Water Margin Survival

Chapter 721 How hard it is to start a business since ancient times

People are always nostalgic.

Even if the Koryo soldiers and civilians who were surrendered at the scene, seventy-eight out of ten did not have a good life under the hands of the former Wang Yu, but these did not affect the overloading of their well-developed lacrimal glands.After all, Goryeo had been established for [-] years, and it just collapsed in front of them. For the people of these small countries who have been baptized by Confucian culture, it is reasonable to feel sad.From the moment when Han Anren cried and passed out, with the scene of surrender as the core, the sound of howling gradually spread in the city.

Luozhou, state government.

"Cry, cry, cry like a bird, I'm so anxious! These guys used to be lower than cattle, horses and beasts, and they lived without a trace of human appearance! Now we let them raise their heads to be human, but they look so pale! Since they are born cheap What the hell are we going to do to save him? Millions of people in the Song Dynasty are pointing at my brother to give me a hand! The master is in a hurry, and he goes out with an axe, so that these guys know what it means to be in the blessing without knowing the blessing !"

Li Kui, who opened his angry eyes, glared at Wang Yu with murderous intent. This fierce look, as if he was looking at prey, made the king of subjugation fearful, and hurriedly confessed in front of Wang Lun: "The villain is really, I really didn’t know it would be like this! Little, little people are willing to come forward to persuade the people to submit to the Celestial Dynasty!"

"Tie Niu is so rude!" Wang Lun stepped forward to stop Li Kui in time, and the angry man finally retreated to his original position.Wang Lun glared at the big black man, and then his eyes fell on the trembling Wang Yu. Thinking of the situation in the city at this time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of arrogance in his heart, "If you don't have three or two, how dare you go down to Liangshan! Things are not evenly settled, why are you still supporting this big mess?"

"Mr. Guishun was exhausted all the way. Let's go down and rest first! Wait until the war on the peninsula subsides. I must invite you to go back to Jeju Island to enjoy your old age!" Although Wang Lun was full of fighting spirit by the predicament in front of him, when he spoke, his words were flat. No waves.

Having received such clear words from Wang Lun again, Wang Yu finally settled down. Before leaving, he said, "Thank you Marshal Wang for your kindness. If you can go back to Jeju Island and be happy, I will never miss leaving!"

"You are not An Le Gong, and I am not Sima Zhao, go down!" Wang Lun said lightly, and Wang Yu broke out in a cold sweat. Why did he do this? Could it be self-defeating?But he saw that he hurriedly glanced at the face of this Song man who could decide his own destiny. Fortunately, the marshal did not show any anger, and hurriedly apologized.Back off in a hurry.

"Wait a minute!"

Unexpectedly, he had just taken a few steps, when Wang Lun called him to stop him, Wang Yu was so frightened that he fell to his knees and said "offended".But he didn't want Wang Lun to look over with half-smiling eyes, "Mr. Guishun doesn't need to do such a great gift! Although the child Han Anren found is not from Duke Guishun's blood, it can be regarded as a collateral line of your family. How about just being fostered by Mr. Guishun's side? "

"Ah? That's it!" Since the other party even let the child go, why do they make things difficult for themselves?Thinking that the marshal really had no intention of eradicating the grass, the boulder in Wang Yu's heart suddenly collapsed. He grabbed the ground with his head and cried and said: "Marshal Wang has a kind heart, and he must be protected by the gods! The villain wishes the marshal good health and a long life." Live a hundred years!"

God is sorry to see, Wang Yu's blessing really came from the heart.After all, among this group of Song people, only Wang Lun didn't see him as a threat. After all, Wang Yu had also been a king for more than ten years.How can he not see the look of other Song people who want to get rid of it and then hurry up?In the end, it was this boss who was protecting him all the time!

"Go down!" Wang Lun waved his hand, Wang Yu didn't dare to say more, knelt down and bowed again and again, and finally bowed and retreated from this inconspicuous state office under his hands in the past.

After the outsiders left, more than 20 leaders present came forward to congratulate Wang Lun, but their village master looked dignified, signaling that he had something to say, and everyone returned to their seats to listen to what Wang Lun had to say.

"Two thousand years ago, Ji Zi, a Shang Dynasty minister, led 2000 Shang Dynasty survivors to move eastward to the peninsula, recruited Dongyi everywhere, and established the first country in the history of the peninsula, which lasted for more than 2000 years! Although all the dynasties of the Central Plains had directly or indirectly exerted influence on the peninsula, they never completely established a long-term and firm rule here. So much so that Dongyi, who was deeply influenced by our Chinese culture, took advantage of the momentum and built a country one after another. Orthodox! If history is allowed to continue on this track, the peninsula will only go against our Central Plains, and we will be strangers! Fortunately, today, after [-], we are back, and it is not too late!"

"But everyone has seen the actual situation. What is the situation in this city right now! Who remembers that we came from the country of our parents? I can tell you very clearly that the situation in front of us will never be just an isolated case, and we will continue to move forward in the future I keep encountering scenes like this on my way!"

"What I want to tell you here is that when the Qin State destroyed Chu, even many years later, there are still rumors in the world that 'although Chu has three households, it will be Chu when Qin dies', but! Let's look back now, the people of Chu, Qin People, what's the difference? What's the hatred? Is there only a difference of region and no difference of country?"

"So, it's not impossible to change the status quo! Dongyi can still pretend to be orthodox and confuse the public, why can't we wait for the Huaxia descendants to set things right? I don't demand that in three to five years, all the differences that have arisen in hundreds of years can be completely erased. , but I hope that in three to fifty years, when the kings present, including me, are getting old, they can hear it with their own ears. Normal!"

"Brothers, please tell me, can it be realized in our lifetime?"




A roar that almost pierced through the chest burst out from every leader present. The passion in everyone's blood has been completely ignited by Wang Lun's words: It turns out that we are not only building a country by ourselves, but also shouldering the heavy responsibility of restoring our homeland. .

"Kill back to Kaesong!" Lu Zhishen yelled loudly, making Deng Yuanjue's eardrums buzz. At this time, the blood in Baoguang Tathagata's chest was already boiling, and he subconsciously roared following Lu Zhishen.

Perhaps, this is the life he has been looking for.

If there are warriors' outbursts, the literati's sincerity is indispensable.Lou Minzhong and Zu Shiyuan looked at each other and stood up to bow down at the same time. "My lord has lofty aspirations. With the world in mind, we all worship!"

When Feng Xi saw this kind of scene, how could he be left behind?Immediately joined in.The big and small brothers in the other tents couldn't help looking at each other when they saw this, and they were caught in the hot scene for a while and couldn't recover.It's not that they don't want to kneel to Wang Lun, if they want to say their lives, why should they kneel?In fact, there was no such rule in the cottage in the past, so why did the newcomer come.Just like to be different?

"Three please stand up!"

The old brothers were embarrassed, and Wang Lun was not quite used to it after all.But these three are newcomers, many of the rules are unfamiliar and understandable.Therefore, Wang Lun walked down the steps, stepped forward to help the three people up, and said to each other:

"Wang Yu is Wang Yu, and you are you! I think we are all life and death brothers who made vows in front of the water. No matter where we go in the future, I always hope. Live up to the vows and be with you all the way! "

General Lu, who was standing near the three of them, was even more moved when he heard the words.To be honest, he really hesitated for a moment just now, but he didn't know that Wang Lun didn't mean to show off in front of his brothers, but actually promised "all the beginning and the end" as Li Shimin once said. scholar.So voters.What can my husband ask for?

"Brother Military Advisor tells my younger brother to die, and my younger brother doesn't even blink! But if he kneels when he meets him, he will be born with his elder brother by kneeling!" The words of Yan Zhuo's words immediately caused a burst of laughter, and they dispersed in an instant The awkward atmosphere brought by the three novices just now.

After laughing with everyone, Wang Lunyan returned to the main story: "First of all, 'the book is the same text, the car is the same track'. I don't need to go into details. I think all the talented people present know it well. As for how to stabilize people's hearts, this is probably the first thing I have done since I fell into the grass. You are no strangers to what you have been doing all this time! What I want to say now is the planning of our institutions in the peninsula, the establishment of states and counties, and the assignment of officials! Tan, strive to stabilize the aborigines in the shortest possible time and start new immigration!"

While Wang Lun was speaking, he had already laid out a simple topographic map of Koryo, and called his think tanks to surround him.I saw Wang Lun pointing to the whole block of Jeolla Road, and said:

"Shi Wengong has captured Gwangju before, and the current position of the entire army should be near Jeonju. Now we are making plans, and we have the right to include Jeolla Province in it."

"As we all know, the capital, prefecture, prefecture, and counties in the original Goryeo were very unreliable. In fact, the water was too large, which caused the official system to be swollen, and the people would add a lot of unnecessary burdens in vain. This is very inconsistent with our concept of governing the country. .So in my opinion, the mechanism of compressing Jeolla-do into one state and eight counties in the end should be able to control the future situation!"

The entire Jeolla Province is about [-] square kilometers, which is about the same size as Yunzhou and Jeju around Liangshan. Although the organizational system of the eight counties is less than the sum of the thirteen counties of Yunzhou and Jeju, it is also That's not too much, besides, Wang Lun still has his own difficulties, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Our army is like a cloud of fierce generals, and there are only a handful of leaders who are independent literati. Among them, Xiao Rang still stays in Jeju Island as a general judge, and there are even fewer independent leaders!"

Wen Huanzhang sighed when he heard the words, and glanced at Qiu Xian inadvertently, who knew that Qiu Xian spread his hands and played a rare trick on this senior who was also a teacher and friend:

"It's no wonder you were born late! Since the marshal is unwilling to kidnap me like he did back then, what can I do?"

"It can be tied? Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's all because of your face!" Wang Lun followed suit.

Everyone couldn't help smiling when they heard the words, Qiu Xian also shook his head and laughed, but finally heard General Lu's words and asked: "I don't know if my lord is going to keep the old state names of Quan, Guang, Luo, etc., or rename them?"

"The old name is inappropriate, after all, the founding of the country has a new atmosphere!" A military general mixed into the civil servants expressed his opinion. Unlike other pure fierce generals, this person gave the nickname "Dragon Slayer", and he had read it a lot since he was a child. poetry book.

"The new atmosphere of the founding of the country is reasonable, but the old name is not wrong!" Wang Lun vetoed Sun An's proposal with a smile, and then expressed his own ideas. Zi County, Daifang County, Haiming County, Liekou County, Changcen County, Zhaoming County, Tixi County!"

"Continue to use the place names of the Han Dynasty!? Well, well!"

Xiao Jiasui is also a well-read person. As soon as Wang Lun said the word "Zhenfan", he completely understood what Wang Lun meant. It seems that the four Han counties will reopen from today.

However, he also knew that the original jurisdiction of Zhenfan County was roughly around the current Yang Guangdao, but these were minor details, and Wang Lun should consider the symbolic significance rather than the actual significance.

Except for Xiao Jiasui, everyone felt their eyes light up at this time, and they all spoke in agreement, and Sun An also smiled and extended his thumb to express his admiration.Seeing that everyone had no objection, Wang Lun looked serious and said solemnly:

"Military division Wen Huanzhang was ordered to stay in Zhenfan to guide the establishment of the state. Chen Wenzhao was appointed as the prefect of Zhenfan and concurrently served as the county magistrate of Qixian County. Fang County Magistrate, Lou Minzhong as Haiming County Magistrate, Zu Shiyuan as Liekou County Magistrate, Shen Shou as Changcen County Magistrate, Huan Yi as Zhaoming County Magistrate, Feng Xi as Tixi County Magistrate!" (to be continued~^ ~)

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