Water Margin Survival

Chapter 722 How hard it is to start a business since ancient times

Wang Lun kept his word and asked Chen Wenzhao to be the prefect for him, so he really became the real prefect.

This time, Zhenfan County was re-established under the leadership of Wang Lun. From the perspective of Chen Wenzhao, a typical scholar-bureaucrat from the Central Plains, the first impression must be that he could not escape the contempt for the land outside Hua.But after he spent his time learning a lot of information through the ancient books of Goryeo and talking with people, Chen Wenzhao's impression of the territory under his jurisdiction has undergone a new change.

The geographical characteristics of the entire Koryo can be summed up in ten words, "high in the northeast and low in the southwest" and "high in the east and low in the west". If this is not intuitive, then it can be condensed into two words, which is "more mountains".More than [-]% of the entire territory is covered by mountains and plateaus, and the proportion of plains is pitifully small.As for these pitifully few plains, Zhenfan County, located in the southwest corner of the peninsula, occupies several famous plains.

As the former name of Jinban County, Jeolla Province is known as the granary of Koryo. The Naju Plain in the Yeongsan River Basin and the Honam Plain in Jeonju are the few grain bases in Koryo.There is a folk song in later generations: "Jeollabuk-do can relieve the whole country's famine years" (excluding Naju and Jeollanam-do where Jeonju is located), which shows how fertile and precious the land in this area is.

The climate of this county is similar to that of Huainan East Road in the Song Dynasty. It is warm and humid. In addition, the water system in the territory is rich and the natural conditions are quite superior. If it is well managed, it will definitely develop into a Liangshan Group grain depot.

Without hesitation, Wang Lun handed over this treasured land to Chen Wenzhao.When the appointment was announced at the time, Chen Wenzhao didn't have any special feelings. After all, he was also a magistrate of Yunzhou in the Song Dynasty, and he had also held military and political power in several states.But when he understood the meaning behind this new state county.Actually gave birth to a feeling of trepidation.

"Sir, it's time for dinner!"

A reminder from the staff brought Chen Wenzhao back to his senses in the pile of documents. He rubbed the corners of his eyes and picked up the sundries on the table with a wry smile.The staff brought out two bowls of rice, a plate of kimchi, and a plate of seasonal vegetables from the food box.Half a chicken and a bowl of sea fish soup are placed on the table.For a while, the aroma of the dishes overflowed, deeply stimulating Chen Wenzhao's taste buds, until then he realized that he was already hungry.

"Hey! How come there are kimchi from Chengdu Mansion here?" Chen Wenzhao picked up a piece of kimchi with chopsticks, looked left and right, quite surprised, "I've been out of Chengdu. I haven't eaten it much, and now I can take it orally." !"

Chen Wenzhao has a rich resume, and he also stayed in Chuanxia Fourth Road in the early years.Naturally, this staff member is no stranger to Chen Wenzhao's experience. He shook his head and said, "This is sent by the local people. They call it Korean kimchi. According to legend, it has a history of 400 years!"

"400 years of history?" Chen Wenzhao was startled when he heard that.Then he laughed and said: "Didn't it happen that there was a Tang Dynasty expedition to Goguryeo more than 400 years ago. Could it be that some gluttonous general passed it here?"

"It's probably Xue Rengui!" the staff joked, causing Chen Wenzhao to burst out laughing, pointing at the staff and saying, "You, you! By the way, don't take other people's things casually in the future!"

"Sanggong, what is the value of such a little kimchi? Xianggong does not settle these people day and night, and divides the fields and land for them. Even the gods and Buddhas do good deeds and we are not as serious as us! By the way, there are already people in the city. Call Ye and Qiu Tong the 'Living Bodhisattvas'!"

Chen Wenzhao is the prefect of Zhenfan, and he should be stationed in Fuguo County.Because considering that Zhenfan County will play the role of the peninsula granary in the future.Therefore, the location of Qixian County was finally determined in the state city closest to the center of the peninsula: Jeonju.According to the news from the military, Tao Zongwang has landed on the peninsula with his engineering army, and is ready to go to Qixian County to build a pivotal warehouse at any time to store a large amount of grain in the future.

At this time, Chen Wenzhao hadn't received the battle report from the front line, so he temporarily stayed in Luozhou, which was renamed Hanzi County, and worked hand in hand with Qiu Xian to deal with the mountainous government affairs.

Hanzi County is undoubtedly the city facing the greatest difficulties and resistance among the eight counties of Zhenfan.


Because the entire Gyeongsang-do and half of Jeolla-do were destroyed, all the local tyrants who were originally intertwined were cleared by the war, and the new tyrants will be cleared by the Liangshan military, so the chief officials of other counties took office. Just count the accounts and then distribute the fields, there is basically no resistance.

But Luozhou voluntarily surrendered, which means that most of the local tyrants have been preserved intact, and many intricate relationships are definitely not so easy to smooth out.

Fortunately, this young man Qiu Xian is by no means a simple character. What Chen Wenzhao saw in this person was a maturity and talent that did not match his age.He could almost assert that such a person would definitely stand out among the large number of local officials in Song Dynasty.Chen Wenzhao couldn't figure it out, how could Wang Lun always find such outstanding people?

Leaving aside, let’s just say that the six county magistrates placed under Wang Lun this time, with Chen Wenzhao’s experience as an official for more than 20 years, these people are definitely not people who can be bound by the position in front of him, they just give him a feeling The worst is Feng Xi, the county magistrate of Tixi. Chen Wenzhao also believes that with Liangshan's current development speed, this person will sooner or later be on par with him.

"One, I wasn't very stable a while ago, so I didn't ask you some questions. Now I want to hear what your plans are for the future?" Very trustworthy, at this time a lonely lamp, two confidantes, it is a bit of a heart-to-heart symbol.

Tian Zhi's hands trembled when he heard this, he lowered his head and remained silent for a while.As for their staff, who didn't have no hope of official career, so they settled for the next best thing?Back then, Liangshan sent people to Yunzhou to arrest Chen Wenzhao. He had nothing to do with him, but this master was quite chivalrous, and he wanted to go forward and retreat with his benefactor, so he was taken to Liangshan.

"You know, when I lost the Olympic aid in the court, I couldn't do enough to praise you! Now I don't know if I was unlucky or lucky. Anyway, if I say it, there are still people who are willing to listen. If you want to If you want to be a rich man and live a stable life, go to Jeju Island, and I can arrange for you. If you want to come out and do something, I will recommend you to become an official in the county magistrate in the name of Zhenban prefect!"

Chen Wenzhao saw that Tian Zhizhi did not speak, so he confided all his thoughts for this loyal staff member to choose for himself.

"This is the magistrate of a county, Liangshan's official leader is nothing more than that!" Tian Zhi suddenly raised his head with a look of surprise.The prefect appoints a county magistrate, unless you have someone in the official department, it is really unimaginable to put this in the Song Dynasty.

Chen Wenzhao smiled, and did not directly answer Tian Yizhi's question, "The progress of the military is not slow. Xiao Jiasui has already led the army alone, and broke into Gyeongsangdo from the Sobaek Mountains in the east. There have been dozens of bloody battles in Gyeongsangdo before. The city is dilapidated, the defenders are weak, and the main force has rushed to become Shi Wengong's food. With Xiao Jiasui's talent, supplemented by the bravery of the likes of Sui Juan and Luan Tingyu, there is still no suspense in dealing with the rich locals in Goryeo. When the time comes I guess it's either Qiu Xian or General Lu who was in charge of a state in the past, and I will recommend you at that time, it will be extremely safe!"

"It all depends on my husband's support!" Tian Zhijian said, his mood was very agitated, and he hurriedly got up and bowed down.

To be honest, he and Chen Wenzhao didn't pay much attention to Liang Shan at the beginning, and never thought that there would be a day when they would be thieves, but when they saw the real scene of Liang Shan at this time, Tian Zhi's heart was moved, and Chen Wenzhao Wen Zhao also entered the role that Wang Lun arranged for him.

"Okay! Eat! If you are fine after eating, stay here to help me with government affairs, so that I can get into the mood early! You must know that the person above has a very poisonous vision, and it is not so easy to fool!" Tian Yizhi's ability However, Chen Wenzhao is still very confident. What he lacks is the opportunity to be on his own.

"En!" Tian Zhi nodded heavily, and slammed the rice into his mouth.I think he is also in his 40s, but now he behaves like a young man with a dragon and a tiger, and he has lost his usual calm and calm.

Who is not in a hurry when the opportunity comes?Chen Wenzhao smiled and stopped talking, just picked up a piece of Korean kimchi, tasted it in his mouth, shook his head and said, "It's interesting, but it's almost interesting!"

Tian Zhi had never been to Chengdu, nor had he tasted Chengdu kimchi. He said he picked up a chopstick and chewed it a few times. Everyone in the family can find pickle jars in their homes! I heard that the customs here are very strange, patients do not ask doctors when they are sick, but only ask ghosts and gods! There are also rumors that this pickle is a panacea, which can cure all diseases!"

Chen Wenzhao frowned slightly when he heard the words, not because he was shocked by the panacea, but because Tian Zhi's words inadvertently touched a tight string in him:

"When you mentioned the customs, I remembered something. I was chatting with Han Anren yesterday, and I was surprised to hear him talk about the bad customs here. It turns out that there are many people here. If they have a cold or other contagious diseases, In the first place, instead of sleeping at home, they chose to drill in crowded places. What is the fallacy of "infecting others and you will recover"! It's really annoying and hateful! I think this place has just gone through a war , corpses are everywhere, and it’s spring, if you accidentally cause the plague to break out, it’s no joke!"

Tian Zhi's face changed drastically, and he said: "What Xianggong said is not impossible, just relying on the virtues of these barbarians, if they get sick and deliberately run around, they may cause some big trouble!"

"No, no! My 10,000+ army is on this peninsula, and there will be countless immigrants waiting to come in the future. This matter must not be taken lightly!"

Chen Wenzhao didn't eat any food at this time, and as soon as he put the bowl away, he went outside.Tian Zhi hurriedly followed behind Chen Wenzhao, only listening to his benefactor say: "You go to Qiu Tongpan, tell him about this matter, and ask him and me to transfer An Daoquan to come over to sit in charge. Now go to the two generals Ma Xie and Ma Jin who are stationed in this city, they happen to have military medical officers in their army, I have to ask them carefully about this matter!" (To be continued~^~)

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