Water Margin Survival

Chapter 729 You want to rebel with thick eyebrows and big eyes?

The Song army who attacked the city, to be precise, should be the former Koryo Jing army who belonged to Liangshan (Great Song Dynasty), suddenly dressed in fancy clothes and faced the defenders on the city and acted like a god of exorcising ghosts and dancing. .

Because no matter what, these people used to be genuine soldiers of the lord of the country. No matter their reputation, status, or combat power, they were not comparable to the impromptu defenders on the city. Master Min's pessimistic and honest remarks: How can the people who take care of the home and the hospital get along with other professional soldiers?

In fact, he still has some reservations about what he said, and he didn't expose his own background.At this time, there are many guards in the city, in fact, they are not even counted as housekeepers.The caretakers of the nursing home are also eating the "brave and ruthless" bowl of dry food, but most of them are just ordinary male residents in this city.

Because their wives, children, and children were moved to Wangjing as hostages by Li Ziqian in the name of protection, most of them had no choice but to take up weapons, and they had no choice but to act as human shields to stop the soldiers of the Song Dynasty.Otherwise, based on their original intentions, although they would not eat a rice paddy pot to welcome Wang Shi, at least they did not reject the Song army from the south in their hearts.

The reason is very real. Song people came to divide the fields.

Therefore, compared with the Daren Kingdom, which is not dependent on the thirteenth year, the suzerain country's Anmin Program is more exciting.

Unfortunately, Li Ziqian is not a fool.These years of intrigue in his career have taught him that to drive others to work hard, the two best ways are to either buy him or force him.

But buying would cost money. Although most of the wealth south of Wangjing is now concentrated in Wangjing City, he is still not prepared to spend money on these dying people.then.He chose the second method.force.

As long as this city is guarded for less than half a month, everyone, including such powerful people as Mr. Min, will most likely never see their family members "protected" in Wangjing again.

Under high pressure, people often burst out with extraordinary potential.This is also the main reason why the Koryo servant army, which was in a hurry all the way from Gwangju to Chungju, suddenly collapsed.

It is ironic to say that although it is clear that this is a war between two countries, the servant army who served as the vanguard of the Song Army was replaced.Taking over was the Fanluo Army auxiliary force composed of Kaijing people. A battle to destroy the country was fought like a civil strife between the north and the south.

However, in sharp contrast to the bright armor, the siege equipment of the siege party is pitifully simple.

In terms of establishment, the Fanluo army belonged to the cavalry establishment. It was not equipped with siege tools at all, nor did it bring many craftsmen with the army like the Mongolian army of later generations.Therefore, the few patched building cars and ladders seized under the city of Luozhou.The rush car (door crash car), and because of the rush of time, only a relatively light ladder was carried in the end, and other heavy objects were handed over to the troops who cleaned the battlefield later.

The ladder is not the kind of elongated ladder that the infantry in the TV dramas of later generations carried to the city wall. It also has wheels and a carrier underneath.Just a lot lighter than a complex siege vehicle.This kind of siege equipment that sacrifices structure for portability is definitely not as powerful as a building car.

But the servant army used it more smoothly in the previous battles.After all, this is Korea. Although everyone has various secular identities as cover on the surface, you are a wealthy family, and he is a pariah, but they are all the same in their hearts, and everyone is a submissive.As long as you are strong enough to be invincible, he will obey you, if you can give him a way to survive.That's like reborn parents, going up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil, even if they are forced, they are still willing to go.

So this time the servant army suffered from empiricism and thought it was like Chungju and Cheongju. Everyone howled and pretended to fight, and the city was just like that.

"Li Zhishi, bring your people and suppress the defenders under the city with bows and arrows! You also have to keep your eyes open, what is robbing the city!"

Li Zhishi was Li Ziqian's supervisor in the southern army, and his current status is the leader of the servant army of the Great Song Dynasty.In general, Shi Wengong was very satisfied with this kid. After he recognized the reality, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and he was also very diligent all the way.It's just that his and this servant army's biggest shortcomings are surprisingly consistent, both of which are lack of ability, but Shi Wengong is not too demanding on this issue.

"Brother, let me take the Han camp with you! You are an expert in using cavalry, so you should concentrate on waiting for me to open the city gate for you!"

The chief general gnaws the bones, and the deputy waits to eat the meat. If this is spread, people will be scolded.What's more, the friendship between Su Ding and Shi Wengong for so many years, plus more than half a year of picking dung, has deepened into a deep friendship that never changes.

"You think I can't handle it?" Wang Lun's spoken language is quite popular among the leaders of Liangshan. It is said that Song Wan casually said to the hundred and ten leaders under his command after a meeting of the logistics system, "My words After the lecture, who is in favor and who is against?" As a result, everyone spread in private afterwards that this brother is so domineering, is he going to be transferred from his current job to lead the army in Korea?

Of course Su Ding knew that Shi Wengong was joking, but he still didn't want his brother to take the risk.If it is a fighting general in front of the battle, no matter who is sent out in this city, Su Ding will definitely not stop him.But in this siege battle, it was a battle of flesh and blood to meet the opponent's strong bow and crossbow, flint and giant wood... If there is any difference, Su Ding really can't imagine.Just when he was about to speak out to persuade him, Shi Wengong had already seen his worry and said with a smile:

"With the help of these hundred and ten brothers, the city of Guangzhou will definitely fall! No matter how bad it is, the golden ring armor with wild goose feathers on me is not good!"

Shi Wengong is just brave, but he is not from Meng Lang. The hundred and ten brothers in his words are exactly where his confidence lies.These one hundred people belonged to the Fan Luojun Han camp, and they were selected by Shi Wengong from among the soldiers under the Jiedushi in Tokyo and Zhuzhen. The only condition is: no matter what method you use, as long as you can support him under Shi Wengong Three strokes.

Don't underestimate these three tricks. When pawns fight for their lives on the battlefield, life and death are usually decided in just a few rounds.And it is not veterans who can make three moves under the hands of fierce men like Shi Wengong.It is from Huijiazi.The absolute lucky one on the battlefield.If the Han army is Shi Wengong's sharpest sword, then these hundred and ten people are the blade of the sword.

"You...you don't need to mention it!"

Su Ding didn't know the origins of these hundred people, but he was worried about the Yanling Golden Circle Armor that Shi Wengong was talking about. If it was the genuine product handed down by Xu Guan'er's family, there must be nothing to say, but this is just Hou Jian's imitation.Although the materials and workmanship seem to be very good, but how much effect they can really play, he really has no idea, and he can't help but regret that he didn't test it with real knives and guns in normal times.

"Uncertainty, lose cleanly! Well, the auxiliary soldiers are all active! You just lead people to meet in front of the south gate!" Shi Wengong patted Su Ding on the shoulder, and stopped entangled with him about whether he would go into battle or not. , simply looked back at Li Zhishi: "Is there any problem?"

"No!" As the leader of the servant army, Li Zhixi learned a lot of Hebei dialect from Shi Wengong and Su Ding these days.At this time, the word "no" was pronounced in a correct manner.

"Then take your place!" Shi Wengong waved his hand.



More than 4000 war horses galloped on the plain outside the city, their iron hooves beating the ground furiously, mixed with the beating of drums to aid in the battle, forming a powerful pressure enough to take people's hearts and souls, and they attacked the Korean strong men who were temporary guest soldiers in the city. Come.

After a week of demonstrations around the southern city, this huge cavalry returned to its original location.At this point it is divided into two parts.A small group of about a thousand riders gathered in front of the south gate, ready to sprint at any time.The other [-] riders were scattered around the southern city, and the sergeants began to dismount and mount arrows, ready to suppress the defenders on the city wall at any time.

No way, Li Zhishi’s servant army and the defenders on the city are actually half a dozen, and their composition is not entirely professional soldiers, and less than 1% of them know how to bow and arrow, so they only rely on them to perform the task of covering Shi Wengong.Su Ding was [-] worried.


After Su Ding ordered the first arrow to shoot, the terrifying array of arrows composed of black dots that killed nothing began to attack the city wall densely. The Koreans can't learn the bankrupt style of fighting the army even if they want to.

However, the defenders who have experienced the Song army's style of play have all learned to be thieves (those who can't learn to be thieves are all dead). When they heard the order of the sound of arrows, they reacted faster than the attackers, and hid in the pre-assigned "" Behind the "bunker", a door panel was removed from some unlucky house on top of the front, and it was used as a shield.

I don't know how many rounds of this kind of shooting I have dodged, and suddenly I heard someone shouting on the city wall: "Song thief is on the ladder!"

There are not many qualified archers in the city, and they have lost a lot in the three-day confrontation, so this round of defenders can only act as turtles.But the ladders of the people of Song Dynasty have already been put on the city wall, this turtle can no longer be a turtle, otherwise it will really be caught in the urn.

"Pour oil and light the fire!"

The deputy general of Daren State, who had cut off his fingers to show his determination, began to hide behind the door panel and shouted loudly. He knew that the Song Army's complete ladders were only five, as long as they were all destroyed, at least two or three days could be delayed. One step closer to the goal set by the country lord.

Anyone can make an abacus, the key is to look at the strength of both parties.

The attacking side's arrow array is obviously much sparser than the previous rounds, but the key is that the opponent's all-round coverage has become a short-distance coverage, that is, the five ladders' climbing area is the key point of care, and this wave of arrows There is almost no gap between the formations! ?

How can this be?Could it be that every Song army can make Lianzhu arrows fail?

Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe it, not to mention that many of the people below are not authentic Song soldiers. Could it be that the Song people can use demon magic?Whether it was curiosity or a sense of professionalism, he was driven to figure out the matter in front of him, but at the same time as he poked his head out, a sharp pain came from his scalp, and immediately warm blood flowed from his forehead. Next, the deputy general was obviously frightened, and shouted: "Is there any help for me?"

"It's saved! It's saved!" The entourage hurriedly lifted the collapsed officer up, and politely told him that the arrow just passed by, and didn't directly settle on his forehead.

The lieutenant swallowed the heart that had jumped into his throat, and then he remembered that he couldn't afford to bleed like this, so he hurriedly asked his confidant to wrap his head up first.It is said that they have been working in a hurry for a long time, but none of them was injured by Ruya, and the few relatives smirked and said: "Blessed by gods and Buddhas, our master's luck has come!"

I don't know if this is their luck, anyway, the Song army stopped shooting because their vanguard troops had already boarded the city.

I saw a soldier in heavy armor wielding his sword to frighten the mob at the other side, and at the same time plausibly dismantled the morale of the enemy army: "Whoever climbs the city first, will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver! I will spend together!"

In a daze, three or five more people may have successfully boarded the city, rapidly narrowing the local balance of power between the enemy and ourselves.Anyway, it doesn’t cost much to show off, I just heard the voice of this guy with a broken mouth continue to resound in this area: "I have won the first prize, and I can protect you! Believe me, I have a lot of face in front of the general of the Celestial Dynasty, otherwise what I will be sent to take the lead!"

The companions who climbed the city wall listened to this guy's performance with cold sweat. They were finally ready for a fight, but they didn't know that the desperate rhythm was disrupted by their own people, making them do it or not. No, very embarrassing.

In the end, the appearance of the supervising team brought everyone to an end to this brief but embarrassing confrontation, and the offensive and defensive sides finally took action in this relatively narrow area.

It's no wonder that Li Zhishi's servants were chased down when they entered the city before, but now there are more than [-] people in the capital who went to the city before the opening of the capital, and they still can't open the situation.At this time, from both sides of the city wall, and the four ladders built on the city (eventually the defenders burned one), it was very difficult to transport fresh troops to both sides, and it depended on who could survive to the end.

"Get out of the way!"

When the two sides were fighting inextricably, a very familiar shout sounded from the center of the Song army, and the auxiliary soldiers on the city were shocked: the Lord will come!

The guards near the city gate didn't understand why the opponent in front of them retreated like that, but by the time they realized it, it was too late.I saw a giant man suddenly grabbing out of the opponent's formation, holding a long spear as nimble as a snake's body, piercing through the crowd, letting you wear your armor but not your armor, sticking your body upright against the door panel, one shot will kill you. A column of blood.On the several zhang wide city wall, there was literally no one who was a single enemy of this perverted opponent.

If counted by the number of enemies killed alone, the combined record of the vanguard fighting for half a day is not as good as the number of enemies he can kill in this small half alone.

"Sharp Gun Invincible!"

"The sharp gun is invincible!!"

"Sharp Gun Invincible!!!"

The Koryo army, who were squeezed behind by the Han army who ascended the city one by one, couldn't use their strength, so they began to shout in unison.Shi Wengong unleashed his supernatural power, sweeping across the area with one shot at a time, his heart was burning with arrogance.

He is not a repressed character, but he has been repressed too hard in the past six months, and finally he encountered a bloody battle, to sweep away the depression in his heart, what a joy it must be!


Shi Wengong let out a long cry from the inside out, which resonated with the four or five sword and shield fighters around him, thinking that they were also born as defeated soldiers and captives!Those who are capable have no courage, and how many people who are ambitious can easily accept failure?At this very moment, the five of them are protecting their general on the city of Fanbang, one against a hundred, or even one against a thousand. What a magnificent and awesome experience. It's time to talk.


"I've tried my best, Li Ziqian can't blame me!"

Lord Min on the tower looked at the one-sided situation in front of him, and sighed softly.The left and right guards all advised him to abandon the city and leave, after all, the green hills were left behind, so he didn't have to worry about no firewood.Unexpectedly, this adult gritted his teeth and shouted: "Escape? Where are you going to escape! Follow me!"

After he finished speaking, he took the lead to go down the city, not knowing what to do, just following the Patriarch.Unexpectedly, Master Min walked to the gate of the city and was about to give the order to open the door to surrender, when he suddenly found an extremely familiar figure who would never appear here, waving the palm with obvious features of severed fingers, facing The guard ordered:

"Remember, I am the one who brought you to surrender to the Heavenly Dynasty today, and gave you a way out! If someone falsely accuses me of my innocence in the future, you have to come out and testify for me! Especially the one named Min!" (to be continued~^~ )

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