Water Margin Survival

Chapter 738 Liang Shanbo was the first person to gain Shi Wengong's friendship

Bending the bow and setting the arrow, and then hitting the target, this is what the archery masters who rule the roost in the shooting range often do.Usually, such people cannot be called sharp archers for the time being, because they still need to prove themselves on the battlefield if they want to earn this title confidently.

When it comes to real battle formations, there are too many factors that can cause a soldier with good archery skills to perform abnormally. For example, being too excited or too scared when going to battle will lead to abnormal performance on the battlefield.

And more importantly, your target is usually alive. He has the same rich experience in the battlefield as you. Maybe you know how to kill him quickly. At the same time, he is also very good at avoiding risks and escaping from your hands Passed a catastrophe.

The head coach of the Koryo Frontier Army is such a person.

30 years of frontier army career, let alone other things, the experience of life-saving must be very rich, otherwise, before he became the new general of Shenhuwei, he would probably have become a dead bone in the tomb by the Datong River. I'm afraid it's been a dozen times.

Therefore, after his army was blocked by an arrow, his first reaction was to hide from the arrow, because he knew that as long as some vulnerable parts of the body were not directly hit, even if the other parts were forced to be injured by the enemy, there would be no life. Danger.It's a pity that his fortune-telling should be like this, and he unexpectedly met two of the best archers in Liangshanpo one after another. It was his good fortune to have a false alarm when he met Shi Wengong, but now he met Huarong, but he didn't know what to do. Not so lucky anymore.

Xiao Li Guanghuarong, who appeared on the battlefield alone, faced such a cunning and cunning expert.But not only did he not disappoint Shi Wengong.At the same time, he also taught Dongyi, who is known for being good at shooting, a lesson: killing people.It is not necessary to shoot the arrow at the target.

Seeing with his own eyes that the target fell to the ground, was knocked into the air by the panic-stricken subordinates behind him, and there was no movement after landing, Shi Wengong seized this opportunity and shouted in a high spirited voice: "Master Goryeo! Fu Zhu!"

Because of excitement, the first sentence subconsciously used Hebei dialect, but the second sentence was deliberately held back.He used a border accent that was despised by Koreans.Shi Wengong, who survived the desperation, finally didn't have to face this battlefield as a dead soldier this time. At this time, he turned back into the forward general of the Song Army who controlled the overall situation.

Because, he knew, there was absolutely no reason for Huarong to appear on the battlefield alone, and there must be a large group of cavalry behind him, but because of the relationship between Huarong and himself as the leader, the horses awarded by Huarong and himself were rare in the Song Dynasty. It was a thousand-mile BMW at first sight, so I let go of the main force.It's not a rare thing either.

What is really rare is that Huarong, as a leader who has never had a close relationship with him, Shi Wengong, did not choose to go with the large army according to common sense, but came to the rescue alone, both public and private.It's all too heavy.

Kindness without saying thanks!

Shi Wengong is a proud person.Some words are really hard to say, but this friendship, which is better than giving charcoal in the snow, is really remembered in my heart.


When he found out that Shi Wengong was still rushing headlong into the entourage of General Gao Li, Hua Rong didn't know what to say to him.Is it more important to show off the courage of the moment than to save the crisis?Look at the [-] Fanluo army that he was lying in ambush, how many are left at this time?Even if the remaining red-eyed people are basically injured, the situation is not good.Hua Rong sighed in annoyance, and was about to take over Shi Wengong's position to gather the whole army, but Shi Wengong's next move took him by surprise.

beheaded.Capture the flag was almost instantaneous.Shi Wengong, who had snatched the handsome flag of the Korean people, no longer fought, but quickly left the battlefield. At this moment, he did another thing, that is, while controlling the horse with his legs, he held the flag with both hands, and biting with his mouth, It didn't take long to tear up a handsome flag of the Korean people like a diaper. Only then did he return to normal, but he started to run around the field holding the captured battle flag high, and publicized the "killing" of the Korean general. when the news.

It wasn't until this time that Hua Rong finally felt relieved, it seemed that he had misunderstood this person.

To be honest, although Shi Wengong is usually not very likable, and he is not well received by the brothers on the mountain. Recently, I heard that he had conflicts with his brother-in-law (the reason was still the evaluation of Hao Siwen's incident), but when he Seeing the scene where his lonely figure launched a desperate charge to the enemy's heavy soldiers, Hua Rong suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

It is precisely because of this sense of identity that suddenly erupted under adversity that the two people who had little contact with each other, in such a hasty situation, cooperated very tacitly to complete a lore that was enough to turn the tide of the battle.You must know that although Huarong's team is on the way, the key is that the Fan Luo army can survive until now, it has already been overdrawn for a long time, and it may collapse at any time.

With this shot in the arm, coupled with the ebb and flow of the situation, not to mention that Song Jun immediately turned defeat into victory, at least maintaining the status quo can always support it.Everyone who heard of Huarong's arrival knew that the reinforcements were not far away.

Because of this, Huarong, who is not very good at the Korean dialect, did not join in the psychological battle, but relied on BMW's advantage to freely hunt and kill the officers of the opponent's army on the periphery of the battlefield.Wang Lun's "beheading operation" half a year ago has brought the theory of "capturing the thief first to the king" to the extreme. All the leaders in the field army are familiar with this.



I don't know how long it took before I saw the movement of a large number of cavalry beside the high ground where Shi Wengong had ambushed in advance.The first person to enter the sight of the warring parties was a short and strong Korean.Hua Rong, who was fighting outside, couldn't help smiling when he saw this. This commander, who seemed to be called Park Sang Yin, cried heartbroken when he first met the army by the Han River, which left a deep impression on Hua Rong.And he was running at the forefront at this time, it seems that Shi Wengong's leadership of the Fan people is still very effective.

As expected of Shi Wengong's soldier, as soon as Pu Shangyinfu appeared, he began to preach loudly:

"The Marshal of the Great Song Dynasty personally brought a hundred thousand troops here. Brothers, hold on for a while, and don't let these bastards run away!" (To be continued~^~)

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