Water Margin Survival

Chapter 723 How hard it is to start a business since ancient times

Chen Wenzhao is not unfounded.On the contrary, as a magistrate who had no direct experience in dealing with the plague, he could have such an intuitive reaction, and he should be regarded as a very capable official.Because he had never seen Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do other than Naju, which reached a horrific level of horrific scenes where corpses were strewn with no one to bury them.

For this reason, An Daoquan and Wang Lun had already raised the red light and raised the alarm that the plague might spread.

As a person of later generations, Wang Lun still has a deep understanding of similar local or national infectious diseases.Therefore, as soon as he heard that there was a possibility of a plague outbreak, Wang Lun immediately discussed with An Daoquan and others a set of rules for the disposal of the entire army.Among them, several suggestions put forward by Wang Lun made several newly appointed imperial physicians unable to speak their tongues. Only then did they believe the uninhibited legend: Wang Lun who guided An Daoquan to perform laparotomy was not a layman.

Professional things should be done by professionals.Wang Lun still has 1 peace of mind for An Daoquan and his Huitianying (there are too few independent characters, so it has not been expanded yet).At this time, it was another problem that made him concentrate all his energy.

Let me ask, what kind of problem can be called the fundamental problem affecting the survival and development of a country (group)?The answer is: food, or food issues.

At this time, on the Hunan Plain outside the city of Quanzhou, Wang Lun, who has put down his military affairs, is taking his army staff officer Zhu Wu to inspect the fertile land that has already been acquired. If anyone wants to know how he feels at this time, he will happily tell you , the endless feeling, really good!

For Liang Shanbo, who has never obtained a stable grain production base above the scale, this must be a day worthy of special mention.If there is still an intuitive impression at this time.Take Jeju Island for comparison.

After nearly two years of land reclamation, Jeju Island.The harvest at the end of last year was not bad. The total annual grain harvest exceeded 100 million shi for the first time, reaching a record-breaking 110 million shi.For a newly reclaimed grain-producing land, this is definitely a remarkable figure.

However, to keep up with the current development speed of Liangshan, a Jeju Island is obviously far from enough.Now, among other things, Liangshan's average daily distribution of military rations, rations, and relief rations has exceeded [-] shi.It was a huge surprise when I broke through Kaijing.Considering today's consumption level, the whole cottage is just frugal, and it can barely last for a year at most.

Facts have proved that "grabbing" cannot solve the problem, and Liangshan has to have its own hematopoietic function.At this time, it is like a sleepy person meeting a pillow. The Hunan Plain in front of him fundamentally provided Wang Lun with the prerequisites of "doing it yourself and having enough food and clothing."

From the data point of view, the current arable land area of ​​Jeju Island has exceeded 90 acres.Reached more than 500 square kilometers.But the entire Jeolla-do, only the Honam Plain near Jeonju has the same size!That is to say, only the hundreds of square kilometers of land around Jeonju allowed Liangshan Group to have an extra Jeju Island, not to mention the entire Jeolla Province, with a total area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

Although the area of ​​a single plain is small, it is only equivalent to the county level of the Central Plains.But no one stipulates.It can only open up wasteland and produce food on the plains.What's more, there are also many large plains near Gwangju and Naju.Counting the inside and outside, if this Zhenfan County is well developed, the urgent problem facing Liangshan will be solved.

"If we had come a year earlier, our 1000 million taels of silver might not have cost us even one tael!" Zhu Wuxin felt emotional. He and Wang Lun had almost communicated with each other about the prospect of this place, and both of them were equally excited.At this time, he felt sorry for the money that the Shanzhai had spent on purchasing food in the past six months: a total of 1000 million guan!Because of the price premium, the grain and grass worth less than 500 million shi were finally bought.

"This year we spent 1000 million guan on grain purchases. Among them, only 100 million guan was spent on our own people. This ratio is too small. I hope that next year, we can purchase food on our own land!"

According to the immigration policy set by Liangshan, the residents of Jeju Island have been exempted from taxes in recent years. Except for the corvee, there is no tax in kind or currency. Many villages said that apart from keeping enough to eat and the grain sown in the coming year, everything else would be donated to Liangshan free of charge.

After learning about this, Wang Lun said, "People's hearts are available, but they should not be abused. Our current environment is okay, so we will follow the rules. When we encounter difficulties in the future, let's work together with the people!"

At that time, this matter was handled by Qiu Xian.As a buyer representing the yamen, he has never done the work of persuading the seller to increase the price. In the end, both the buyer and the seller were deeply moved by the business. Sold [-] million shi of grain to the Xushi county government.

"None of the herdsmen officials arranged by my brother in Zhenfan County is a simple person. I believe it will not take long, and this place will become my big granary in Liangshanbo! At that time, there will be no need to be paid by those grain merchants and landowners! "

Zhu Wu is still relatively optimistic about the future of Zhenfan County, so why not Wang Lun?People like Lou Minzhong and Zu Shiyuan are all the materials of the central ministers. If they can't do well as a small county magistrate, then it can only be said that Fang La is really blind.

"These guys have nothing to say, the key is to compete with God for time! There is a saying: people miss the ground for a while, and the land misses people for a year!" Wang Lun sighed, and at this moment, a voice came from not far away. The voice said: "Report! General Shi Wengong urgently reports from the front line!"

Wang Lun and Zhu Wu looked back, and it turned out that a pro-military soldier who was in charge of guarding nearby led a messenger from the Han camp who had fallen from the army to come to see him.

"Marshal! Our army has conquered Yang Guangdao's important town of Zhongzhou a few days ago! Qingzhou City was also handed over to Huadu Tong the day before yesterday. Now that our Fanluo army is stationed in Zhongzhou City, Shi Dutong asked the Marshal whether the whole army can rest for three days ?”

Seeing that Shi Wengong asked for a rest for the first time, Zhu Wu couldn't help but smile, "What do you say? This Iron General can't hold it anymore!?"

"This..." The messenger didn't know how to answer for a moment. After all, although Zhu Wu had no airs, he was still one of the most powerful people in the village. In addition, the two generals of the army were not well-known in the upper and middle classes of Liangshan. And the limelight was too strong, he was not sure what the military division meant by what he said at this time.

The person who came must be Shi Wengong's confidant, but in Wang Lun's view, any confidant is his soldier, not to mention these ordinary benefactors are all his confidantes.

Seeing the tired expression on the sergeant's face at this time, Wang Lun knew that Shi Wengong had really tried his best this time. If he hadn't really lost his ability to walk, he would probably have to rush forward with all his might.

He, the vanguard, basically accounted for [-]% of the credit for capturing the entire territory of Jeolla-do this time.And Yang Guangdao also opened the door to Liangshan's army after being captured by this guy successively, the two important gates of Qingzhou and Zhongzhou.

Who can imagine that an army whose main force is composed of the former Beijing army of Goryeo will escort another fresh army of [-] surrendered soldiers, just like this, rampaging on the peninsula all the way, Wang Lun doesn't know if he is referring to Shi Wengong Is it stupid and bold (the Fanluo army without infantry actually managed to persuade four cities to surrender after persuading one city), or is it true that the powerful private soldiers from all over the place were basically wasted in the second siege battle in the south like a meat grinder.

"Marshal, before my villain left, Shi Dutong repeatedly asked me about the amnesty order for soldiers who surrendered outside the city of Luozhou..." Seeing that Zhu Wu didn't speak any more, the messenger quickly got down to business.

If you want your horse to run, you have to feed it some grass.It seems that Shi Wengong is well versed in this reasoning, and I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup he poured into these ten thousand people, but they didn't look unfamiliar when they cooperated.But there is one thing Wang Lun is very clear about, this waist, he wants to support Shi Wengong.

"Understood, my military order will be conveyed to General Shi by pro-military scouts! You go down and have a good meal, get some sleep, and leave tomorrow!"

The messenger was overjoyed when he heard the words. It is no exaggeration to say that he could fall asleep lying on the ground at this moment. Boss, bowed and stepped back.

"Shi Wengong's guts are really too big. He dared to kill such a large group of Koryo soldiers before playing!"

Generally speaking, Zhu Wu still admires Shi Wengong very much, and he has basically never stopped talking about this person in front of Wang Lun on weekdays, but when it is time to tell the truth, he still has to tell the truth. Shi Wengong did something a little out of line this time. .Although he wholeheartedly wanted to make great achievements, but this man never considered, if he violated the taboo of the person who decides his fate, what would be the use of making great achievements?

"So you draw up a military order for me, and scold this guy hard first!" Wang Lun's sudden words startled Zhu Wu, but after he and Wang Lun looked at each other, he immediately laughed, At this time Wang Lun spoke again:

"You tell Shi Wengong again that the whole army can rest in Quanzhou for five days. As for his suggestion of surrendering troops, I generally agree, but there is one point that I disagree with disbanding on the spot. First, we will organize a unified servant army and let him take care of it. Everything will be discussed after the war on the peninsula is over."

Shi Wengong's suggestion is good in many aspects, but disbanding the surrendered troops on the spot shows his political naivety.If his method is implemented, not only will many people risk joining the opponent's camp again, but it will also bring endless troubles to Liangshan's new local government. It may be difficult to learn to be an obedient citizen, but as long as there is trouble, I am afraid that it will involve a lot of energy for the new regime.

"Speaking of Shi Wengong, there are more than 1 people under his command. At present, there are more than [-] people concentrated in the prisoner camp in Daifang County (former Gwangju). There are countless boys from other places who surrendered! How do you plan to arrange these soldiers? "These three strange regimes that existed on the peninsula before wanted to make all the men on the peninsula into soldiers, which resulted in a sharp increase in the number of people who were killed.

"I just have a rough idea now, let's see when the time comes! Order all the troops to gather in Zhenfanshou County (former Quanzhou). Isn't Tao Zongwang already landed? He has the most people under his command. While he is ensuring the construction of various facilities in Qixian County, he has to show me these surrendered soldiers!" (To be continued~^~)

PS: I took a long trip for the Dragon Boat Festival, and I just rushed back to Wuhan tonight, so I will make up for today’s update. I wish you all a happy holiday!

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