To say that during the siege, the morale of the assault infantry should gradually decrease.After all, watching the teammates around him fall one by one, panic can easily overwhelm the mentality of revenge and occupy the whole mental state.

But today is different. The first batch of more than [-] Koryo servants can be said to have subverted this practice.Although there were casualties along the way, and they weren't too small, the fear of a narrow escape was gradually dissipating, especially when they found that the opponent in front of them seemed so weak and deceitful, their fear was relieved.Then everyone showed a completely different state from the beginning, aggressively pressing down on the defenders on the city wall and fighting.

Seeing that at this time, the city walls on both sides of the Zhengnan Gate of Wang Jing gradually formed a criss-cross pattern.With each ladder on the attacking side as the center, most of the radius of more than ten feet was occupied by the Song army.But their surroundings were also cut off by defenders who still hadn't given up their resistance.It is like the same chain divided into two colors, one link is tightly interlocked.

Of course, in the face of these opponents, most of whom were not even fully equipped with armor, the servant army who had already conquered the city would of course be dismissive.Their current attention is all focused on capturing the city gate.Because as long as the South Gate is won, there will be no suspense in this battle.After all, in the battle by the Han River, the fighting power of the heavenly soldiers completely overturned their old impression: I knew they were ruthless, but I didn't expect them to be so ruthless!

With this "simple" idea in mind, the soldiers of the servant army who ascended the city began to show extraordinary combat effectiveness.In fact, it's not normal if they don't blow up. After all, their opponents are just private soldiers who guard the house and guard the courtyard, and they are more than enough to run rampant in their own fields.But on the regular battlefield, they really fight with people.There is always something missing.

On the other hand, these servant soldiers, although their origins are not too different from them, but they have been engaged in actual combat since Gwangju, and their combat experience is much richer than these people. Don't underestimate this experience. Complete abuse of these rabble.

not to mention.There is also a behemoth behind them that is enough to boost their morale to the highest point.

"Take Wang Jing to eat!"

"Take Wang Jing to eat!!"

I don't know who shouted, and the soldiers on the attacking side shouted in response.

There is a characteristic of the Korean people, that is, the group mood is very easy to go to extremes. Sometimes it is so low that it can be called the five scum of the war, and sometimes it is so excited that it is impressive. These two points can be clearly seen.

The morale of the attacking side is actively moving closer to each other, while the defenders on the front line of the city have been retreating steadily, and there is even no way to retreat.Quite a few people were squeezed off the city wall tens of feet high, and bid farewell to this world in an extremely disgraceful way.The local annals of the peninsula will record their behavior at this moment and characterize it: they hindered the great unification with stupid actions without understanding the meaning.If with their help Li Ziqian finally succeeds, the people of the five counties will be enslaved for generations, losing the last chance to return to the big Chinese family, and living forever in the darkness of ignorance.

I won't say much later.It is only said that the Koryo defenders have been unable to resist.Right at this moment.A rush of drums sounded on the tower of the south gate, which alarmed the soldiers on both sides who were fighting.

This is a signal.

No one denies this, but the key is what kind of trick Li Ziqian is going to play?It didn't take long for the answer to appear in the eyes of the soldiers who attacked the city wall. Groups of soldiers hiding in the houses on the edge of the city to avoid bombs rushed out from their hidden areas, crossed the group of catapults that had been smashed to pieces, and gritted their teeth. He rushed to the four boarding paths on the left and right sides of the tower.

"What's going on!?" Zhu Wu noticed the abnormality on the city wall, and couldn't help frowning. At this time, the offensive of the attacker was blocked for the first time. territory.All a little unstable.

"Why is the stone cannon dumb? Order Ling Zhen to beat me hard, tell him not to be stingy with those stones, and smash all the bedbugs hiding in the crevices for me!" Wang Lun waved his hand fiercely, and he Before, I always felt that something was wrong, and things were progressing too smoothly, because Li Ziqian still had a trump card in his hand and did not use it.

If the opponent left room, Wang Lun would inevitably be a little conservative in his actions, and his defense would be to prevent any moths from the opponent at critical moments.Well now, Li Ziqian's trump card was revealed, Wang Lun was finally at ease, and it was time for them to experience Liang Shanjun's trump card.

"Tell Li Kui that his ax is ready to use now! Let him attack the left section of the city wall, and Shi Dalang will lead his men to attack the right section of the city wall!"

Seeing Wang Lun mention Shi Jin's name, Zhu Wu's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned around and issued Wang Lun's military order to the herald beside him.When the people left, Zhu Wu turned around and said with emotion: "Brother is willing to give them this chance to prove himself, and my younger brother thanked them on behalf of Dalang!"

Wang Lun waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, and his eyes stayed on the attacking army.It's not that he is biased, but Shi Jin is much more worry-free than Li Kui.

There are no traps, no blocking, and the charge before climbing the city is like a sprint without any surprises or dangers.The entrapment army who successfully arrived at the city found that they would not be able to enter the city for a while.It turned out that the second echelon of the servant army was standing in front of the encroaching army, and was struggling to send troops to the city.

The Koryo frontier army is indeed Li Ziqian's last capital. Compared with the powerful private soldiers before, it is like the difference between adults and children.Compared with the servant army in the city, the cooperation between narrow areas is only high but not low.The servant army, whose armor, weaponry, and morale were clearly not inferior to the opponent, encountered this group of people, as if they had hit a wall.Although it hit the wall with stone chips flying, but the one who paid the greater price was the bloody former.

Seeing that the situation on the city wall is gradually being reversed, and the follow-up reinforcements cannot be replenished in time, the result can only be that all previous efforts are wasted and the work is wasted.Fan Rui frowned, and yelled towards the nearby ladder ten feet away: "Tie Niu, we can't wait!" It was rare for Li Kui to show a tacit understanding in front of Fan Rui, and soon his loud voice resounded through the city wall. Next: "Everyone get out of the way, let us go first!"

The servant army has always been afraid of the Song army's entry into the tiger, and their direct superiors Shi Wengong and Li Zhishi were not around.Who dares to disobey Li Kui?At the moment, the little bosses who know a little bit of Chinese have echoed.Many people jumped off the ladder in embarrassment to make way for the heavenly soldiers blocking behind them.

Li Kui was the first to climb up the ladder, like a black bear going forward, and the servants who were crowded to give way were staggering, and some people even lost their center of gravity and fell from the ladder, but these people who were squeezed away not only did not complain.Instead, he thought to himself with incomparable admiration: "The Celestial Dynasty is indeed full of talents, and wars require such peerless generals!"

If Li Kui knew that he had become the spokesperson of a peerless fighter in the hearts of others, he wondered if his tail would go up to the sky.But facing the powerful soldiers of the Korean frontier army, Li Kui is really a peerless killer.We must know that when the army of the army was still called the army of the army, the battle of fame was poured with the blood of the elite garrison troops in Hebei.

In a small army formation in a narrow area, apart from Wu Song's subduing tiger army, the most skilled one is Li Kui's trapping army, and Bao Xu came as the deputy attacker.When the shield bearers Bao Xu and Li Gong were in place, a terrifying group of four appeared in front of the Koryo frontier army.


Unexpectedly, it was not Li Kui who flaunted his teeth and claws that first made his opponent popular, but Bao Xu who was Li Kui's striker. His Sangmen epee just cut off the chest armor of an unlucky shield player.After this person was knocked off the shield by Li Kui's double axe.The key point was immediately exposed to Bao Xu.With the tacit understanding of these two killing gods, there was absolutely no reason for this man to survive. He saw a stream of blood sprayed on Bao Xu's face. Unexpectedly, this made this man even more excited.


The Koryo frontier army, which was fighting smoothly, could not tolerate such a setback. A man who looked like a general came to kill Li Kui with a knife. superior.In the midst of this flash of fire, the long knife in the hand of the Korean was cut off by the axe.An unlucky Goryeo soldier died under a broken blade that flew suddenly, and the owner of the broken blade around his neck could not escape the same fate of death.A small red silk flying knife has passed by his throat.

Li Kui suddenly made a voice like a wild animal, expressing his depression in a very hurt way, what happened to this group of people today, I just don't want to make me happy! ?

Regardless of whether Li Kui is happy or not, it is bad luck for the opponent. I saw him simply abandoning his teammates and rushing into the enemy's formation naked. When Xiang Chong saw it, he rushed and said: "Brother, wait! I was wrong!" Isn't that enough?"

Compared with Li Kui's instant change of the battle situation, Shi Jin's side is not far behind.What Li Kui showed here was the simple and brute force method of breaking the shield, while Shi Jin showed the comprehensiveness that a high-ranking student who is a coach of 80 imperial troops should have.

The shield formation of the frontier army, which had suffered a great loss for the servant army, not only lacked the domineering spirit just now, but was like a target in front of the three armies of Liangshanbu.All I saw were five or seven spear masters who took the lead on the battlefields, arranging flowers from left to right, taking turns with heavy guns in their hands, stabbing their opponents like turtles turned upside down, lobsters peeled off their shells. You slaughter.

Of course, there are still technical streams and non-mainstream methods that don't use the flower-arranging shield-breaking method. They only greet the legs of the shield player who can't take care of them.

No one expected that the shield array that the Goryeo frontier army used against the tribe's savages who were alone and dismounted would be completely useless in front of the Song people.

Also, how can the apprentice's moves be so difficult to beat the master?Whether it is compared to wisdom, technology, background, fighting spirit, or experience, what point can this group of people on the opposite side show?

Of course, if it is vicious, Li Ziqian has the right to speak, "Play the drum again!"

"Your Majesty, our own people are also in the city! Please think again!" The meaning of this order, even the direct line generals couldn't stand it anymore, and spoke bitterly.

"What the hell are you thinking? Think again, the Song army is coming to this king!" Li Ziqian gritted his teeth and said, since he can't even win the opponent's trump card, then he can only choose to die together.

"Dong dong dong..."

The drums of the Korean people resounded above the city gate again. This time, what appeared at the base of the city wall was not the powerful private soldiers, nor the Korean frontier army, but Li Ziqian's real direct descendant.

Although the combat effectiveness of this army is not much stronger than that of powerful private soldiers, fortunately, they absolutely obey orders.Even if they are asked to shoot at the friendly troops on the city wall, they will definitely not frown. (to be continued~^~)

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