Water Margin Survival

Chapter 762 Even if I go against the grain, you will follow me all the way!

Good guy!

Back then at Chenqiaoyi, Wang Lun didn't want to guess, and didn't bother to guess whether Zhao Kuangyin directed and acted himself, or did a fake show for real. After all, this was Chai Jin's sore foot.But today, when Zhu Wu made this scene, Wang Lun knew that he had been "made" by him.

The reason why he put a quotation mark on the word "Pull" is not that Zhu Wu intends to frame him, but that this person... is simply too good at being a man!

No wonder Shi Jin was a brat who was only twenty years old (maybe he was not yet twenty at the time), Zhu Wu, as a veteran of the rivers and lakes, dared to give him the position of the head of a village. This word has been integrated into the bone marrow of this person.

There is indeed a trend in this era, that is, what big people want to do, they don't directly propose it, because it will be very cheap.Usually at this time, after seeing the boss's thoughts, a keen subordinate will take the initiative to make a request, and then the boss will give way, and the subordinate will invite again. The gift of three concessions is a concrete manifestation of this phenomenon.

Wang Lun thinks that he is not too sensitive about the matter of proclaiming the emperor. A god like Tian Hu who can't wait to wave the flag to become the throne after getting a jade seal, in Wang Lun's view, is completely a second-rate fighter. .No matter how bad he is, it's impossible for him to be on par with a fighter, right?

But Zhu Wu still raised the matter solemnly in front of the public, maybe he also knew in his heart that he might not agree to it, but he still did it.

Wang Lun was silent for so long, thinking about this question all the time.That was Zhu Wu's state of mind.After much deliberation.In the end, he got a ridiculous answer: besides Zhu Wu, if it was any of Wen Huanzhang, Xiao Jiasui, and Xu Guanzhong, it would be very difficult for him to say such words as persuading him.


Wen Huanzhang, known as Sai Xiaohe, was overwhelmed by a large number of Wengongs every day. To be honest, Wang Lun was actually a hands-off shopkeeper. Most of the people who suffered and were tired were those who did practical things.And this type of people usually has a distinctive feature, that is, they do more and talk less.Just do your job well.He is the number one hero in Liangshan Boli, and no one can covet this position.Therefore, in his opinion, this kind of sweet pastry for persuading him is just a tasteless one.

Besides, Xiao Jiasui, this person belongs to the category of celebrities, and what he cherishes the most is undoubtedly his reputation. The Song Dynasty had no way, and it was also the hometown of Guan Sheng crying. How can you call people like them (including Wen Huanzhang) single-minded Tricking Wang Lun to proclaim himself emperor?You know, Liangshanbo has reached the state it is today.Every move of these core leaders is one step away from being recorded in the history books.

Xu Guanzhong, on the other hand, does not have such a heavy burden as the previous two.In fact, among the four major military divisions, he is the one who has the closest personal relationship with Wang Lun, and at the same time he knows Wang Lun's true thoughts best. Calling and playing.But from the heart.So let's not say that the time is not yet ripe.Even if he was mature, he would not rashly say such things on the stage without fully communicating with Wang Lun.

With the comparison of these three, Wang Lun gradually realized that Zhu Wu was not simple.

This person is gentle and polite with everyone, and doesn't care about gains and losses and fame.You must know that the position of the boss of the cottage will be fatal (see the ending of Wang Lun, Chao Gai, Deng Long, etc. in the original track), but when he is in full control of the situation (in fact, when Shi Jin released Chen Da privately, was eaten to death by Zhu Wu), but he gave in as he said, which shows that this person has a broad mind.The more critical point is that no matter whether Chao Gai, Song Jiang, or Wang Lun sits in the top position on Liangshan.He can live in the same way, all the way to the end.

Generally speaking, this is a reliable, diligent, and loyal helper. In the Song Jiang era, he did not show his strength but showed his skills in subtleties. When Qiu was playing around (releasing Gao Qiu to hope for safety, it was useless except for disgusting Lin Chong), when the two of them were cheeky and pretended to be after the incident, Zhuge Liang scolded Gao Qiu and turned ungrateful, it was Zhu Wu who proposed to stay overnight. Taiwei is a more reliable way.

Precisely because Wang Lun is familiar with Zhu Wu's temperament and talent, he can conclude that Zhu Wu has absolutely no evil intentions.If we stick to the practice of this era, everyone (the three bandits) would rise up to attack the base areas after becoming kings and hegemony, but Wang Lun made a fortune in silence first, only focusing on expanding the area of ​​​​the territory he directly controlled, and frantically increasing the number of troops under his command. The population of the people, without mentioning the "business" of being king and emperor.

Perhaps, in Zhu Wu's view, the melons should be picked when they are ripe, and the person who picks the melons cannot be Wang Lun himself, and the other three military advisers are unlikely to do it, and the remaining brothers are obviously unconscious Seeing this matter, or someone realized it, but did not take action due to various reasons, then he had no choice but to do his part.

After thinking about things and untiing the knot in his heart, Zhu Wu's rash actions appeared not so blunt.Wang Lun just happened to be brought up by this topic to bring out a bad taste in his heart, that is, if he was in Song Jiang's situation, how many brothers would follow him.

Will Lu Tisha be applauded in public?

Will Wu Erlang slam the door and leave?

Will Coach Lin feel dejected?

The answer is reassuring.

Even if I go against the grain, you will follow me all the way, this life is already worth it!

Presumably, on the eve of the Xuanwumen incident hundreds of years ago, the figure who had been so hesitant under the candle, was the same as Wang Lun at this time, and he must have this kind of touching that is worth remembering forever.


"Brother, brothers! Little brother Huarong is late, I'm sorry for the long wait!" Zhang San said that the leaders who hadn't arrived yet were Huarong and Pang Wanchun.Except for the leaders of Huitian Camp who couldn't get away and Jiao Ting who was on duty outside, all the leaders attending the meeting tonight were present.Of course, people outside the Liangshan system were not notified to participate in the meeting, so Li Zhishi was not eligible to attend the meeting.

After saying hello, Hua Rong found that the atmosphere in the hall was not right. Some people were beaming with joy, some were blushing, some were eager to try, and some were bowing their heads in thought.Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun exchanged glances, stopped talking, and hurried to their seats.

They were joined by Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan, the opponents of this field. The former had closed those red phoenix eyes again, and resumed his calm and majestic posture.Although the latter had a lot of sweat on his forehead, his expression was quite calm. According to him, he should have put up his exemption card at this time, but this ugly county horse was still surprisingly stubborn, his eyes fixed on Wang Lun, Getting angry generally depends on how the owner of the cottage expresses his stance. (to be continued~^~)

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