Like Li Ziqian, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many citizens of Wangjing and the garrison. Countless people are waiting for the arrival of Zishi in fear or anticipation, as if they are facing a crossroads in their lives.

Just half an hour before Zishi approached, the garrison in the city began to change defenses frequently. One-third of the troops of Li Ziqian's direct descendant Renzhou Army received the order to withdraw quietly and gather towards King Daren's palace.

It has to be said that Li Ziqian still has a very clear memory of the scene when the capital was opened and the city was broken.If he hadn't taken a step first, maybe he would have met his shattered cousin Li Zide at the gate of hell.

Therefore, as a mature politician, Li Ziqian will never put all his chips together. Even though he has 1 thoughts in his heart that he refuses to believe that something terrible will happen tonight, he still made a decision based on this incident. own response deployment.

Some people were removed from the city wall, but some people were added to the gap left by the former.

The frontier army with less than 3 people left was helpless at this time. More than 1 comrades died for no reason, and there was no reliable explanation from above. They really couldn't figure it out. According to the legend of the ghost gate, every time the comrades transferred in a group go directly to hell?

It's all right to die in battle, why don't the frontier soldiers go even to collect the corpses?It is also euphemistically said that the Beijing army has always respected the dead, and the first thing after the war was to collect the corpses of the frontier army comrades, which made the frontier army speechless.

The most frustrating thing was that the supreme commander of the frontier military system had already sat on the chair Li Ziqian handed him over, completely becoming the opponent's echo.

Fortunately, Wang Jing's usual hospitality is relatively good. Even when the people are not hungry, they are able to provide them with delicious food and drink every day.Whenever no one returns from the dispatched team, batches of women will be sent to the barracks of the frontier army that day. These paralyzing methods are also effective. At least until now, the frontier army has not yet appeared on a large scale. unstable phenomenon.

However, it is difficult for them to think about stability. The original 4 people were divided into four parts, serving as reserve teams in the northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest directions of the city, and each part was monitored by the Beijing army several times.At this time, it was subdivided into more than 20 teams of thousands of people. Flower arrangements were generally placed in the four walls of the city, and they were not allowed to touch even the city gates.

Compared with the former Koryo frontier army who was enshrined as a tablet, the treatment of the powerful private soldiers and the recruited civilian husbands has been significantly improved in the past two days, not to mention the full meal, and two extra meals of pork belly for the time being. Waiting for people to burst into tears.

Pei Er is one of them.When the imperial court launched a silence operation that night, he had already been dragged home by his father, and he was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.When Father Pei went out to inquire about the news the next day, and found that what happened last night had already been widely spread in the city, they were even more afraid to go out.

Later, someone really came to the door, but it was the team that recruited the door panels. The officer in charge found that there were still strong men in his house, and without saying a word, he recruited Pei Lao Er under his command. In the end, Pei Lao Er was so confused Assigned to Simon.

At the beginning, he didn't dare to say anything, but he soon realized that what happened that night had become a secret that was not a secret. Almost everyone knew about it, but no one dared to speak nonsense.Second Pei was puzzled at the time, who on earth had the courage to tell the details of that night clearly?The brave one would probably die on the spot that night, and the rest of the cowardly like him, who wouldn't keep their mouths shut tightly?The strange thing is, why did the truth come out again in the end?

Alas, I don't know what happened to the corporal leader?This trip into the muddy water was completely dragged in by himself, and I hope he can escape safely.

When there are too many worries, people tend to become silent.In the new environment, Pei Lao Er did not say more than ten sentences in the past three days except um huh. Apart from preparing for the fortifications, he just sat in a daze. He kept wondering what happened to the flashing figure that night. Is it a human or a ghost?

It's a pity that after three days of thinking, there was no answer.Perhaps, when midnight arrives tonight, everything will be revealed.

"My lord, I have a stomachache and I want to go out!" Pei Laoer accompanied Xiaoxin to the second corporal leader in his life.

"Let me hold back all the feces and urine, don't think I don't know what you people are thinking! I still want to go to the city! But the order I received is that anyone who goes to the city without authorization will be killed without mercy!" Pei Lao Er was not the only person the corporal saw who wanted to go down to the city, and there was already a guy who thought he was clever and hit the wall in front of him.You must know that this ratio is already very high. It is said that the corporal leader is the corporal leader, and there are only four people under him.

"Don't leave your position without permission! Don't whisper! Don't talk nonsense! Don't get surprised and fight monsters! Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy!"

Behind the watchman, followed by the ferocious herald, the hope of the army to sneak down to the city was shattered, and even whispering to each other became an extravagant hope.

Second Pei sighed. Seeing that the time had passed, the expected loud noise did not appear. Looking at the watchman who was leaving, Second Second Pei felt a different kind of loss in his heart.Could it be that I really don't have any nostalgia for the court that replaced the Koryo country? (to be continued~^~)

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