Water Margin Survival

Chapter 760 On Chenqiao post, with a yellow robe added?

Generally speaking, Li Ziqian's royal city is not as large as the old palace of his son-in-law in Kaijing.In fact, this is also easy to understand, because the current Kaijing City is a new city rebuilt after the old city was demolished by the Liao army. It is said that more than [-] laborers were used at one time.At that time, when drawing on white paper, I naturally planned as I wanted.

But Wangjing is different. This is one of the four capitals of Koryo in the past, and it can be regarded as a veteran capital.The scale of the palace here is smaller than that of Kaijing and has already been fixed. If you want to expand it, you will inevitably suffer from public dissatisfaction. You must know that not all ordinary people live at the root of this royal city, and they can be moved out easily.Therefore, Li Ziqian, whose foundation was not stable, did not act rashly, so he just made do with it.

It's just that there is a breath in my chest, I have to find a way to get it out, right?Temporarily unable to expand the house?OK!But the decoration must be done according to one's own meaning?No, is it not comparable to the area or the quality of life?

So this candidate palace began to change its appearance according to Li Ziqian's intention after it ushered in the fate of becoming a full-time official. Of course, compared with the palace in Kaijing, the reconstruction project became more targeted.

Let’s just talk about Huiqing Palace, the first palace in Kaijing’s royal city. Li Ziqian’s first palace in the royal city is also called Huiqing Palace.It's just that the Huiqing Hall in Kaijing is five feet taller than the base, and the Huiqing Hall in Wangjing is one foot higher than it anyway, forcibly raising the height of the main hall to six feet.

In the same way, the royal city where the son-in-law lived in the past is surrounded by thirteen gates.After the father-in-law arrived in Wangjing, he opened six more gates in his own royal city, bringing the total to nineteen.It is estimated that he is trying to overshadow his son-in-law at the same time.I also hope that their Renzhou Li family can last for a long time.Yongba Peninsula.

How else can I say that the little demon in the temple is very windy?If you want to say that this kind of bullshit is true, it can be found everywhere.It’s like when the Kaijing New City was rebuilt, the Koreans insisted on opening one more city gate than the number one city in the world (Tokyo in the Song Dynasty), and won a victory in the number of city gates, because of this Yelang mentality.

Let's not worry about what Li Ziqian is thinking, after all, this person is already a prisoner, and he can't get up again.It is said that this person is trying his best to compete with his son-in-law, and he has been in and out of the forbidden palace for a long time.The craftsmen under him couldn't fool him, so they could only honestly approach the new king's request.

Thus, today, this luxurious palace that can be called the face of Daren Kingdom was born.

No wonder Li Kui, who had never been in such a magnificent place before, was shocked when he entered this magnificent hall.To say that this kind of tool that is piled up with a large amount of people's fat and people's ointment to show the strict level, to be honest, it is still very bluffing.


Sitting in the center of this magnificent hall, the owner of Liangshan Park, Wang Lunzheng, was concentrating on instructing his subordinates on the list of meritorious service, promotion, and awards that were submitted for approval. He didn't notice that many brothers looked at him with erratic eyes.There is an idiom in Chinese called when things come to fruition, as a person whose identity and temperament are infinitely compatible with this palace.No wonder Wang Lun aroused the reverie of the leaders in this environment.

After closing the last official document, Wang Lun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched subconsciously.Just when he habitually turned his head to talk to the military adviser beside him, he couldn't find Zhu Wu at all.

Wang Lun raised his head and looked around in confusion, but unexpectedly found that it was above the imperial steps.Except for his own soldiers.Unexpectedly, no figure of the leader appeared within a few feet, even Zhu Wu, the military adviser, just stood under the imperial steps, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Brother, do you dare to pull up the flag?" Li Kui overcame the sudden restraint at a certain moment, and returned to his normal state of carelessness. A question made the extremely lively hall suddenly become audible.

Zhu Wu's heart moved slightly, he gave Li Kui a meaningful look, and then said: "What kind of flag is it? The matter of the solemn treasure came out of your mouth. It's like a farce!"

Although Zhu Wu gave the impression that he was not a good man, he basically would not speak in a similar tone to other brothers. He only heard him blame Li Kui for a while, then turned his head to look at Wang Lun, pondered for a while, and finally said something. Words come:

"Among the big and small brothers present here, there are monks, warriors, rich men, and rangers. Although they have different identities before going up the mountain, they all have one obvious commonality, that is, my generation is all people who are not tolerated by the Song Dynasty. There are The way is, although the world is big, there is no place for us to stand up. If it weren't for Master Guanghui's letter, there was a scholar in Liangshanshuibo who was looking forward to it. The younger brother, Dalang, Chen Da, and Yang Chun, would have been killed by Tian at this time. It has been a long time since Hu and Wang Qing's generation annexed them!"

Although Zhu Wu used his own experience as an example, his words reminded many leaders of his own life experience.Not to mention leaders like Lin Chong who changed their fates against the sky, even Guan Sheng and Zhang Qing, the former court officials, were also brought out a little bit of bitterness by him: If there is a fork in the road of fate now, even if they can return to the court, they will die again. After embarking on that difficult and lonely career path, can they take this step?

"I think that when my younger brother went up the mountain in the past, he was comforted by my brother's kind words. He not only gave me a shelter, but also gave everyone in my generation a hope. To be honest, at the beginning, my younger brother was only a brother to comfort us. I think Da Song After more than a hundred years since the founding of the country, who can resist the wrath of the emperor, except for the tyrants of the local snake party to separate the country? Just because the elder brother confided his heart, and the brothers were congenial, so they stayed in the village with all their hearts, but did not think deeply about the meaning of what the elder brother said. In a few years, I never expected that all of this has become a fact!"

After saying this, I saw Zhu Wu's words suddenly became passionate, "Since ancient times, the land of the Three Hans has been safe overseas. Regardless of the chaos in the Central Plains or the invasion of barbarians and Didi, this place will probably be spared from being safe. Brother, I will do what I did to my brothers at the beginning. The younger brother is grateful for his promise, and dares to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the enemy's lair, and invites the elder brother to go to the great treasure as soon as possible!"

With a "boom", Zhu Wu's words were like a drop of clear water falling into boiling oil, and the pot exploded in an instant.

"Well said! Since this chaotic world is not clean, let's create a peaceful world!" Lu Zhishen was the first to speak out, obviously he was very happy to see Wang Lun lead the Liangshan Group to a higher level realm.

"Don't talk about being the lord of a small Fan Kingdom, even if you want to sit in the position of Emperor Haotian in the Lingxiao Palace, I, Wu Er, will follow my brother to the death!" Only Wu Song's second statement was made, and his tone was firm, expressing his respect for him. Wang Lun's desperate intention.

Zhu Wu, who had a close relationship with him, suddenly persuaded him to come in. Shi Jin hadn't realized it yet, and saw that Lu Zhishen and Wu Song had already expressed their views. How could he be left behind at this time?Dang even saw him take a step forward: he said simply and neatly: "Brother, please get on the big treasure early! Shi Jin is willing to hold the whip and fall into the stirrup with brother!"

As soon as Shi Jin finished speaking, Chen Da and Yang Chun also stepped forward, loudly persuading him.Obviously at this critical moment, the Shaohua Mountain lineage is determined to advance and retreat together.

"Bian didn't know much about people since he was a child. He joined Tian Hu's command in a muddleheaded way! Fortunately, Mr. Xu pointed out the wrong way, and finally walked the right way! Now Liangshanbo is booming, and my younger brother Bian Xiang is sincerely happy. Today I am in front of everyone. In front of the guy, express your attitude..."

"What kind of attitude are you showing? My brother sat on the dragon chair, so why not! The three military advisers are all prime ministers, Junshi Zhu is a Taoist priest, so he will be the national teacher, and we will all be generals. Tonight, we will take care of things while we are happy." Already!" Li Kui saw that he had actually mobilized Zhu Wu with a single sentence, and then everyone in the hall followed him, so he was so happy!At the beginning, dancing with hands and feet didn't look like a wounded person at all.

"The final general is willing to follow the marshal to the death! It's just that the entire Goryeo thinks that our army is the Heavenly Soldiers of the Song Dynasty. If the marshal becomes a great treasure, please make sufficient preparations in advance. The final general thinks that there is no rush in this day or two!"

Shi Wengong hesitated for a long time, and finally opened his mouth.To be honest, he definitely supported Wang Lun's move to a higher position.After all, a rising tide raises all boats, and the benefits are obvious to him.But as the leader of the servant army, he thinks that if he ascends the throne now, there are really many technical problems that have not been resolved. He is afraid that Wang Lun will not be able to hold back so many people under his command, so that there will be no room for change in the future, even though Wang Lun proclaims himself emperor It is also a matter of course.

Seeing this, Guan Sheng, who had been keeping his eyes closed all the time, opened his phoenix eyes suddenly, stood up and said, "Taking Koryo as our foundation, we can sit and watch the general situation of the world, but if any barbarians sit on the throne, we will bring one hundred thousand iron horses to ask for them, so as to protect our homeland, the people of Li and the people forever." Enjoy peace! The general thinks that there is no one in the world who is more worth looking forward to than the marshal!"

Guan Sheng's words made many leaders present feel uncomfortable. Wang Lun once said that his ancestor Guan Yunchang was "a man in Cao Ying and his heart in Han".

"The marshal has read poetry and books, and has great ambitions. Although he is in the green forest, he does not change his aspirations. He is really a role model for my generation! My younger brother is willing to follow the marshal, with gold and iron horses, and seal the wolf as a servant!" These words further explained Guan Sheng's unfinished meaning.

"The tens of thousands of soldiers in the garrison are willing to follow my brother to open up the territory and make the world a reality!"

Han Shizhong didn't want to say too much, he is the leader of the pro-army, so why should he share anything with Wang Lun?But Guan Shengxuan took the topic awry after Shi Wengong, which is not a good sign.In good conscience, Shi Wengong obviously had no intention of objecting, but just kindly reminded everyone to pay attention to the problems of his brother after he ascended the throne. It seems a bit interesting for Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan to say those words in the general environment.

However, Han Shizhong's words were a bit famous, and many people turned their attention to Lin Chong who had not spoken.Han Shizhong is very good, but it is not his turn to carry the flag in the garrison. The title of the second pro-army of the Rock Army is a joke?

However, he has the title of the five tiger generals of the garrison army, which is justified. At this time, Shi Qian and Ma Ling came forward with a smile and said: "Although there are not many brothers from the listening camp, we two can say responsibly, They will absolutely not object to what Han Wu brothers said just now!" (To be continued~^~)

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