Water Margin Survival

Chapter 702 Turn Anger into Joy

Seeing that General Lu knew it was a confidential matter, but he did not insist on avoiding it, Wang Lun felt that this person definitely did not dislike Liang Shan.He smiled slightly at the moment, and said: "There is a peninsula across the sea from Jingdong, called 'Korea', does Xueshi Lu know?"

The reason why Wang Lun asked this question was not because he underestimated this person's ignorance of geography, but because of the literati atmosphere at this time. For example, many people could not understand the difference between Goguryeo and Goryeo.

"A few years ago, when I was in Tokyo, five scholars came across the ocean from Koryo and entered the Taixue to study the culture of our dynasty diligently. So this little brother from Koryo has heard a little bit about it, but I don't know what it is about the school. What does it have to do with my brother's secret?" General Lu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wang Lun's gourd, but he answered truthfully.

"The king of Koryo, Wang Yu, was invited by me to live somewhere on the sea half a year ago. Since then, Li Ziqian, the number one minister in power in Korea, Han Anren, the royalist faction, and Yu Mai Gongqi of the former dynasty have been on the peninsula. The former is alone. Occupying the most fertile central region of Koryo, not long ago, it received the support of the eastern and northern borders where a large number of frontier troops were stationed, and its strength increased even more. Han Anren was a confidant of the former king Wang Yu, and he had always been at odds with Li Ziqian. Fleeing to the south, he got the support of some civil servants and local forces who opposed Li Ziqian, and finally controlled Jeolla and Gyeongsang-do at the southern tip of the Koryo Peninsula. Among the three, Gongqi was the weakest, but he was the first to establish a country. The name of the country is Dawei, and it is currently active in the area near Pyongyang, Xijing, Korea.”

Listening to the great song tycoon in front of him introducing the political situation in Koryo across the sea in detail, General Lu felt that time and space were out of order.Hearing him casually say that the King of Goryeo has been placed under house arrest, General Lu looked at Wang Lun with a half-smile.

"The king of Koryo is the one that the senior can invite if he wants?"

In other words, what kind of country is this Goryeo?At any rate, General Lu knew something.I once heard a Korean classmate in Taixue mention it proudly.It seems that it was three or four times that Goryeo won the national war of Liao's [-]-strong army.Although such a record is unbelievable, but people say, if we lose, how can there be Koryo now, and how can we come to Song to study?This kind of reason makes people hold their noses and believe it.As for the unruly thing that Wang Lun suddenly told him that the King of Korea had been placed under house arrest.How can he be easily believed?

"Although it was not difficult to invite him, it took some effort: I also invited the hundreds of thousands of Korean troops who defended him, and he couldn't come if he didn't want to go with me."

This is really a secret, even Qiu Yue didn't know much about the details, and from the very beginning, he raised his ears and listened secretly.

"It's no wonder that Liang Shanbo showed people in a passive manner in Song Dynasty, and rarely took the initiative. It turns out that the senior brother's business is not here at all!" General Lu suddenly realized, although this matter sounds a bit incredible.But he felt that with Wang Lun's identity, he would not be able to deceive such an unknown person like him.

"Congratulations, brother, at least the wealth of the ruler of a country has been lost! You will all be the founding heroes of the country in the future!"

Lu Jiang finally saved some face for Wang Lun, his contemptuous eyes only turned around Jiao Ting and Qiu Yue, which made the former extremely angry, but the latter was extremely pleasantly surprised.General Lu ignored the reactions of the two.I just sigh secretly that Wang Lun is indeed a short-sighted generation.He intended to take a barren place overseas, so he was complacent, and even used it to show off in front of himself, trying to miss out that General Lu would join the gang!It's ridiculous!

It must be known that warriors and ordinary people have no ambitions and are easy to be fooled. Fame and fortune are enough, but I don't think it belongs to any country!But if a scribe cannot shine in the Central Plains all his life, instead of going to the extra-fantasy land to be dusted, how can it not be a shame for scholars?This Wang Lun is getting darker and darker, it is really hard for people to look at him highly:

"Since my brother has such great ambitions, I will say goodbye just now, my little brother!"

Seeing that this person is so virtuous, Jiao Ting wished that he would die a little further away. At this time Wang Lun didn't speak, and he didn't step forward to stop him.Unexpectedly, Qiu Yue stopped General Lu's way with a smile, and there was something in his words: "To be a man, you must know how to advance and retreat. My village master will tell you the truth in such a secret, so you can leave as soon as you say?"

General Lu glared at Qiu Yue, and said to Wang Lun, "I will never let anyone know about today's incident. If there is any leak, senior brother will kill me without complaint!"

"Since I told you, why are you afraid of leaking the secret? It's just that I didn't finish my sentence, why are you excited? If you are so restless, how will you overthrow Zhao Song in the future?"

Wang Lun turned away from his polite manner at the beginning, and his tone was a little resentful, but it was strange, although General Lu's face was a little red when he heard Wang Lun's last sentence, he was only slightly stunned when he heard Wang Lun's last sentence, and he sat back. In the original position, he cupped his hands and said: "If there is anything to say, I will listen with all my ears!"

"Two borders were specially designated in Koryo, namely the eastern border and the northern border. The Goryeo court had a large number of soldiers in these two places, in order to resist the harassment and looting of the Jurchens under the control of the Liao Kingdom outside the border. But in the past two years, the Jurchens have crossed the border. The number of times is getting less and less, do you know why?"

Wang Lun seemed to be getting more and more confused. General Lu was thinking about what happened to the Jurchen, and subconsciously replied, "Why?"

"Because the Jurchen's vision is too high, they don't look down on Goryeo's family. Their current goal is to annex Khitan. From the current point of view, they have done a good job. The one in Liao is the same as our Daoist The emperor has a foolish king who can fight, and he has asked the Jurchen several times for a truce!"

"Why the truce? Because he couldn't bear it any longer. In Hubu Dagang, the 70 army led by this man, Yujia, was completely smashed by the Jurchens. The name of the country, its name is 'gold'. The implication is that it will never change and never go bad, and it somewhat bears the meaning of the name of the country of Khitan Iron Iron!"

"You, where did you get the news?" General Lu was finally startled by the shocking news!What do you think this Liao Kingdom is?After bullying the Central Plains Dynasty for more than two hundred years, he was beaten so badly by a little-known tribe?is it possible?

"This is not news, this is the truth!" Wang Lun waved his hand, "In short, the Liao Kingdom, the tiger and wolf in the hearts of the people of the Great Song Dynasty, has now been completely reduced to a sick dog, driven to a desperate situation by a tiger rising from the mountains and forests .According to the estimates of several of our military advisers in Liangshan, the demise of the Liao Kingdom will be within three to five years!"

"This group of people, are they really so powerful?" Facing Wang Lun's unequivocal words, General Lu couldn't help but lose his voice.A person of Wang Lun's status has absolutely no reason to deceive himself with such state affairs.

"The Liao Kingdom has been established for more than two hundred years. All kinds of conflicts accumulated in the country and many blood debts owed by foreign countries will explode one after another after the emerging Jin Kingdom completely tramples on its authority. At this time, Khitan , The master is fainted, ministers are treacherous, domestic and foreign difficulties, natural disasters and man-made disasters, powerful enemies are approaching, even if Yelu Abaoji is reborn, I am afraid that it will be overturned. Because not only the Jurchens want his life, but our old neighbor who has been oppressed by him for a long time, I'm afraid there are quite a few people in the court who want to read his life report and take back Yan Yun's hometown by the way!"

At this time, General Lu finally lost his composure completely, and changed various sitting positions on the top chair. After an unknown amount of time, he finally digested the heaven-defying news Wang Lun told him, and said angrily: " The Khitan's subjugation is not a pity, but the rise of the Jin Kingdom cannot guarantee that it will not be a disaster for the Great Song Dynasty. Our Great Song Dynasty is rich and prosperous, and the territory of the Liao Dynasty is a hundred times greater. At that time, it will attract barbarians to covet it. Wouldn't it be another evil neighbor? The Zhao family has no morals, and death is not a pity. It's a pity that I, the people of the people, have only come out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den!"

It can be seen that General Lu's heart is very painful. Although he deeply hates the decadent Zhao Song, he is unwilling to use the hands of Yi Di to fulfill his wish, because it will only be a disaster for the entire nation.Wang Lun's entanglements at this moment showed how precious this person is.He is like a fire. Although he is determined to burn down the Zhao family, he silently sticks to his bottom line.

Just as Wang Lun was appreciating this person, General Lu suddenly thought of something, and asked directly to get to the bottom of it: "Brother Xue is not sure that the Central Plains will be pacified within three to five years, so he forbears and doesn't do anything?"

"If I formally declare war on Song Ting, it won't be the intensity of children like Tian Hu and Fang La playing house. At that time, a full-scale war will inevitably ignite. When Zhao Ji and I fight to the death at home, we will send the thieves away in vain." It's a great opportunity to break into the house, and by then, you must think that I'm still a little rich and safe!" Wang Lun smiled self-deprecatingly.

General Lu smiled blushingly, and thought of another matter at the moment, and asked in Jian'ou: "Brother Xue said that Goryeo borders the Kingdom of Jin, so Brother Xue took Koryo as his foundation this time, is he preparing in advance for the changes in the future?"

Unexpectedly, just after he finished speaking, he smiled awkwardly, and said to himself: "Brother, if you are a person who is a little rich and safe, with your strength, where can you take it? Goryeo? Since the battle of Beiqinghe defeated the imperial army The famous general Liu Menglong and the Liang Shanshui army are famous far and wide, but taking overseas lands is as solid as gold, so why bother to go into this muddy water? The senior brother is so ambitious, and the younger brother admires him very much! There were many misunderstandings just now, please forgive the younger brother for being rude!"

Before General Lu finished speaking, he jumped up and bowed to Wang Lun three times as an apology. Chao Gai, who was greeting the heroes, accidentally saw this scene, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and turned his head with joy, and looked at the two people beside him. A hero said: "Since the two heroes want to vote for me in Liangshan, Chao can't ask for it! Wait for a while, and I will bring you two to meet the village master!"

Almost at the same time, Wang Lun was also saying something similar: "Now, if I invite you to go up the mountain again, will Xueshi Lu still refuse?"

"Little brother still wants to bid farewell to elder brother!" Unlike the meticulousness just now, General Lu was already smiling all over his face.

Seeing his smile, Wang Lun also smiled knowingly, and immediately signaled with his eyes to tell him not to be tricked again. Sure enough, General Lu clasped his fists and said:

"In the beautiful land of the south of the Yangtze River, it's not just that I can't agree with the Lord alone? Brother, let me go first. In the future, I will bring five or seven acquaintances to serve under the brother's command!" (To be continued~^~)

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