"This, how is this possible!?"

Li Ziqian, who was laying on the ground to avoid stone bullets because of being "taken care of" by a Song army's seven-pointed artillery, yelled angrily: "What kind of artillery is the Song army using? Why can it be fired more than 200 steps away?" Come here!? Where’s our cannon? What are you doing?! Why aren’t you firing back!?”

Although Wang Jing's garrison is a new army that has been in the army for less than a year, it still has a complete set of defensive weapons such as trebuchets, and its craftsmanship is even higher than the instant-made utensils currently being used by the Song army. Much finer.In addition, the materials used are also dehydrated wood, unlike Song Jun who used freshly felled wood.Therefore, in terms of durability, the equipment of the attacking side is definitely not as durable as the stone cannons of Wang Jing's defenders.

But the key point is that the Koreans at this time can't be proud at all, because the opponent has an advantage that they can't catch up with, that is, "I can beat you, but you can't beat me!"

In the face of Li Ziqian's anger, there were still people who dared to respond, only to see a general prostrate on the ground angrily said: "Your Majesty, Zeng Gongliang has wronged the country!"

Zeng Gongliang was a political figure in the "Song State" who was active in the three dynasties of Renzong, Yingzong, and Shenzong, and had nothing to do with Goryeo.But the group in front of him blamed him for being beaten.Not that it doesn't matter at all.

It turned out that the root cause was that this person once edited a very important official military book of the Song Dynasty, called "Wu Jing Zong Yao".

This book is not only an important classic for scholars of later generations to study the military affairs of the Song Dynasty, but also one of the treasures for Koryo Xiaobang to steal teachers and learn skills at this time.

It doesn't matter if you haven't fought the battle of Guandu or Feishui, you haven't created the rule of Wenjing.The rule of Zhenguan does not matter.In short, it doesn't matter if you haven't seen the world for hundreds of years!Why?The suzerain country of the Central Plains has seen it!Well, what father has, isn't it son's, just use it directly!Therefore, the catapults used by the Koreans to guard the capital at this time were all built according to the pattern of "Wu Jing Zong Yao".

But Li Ziqian, who was depressed, just couldn't figure it out, it was all invented by the people of Song Dynasty.How could it be so that the beatings alone are not enough?Even being superstitious, he once slandered, could it be that this ghost still recognizes his master!

The reason finally fell on Ling Zhen.

Ling Zhen is known as the number one gunner in the Song Dynasty, so it's not for nothing.When I was in Kaijing, I recognized the origin of the Korean siege equipment. I even joked about it with Wang Lun at that time, "It is better to have no books than to believe in books!"

Yes, some data in the "Wu Jing Zong Yao" written by the official of the Song Dynasty are purely deceitful.

Especially the range of the catapult.All shrank really badly.For example, the maximum shooting range recorded by the single-shoot gun is 250 to [-] steps, but according to the actual combat record of the anti-golden battle in the private book "Xiangyang Shouchenglu", it can reach [-] steps, a difference of three to five times.

Of course, this can also be understood as technological progress.But there is an important problem. If the range of a trivial and complicated trebuchet is not as far as that of a bow and arrow or a hard crossbow.It was not eliminated by the cruel war.It was also said by Zeng Gongliang that "every cannon is a sharp weapon in the army, and it is used by both offensive and defensive divisions." Is it logically credible?

But the Korean people believed it, and they built these things that looked like a bluff and had high hopes, thinking that with the wisdom of these Song people, they could stop the Song army.

As everyone knows, borrowing doctrine is not a panacea.Now Ling Zhen let them see what it means to dance a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

"How can the country's sharp weapon be shown to others? Zeng Mingzhong's defense is today's situation. These guys are still complacent, thinking that they have stolen our country's sharp weapon, and I'm afraid it's a little too tender!" The army's gaffe at this time, after all, in their minds, the stone cannon with a maximum range of only 200 steps was fired at a super long distance of more than [-] steps.

Sometimes fighting is like wrestling two people's arms. If one party has the upper hand, the other party will inevitably fall into the disadvantaged position.At this time, the morale of the defenders on the city wall plummeted, and the morale of the soldiers charging under the city wall naturally rose.Although both sides are authentic Koreans.

Except for a few soldiers who stumbled in the traps that were not cleaned up, generally speaking, the distance of tens of feet in the initial stage was relatively smooth.

When the ladders, building carts, and rushing carts were less than thirty feet away from the city wall, the real test came.

The densely packed arrows and crossbow bolts rushed towards the dozen or so teams of soldiers attacking the city like a storm.The "hail" mixed in the meantime: the dung bombs of the Koreans made the advancing soldiers suffer a lot.Not for a while, all the siege equipment they pushed were not spared, and became stinky.

This is still good, the nausea is a little disgusting, but not fatal.What is miserable is that the soldiers who were directly hit by dung bombs lay on the ground and howled in pain. Don’t look at this as mud bombs mixed with feces and mud. It's broken bones.

Looking at the comrades walking along the way, many people just folded and wailed halfway like this, which undoubtedly hurt morale.In the past, with the storm of arrows and mud bombs of this intensity, everyone had already dispersed without a trace, and they went to hide wherever they were cool.

But the few words Li Zhishi said during the mobilization before the war were really useful. Either the people in the city died, or they died.Song people can still retreat to the Song Kingdom, but where else can they retreat?

Enduring the stench and timidity, many soldiers lowered their heads, unconsciously pushing the siege equipment in front of them numbly, and at the same time prayed in their hearts for their own divine apparitions, so that those cold and sharp weapons that harvested life would stay away from them.


When the car slammed into the city gate and produced a huge recoil, the staggering siege team realized that they had walked the road of life and death.Survivors looked around subconsciously, counting the names of people who were no longer there.When they saw that there was actually a team starting from the big formation, braving arrows and stones, and starting to rescue their comrades who had fallen in the middle, they couldn't help but burst into tears.

"It seems that the Generalissimo doesn't want to give us pensions, it's better to save people!" A thin man with red eyes obviously has the potential to be a dead duck (hard mouth).

"You bastard, our pension will be given to you, can you die for me!" Everyone cursed.

The thin man stuck out his tongue, and didn't answer any more, he just tried his best to beat the flames on the roof of the car. Seeing this, everyone lost their minds for a while, and devoted themselves to their respective tasks.Then, only the sound of "Boom, Boom" resounded under Li Ziqian's last fortified city.

At the same time, the battle for the city wall was also fought vigorously.

With the support of the Song army's follow-up array of god-armed bows, the defenders on the city hardly dared to straighten their waists, because many crenels were flattened by the Song people's stone cannons, and their bowed waists were not enough. Safe, but how would you stand up with your whole body and be a living target for the Song army under the city?

What's more, the area around each ladder must be the focus of the Song Army's crossbow array. Many flying hook masters just showed up to destroy the Song Army's ladders, and they would find a few more holes in their bodies.Of course, this is definitely not because the people of the Song Dynasty are all accurate, but they are equipped with a lot of magic arm bows and enemy bows, so when they engage in covering shooting, they basically don't care about the loss, but only look at the curative effect.

The lessons learned from the past are so cruel that many of the sharp weapons of the city guards, such as Spike Pai and Yi Yiye, have no chance to show up at all. Even though the officers guarding the city shouted loudly, many soldiers who were almost on the battlefield for the first time did not dare to step forward. Dare half-squatted and raised his spear, waiting tremblingly for the Song army who was about to appear in front of him.

"Going up?! It's that simple!?"

Zhu Wu was a little dumbfounded.After all, this is a strong city with 30 defenders!He has already made enough mental preparations.He never thought that the first time he used Goryeo's servants to rush up the city wall, this huge contrast made him feel unrealistic. Li Ziqian couldn't be so sloppy?

But the facts repeatedly impacted Zhu Wu's senses. More and more servants ascended the city from the dozen or so ladders. Except for the rushing cars at the gate of the city, which were still hitting the gate one after another, most of the battles were transferred to the city wall. superior.So much so that Ling Zhen's group of stone cannons stopped attacking, and the temporary guest gunners began to carry out the difficult stone cannon forward.

"My brother! Even these guys have attacked, what else do you have to say? If you don't call me Tie Niu at this time, when will you call me! My ax has long been exhausted!"

Li Kui, who sneaked out of the formation, went to the Chinese army to ask Wang Lun to fight, and did not forget to run on Wang Lun in his words.

Wang Lun ignored the black guy, but concentrated on analyzing the situation in front of him.In fact, he and Zhu Wu had similar intuitions, and they both felt that it was incredible to attack the city wall so quickly.But one's own side's advantage on the battlefield is very obvious. If you don't fight at this time, the previous batch of people who rushed up will be in vain.

"Military Master Shenji, say something for Tieniu! Could it be that you still remember my grudge?"

Seeing that Wang Lun ignored him, Li Kui went directly to Zhu Wu.At this time, the situation on the battlefield has made new progress. In each attack team, except for the soldiers protecting the ladder, there is almost no follow-up.The soldiers had either already climbed the wall, or were on their way up the wall.

"Brother, maybe we really overestimated this group of people! Why don't we let Tieniu go up and arch?" Zhu Wu gave his suggestion at this time.Seeing this, Li Kui looked at Zhu Wu very kindly, patted his chest and said, "I know you are a good person, next time I will tie (help) you!"

Zhu Wu smiled wryly when he said that, and bowed his hands to Li Kui as if convinced, and then his eyes fell on Wang Lun, the commander of the whole army.

"Li Kui returns to the team as soon as possible. If he runs around again, the military law will be followed! Military advisor, please ask Shi Wengong to send the second team up, and order the trapped army to stand by as the third team!" For some reason, Wang Lun was still a little uneasy. So much so that a slightly conservative decision was made. (to be continued~^~)

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