Seeing that General Lu actually came to bid him farewell, Wang Lun was slightly surprised, thought for a while, turned around and whispered something to Chao Gai, Chao Gai nodded, stood up and greeted General Lu: "Scholar Lu, sit down for a while, Let me entertain the guests!"

General Lu respected the new leader of the Jiangnan Green Forest Alliance quite a lot. He bowed his hands and thanked him. After he stepped down from the stage, he said goodbye to Wang Lun again: "Thank you for your help, brother. I am very grateful. It's just because there is still something to do." Please forgive me for not staying for long!"

Putting a talented person in front of him, Fang La has no eyes, does he know how to do it?The reason why Wang Lun asked Chao Gai to go down to greet the heroes was that he wanted to set aside time to meet this former student with a very strategic vision.Pointing to the position left by Chao Gai, he motioned to General Lu and said, "Say a few words, and you won't be able to delay the important matter of your step!"

As soon as Wang Lun's words fell, Qiu Yue walked to a place behind General Lu intentionally or unintentionally, as if he stepped forward to laugh at the heroes bragging, but actually blocked General Lu's way of retreating.However, his back was facing the scholar at this time, and even if the other party noticed something, he might not be sure that he did it on purpose.

I don't know if Qiu Yue did it too cleverly, the clumsy general Lu didn't realize this, he just rolled his eyes on Wang Lun, and finally nodded and said: "I don't dare to sit and discuss with senior, I'd better stand Listen to the instruction!"

After coming to this era and experiencing so many people and events, Wang Lun can fully hear that what this person said is not ironic.But the strange thing is here. Since he respects him so much, why does he show a gesture of rejecting others thousands of miles away?Wang Lun didn't want to guess any more riddles, so he cut straight to the point and offered an invitation:

"Scholar Lu was in front of the wine shop just now. Although Fang La was very dissatisfied, there was a faint sense of anger at him. Since your Excellency intends to join the green forest, and Wang has the courage to invite you, why don't you follow me to Liangshan?"

General Lu sighed secretly when he heard the words, the other party's solicitation was within his expectation, he was afraid that Wang Lun's move would force him into a dilemma.In terms of emotion and reason, Wang Lun is a lifesaver.The strength is stronger than Fang La, and it is absolutely unreasonable for him to vote for Fang La but not to go to Liangshan.But it was really not his wish to go to Liangshan, and he was unwilling to agree against his will, with a hint of embarrassment on his face: "The truth hurts people, brother, don't force me!"

To be honest, Wang Lun really wanted to hear, why did he wrong this person when he went to Liangshan?Said: "You and I are both scholars, so there is no need to tell lies. If you have the truth to poke my pain, you just say it!"

Looking at this one in white.The leader of the green forest who has the same temperament as himself, General Lu is a little entangled.But at any rate, he was also a person who wrote a letter criticizing the emperor of the dynasty (Hua Shigang). Although he hesitated at this time, he would not be able to silence him. In the end, he said: "The person Lu will vote for is the one who can overthrow this decadent dynasty. Lord! It's a pity. From my younger brother's point of view, this person hasn't appeared yet!"

With a "poof", Qiu Yue, who was pretending to be drinking porridge but paying attention to every move of the scholar behind him, suddenly choked, where did this guy come from?Is he really a character cultivated by Tokyo Taixue?Why is Fang La such a treasure, but when he came to Jinshan, he was dazzled?

At this time, not only Qiu Yue reacted abnormally, but even Jiao Ting said angrily: "My brother punched Tianhu in Hedong, stepped on Fangla in the south of the Yangtze River, and there was Wang Qing following behind his ass! Say it yourself, there are still people in the world!" Who is stronger than him!"

"Whenever there are wars in troubled times, tyrannical people are like crucian carp crossing the river. In the end, isn't it called the true man to set the tripod in the Central Plains?"

In fact, General Lu still had some reservations about what he said.Whenever he talked about hurting people, he kept silent.The first sentence does not clearly state that Wang Lun is not the master of the Ming Dynasty, and the latter sentence does not point out that Wang Lun is nothing more than Chen Sheng and Wu Guang who make wedding dresses for others.

Hearing what he said, Wang Lun could already conclude that he was really not bargaining with himself, but that he was not optimistic about Liangshan at all!Wang Lun started his family with a thousand people, and has suffered countless censures and hardships. If he was said to be so when he was making a fuss, it would be reasonable.But at this time, Liangshan's strength is almost more than the sum of the other three, Tian, ​​Wang, and Fang, and he is far behind Song's Liangshan in the original trajectory. Why is this person still saying this at this time?

It's fine if it's a sour Confucian who is bluffing people, but he is a bright light in the sea of ​​bitterness in the La group ahead. Wang Lun is really interested at this time, and he has to make it clear.

"Lieutenant Lu left half of his words, more than deep, but not frank. You and I met at least once, it is also fate! Please teach me, why are you so disrespectful to me, Liangshan?"

Perhaps touched by Wang Lun's sincerity, General Lu sighed and said, "Brother, you have learned from the past and the present. Have you ever seen that there are scholars who have won the world through the ages?"

Wang Lun was taken aback when he heard the words, General Lu was using statistical results as a basis!Since he holds this point of view, it is understandable why he did not vote for Liang Shanbo.Wang Lun was afraid that there might be a big loophole in Liangshan before, so people couldn't avoid it.Knowing that this was the reason, Wang Lun felt at ease at this time, and said, "Please enlighten me, why can't a scholar sit in the world?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, General Lu really started to talk at length:

"We scholars seem to have a bright future, but we are actually extremely embarrassed. You and I can become powerful officials and nobles if we take a step forward, but become poor people if we take a step back. The road to the top of our generation is extremely difficult. ’, how could our path not be so cruel?”

"Only through fierce competition can we carve out our own blood path. On this blood road, countless people of the same kind have been left behind by us. We don't know what is sincere unity, and at most we only know the interests of our own small groups. From ancient times to the present, we We can only rely on people to make things happen. When Liu Bang, a poor family, gets things done, we go to him, and the nobleman Li Shimin gets things done, and we go to him again. The so-called "big man can't live forever, but also has to be bad for thousands of years", such words are definitely not something that scholars can say. We It will only say, 'Let me have two hectares of land in Luoyang, and I can wear the seal of the six kingdoms?'"

"Scholars are only worthy of being ministers, not kings. It's not that we are not talented enough, but that we are in an embarrassing situation. If we treat our kind like this, how can we be tolerant of the common people? How can we have the confidence to challenge the powerful? So we can only Attaching to the strongest, biting the finite bones that protrude from them, it’s a joy to bite yourself. Literati look down on each other, a little rich is safe, and it will always be an indelible imprint on us.”

"Brother Xue's Liang Shanbo is prosperous enough, so let's go back and live on the island with peace of mind. After three to fifty years, all the heroes under senior brother will grow old with him, and this bandit will not need to be suppressed! So I said, Liang Shanbo will eventually die He is a scholar of prosperity, and a scholar of death!"

General Lu finished what he was holding back in his heart in one breath, and Wang Lun was already shocked by these high-level remarks. This was the first time he heard such remarks from people in the world.People in the world stick to appearances, even those who like to get to the bottom of it, and rarely contact Wang Lun's background to talk about things. Right now, Liangshan is strong enough, strong enough, and I haven't seen anyone slapping his head and shouting: "Oh, since ancient times, no scholar has won the world! It seems that landlords and shabby households always produce emperors! I have to invest in potential stocks Tian Hu, Wang Qing, and Fang La!"

It should be said that General Lu has a clear understanding of the nature of these poor scholars including himself!No wonder he has no hope for Liang Shanbo, he probably regards himself as one of these "poor and hardworking, comfortable and peaceful" scholars!

This is the first time, because the identity of a scholar in white has brought him difficulties.Wang Lun's desire to keep this person for my use is getting stronger and stronger.

He was just thinking, if he wants to keep this person, how should he tell him?Could it be that "I'm a scholar on the surface, but there's another me on the surface?" The behavior of identity shackles has not yet spread to the south of the Yangtze River.

When Wang Lun was meditating, he happened to see Jiao Ting waiting for General Lu. Obviously, the man didn't listen to a word. Instead, Qiu Yue couldn't help but turned his head, and at the moment when he subconsciously looked at General Lu, his face showed a trace of Frustrated, but after noticing Wang Lun's gaze drifting over, he concealed it well.

"Sometimes the pressure to do an unprecedented thing is really not so great. Fortunately, Xueshi Lu's high opinion has not been spread, otherwise everyone will belittle me Liangshan for no reason. Everyone thinks this is the reason, Teacher Qiu? "

"Yes! The owner of my family has saved your life and treated you with courtesy. You are not very kind to spread noises that are not good for my village!" Qiu Yue did not show any abnormality, but followed Wang Lun's words Play down, behave politely, just right.

Wang Lun glanced at Qiu Yue casually, then turned his gaze to the blushing General Lu, and said, "Your view on scholars is refreshing, but according to your conclusion, I'll break up the team when I go back, so as not to hurt you." Brothers followed the wrong person! After all, there are no successful examples in the past!"

Wang Lun's follower's questioning was in stark contrast to Wang Lun's self-deprecating tone, which surprised General Lu a bit.In fact, during the process of talking more and more excited just now, he also wanted to shut up several times. Why do you offend others by doing this?However, the audience's very attentive expression inspired Lu Jiang, who rarely had the opportunity to vomit quickly, to become excited, and the result became like this, no matter what should be said or what should not be said, everything was said.It was completely in front of others, smashing the pot of others.

"It's the first time we've met. Unexpectedly, Xueshi Lu is willing to tell you everything. Come here, and I'll tell you a secret!"

Seeing that Wang Lun's face became serious, General Lu thought to himself what could be done to make the other party seriously call it a secret?He, who insisted on standing and listening to the teaching all the time, accidentally sat on the chair vacated by Chao Gai. (to be continued~^~)

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