Water Margin Survival

Chapter 728 Resistance, Confusion

As the saying goes: "At the end of the rushing wind, the strength cannot fluff; at the end of the crossbow, the strength cannot penetrate Lu Jin." It does not mean how weighty or solid the latter is, but to emphasize that the "momentum" of the former is already Exhausted.

Therefore, when the demoralized attacking party was able to gather a team again and appear below the city, the powerful private soldiers who were lingering on the city were completely dumbfounded.

It turns out that the Song people still had a hidden killer that they didn't use!

Right now, there is no question of ignorance. The reassembled army is obviously higher than their old opponents who have been entangled with them for three days. Just looking at the glamor of their costumes can reveal the extraordinary origins of this group of people .

"It's too wasteful to use this posture to attack the city, and it's almost the same to participate in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven! I don't know which honor guard of the tyrant was brought out by the Song army!"

The tyrant of course refers to the Taoist emperor Zhao Ji. Thanks to Wang Lun, his attention in Korea has increased exponentially recently. Of course, he is praised a lot, but there are also many who scold him. up.

The person who insulted Zhao Ji in front of him looks to be in his early thirties, and his identity is the deputy defense envoy of Guangzhou Nancheng of the Daren Kingdom. He speaks with a noble Renzhou dialect. dog".

"Brocade gowns in Wenwen, gold-painted belts, and big hats with golden flowers... Isn't this the attire of the king's Shenhu guards?" As the current head of the wealthy Min family in Guangzhou, it is obvious that he has seen scenes in the past few decades. Quite a few, it is much more reliable to see the origins of the new group of people below just by looking at them than the Renzhou kid just now recognized them as the guard of honor of the Song Army.

"The King's Shenhu left and right guards?!" The deputy defense envoy of Nancheng, who had just been embarrassed, repeated the judgment of his immediate superior in bewilderment.If you say he is from Wang Jing.How could he not recognize his new army?Reminiscent of the other party's context just now, the more he looked at the group of people in the city, the more something was wrong, and his eyes immediately became a little hostile: "Master Min, which king are you talking about?"

This person's question is strange, but it also tells the wonders of today's Goryeo.At this time, the sovereign who represented the unique royal power on this peninsula was not only everywhere, but he was no longer a rare commodity.

Master Min had a calm demeanor, facing this aggressive supervisor sent by Li Ziqian.At this time, without even lifting an eyelid, he said openly, "Your Majesty, Kaijing!"

It is very simple to distinguish the difference between Li Ziqian and Gong Qi. After all, Gong Qi has a shallow foundation, not to mention the appearance of the founding king, and his behavior is more like a monster. Li Ziqian should look more presentable.But it is necessary to distinguish between Li Ziqian and Wang Yu.But it is not such a simple matter.Fortunately, this Master Min is not a simple character, and he even used the regions where these two kings were.

"There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the people! Master Min's words are almost meaningless! Now that the enemy is facing us, my main force is to turn the tide. In fact, I am the unborn hero of our Daren Kingdom. Master Min is the Guangzhou defense deputy appointed by our king. An envoy and a defense envoy of Nancheng. How can you be so disrespectful to the king!?" As a native of Li Ziqian, he became popular because of Li Ziqian.To protect the big banner that belongs to them in Renzhou, they must spare no effort.

"The era of Kaijing came first, and the era of Wangjing came later. Even the current ruler of the Kingdom of Daren does not deny his past as a minister in Kaijing. Now I say 'the king of Kaijing'. How can I be against the ruler? Are you disrespectful?" Master Min asked with a smile.Although Wang Yu has become a prisoner of the Song people, and his family has also participated in the siege of Han Anren, but this person refuses to show the slightest disrespect to Wang Yu in his words, even though he never said Wang Yu took it seriously.

As for this method of using the disabled to suppress the living, the supervising army sent by Li Ziqian is really hard to resist.However, being selected by Li Ziqian to be sent to this city of Guangzhou to mobilize the tyrants to fight the Song army, he naturally has his ability, and he suddenly laughed dryly, "The young general just made a slip of the tongue, I hope the boss will not take it to heart!"

"What does the Song people say? We are grasshoppers on a rope now, we can't fly you, and we can't run away from me!" Master Min's tone was very indifferent, but it added to the authenticity of this sentence.

"What your lord said is very true! I just didn't expect that even the gang of Shenhuwei would rebel!" Nancheng's deputy defense envoy wanted to try his best to appear in harmony, and hoped that the distance between the two could be invisible through words, so he put The conversation turned to their shared threat.

Usually, this method can really deepen the cooperation and mutual trust of the people who are warming up together. Master Min is not as indifferent as before, "It's not just the Shenhuwei. In my opinion, the eight guards of Kaijing are all here! Get ready to burn the warehouse!"

"Burning warehouse!?"

The deputy defense envoy of Nancheng was shocked. Although he was the supervisor sent by Li Ziqian, fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness was naturally an important task within his responsibility, but the other party's firm suggestion made him very dissatisfied. Can the opponent's appearance be able to determine that one's own side will lose?What an excuse!If the food and grass are burned, it will be self-defeating. Even if the city is not broken for a while, it will not be able to hold on for a few days.

"This city is full of housekeepers and guards. How can they fight with these lord's personal soldiers? A dog that guards the house is a dog that guards the house. No matter how brave it is, it can't beat the wolf! You must not be easy to explain before the Lord!"

The Guangzhou defense deputy envoy didn't know if it was because of his age that his morale had declined. In short, what he said made the deputy general in front of him very dissatisfied.What a bad wolf, your useless people doesn't mean the people I brought are just as useless!

Regarding the anger of the young people, the old man has a keen insight into the fire. He knows what the other party's last support is, but it is a group of empty-eyed peasants temporarily recruited by Wang Jing. Those who are brave and ruthless about this bowl of rice, but what about these farmers?Do you expect to be supercilious after half a year of training?It's a wonder!

"Put on your supervising team, maybe we will lose faster! General Li, I have to remind you again, it is better to take your people to burn the food and grass! I will take the Guangzhou children to stand here until the last moment , after all, our family members are all in Wang Jing!"

Master Min hadn't finished speaking when he saw his nominal lieutenant general "swish" and suddenly drew out his saber. Master Min remained calm, he must have been a ruthless character when he was young, but he just looked at the man in front of him coldly.Unexpectedly, the other party cut off the blade on his left hand without warning, and in the blink of an eye, a bloody finger fell off the blade.

Even though the face of this pair was smothered into a sour purple color, he didn't cry out for a moment of pain, but just shouted: "My lord, let's see the young general's strength!"

"Okay, I wish you good news!" When he said this, Old Min's face became more vivid. After all, a dying person on the opposite side can't be too unkind.

Looking at the back of the lieutenant general who retreated angrily, Master Min sighed meaningfully.As a native of Guangzhou City, from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, it is said that Master Min’s ancestors have also been influenced by the kings of the Central Plains, and he does not reject being included in the Central Plains country again, and then wait for people like them to take advantage of the situation when the dynasty weakens. Get up, start the stove again.I believe that most people with similar identities think the same.

But the key point is that Marshal Song is a ruthless character. This person should be a master of Taoism who is well versed in the philosophy of combining hardness and softness.He clearly knows how to win over the majority, but not everyone.

For the untouchables and ordinary people, such news is undoubtedly a chance to change their lives that is almost impossible under the strict old system, but for them, the old tyrants with deep roots, the situation is not so optimistic. The meaning of spending a lot of money to buy them off, on the contrary, has the meaning of eliminating hidden dangers in advance.

Therefore, this Guangzhou tyrant was in a conflicted mood. He was unwilling to die for that great benevolent king, but he also firmly carried out Li Ziqian's order to strengthen the wall and clean up the country. All of this revealed his contradictory side.These powerful and powerful people who are used to being emperors of the earth can only drift with the tide of fate when they encounter more absolute power.

This taste is very foreign, and it is difficult to get used to. (to be continued~^~)

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