Water Margin Survival

Chapter 704 Do you want to be so spectacular?

"Brother Wang Lun, leader Chao! The two younger brothers are naturally dull, and they don't know how to sell illegal salt. If they stay in Xiaozhai, they hate that there is no way out. Therefore, we dare to make an unfeeling request in front of the two of you. Our brothers want to go to Liangshan !"

After Zhang Jinren finished speaking, he and Gao Ke looked expectantly at Wang Lun.This time, they expressed their attitude in front of Fang La. It can be said that they broke the boat and cut their own way. With such great sincerity, I don't believe Liang Shan can't see it.

"Welcome! I'm waiting at Siming Mountain, and I'm waiting for the two heroes!" Wang Lun didn't hesitate at all, and put aside their "nomination certificates". Among the ranks of first-class generals, Zhang Jinren has a very strong sense of battlefield, and Gao Keli is good at riding and shooting, so he is a person with more outstanding characteristics among second-rate generals.How could Wang Lun reject such a powerful substitute player?

Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli looked at each other when they heard the words, and their faces were full of joy at this moment.Thinking that their small cottage is right under the eyes of the Hangzhou government, they are worried all day long about being wiped out by the government or being annexed by Mingjiao. Village", we all work together.

"That's it! After Ku Yin is divided, the two of you will choose a few good horses, and quickly go back to the village to tidy up one or two, and then meet me at Siming Mountain. Let's try to get back to Liangshan Benzhai before thirty nights, and the old and new brothers will have a good time together. Have a new year!"

Wang Lun's invitation made the two very excited. Zhang Jinren patted his chest and said, "Since my brother doesn't think our brother is not very capable, then we are all on our own! The treasury in Shezhou is for outsiders to take care of. Let's not join in the fun! Let's go back and pack up our belongings. We'll join the gang!"

Rivers and lakes rules.The merger of Xiaozhai into Dazhai is only public-to-public on the books, that is, the original public account of Xiaozhai is merged into Dazhai, and has nothing to do with the private property of the original leader.Even the leader of Dazhai, in order to calm down, would take part of this windfall and return or reward it to the leader of Xiaozhai as a show of affection.

Liangshan distributed the money to everyone.It is said that it is to give everyone the capital of selling salt, but in any case, some of it will fall into the pockets of the leaders of the villages, but they are not tempted by this obvious opportunity to make a fortune. It seems that Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli are not that kind of pursuit People with wealth should have higher pursuits in their hearts.

Wang Lun remembered that Fang La seemed to have taken the titles of two commanders in exchange for these two serving in the battlefield, and he gradually gained confidence.However, there is still some uncertainty about how to arrange them.Infantry Lu Zhishen and Wu Song have not been equipped with lieutenants.But this is the characteristic of Jinren and Gao Keli.Because horse warfare is good at fighting, it is best for people to use their talents to join the horse army.However, the horse army is relatively well equipped, and there is no shortage of lieutenants in each army, so there are some contradictions.

Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, and there is no solution to this kind of thing for a while.It is useless to think too much.Anyway, Liangshan is developing all the time.What is lacking in various positions is talent, and it is impossible to settle the two of them.

Thinking of this, Wang Lun praised the two people with kind words, the two gossiped for a while, and finally offered to leave. It happened that Wu Yong came back to ask Wang Lun for instructions, and Wang Lun praised Wu Yong for his knowledge of people in front of the two of them. , making these three people as happy as they are, and finally the joyous Wu Yong replaced Wang Lun, and personally sent the two people he had discovered out of the North Gate of Shezhou.The three said goodbye at the door.

How should I put it, no matter what developments Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli have in the future, it is Wu Yong who knows the pearl with his eyes. From the moment they set foot on Liangshan, it is declared that Wu Yong has begun to leave his own traces in Liangshan.If this stage is his lifelong choice, when he looks back a few years later, his influence will be reflected in the little things he has done before.

After that, things became very simple, but quite a milestone.Although Liangshan was not the first time to act in the south of the Yangtze River (the disturbance in Jiangzhou), it was the first time for the people in the south of the Yangtze River to experience the attitude of other forces other than Mingjiao towards him.

Distributing food in storage, punishing corrupt officials, maintaining law and order, repairing houses, conducting free medical consultations with military doctors, and picketing to resolve cases, all these major and minor events are brought together, and a specific image of Liangshan Po is vividly presented in more than ten places in She County. In the hearts of all the people.

The benefits of Mingjiao often come with a lot of strings attached, or give people a feeling of putting a long line to catch big fish.For example, whenever you take advantage of him, he will persuade you to join the religion, or wait for the future to persuade you to join the religion. This usually creates a psychological burden on the overwhelming number of kind and timid people.But Liangshan is different, everything that should be done is done very well, and there is no last word of gossip.Although many people are in contact with such a group for the first time, they already like these kings without any strings attached.

The three days passed quickly, but for the leaders of Siming Mountain who carried out Liangshan's established policy for the first time, they were deeply tempered.Whether it is Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Xue Yong, or Li Zhong, they are slowly integrating into Liangshan through these personal things. They want to prove to Wang Lun that they are not parasites, they can work, and do it well. very good.

During these three days, Qiu Yue still regarded himself as Wang Lun's temporary bodyguard, he followed Wang Lun wherever he went, he was very attentive, almost made Jiao Ting regard him as the biggest threat to Wang Lun's safety.

Wang Lun knew what he wanted, but he didn't let go. He didn't ask him until he was about to leave Shezhou, "You temporary coach, would you like to become a regular on the spot?"

On the spot means staying in Siming Mountain to assist Chao Gai. Although he changed from training soldiers for Liangshan to training soldiers for Siming Mountain in Liangshan's branch village, it seems that the grade has been lowered.But Qiu Yue knew that all the credit was done on real jobs.All the armies and horses in Liangshan fought victorious battles. The Shanzhai only said that a certain general and a certain deputy commanded meritorious service and were well trained. It would never be traced back to the soldiers who won the battle and who trained them in the first place.

Yes, there is also training in Siming Mountain.But the point is, as long as he becomes the leader of Siming Mountain in a legitimate way, who else can beat him to lead troops in battle?Li Zhong rejected it first, it's just a street trick.Xue Yong is a bit basic, but he is already his own apprentice.Wu Yong is a powerful character, but he is a scholar after all, and he is doomed to fail in some things.Chao Gai is the lord of a village, if he does everything by himself, he is afraid that he will be ridiculed by his colleagues in the rivers and lakes.

Opportunity is at hand.

As long as he can survive from this fulcrum, even if he can't become a core member of the Liangshan Group in the future, he still has the confidence to achieve a decent position, which will never lose to his position in the court.Because he felt that Wang Lun was a very disciplined person, and he was very confident that through his own efforts, he could exchange for those things he longed for from Wang Lun.

After Qiu Yue expressed his attitude in trepidation, Wang Lun did not show too much courtesy to him.What made Qiu Yue feel flustered was that Wang Lun's seemingly unintentional glances always seemed so meaningful, and that kind of faint warning made Qiu Yue feel that Wang Lun was much more terrifying than his former boss Gao Lian.


Because Wang Lun was in a hurry, the two groups of people walked separately on the return trip.Wang Lun led Jiao Ting, Lu Fang, Yu Baosi, Ji Ji and his own troops first.Chao Gai led the cottage infantry to escort the baggage, while Qiu Yue and Xue Yong led the two cavalry commanded by Siming Mountain, and were responsible for the security of the baggage army along the road.Although Liangshan distributed all the money and food in stock to the heroes in the south of the Yangtze River and the people in the city, all the cattle and horses and other large livestock in the city, as well as all the heavy-duty vehicles, were bought as usual. They would carry other seized goods and finally arrive at Siming Mountain.

Although Wang Lun marched in a hurry all the way, Fei Ge notified the cottage in advance, and informed the news of Yu Quanshan and General Lu in advance, so as not to cause misunderstandings in time.

The brothers Zhu Gui, Zhu Fu and Bai Sheng, who were in charge of staying behind, had been looking forward to it all day, until they received the real news today, then they opened the door and waited for each other.

"My lord, I didn't expect that the younger brother should arrive first?" General Lu unexpectedly appeared in the welcome team, which surprised Wang Lun, but thinking about it, riding alone is definitely more flexible than a large group of people.

Wang Lun laughed and chatted with him, and General Lu sighed a little, "My lord, this trip was not satisfactory, but luckily, I finally invited a few scribes to join me in Dazhai!"

Well! ?Is it true that General Lu has been dragged into someone?

Wang Lun was surprised when he saw this, and hurriedly asked General Lu to invite these people up to meet him.Although Wang Lun had no hope for General Lu's statement at the beginning, he was finally invited by General Lu, and Wang Lun still wanted to meet him very much. Why?Because Liangshanbo's Koryo strategy was rolled out in the next year, many civil servants would be needed, but Wang Lun was currently stretched thin, with only a few people on hand, he really couldn't move around.

General Lu was a little apprehensive at first, fearing that Wang Lun would not be interested in the scribes he had worked so hard to recruit. To be honest, he visited many famous and out-of-the-way people non-stop these days, but in the end only these five people agreed. , willing to go to Liangshan to take a chance.

To be honest, these people were not the first choice in Lu Jiang's original heart, and what moved them may not be lofty ideals, but more practical factors. I'm afraid it's hard to be a man at both ends.

So seeing Wang Lun's rather eager reaction at this time, General Lu felt at ease, but he was still a little worried. These people were unknown, and I hope the lord will not be disgusted.

Thinking about these things, General Lu invited five scribes dressed as scholars to Wang Lun, and said, "Seniors, this is the Po Lord of Liangshan! My lord, these are the sages I invited. Let me introduce to the lord one by one..."

"No need! Let's do it ourselves! In Xialou Minzhong, meet the king leader!"

"Patriarch Shiyuan, I have seen the king's leader!"

"My lord, Shen Shou, you're being polite!"

"Xiao Ke Huan Yi, see Chief Wang!"

"Student Feng Xi, meet senior!" (to be continued~^~)

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