Water Margin Survival

Chapter 705 When I see Fang La again, it's like chewing wax

What is this scenario?

Could it be that Fang La's cabinet team has undergone a major shift, and all of them have switched to Liangshan?

Of course, it's a bit exaggerated to say that. After all, there are only five people. After Fang La's incident, the civil servants under him will not be single digits, right?But Wang Lun knows better than anyone else the importance of these five people to Fang La Group in the future.

Lou Minzhong, this person is the left prime minister of the Fangla Group in the future, and his importance is like Fang Fei's left hand.Patriarch Shiyuan behind him is the right prime minister of the Southern Kingdom, and this one is like Fang Fei's right hand.

In addition to these two "deputy prime ministers" of the southern country who ranked first or second, the third person, Shen Shouguan, participated in politics.Wang Lun didn't know what kind of official title this person participated in politics. He didn't feel like an official of the six ministries under Shangshu Province, but rather an official who participated in political affairs under the jurisdiction of Menxia Province or Zhongshu Province. Since Fang La's subordinates were only Shen Shou Leaving a name, it can be inferred that if this person is not a leader, he is also a person who is outstanding in a certain way.

The fourth person, Huan Yi, worshiped Qian Shu as an official. In fact, he only said half of his official position. What is "Qian Shu"? "The affairs of the Privy Council"?That is the first-level official of the Privy Council, so this official position depends on his hidden part.However, Wang Lun remembered that when Chai went undercover at Fang La's office, among the four officials who investigated him, Huan Yi's name was ranked ahead of Marshal Tan Gao. Among the Fang La Group, Huan Yi couldn't hold Tan Gao down.

The last Feng Xi will become Fang La's introduction envoy in the future.This official position is the original Song court position, in charge of ministers and officials, foreign countries and ethnic minorities, and offering gifts.It's just that Fang La's Shenggong didn't sit firmly for a year, so naturally no people and foreign countries came to enshrine.Feng Xi was actually used by Fang La as an angel delivering messages.It is similar to the temporary attributes of Tian Hu's father-in-law.

These five people.In the civil service system of the Song Dynasty, it may not be so outstanding, but for Wang Lun, the bandit leader who was collectively ignored by the scholar class of the Song Dynasty, what qualifications do he have to pick and choose?Anyway, he also proved his strength in Fang La's grass team!

"To get five sages to vote, it really makes Xiaozhai flourish! My junior has talked to me about the benefits of you, but I didn't expect to invite you! Come, come, let's go to Juyi Sit in the living room and discuss in detail!"

Wang Lun's well-intentioned lies made the stone hanging in Lu Jiang's heart finally fall to the ground.to be honest.If these five people were not his relatives and friends, who knew them?The lord is from the north, so it must be the first time he has met him. Isn't it because of his trust in him that he is so enthusiastic at this time?

Thinking of this, General Lu enthusiastically joined the ranks of the protagonists and entertained these five people graciously.These five people had no hope of official career, and in order not to waste their lives, they threw themselves into the side door with huge ties behind their backs.It would be a lie to say that there is no concern at all.Fortunately, the referrer's status is high enough (they all learn the title of brother and apprentice), and the host who wants to vote is very enthusiastic, which makes these few worries lessened.

Wang Lun didn't talk nonsense, he handed over the team to Lu Fang and Yu Bao to take care of them, and left Bai Sheng here to dispatch them. He immediately took Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu to invite everyone to the Xiaozhai Juyi Hall.The ceremony is over.I saw Wang Lun got up with a smile and poured tea for the five people himself. Everyone was so frightened that they turned away again and again, saying "Kill me too!" Tea.

Lou Minzhong, Zu Shiyuan and others were alright. When it was Feng Xi's turn, he waited for Wang Lun to fill up the tea, and then quickly put the teacup away.Smiling, he begged for the teapot in Wang Lun's hand, then turned around and poured tea into the teacups of Wang Lun and the leaders present.

Lou, Zu, Shen, and Huan were more serious, seeing that Feng Xi had won the first prize, they didn't feel any regrets. Shen and Huan stared at the teacup in their hands in a daze, while Lou and Zu smiled and waited for Wang Xi to take the lead. Lun speaks.

Accepting literati to go up the mountain is much more difficult than military generals.The first one is that they don't know what to do and just worship that. Two, when you choose them, they are definitely watching you secretly. Before everything is revealed, things are always full of variables.Therefore, Wang Lun planned to settle the minds of these people as soon as possible, and pay attention to everything in one's pocket.

"What do you guys think of Fang La and Mingjiao?"

Although it is necessary for these people to return to their hearts, it is not enough to say a few nice words. Wang Lun turned from defense to offense and asked questions proactively.He is going to understand the depth of the other party and the true thoughts in his heart through this kind of interaction. When he speaks again, there will be more room for him.

The examiner has a question!

Originally, these people were still observing Wang Lun secretly, but after Wang Lun spoke, everyone's first reaction was how to answer this question well. Although this is a question of mutual choice, the sad thing is that they can't take any initiative.

"Fang La and Mingjiao took advantage of the general disgust and antipathy among the people in the southeast towards Hua Shigang's chaotic government, and vigorously wooed the suffering and aggrieved people in the middle and lower classes. His rapid development in the past two years is inseparable from these measures!" Shen Shou responded the fastest. , while the others were still contemplating, they were the first to hand in the paper.

"Thorough!" Wang Lun nodded in praise. After all, this man who participated in politics is a good planner, and a single sentence pointed out the characteristics of Mingjiao's development.

"But Xiaosheng thinks that Fang La is too arrogant and doesn't know how to make friends. As the saying goes, in the face of a great enemy, Liang Shanbo, the leader of the king, is a natural ally of Mingjiao no matter how you look at it. Xiaosheng really can't figure out why Fang La wants to make Liangshan Is it the primary target to deal with? You must know that if you are in trouble with Liangshan, you will definitely not be able to form an alliance with Wang Qing. Not long ago, Mingjiao won the city under the banner of Tianhu in Jiangzhou and Chizhou. When people came to seal the king, he sealed the threshold again. Since then, the four heroes of the world, except Fang La himself, have offended all three of them!" At the end, Feng Xi said with some disdain.

Scholars often like to exaggerate the facts when offering advice. In fact, there are many things that cannot be simply attributed to Fang La's strength.However, Wang Lun felt that Feng Xi's core ideas were not wrong. Since he took this path, Zhao Ji was the common enemy of everyone, and this was the main conflict.

Seeing that Wang Lun just smiled at Feng Xi and didn't speak.Huan Yi said, "Mingjiao members have a single family background. Basically, they did not practice martial arts before joining the religion. This time they captured Chizhou and Jiangzhou. At any rate, they won the victory of the few, and there were not many problems exposed. But they and the Liangshan Army were in Shezhou During the collision, the prototype appeared. The students thought that it would be best for Fang La not to cause trouble now. If there was a trouble, the combat power of his congregation would be very worrying! Such a secret sect rooted in the people at the bottom. Unfortunately, there are no tigers and wolves in hand In the future, once there is a bloody battle with the imperial court, with his Mingjiao's huge influence among the people, I don't know how many people will die in the chaos!"

"Fang La is afraid to go with you now!" Huan Yi's opinion was very characteristic, so that Wang Lun had some words on his lips, but he finally endured it.It is said in history that after the Fangla Rebellion was quelled, the southeast and southeast roads lost a total of 200 million people, and Tong Guan really managed to do it.If Wang Lun has 200 million people in his hands, he can guarantee that the surnames of Goryeo and Wa will be "Han" from now on.

"Brother Shen is right. Mingjiao can develop to its current scale precisely because it is rooted in the bottom-level people. But they are also restricted by their own slogans. The Buddha said, 'All laws are equal, and there is no superiority or inferiority. There is no law equal, there are superiors and inferiors', then the scholars, bureaucrats, forbidden soldiers, landlords, etc., who he regards as 'high', have all become his opposites. It is difficult for him to absorb nutrients from them. Therefore, Brother Huan Explaining that the combat power of the teaching is worrying is actually a certain reaction under this kind of thinking! If you want to explain the difficulties that the teaching will face in the future, you have to start from this "limitation". Of course, Brother Lou hasn't spoken yet, I can't Finish talking!"

After all, Zu Shiyuan was not an ordinary character, he included all the speeches of the previous colleagues in his mouth, and immediately caused several other people to bow their heads and think deeply.

Hearing what he said, Wang Lun was very happy. It seemed that these people were genuine, although what he said was not very new to him.But the point is that these are all judgments made by others with a limited amount of information, which is enough to be called a talent.

Zu Shiyuan's last sentence made everyone laugh, and Wang Lun also turned his attention to Lou Minzhong. This [-]-year-old man has the greatest achievements among these people.At this time, the first four people basically covered all the main points that should be said. Wang Lun wanted to see what kind of speech he would have.

"When the leader of the king did not come to the south of the Yangtze River, Mingjiao was the only choice for the suffering people, but since the flag of Liangshan was planted in the southeast, the sky here has changed! It can be said that the foundation that Mingjiao relies on has begun to change. We Thinking, this is the fundamental reason why Fang La did not hesitate to tear himself apart with the leader of the king, and drove Liangshan forces out of the southeast! At this time, in front of Liangshan, Mingjiao has no support, and the hope of the people in the southeast yesterday, "Fang La", has disappeared today Everyone! Don't mention it!"

Unexpectedly, Lou Minzhong made a clever move, and at the same time expressing Fang La's helplessness, he incidentally flattered Wang Lun. It seems that this person has real skills and a lively temper. No wonder his previous achievements can rank among these five people. head.By the way, it seems that Fang La is not a person who likes to take suggestions from his subordinates.

"The opinions of the five are exactly what I want! Liangshanbo is now recruiting talents, and we desperately need talents like you to join us. In the future, our strategic center of gravity in Liangshanbo will move eastward. I wonder if Xueshi Lu has told everyone? "

Wang Lun didn't say anything grandiose. Just now, the five of them had already understood the benefits of Liangshan, and it was obvious that they all wanted to understand it. At this time, Wang Lun didn't need to sell melons here.

From the bewildered expressions of these people, Wang Lun probably guessed something, but he didn't expect General Lu to be able to fool them without any promise at all. At this moment, I really don't know what to say!When Wang Lun saw him off, he gave him considerable autonomy. As long as he recruited people, the treatment arrangements were compared with the old leader Xiao Rang in Liangshanbo.Fortunately, General Lu never used it at all.

"Don't be surprised, everyone, it really has a lot to do with it, and I have to promise you before I dare to tell the truth!" General Lu stood up and said without changing his expression.

"Xiao Ke said that when the leader of the Liangshan King arrived in the southeast, Fang La had disappeared from the crowd. Looking at Fang La again, it was like chewing wax. If you don't vote for Liangshan this time, you will have to die of old age in the mountains!" Lou Minzhong was the first to express his opinion, triggering other The resonance of the four.Until then, General Lu, who was more cautious than Wang Lun, introduced Liangshan's strategy for Wang Lun. Finally, under Wang Lun's hint, General Lu also revealed the arrangement of the Shanzhai for them.

When these five people heard that the county magistrate had become an official in Liangshan, they couldn't be more happy.It's not that this position is very high, and it's not that they think of themselves very lowly, but that Liangshan's prospects are very attractive. In a force that lacks civil servants and is powerful enough to build a country, what is the starting rank?Moreover, through the contact at this time, Wang Lun also quite fits the image of the lord in their hearts. He is open-minded and courteous to the corporal, so that they are willing to use the platform of Liangshan to embark on the road of official career to realize their ambitions.

When the dust settled, I saw Zu Shiyuan offered to go home to pick up Qi and his family and go up the mountain together. Lou Minzhong hesitated for a moment, and soon agreed. Where did the other three people have any objections, they all proposed to go down the mountain to pick up the mountain. family.Wang Lun smiled slightly, Zhu Gui and his brothers were used to doing this kind of thing, and it happened that Zhu Fu was here, so why should they do it themselves?Wang Lun asked everyone to write down the detailed address and leave everything to Zhu Fu to do it quickly and well.

After finishing the business, the guests enjoyed themselves.No, it should be said that everyone is happy, after all, they have become their own people.When Wang Lun ordered a banquet to celebrate, he suddenly saw the sergeant from the small village in Siming Mountain reporting that there was urgent news from the village in Liangshan, and it must be sent to the owner of the village as soon as possible. (to be continued~^~)

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