Water Margin Survival

Chapter 751 Is Song the real emperor?


The handwriting engraved on the treasure was recognized by others, and the people present immediately exploded.

You know, Goryeo at this time is a country that believes in ghosts and gods the most.Even for major events such as physical illness, people don't go to see a doctor, but to pray to ghosts and gods.So that the bad habit of going around and trying to infect others after getting an infectious disease is rooted in the genes at this absurd stage.

At this time, there was a thunder on the ground, and on a huge gold ingot that four people could barely move, the emperor's will was handed down. Isn't this the death of Li Ziqian?

Wang Jing has a country called "benevolence", but the emperor rejects his inhumanity. What an ironic and obvious signal this is!

Hundreds of people on the field were all stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.At this time, the oldest old man Pei quietly took his son and fled the scene first.The corporal leader also heard about Li Ziqian's ruthless character, and felt that if he stayed here again, he would be going to hell, and he quietly took him away.Only the officer seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he refused to leave for a long time.

On the second day, before dawn, the pit had been filled, as if everything had never happened.Only the dozens of heads that were stuffed into the pit closed their mouths forever.It's a pity that silence is sometimes not the best way to prevent news from leaking out. As a result, the news that Li Ziqian is going to die on a certain day in a certain year is widely spread in the city.


"They're all worthless! You bastards, you won't even kill them! This king wiped out the mouths of thousands of people in the frontier army at once, and never leaked any news! But you idiots, dozens of people can't clean them up! Now the people in the city Everyone is waiting to see this king's joke!"

In Wang Jing's palace.Li Ziqian was furious.He felt that his reaction was fast enough, and he took measures within half an hour after the information came up.Unexpectedly, after dawn, everyone seems to know.The most hateful thing is that all the ministers under his command look at him with strange eyes, but no one speaks.What does this mean?It shows that there are terrible gaps in the foundation of his rule, and hearts are being lost one by one.

"Could it be the spies of the Song army doing something wrong?" Seeing that the officials below were silent, Li Ziqian found a step for himself.Although he thinks this is neither realistic.Again illogical.

Just kidding, [-] coalition troops plus tens of thousands of civilians guard the city. If you throw a stone at the top of the city, it might hit two people. .If under such circumstances, Song Junxi Zuo could still be allowed to sneak in, then even if Li Ziqian was decapitated in the middle of the night, he would never say a word of "complaint", everything is fate.

Furthermore, even if there are a few small works mixed in.How can you carry more than 300 catties of gold ingots with you?More importantly, no one in this city has reported to the official that such a fortune has been lost recently!Normally, even if a rich man lost three catties of gold, the city would be full of disturbances, but now there is a whole three hundred catties of gold that can't be bought, which means that the gold may not really belong to Wang Jing.

This is an inference made from facts.There is also important evidence, which comes from logical reasoning.Suppose the news was really spread by Song people.What is their purpose?

It was clearly stated on the gold ingot that a major change would occur at midnight three days later.Why did Song people spread such news?He said that the city will collapse when the city collapses?Do you really think Huangtian's surname is Song?Big mistake!Now seventy-eight out of ten of the fate of the world should be on the Jurchen barbarians in the north, Song people, forget it.

If such a thing really didn't happen at midnight three days later, wouldn't the Song people shoot themselves in the foot?If such a result really happens at that time, Li Ziqian even suspects who is secretly helping him.

So if the Song people spread the news, then they must have abnormalities within three days.It was nothing more than trying to use the luck of breaking Kaijing to destroy the morale of the defenders, and then take advantage of the situation to seize the city.It's just that there is another doubt here. If it is really the news that Song Jun spread, why did he only give himself three days?

Of course, there are also very absurd inferences.If the collapse of Kaijing was caused by the Song people, then what are they still doing at this time?What are you doing to attack the city?What are you doing pretending to be?Isn't it over if you just copy the magic spell directly?Is it necessary to make such trouble with a very confident thing?

There are various indications that although the people of Song Dynasty are the most suspicious of this matter, Li Ziqian's primary suspect is not the army outside the city, but the hidden forces in the city that are about to move.

"Brother Wang, I believe that this matter should go to the root! Otherwise, the internal strife will start before the foreign enemy is defeated!" Li Ziliang looked around at all the officials in the court. During this period of time, the forces behind each of them have suffered too much loss, and it is difficult to protect these people. Hatred grew in his heart, and he rebelled before the battle, wanting to surrender to the Song army to preserve his wealth.

All the ministers of the benevolent country heard the words and slandered endlessly, but no one came out to argue, otherwise the prince would still think you have a ghost in your heart.So there was a deathly silence.

Li Ziliang obviously had "goods" in his hand, seeing that all the officials were silent, he sneered, "Where is Yin Yanzhi and Yin Shangshu?"

The minister called Yin Yanzhi was the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment of Daren Kingdom, and he was from a noble family in Korea.His family has a close relationship with Li Ziqian's Renzhou Li family.The Li family in Inju had intermarried with the Goryeo king for generations, and their Yin family had intermarried with the Li family for generations.If we really want to talk about it, most of the people of the two clans can be called relatives.

So Yin Yanzhi was not afraid of being named by Li Ziliang, but was a little surprised, and came out and said, "Why is Yudi calling the old minister?"

"Three days ago, you told the three patriarchs of the Zheng family in Chunzhou, the Jiang family in Zhongzhou, and the Zhao family in the mansion that you must preserve your strength at all times. Last night, after you learned what happened at the North Gate, you said another sentence." If you do your own thing, you will be exhausted!'" Li Ziliang said grimly.

All the ministers couldn't help being in an uproar when they heard that, Yin Yanzhi is the in-law of the Li family, and they are all under such strict surveillance. After all, Yin Yanzhi is also a dignified court official and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and he can say every word to himself in the middle of the night After being recorded, do these people still have secrets?

"Li Ziliang, you dare to spy on me!?" Yin Yanzhi was furious, glaring at Li Ziliang.It is always said that it is beautiful and graceful, and the hostages are virtuous, just like a Confucianist. At this time, he became angry, like a direct minister scolding a treacherous minister.

"Survey you? How could I send someone to watch you? It's just that the most indispensable thing in this world is loyal people! If Mr. Shangshu is dedicated to serving the country, he should be lucky to have such loyal people by his side, and he should not be angry. Stop!" Li Ziliang said disdainfully.

Yin Yanzhi was really angry. What he said was true, but he didn't expect Li Ziliang to go online. Anyway, the two families have been close for generations. How could they suddenly turn their faces at this moment?

"Yin Yanzhi is suspected of collaborating with the enemy. He is now removed from the post of Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and temporarily held by this official. Come here, and take the prisoner to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment!"

Li Ziliang performed very well today, but he did not commit a crime, but acted as a villain on behalf of his elder brother Li Ziqian. After all, big men can't express their opinions easily, otherwise they will fall into a passive position.But the unhealthy trend in the city had to be rectified, so when Li Ziqian held up the butcher knife to kill chickens and monkeys, the unlucky Yin Yanzhi became the most vivid chicken with a dead head.

Yin Yanzhi, who was swearing, was escorted by the palace guards, and none of the civil and military officials stood up for him.It's not that he is not popular, but everyone knows that Li Ziqian will never touch the top figures of the Yin family if he is fine, but since he did, it means that this matter has no turning point.

In the end, Li Ziliang aggressively cleaned up the spokespersons of the Zheng family in Chunzhou, the Jiang family in Zhongzhou, and the Zhao family in the court. After these dirty jobs were done, Li Ziqian was activated from the state of meditation and said: " As the saying goes: Sickness enters through the mouth, misfortune comes out from the mouth. Lovers, you must control your own mouths and those of the people below these two days. I don’t care about the rumors outside, but if these words come out of your mouths , don’t blame me for not showing affection!”

With the lessons learned from Yin Yanzhi and other six ministers, kneeling down and begging for mercy is almost the same, how dare the ministers say anything?Although the news has long been a trend of large-scale leaks.

But at this time Li Ziqian laughed again: "In ancient times, Dayu came to control the water, and he came to a truth, that is, it is better to block it than to block it. It's not that this king doesn't understand this truth, so let's do it! I will wrong you for two days, and wait for the third day." In the evening, you can say whatever you want, and I don't care about it!"

All the ministers looked at Li Ziqian in surprise, and many of them showed a hint of admiration in their eyes.In the end, after the collapse of the Wang family, only he, Li Ziqian, stood on the high position of the mountains.These people still only have the life of courtiers.It is obviously a bad thing that shakes people's hearts, but he is good at using it. First, he resorted to the strategy of killing chickens and frightening monkeys, deterring the various forces inside who are ready to move, and then using poison to fight poison. After all, when it was dark on the third day, it was confirmed that the rumors before were evil The news is just right, since it will not cause any substantial harm, but let this scheme of the evil-minded person indirectly serve his own rule.

With such a brilliant political method, all the officials felt ashamed and bowed their heads in admiration. Li Ziqian focused on strengthening the defenses between the gates of the city, and made targeted arrangements for the possible actions of the Song army within these three days.


Sure enough, in the next three days, the Song army still did not stop the offensive, but relatively speaking, the intensity even decreased.Li Ziqian couldn't figure it out, and suddenly felt a little uncertain.Because the reasons he relied on to calm himself seemed a little out of shape at this moment.He needs time to think, what exactly is this invisible opponent planning?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it would soon be the hour, Li Ziqian's heart tightened, and he closed his eyes subconsciously. He didn't know how long it had passed, and suddenly he heard the courtiers on the left and right say: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the hour has passed. Yea!"

Li Ziqian yelled "Stop" anxiously, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and it was true that there was no abnormal sound around, then he let out a sigh of resentment, and said with jealousy: "Is it true that Huang Tian's surname is Song?! Pooh! !” (to be continued~^~)

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