Water Margin Survival

Chapter 759 Do you think that person looks like a real dragon emperor?

If it is said that the Liangshan Army's experience in attacking cities is still a little insufficient, then the task of maintaining the order of the city after the war is definitely very familiar and easy to handle.

Compared with the tense situation when the soldiers approached the city, seeing the flags of the Song Army flying everywhere in the city at this time, many aborigines felt a sense of escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Although the grain and grass in the capital city piled up like mountains, it had nothing to do with the ordinary people in the city.It may not be accurate to say that, after all, there are still a lot of grain and grass in the granary, which was collected from them.

Since these people were born in this era and met a hero like Li Ziqian, the fate of shearing sheep in peacetime and being cannon fodder in wartime is inevitable.It's no wonder that Liangshan's army was like a broken bamboo all the way, and the descendants were like clouds!When the banner of the Li family in Renzhou fell lonely, no one was willing to stand up and defend the country represented by this family.

It's still some time before it gets dark, but raging bonfires have been lit all over the city.Looking up, almost every temporary porridge shop on the street was overcrowded at this time, obviously these people had been starving for some time.

You can see many porridge shops like this on the way from the county government's resident back to Tianying to Wangcheng.Although there were not many guards in front of the shop, none of the hungry natives dared to challenge the majesty of the Song army. They followed the porridge team closely, clutching all kinds of low-quality food in their hands. The earthen bowl, a look of impatient anxiety appeared on his face, and he did not forget to take a deep breath of the cooking mist exuding the fragrance of rice into his nasal cavity.

In front of each porridge shop, there are several eloquent people selected from the temporary battalion of the Fan Luo Army.He was talking loudly to the crowded crowd.From time to time, the crowd responded fiercely. Although it was not very neat, it could be heard that they shouted the same sentence.

"What kind of bird is it? It's so loud that my ears hurt? If you don't accept it, it's just that my ax hasn't been sold yet!" Li Kui couldn't understand what these people were saying, and seeing their agitated expressions, he couldn't help cursing angrily.

Lu Junyi also felt a little puzzled.He turned around and ordered the soldiers to find two servants to come over for questioning, and at the same time thought to himself: If my little Yi comes with him, he is the most sensitive to Zhulu Township talk, maybe he can speak Korean dialect fluently by now.

When everyone saw Lu Junyi's actions, they all stopped.Not long after, Lu Junyi's personal soldiers brought a servant army who looked like a leader. Seeing so many Song Dynasty generals, he wanted to kneel down, and said in broken Hebei dialect: "The villain is a small school under the command of the invincible general. I have met all the generals!"

"What are you talking about? Who do you think is the Invincible General?!" Li Kui became furious when he heard about the Invincible General.Although in the eyes of these soldiers.Shi Wengong is undoubtedly the sky above his head, but in Li Kui's eyes, Shi Wengong is nothing!There are many capable people in Liangshan, how can they show this guy!

"Tie Niu!" After all, Lu Junyi was born as a chief officer in Hebei, and he was quite prudent, and he didn't want to bring some unspoken things in the army to the public.Immediately diverted Li Kui's attention.Fan Rui understood what Lu Junyi meant.Immediately pulled Li Kui and whispered something.At this time, Lu Junyi called the little boss and asked, "What are you talking to the people?"

Seeing that the giant man in front of him actually stopped the bull-like general, the little boss looked at Lu Junyi in awe, and replied truthfully: "It is to tell them that God has abandoned careerists, and that tomorrow in Korea belongs to the Celestial Dynasty! Marshal Wang will give everyone a proud future!"

Lu Junyi didn't expect such words to come out of this person's mouth, so he couldn't help being slightly startled. At this moment, Bao Xu interjected: "Hey! What did the common people say?"

"Long live Marshal Wang!" The little boss replied without hesitation. Although there were sporadic voices shouting slogans such as "Long live the Great Song Dynasty" and "Long live the Holy Spirit", everyone knew that the porridge in their hands was given by Marshal Wang. .Therefore, "Long live Marshal Wang" is mostly used.

Seeing this, the leaders exchanged glances with each other. Lu Junyi asked the person's name and serial number, and said, "Good job! Continue! I will give you credit in front of your invincible generals!"

The little boss was overjoyed. Speaking of them, more than a thousand people had the same task, and it was hard to tell which was better. After all, Li Ziqian collapsed, and the Celestial Dynasty took over Koryo was what they wanted to see the most, so everyone would complete this task with a hundredfold enthusiasm. .Fortunately, people are lucky, and they can't stop them, so they will meet noble people as soon as they go out.

Seeing that the little boss went away happily, Ding Desun completely relaxed, he couldn't help yawning, and said: "It seems that brothers can sleep well tonight!"

Unlike the infantry who rested in the middle of the night and did not launch an attack until dawn the next day, the horse army had been fighting for nearly ten hours in a row, so it was not an exaggeration to say that they were exhausted at this time.Thanks to the excitement brought about by this big victory, everyone has been strong until now.

"Although these people are not very useful, the key is to be obedient! You said so far, in all the cities we captured, have you ever seen anyone who turned back after the incident? So tonight, brothers, sleep peacefully. We The infantry will be on duty for you!" Fan Rui ignored Li Kui when the outsiders left, and said after Ding Desun.

"When the Goryeo Kingdom was in power, people were divided into three, six, and nine grades, and they would never be able to stand up! In the Puppet Kingdom, not only did not see the slightest change, but it was the opposite. The people here have been like this for generations, and they have never seen our methods. Forget it, if you receive fish, you will receive fish, I'm afraid you might think that the world is like this. But now that you have seen it, are you still willing to invite Li Ziqian and others to continue to fish them?" Lu Junyi shook his head and said.

When everyone saw this, they all nodded in agreement, they all said that this Lu Junyi is worthy of being the first rich man in Hebei, and his knowledge is more than a little bit better than his own martial arts.

The leaders walked and talked like this, and they meandered towards the royal city.When they got to the place, they first deposited the horses, and then sent the soldiers down to rest, and then everyone went to the main hall.

Before people entered the hall, they heard the voices of people inside. It was so lively. Li Kui said "ah yes" and said, "could it be that we are all here, and we are only a few wounded soldiers short?"

For the first time in their lives, everyone felt that what Li Kui said was reasonable, so they rushed to the hall. The deputy general Zhang San who was on duty at the gate ran up when he saw the wounded. Get in the way, there are still a few brothers who haven't arrived yet!"

The leaders who thought they were late were relieved when they heard this, and Zhang San stepped forward to help them and said: "Everyone, slow down, you are our heroes! Don't just get off the line of fire and be wronged and injured again." !"

"Go, go, I don't want help!" Li Kui pushed Zhang San away and strode into the hall.As soon as he looked up, he saw Wang Lun who was sitting on the imperial case and writing quickly. He couldn't help being in a daze, and he was stunned at the door.Everyone saw his abnormality and asked, "Tie Niu, why are you so dazed if you don't go in yet?"

Li Kui swallowed back his saliva, and suddenly turned his head to ask everyone to come over and look at him: "Do you think the person who is writing is like a real dragon emperor?" (to be continued~^~)

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