Water Margin Survival

Chapter 730 Fatal Negligence

For the first time, Shi Wengong sighed that it was not easy to seize more than [-] shi of grain and grass in a city outside Luozhou.

Whether or not the Koreans know how to fight, this question can only be said to be different from the beholder, and the wise see wisdom.Only his ability to fortify the wall and clear the field should not be underestimated.After all, this kind of talent was repeatedly inspired and verified by the Khitan people, who were the most powerful military country in the world at that time, and it was a life-saving trick that was so good at it.

Therefore, since the Liangshan army entered Yang Guangdao, regardless of whether it was a big city or a small town, or a market town or a village, when the army of the vanguard general Shi Wengong arrived, he would never be able to find much surplus food.

It can be said that Li Ziqian would rather burn all the food and grass that could not be taken away, and would never leave it to the Song army as military rations, so as to become the support for the opponent to continue to stay on the peninsula.

It is spring, and if the people of the Song Dynasty do not have ready-made supplies, even if they occupy the fertile plains, there is no way to get food and grass on the spot.After all, it is time to start planting rice seedlings from now on, and time is not on their side.

This means that they at least have to get supplies from Song State thousands of miles away.When Li Ziqian thought of the [-]-strong army, plus the huge burdens of untouchables and common people that the other party had put on his back, he seemed to see the scene of the defeat of the Song army.Hmph, I don't even need to go out of the city. With those tens of millions of mouth-watering food, I can eat you up.

They refuse to keep food and grass, let alone soft gold and silver.So much so that Shi Wengong lost the desire to clean the battlefield, and gradually formed a tacit understanding with the follow-up team, I just open the way, and you take over the rest.

"Reporting to Dutong, Tongzhi, there are two prisoners who want to see my brother. It seems that the city gate was opened to welcome us just now!" The soldiers of the Han army battalion who reported the news were actually from the regular army.Now those who call their official names and elder brothers are already full of quack spirit.

"Bring it up!" Su Dingjian said, giving orders.

When Su Ding gave the order, Shi Wengong maintained his authority without saying a word.When his subordinates took the order to go away, he said disapprovingly: "What are you calling these fellows to do? You and I are dirty. These fellows are nothing more than greedy for life and fear of death. I beg you to forgive me. I will not kill him at this time. But I'm too lazy to bother with him, so I just lock him up!"

Su Ding laughed, and said: "It's okay to meet, after all, these two can be regarded as an open door!"

"These two guys..." Shi Wengong had just opened his mouth, and his subordinates had already escorted two Koreans, one old and one young, who were worried. Dare to have the audacity to ask for help? When our army did not go to the city, you half-heartedly said no. Our army controlled the overall situation. You open the door and surrender! It’s really double-faced, ha!”

Shi Wengong's Korean accent is really not for fun, after all, most of his staff are Korean.At this time, the two of them were talking in a daze, and they both secretly guessed in their hearts whether this person was from Korea or Song.Why guess the identity of the other party?There is another allusion here.

If the people of the Song Dynasty can speak well, if they meet the people of Korea, these fellows have voted for new masters.Show off your might.He is more ruthless to his compatriots than anyone else, so in just over a month, there have been rumors everywhere that "it is better to meet the Song army than to surrender."

"May I ask where the General's Fairy Township is?"

Li Ziqian's supervising army never forgot to fight with this local tycoon surnamed Min, but at this moment he dared not argue with the other party, and could only watch helplessly as the other party spoke words he could not understand with the other party in a fluent Bianliang accent.

"Huh!? Tokyo speaks better than us?" Su Ding was taken aback. If it wasn't for the distinctive attire of this man, he would still wonder if he had met Song Jian. After all, there are many private businessmen in Dengzhou. Go to Korea.

I don't blame Master Min for worrying too much.After all, people with status in the Song Dynasty generally would not deliberately learn the Koryo dialect. In fact, the scripts of the two countries are basically the same, and the foundation of the same script has been laid. , and pick up the Korean dialect.So in their eyes, Shi Wengong is an outlier.

"What kind of relatives are you dating? What does this family have to do with you?" Shi Wengong used to be a "prisoner". The most annoying thing was that people asked him about his hometown, which made him feel like an interrogation, and immediately broke out: "I have something to say." Straightforwardly, fart as soon as you can! Don’t show off your old bullshit city mansion in front of the master. It was originally intended to save both of your lives, and it made me anxious, so I will be cut clean in two!"

The person who died at Shi Wengong's hand just now was not a hundred, but maybe eighty. Just now, he didn't feel any restraint, but when he got angry, his murderous intent filled the air, and the prisoner with the severed finger was so scared that he was dripping with cold sweat, and he knelt down and begged Said: "The general can't kill me, I opened the gate of the city, if word spreads, who will vote for Song in the future!"

"Why can't I kill you? If you are safe and sound, this general will set a bad example! In the future, if everyone learns from you, when we encounter a large army, we will fight first, and when we put the knife on our necks, we will not panic. Surrender quickly, do you think there is such a good thing in the world?" Although Shi Wengong was furious, his mind was still very clear.

Su Ding put his hands behind his back and didn't interject.Not only what Shi Wengong said just now is very reasonable, but also because these people are the key targets of Liang Shanbo. According to several military advisers, these people belonged to the powerful and powerful people in Koryo before. Not to mention the slightest gratitude, these people must be the root cause of future rebellion.

Although Shi Wengong pointed out that Wang Lun was competing with Zhao Ji for speed and time, but the situation of getting back by redeeming is destined to be fragile.Since these tyrants can team up to fight against their king, of course, they will also feel resentful in the future because Liang Shan didn't take good care of him.For the people of Liangshan, who have great ambitions to regain this old land, why not do it because of the great opportunity to cut off the cancer that has entrenched the peninsula for 200 years?

"Forgive me! The villain knows his mistake! General, grandpa, I don't want to die!" The supervisor cried with snot and tears, and he didn't have the fortitude and firmness when he severed his finger.In the eyes of fellow sufferers next to him, his current image is very funny, like a watchdog barking through the door, if he really opens the door to face the beast, he will be cowed immediately.

The age of knowing destiny makes it impossible for the Patriarch of the Min family to be like the junior around him, at least he still has some shame in his heart.He regrets it now.Whether it is determined to stand with Li Ziqian.Whether it is Jiang Song, we should be more resolute.Instead of getting a field like today, both ends are not settled well in the end.

"I don't kill anyone who is unknown, I will put him in prison and wait for the Marshal to deal with him!" Shi Wengong waved his hands with a bad face, as if to drive away two flies buzzing around his ears.To be honest, since I became the pioneer officer.He didn't sleep well.Although he usually looks very energetic, it was all forced out. Now that the overall situation has been settled, he would rather catch up on sleep and recover his strength than waste time with these guys.

"Who will follow behind us? Send people to urge them to take over the city! The army will rest here for the night, and the soldiers will dispatch to Wang Jing tomorrow morning!" Shi Wengong blinked his tired and heavy eyelids, and stretched his right arm, which was a little numb from fighting. , and didn't even look at the two captives who couldn't sell well.

But tiredness is exhaustion, the fierce general still looks quite high-spirited.Such an arrogant person like him.He has something in his heart and refuses to let it out. He received so many supercilious glances on Liangshan before, but now he has driven straight in, fought for thousands of miles and is invincible. Once he becomes famous, he will be shamed at the same time. Besides, he will be able to enter Dongyi's lair tomorrow. under.The famous generals who destroyed the country in ancient times were nothing more than that.How could Shi Wengong feel unhappy and proud?

This kind of honor does not only belong to Shi Wengong, Su Ding also follows him with pride.

"It's not Huazhizhai, or Zhang Dujian. Anyone else would not want to eat dirt behind our ass. Hebei Yuqilin, Pudongguan Dadao, hehe, I will send someone to remind me!"

Su Ding did what he said, called his own soldiers again, and arranged in a low voice.Shi Wengong waited for him to finish speaking.A few words and a few words decided the important matter, so they split up and arranged.After all, Guangzhou is also a relatively famous city in Koryo, at least as good as a middle county in the Song Dynasty. It still takes time to clean up the battlefield, and they might have to work overtime at night.

At this time, the role of the servant army is revealed. Although this group is not very good at fighting, at least they can share the worries of the regular army in these trivial matters.Their leader, Li Zhixi, had never thought of turning back since he stepped on Shi Wengong's "thief" boat in Naju.Li Ziqian may be able to forgive others if they turn around, but if he, a distant relative and the number one traitor, turns around, he will definitely be treated as a show of publicity.

With the hard work of more than 1 people, more than 7000 people in the Fan Luo Army finally got a good night's sleep.It was just dark the day before, and I slept until the next morning. When I woke up in the morning, someone thoughtfully slaughtered a batch of livestock captured in the city, stewed them all, and brought almighty kimchi. It flowed all over the place, but did not dare to overstep, but waited impatiently for the heavenly soldiers from the upper kingdom to use it first.

It seems that the level of this thing shows its powerful inertia all the time.In this small city of Guangzhou alone, the Koreans inside consciously divided themselves into five classes, which made the Han army in the city baffled. Although all the Koreans regarded them as the most powerful people, but these Song people didn’t seem to be very Buy it, and look at them with strange eyes.Fortunately, they did not interfere too much with the self-entertainment of the people nurtured by this land.

From the moment the city was broken, in less than one night, Guangzhou has become a microcosm of the high-level culture of Koryo. The auxiliary soldiers who have not been rewarded for the time being are ranked second, followed by the servants who followed Shi Wengong in Luozhou at the earliest, followed by the third rank, and those who joined the servants halfway were the fourth rank, and finally the fifth rank who had the least status Wait, naturally he is a prisoner of war in this battle.

These fifth-class people have a tacit understanding of their own status, and they can well reflect their self-discriminated hierarchical society when they meet each other.

Shi Wengong is no longer surprised, and this is not something he should worry about. When these people are born, including their parents, grandparents, and distant ancestors, they all live in a highly hierarchical society. How to reverse it?However, after being with these people for a long time, he also has some confidence, that is, no matter how much these people play, they don’t dare to play off themselves. In addition, they are still very self-disciplined and self-conscious in many aspects. Simply put, they are obedient , ruthless on the inside, cowardly on the outside.

After breakfast, there was no news of reinforcements yet. Shi Wengong was within easy reach of Wang Jing, and he didn't want to wait any longer. He simply led the Fanluo army first, leaving Li Zhixi here to guard the city and guard the prisoners. Of course, the city gate was still demolished, and it was Li Zhishi himself who took the initiative to demolish it, in order to show his loyalty to Shi Wengong.

Since Guangzhou City is the last line of defense of Daren Wangjing, it is not far from Li Ziqian's lair.If it weren't for the Han River between the two state capitals, it would basically be possible to arrive at dawn and at night.

Taking advantage of this early morning departure, Shi Wengong also wanted to try his luck, to see if he could gather ships by the river to build a pontoon bridge for the coming army.Anyway, as a pioneer, he is used to being a pioneer, opening roads when encountering mountains, building bridges when encountering water, these technical tasks are all familiar.

The army hurried forward, and before noon, the former army came to the bank of the Han River, and a vast white water blocked the way of the army.Shi Wengong sent an organized army to search along the river, but unfortunately, a miracle did not happen in the end. There was not a single usable boat in the tens of miles of river.Shi Wengong didn't get angry when he got the news, but he was a little anxious. After all, this is Wang Jing's last line of defense, and it's impossible for the Koreans not to guard against it.

"Cut down trees! Let's do it ourselves!"

When Shi Wengong gave an order, just as the army was preparing to be self-reliant, an unexpected news came from the scouts of the search team heading east: "Thirty miles away from here, there is a group of 4000-strong infantry marching towards Wangjing. It should be the local reinforcements who were recruited!"

The [-] Korean infantry is a scumbag in field battles. Shi Wengong felt that he could completely torture the opponent with only two battalions of the Han army.But if this group of people entered the city, with the cover of the city wall, the threat would definitely double.This seemed to give Shi Wengong a reason to send troops, not to mention, there was another risk that he had to take: they probably had ships!Logically speaking, how could Li Ziqian reject his reinforcements?

"Fuck him?" After observing Shi Wengong's expression for a while, Su Ding smiled understandingly.

"Apart from this group of people, have you found anything else?" Shi Wengong asked after pondering for a moment.

"Going back to the capital, I didn't find anything else! This place was originally Nanjing, one of the four capitals, and it's extremely lush, but now it's rare to meet a ghost shadow!"

The scout who patted his chest to guarantee Shi Wengong was a small leader from Goryeo. After all, the Han army and the local aborigines had different identities and could not understand the language.Therefore, the reconnaissance missions generally send the Korean battalion to appear.Who would have thought that all the Koryo scouts could successfully complete their missions, except for one negligence that almost killed Shi Wengong. (to be continued~^~)

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