Water Margin Survival

Chapter 739 The Marshal Has Been Watching You All The Time

Any veteran can tell the movement of 10 people and 1 people.What's more, Huarong's reinforcements actually only had 1 riders, not even [-].

But who told the Koreans to make dumplings for a long time, they just couldn't close the skins.Not only did he not eat the dumpling stuffing that he thought was safe, but he accidentally folded the coach.At this moment when they were at a loss, there was another turmoil in the external environment, and the damage to their almost slack military spirit could be imagined.

After all, the thousand Song troops have already killed the Koryo frontier army, and they can't stop. If there are another three to five thousand or even hundreds of thousands of new troops, this battle should not be fought, and they can simply dismount and surrender.

"It's a pity and hateful, it's too hateful!!"

Everyone can see that this group of rebels is at the end of their strength, and General Zheng, who took over the command position of the general, knows it well. If he is given another half an hour, no, even one or two sticks of incense, he will definitely If he can completely wipe out this group of rebels and the Song army, even if the Song army's reinforcements arrive at the scene, he will be able to deal with it calmly.But the current situation can only make him vent his depression with "three things".

To be honest, the casualties of the Koryo frontier army at this time were not considered large, and it was roughly estimated that they lost a little more than [-]%, definitely less than [-]%.

In fact, besides underestimating the opponent's strength at the beginning, the Koryo frontier army was caught off guard for a while. At that time, the loss reached a certain amount. Nature made the Koryo frontier army pay more attention to their own safety. In layman's terms, they were like thieves, and they were not as desperate as they were at the beginning.This also just confirms from one aspect why Fan Luojun can last for so long.If there are not a thousand Han troops to open the situation.I'm afraid that the Koryo frontier army in the posture of a lion fighting a rabbit has already chewed up the opponent's three or five bites.

If you don't take it, you will be to blame.This common saying from the people of Song Dynasty almost reached the heart of Vice General Zheng.It's a pity that everything in this world can be sold, but there is no regret medicine to sell.

Presumably, if the general on Huangquan Road still has a trace of spiritual consciousness, he will definitely be the same as himself, and his intestines will be regretful, right?

But I have to say, this battle is still rewarding.That's when his official career suddenly became clear. Yes, although it was a very unsuccessful ambush, the person who was lying in front of him like a mountain fell down.


Gathered the team that was originally used to deal with the ambush of the Song army. At this time, Vice General Zheng gathered about 4000 Korean frontier troops. Although he had lost his fighting spirit from top to bottom, Vice General Zheng did not intend to be so disheartened. fled, though he had given the order to retreat.But the forward of the army did not choose to flee in a deserted place, but pointed the target at the small group of old enemies directly in front.

If you want to escape, you have to vent your anger before you escape.Otherwise, it would be too demoralizing.Originally Tuo Junjing was the laughing stock of the Koryo frontier army, maybe after this battle, the protagonist who became the joke will be replaced.

"Fight. Fight them!"

I didn't expect to be able to turn defeat into victory in such a vicious environment.The survivors following Shi Wengong's execution of the beheading operation were all extremely excited. Some guy whose brain was dizzy took the lead in shouting, which actually attracted echoes from all around.It seemed that there were not four thousand cavalrymen in front of them, but heads waiting for them to come forward to harvest.

"You're all fucking crazy? Withdraw from me and hand over the battlefield to the friendly army!" Shi Wengong came out from nowhere, and held up the broken handsome flag that he had waved all over the field, and yelled "swearing "He looked at his subordinates who were already a little abnormal.

To say that the best order to execute on the battlefield is almost to flee.Everyone was scolded by Shi Wengong into silence, and finally they escaped like enlightened before the soldiers came.

Vice General Zheng, who had no choice but to leave the stage, did not get much soup.It's not enough to be entangled, and retreat to the upper reaches of the Han River with people's hatred. At this time, the two troops who fought fiercely with the Han army and Su Ding also started their own retreat.

"Bang, bang..."

The generals and soldiers of the Han army, who were still angry in front of the enemy, were constantly falling off their horses. It was not that the Koreans killed their carbine, but that they were already in a state that could be equated with the exhaustion of oil and lamps. It's not all based on the breath in my chest, I'm afraid I can't hold it anymore.

"Order all the medical officers of our department to stay and help rescue the friendly army! Hurry up!"

It just so happened that Ji Ji led three battalions of cavalry through the bloody battle between Fan Luojun's Han camp and Koryo frontier army. The bloody scene in front of him had refreshed this gangster from eastern Zhejiang's new understanding of the cruelty of war.

"General, the medical officers of our three battalions have all been left behind. Brothers, what should we do if there is a mistake? Everyone still has to carry out the pursuit mission! Besides, these guys are all barbarians surrendering troops, so they are not worth it..." Obviously Shi Wengong and Su The bad consequences of being unpopular at the top have extended to the grassroots level of the army. At this time, a commander under Ji Ji seemed very disapproving of his order to keep the medical officer.

"Fart! Open your dog eyes and see, these are brothers from the Han army camp! If you are disrespectful, I will transfer you to the Fan Luo army! Besides, if the brothers are injured, I will go to Lei Jiong and General Hua. Call the medical officer!"

Ji Ji came to the mountain late, and compared to Pang Wanchun and Lei Jiong, his prestige in this new team is still low, but it doesn't mean he can't speak hard words.

Sure enough, Ji Ji lost his temper, and the commander did not dare to stand up, so he had to follow suit.At this time, the soldiers of the Han army battalion, who were panting in various postures, tried their best to make themselves look more decent, and at the same time saluted the reinforcements with tears in their eyes.


Ji Ji rubbed his reddish eye sockets, and secretly cursed that the "sandstorm" was too big, which made him a little uncomfortable.In fact, going up the mountain late also has the advantage of going up the mountain late, that is, he doesn't have much opinion of Shi Wengong.As a passable general in bow and arrow, he can realize how rare it is to have a person who has perfected his archery skills and also possesses terrifying martial arts skills.Now it seems that Shi Wengong not only has nothing to say about his personal martial arts, but also has a good command of soldiers.According to Ji Ji's silent calculations, the casualties of the Han army seen just now may be more than [-]%. If this figure is replaced by his new army, it may be collapsed, but this group is forced to give up. It was incredible to carry it down.

To survive such a fierce battle, everyone is a treasure!Although Ji Ji was born in Ye Luzi, he had listened to the lectures of the martial arts hall a few times.I heard from those old "guys" that soldiers like this who have gone through bloody battles are definitely the subordinates that all leaders dream of.That's why Ji Ji ordered without hesitation to let the medical officer stay to participate in the rescue, and he could save only one person.

Alas, such veterans are exactly what their Ma Shijun, which has not yet opened, is lacking. It would be great if they could transfer a group of them.Even if it is the Koryo battalion other than the Han army.However, this idea is destined to be only an idea and cannot become a reality.

Because after the Battle of Kaijing, Wang Lun had the idea of ​​breaking up the Goryeo soldiers and joining his various teams, but Xiao Jiasui's advice made him dispel this idea: Liangshan will inevitably use troops in the Song Dynasty. Mixing a large number of Koreans will definitely bring a series of unnecessary troubles.

Wang Lun's remonstrance was frequent, so he took the initiative to form the Fanluo army alone.Ji Ji felt that it was almost impossible for him to transfer people from the Fan Luojun, so he had to leave the scene with regret.But fortunately, there is a chase ahead, which is also a good opportunity to train soldiers.

Hua Rong obviously understood the significance of this pursuit battle, so after returning to the command position, he devoted himself to the first battle since the establishment of the army.Fortunately, his debut was much better than the bloody battle Shi Wengong encountered at this time.

While the reinforcements roared past, Shi Wengong and Su Ding were like two wounded wolves, each licking its own wound.Park Sang Yoon took a few lucky ones who were not injured and cleaned the battlefield.

About half an hour later, there was no news from Huarong that another cavalry came from the lower reaches of the Han River, which made Shi Wengong and Su Ding really nervous again, because the mountains and rivers were so poor that they couldn't even send scouts. They really couldn't tell whether it was the enemy crossing the river or their own reinforcements.

Fortunately, this time, the scout finally worked hard and brought the news of the comer in time. It turned out to be Zhang Qing's team without a feather arrow.

Shi Wengong and Su Ding looked at each other with wry smiles, looking at the [-] troops who landed on Liangshan, only Hua Rong and Zhang Qing, they were willing to help Shi Wengong. The former was because of his peaceful nature, while the latter was feeling the pressure because he had not done anything for a long time.

After roughly listening to the battle situation introduced by Shi Wengong, Zhang Qing didn't stay long. After leaving behind two battalions of cavalry, he and Zhongjian Hu Ding Desun and Hua Xianghu Gong Wang led the main force to chase Hua Rong. The wind comes and goes in a hurry.

However, for Shi Wengong and his Fan Luojun, there is another great news coming, that is, Huitianying actually rushed over with Zhang Qing. Shi Wengong and Su Ding, two cold-faced men, met An Daoquan It's "Mr. superior" and "Emperor physician inferior". They are simply respectful. Even if they meet Wang Lun, they don't necessarily have such a low profile.

After carefully inspecting the [-] injured places on Shi Wengong's body, An Daoquan was relieved, and ordered his disciples to bandage Shi Wengong, and at the same time asked Su Ding to remove his armor. , I’m afraid I’ve fallen down early after a long time, the imperial doctor should go and treat other seriously injured brothers!”

"General Su, I'll see if there are any fatal injuries. It won't take much effort! If you and I spend too much time talking, it will waste time and disappoint the Marshal! Before I came, the Marshal emphasized repeatedly, Be sure to ensure the safety of you two! You know, he has been paying attention to you all the time!"

Su Ding told An Daoquan to keep his words in his throat, and he had no place to feel for a while, so he had to obey.Unexpectedly, just as he started to remove the armor, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, immediately his throat was blocked, a stream of black blood spurted out, and at the same time he fell backwards. (to be continued~^~)

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