearts, agreed but refused, refused to agree but dared not, for fear that they would not be able to leave the city of Shezhou.

Fortunately, as soon as Wang Lun came, this annoying scene disappeared. He was obviously stronger than Fang La, but he didn't force everyone to join the gang.Although the big cake "Shezhou Qianliang" painted by Mingjiao was empty, everyone didn't have much to say.

"I was praised by everyone and gave us the face of the village leader. I was elected as the leader of the Jiangnan Green Forest Alliance. I, Chao Gai, have nothing to repay, so I will be paid by the bank of Shezhou, which is also a part of the capital that we Liangshan has prepared for everyone! Good! It’s a big festival, everyone should have porridge first!”

In order to give Chao Gai a leg up, Wang Lun almost just started and didn't talk much.Even when Chao Gai asked him to announce this matter, Wang Lun refused.The reason is very simple. He believes that as long as there is Chao Gai, the prestige of Siming Mountain in the south of the Yangtze River is the prestige of Liangshan, and the prestige of Chao Gai is even more that of Wang Lun.

Countless brothers filed out, holding the Laba porridge that Fang La had prepared in advance. In Fang La’s Shezhou stronghold, they invited the heroes gathered by Fang La to share the food. Do not know current affairs.

At this time, there is money to be taken without worrying about being annexed, and there will be wealth and fortune in the future. The spring of Jiangnan Green Forest is really coming too fast.

"What a senior! What a trick! Xiaosheng saw that Fang La was defeated by you, he really didn't feel wronged at all!"

Wang Lun was listening to Chao Gai's report and discussing the distribution of stored grain to the residents of the city, but unexpectedly a person came out at this time, Qiu Yue reacted faster than Jiao Ting, and immediately stopped in front of this person as a warning sign.

"He's the person my brother wants to see!" Jiao Ting said disdainfully.

Qiu Yue's face didn't turn red, nor did his heart skip a beat. Instead, he smiled and said, "Master Jiao, be careful!"

Rao Jiao Ting is rough by nature, at this time, he couldn't help being aroused by the "Jiao Ye" at this time. It would be fine if the little brother who just went up the mountain called that, but this big brother, you were once a member of the 80 forbidden army anyway. Instructor, would you like to have some face?Qiu Yue didn't take it seriously at all, just retreated with a smile.

"Xueshi Lu has won the award, how about sitting down and drinking a bowl of Laba porridge together?" Wang Lun stood up and greeted this person without hesitation.

"Thanks for the hospitality, I've already used it beforehand! I'm here to say thanks, and I'm leaving by the way!" (To be continued~^~)

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