Water Margin Survival

Chapter 727 Wang Lun and Zhao Ji on the same starting line

In the eyes of outsiders, Shi Wengong came to Korea simply to grab credit.

That's what it looks like.From Naju in Jeolla Province to Guangzhou in Yangguang Road, more than [-] miles along the way, the elites of Quanliangshan watched Shi Wengong perform alone.

So no matter how you say it, let's put it aside for the time being, our dung bucket general is really stealing the show.In the Liangshan army of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, he is the most bright in Yintang right now.

It is a great achievement to expand the soil for more than [-] miles.According to Liangshan's practice of distinguishing rewards and punishments, Shi Wengong can finally feel proud this time.But who would have thought that at this time, he could not see a trace of joy on his face, and he was on the verge of breaking out. It all stemmed from his falling into the army, and he had been delayed for three days in front of Guangzhou City.

"Brother, we can't force them anymore! The fighting qualities of these servants are just like that. It is our good fortune to be able to push the front line to the city of Guangzhou now! If we force them again, we may cause a mutiny!"

Su Ding could understand Shi Wengong's mood at this time, after all, everyone came out of the excrement picking team together.He knows that if a person has been depressed for a long time, he will either be crushed by the pressure, or be aroused to explode violently!The current Shi Wengong is in a state of violent eruption, even a little too hard.

"If I want Wu Song, no, even if it's a team like Shi Jin's, why can't I get a foot in?"

Shi Wengong regretted when he thought of the scene where he had successfully boarded the city just now. The defenders of this city were almost the most tenacious group of people he had encountered since landing.It's not that Shi Wengong didn't fight tough battles before, basically bid farewell to Queen Jeolla.The intensity of resistance encountered in Cheongju and Chungju was not small.Who said that this is the lair of the tyrants?After all, Jeolla-do was snatched, which is completely different from the reaction to the threat of core interests.

"Brother, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not!" Su Ding pondered over and over again, and finally decided to point it out.

"You speak!"

Shi Wengong's attention was still on the broken city wall of Guangzhou City at this time, and he subconsciously replied.It's not that Su Ding has no weight in his heart, but that the person in front of him is too familiar and has gone through adversity.We lived together in wealth and belonged to brothers with different surnames who cut off their heads and never changed their heads. What else can everyone not say?There is really no need to waste energy on guessing.

Su Dingjian said, looked around, and persuaded: "You can't talk all the words alone, and you can't finish the meal alone! Brother, we have already called Wang Jing, so we should be content, shall we wait? The troops behind..."

The current record is enough for the two of them to gain a foothold in Liangshan.If they continue to eat alone, the two of them who were already very isolated will become even more isolated in Liangshan in the future.

"Contentment!?" Shi Wengong turned his head abruptly, his sharp eyes were very scary, even though Su Ding was very familiar with him, at this time his heart couldn't help trembling subconsciously.Shi Wengong seemed to be very impatient at this moment.Walking back and forth in the temporary camp.It took a while to stop, and said fiercely:

"Why are they so desperate? Have you ever thought about it? The resistance in Guangzhou City is so fierce, it shows that Wang Jing's people have exhausted all means and want them to delay us indefinitely! Why are they delaying our army? It shows that Li Ziqian is planning a bigger attack conspiracy!"

"Yes! It's nothing for us to delay here. Anyway, we've almost earned the battle now, right! But have you ever thought that it will take three to five days for our infantry to overwhelm us? There are delays here and there. Fighting opportunity, how can it be said in one word? At that time, Li Ziqian will get the time he desperately needs, and then wait for our army at leisure...brother, the Khitan people are defeated again and again like this!"

In anyone's opinion, the manure general who has achieved great results should be ecstatic and mighty, but judging from his sudden outburst, it is more appropriate to say that he is terrified and restless.

Of course Su Ding didn't care about Shi Wengong's attitude, instead he said sincerely: "Brother, I'm short-sighted!"

"I didn't rush at you, don't take it to heart!" Shi Wengong knelt down, rubbed his face fiercely, then stopped his movements suddenly, revealing a flushed face, and said meaningfully: "The big guy fought hard for this vanguard officer, and finally fell On you and me, everyone is not convinced, but the village master still insists on appointing us, do you know what he said to me afterwards?"

Su Ding didn't want to have such a section, and said in surprise: "What are you talking about!"

Shi Wengong picked up a branch on the ground, drew two circles casually, pointed at them and said, "This is Hedong, and this is Koryo. Almost at the same time, we Liangshan and Song State attacked these two places respectively. Tian Hu was cruel. , the foundation is shallow, and the imperial court beat him, it is tantamount to destroying the dead. Compared with Tian Hu, Koryo has been established for two hundred years, and the people know me as an outsider.

"The ones who attacked Hedong were the elite of the Western Song Army and Tong Guan's personal selection of the forbidden army in the capital, backed by the entire huge Song Empire. As for us, only the capital accumulated by the village owner in the past three years will face many unforeseen challenges in the future. The difficulty of predicting!"

"Even so, we still have to compete with the imperial court for speed and time! If the imperial court regains Hedong first, and our army is still trapped in Koryo, I don't need to say more about the consequences based on the official's mentality of hating me on Liangshan! My village in Liangshan has a natural barrier of 3 miles of water, so he won't be able to do anything to us for a while, but we have more than [-] brothers scattered in Hebei, Jingdong, and Zhejiang, and we have to face the wrath of the court!"

Although these situations are well known to everyone, after Shi Wengong's detailed analysis and an intuitive comparison, the pressure came.Su Ding suddenly felt as if a sword was hanging on his forehead, no, it should be on the forehead of all Liangshan heroes.

"Do you know? Just because of such a situation, the village owner still gave me this pioneer, so I can't live up to this trust! I must not just sit and watch the future, and a person ran to him and said: Why? So, Shi Wengong just can't support the wall with mud!"

"So grabbing credit is just a cover, you are actually grabbing time? My brother, why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Shi Wengong smiled when he heard the words, "What do you say? Except for the two battalions of the Han army, the rest of my subordinates are Koreans. The sense of belonging has not really been established. It is just that I am driven by you and me after being afraid of power and greedy for profit. Like this The team can only fight with the wind, but adversity will inevitably lead to failure! Do you think that under such circumstances, those words can be said to them? The reason why I didn’t explain it to you in advance is because of your rare spirit these days... ..."

Su Ding is also suffering from suffocation, after all, he has worked as a dung picker for half a year, and it would be a lie to say that he has no complaints in his heart.After finally being able to feel elated, who wouldn't be proud for a while?

"Then what about this city? I think these people are really scared, and it's useless for us to force them!"

Su Ding is a little helpless, the current situation has really become a stalemate, Shi Wengong, a pioneer, is not willing to eat meat without gnawing bones, of course Su Ding can't hold him back.However, Shi Wengong has a good saying that the surrendered Koreans can only fight smoothly, while adversity will inevitably lead to clumsiness. There is no ambiguity in applying this sentence to the Korean camp who fell into the army.What's more, these sticks who became monks halfway outside Luozhou City?

Su Ding knew that they had reached their limit, and Shi Wengong must also be aware of it, but according to the background Wang Lun gave Shi Wengong, it is estimated that they really can't wait until the Liangshan infantry comes over to do it. In that case, the time will really be delayed. Night.But now the key is.You can't ask the brothers in the Han army camp to get off their horses and attack the city, right?

Shi Wengong also realized this problem.He pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Go and gather our fifth battalion of auxiliary soldiers!"

Su Ding slapped his leg when he heard the words, and said pleasantly: "You said what did I do, but I forgot their origins!"

It turns out that Shi Wengong's selection of soldiers is to strive for excellence. This is reflected in the soldiers, and it is also applicable to the auxiliary soldiers. Don't look at the heavy work these people are doing now. A year ago, they were the famous Kaijing of Goryeo. eight guards.Thinking of this section, Su Ding couldn't wait.Without waiting for Shi Wengong to reply, he turned around and got on his thousand-mile horse, and gathered the team to go.

The fifth battalion auxiliary soldiers who were urgently called up didn't know what happened, they were all stunned. When they found that the armored weapons sent by the cavalry were piled up like a mountain, many people had a question mark in their hearts: "What is this?" What are you doing?"

"Who remembers what I said when I selected you into my army hand in hand? I said at the time, since you have chosen to join my Great Song Army and become a member of my Great Song Huben, then I don't care what you used to do , just make me an auxiliary soldier right now! As long as you complete the roles of 'horse feeder', 'food bearer' and 'cooker', I guarantee that you will be on top at any time when there is a shortage of soldiers!"

The Fan Luo Army is the only one among the Liangshan armies that has a difference in rank.This level difference does not refer to the upper and lower command systems, but specifically refers to the difference in the treatment of soldiers.To be precise, it is the difference between combat soldiers and auxiliary soldiers.

Different from other military branches, the combat soldiers and auxiliary soldiers of the Fan Luo Army show certain differences in a series of details such as pensions, military family benefits, and treatment after retirement.

This is not the Liangshan army deliberately distinguishing between the three, six, and nine, and engaging in these gimmicks. Instead, it is the initiative and strong request of the Kaijing army after they became the soldiers of the Koryo battalion.Because from the moment they were born, everything around them is strictly hierarchical, and no one can enjoy the word "equality" casually.

Now that they have squeezed their heads, they have finally become a member of the Song Army. They can't tolerate the auxiliary soldiers who helped them, and they enjoy the same treatment as themselves.Although these people were still their colleagues a year ago.

These Koreans are usually very submissive in front of Shi Wengong, and dare not disobey in everything, but when it comes to these issues that make Shi Wengong laugh, the soldiers united to force the palace!They felt that enjoying the same treatment as these miscellaneous soldiers feeding horses was a serious insult, and they reacted very strongly. They didn't dare to ask Shi Wengong to do anything, and they didn't want to fight for treatment for themselves. Come down, in the name of saving military expenses for the Song Dynasty court.

The soldiers of the two battalions of the Han army watched them make trouble as if they were watching a monkey show, but in the end it really didn't work out, because the resistance of the auxiliary soldiers was minimal.Su Ding has done an analysis on this, one is that the number of auxiliary soldiers is small, the other is that the status in the past was not as good as that of the horse army, and the third is that the new status is different after all.All in all, Shi Wengong was saddened by the misfortune of the auxiliary soldiers who thought they were a little short, but angry that they could not fight.In the end, I simply let go. A teacup has been used for a long time and still has tea stains, let alone hundreds of thousands of years of historical residue?Since it's not clean for a while, just make do with it!As long as I don't delay Lao Tzu's war, it will be fine!

Facing the countless ignorant eyes cast on him, Shi Wengong's expressive voice resounded above the heads of the two thousand and five hundred people:

"Now, there is an opportunity in front of you!" (to be continued~^~)

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