Water Margin Survival

Chapter 763 Anton Protectorate

In the early summer of Korea, there is already a hint of heat.It's just that compared with the external environment, the inner suffering is the most unbearable.

Li Zhishi lingered outside the Guanghua Gate, looking at this palace city that had completely erased the label of Li's with mixed feelings.Originally, he already thought that he could face all this calmly, but when the governor came to an end, he still had a lot of emotions in his heart.Perhaps, the Li family in Renzhou is not the sun that the current patriarch thinks he is, but just a short-lived meteor, which inevitably goes to disappear after breaking through the sky.

Just when Li Zhishi was lamenting his life, a group of patrolling soldiers from the Song Army approached from a distance from him at the gate of the palace. The leader was a strong man without armor. , A piece of "general" honorific title sounded one after another, showing the lofty status of this person.

"How's the situation?" The general was a man of few words, and he got straight to the point as soon as he met the general guarding the gate.

"Everything is normal!" The general clasped his fists and said back: "We have captured 320 broken soldiers from Korea one after another! Besides, there are basically no idlers who dare to come here to spy. It seems that the soldiers and civilians in the city are still very practical!"

Lai Jiang frowned, turned his head and said, "Are these 300 people here to attack the Royal City?"

"Even if these fellows have had the guts of a leopard, they don't dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers! They all came from the market!" the general proudly said.

"It's your job to catch the rout soldiers? You're nothing to do with the infantry and cavalry! All the generals of our army are concentrated in this royal city. If there is even a slight loss, can you take responsibility? Wang Dalong. If you can't do the right thing, I will fulfill your wish and transfer you to the infantry to catch routs every day! Han Shizhong's intercession is useless!"

The general named Wang Dalong's face froze, he hurriedly said: "The last general doesn't dare anymore, please punish General Jiao!"

General Jiao just had a hard mouth, but his hands were not black.After getting his words, he never continued to play.He looked around for a while with the light of the fire, and found that the soldiers under his command showed a little bit of fatigue, and his tone softened, "The Panshi Army will come to take over at Zishi, and cheer up for the last half hour!"

"Don't bother the brothers of the Panshi Army, we brothers can still bear it!" Wang Dalong defended in a low voice.It would be a lie to say that I have not rested for a day and a night since last night.But as Wang Lun's pro-army, Dajun not only has no chance to be lazy.On the contrary, it was harder and more tiring than other field armies, but the soldiers of the whole army did not complain, because Han Shizhong said: You are the "public enemy" of all armies in the world. The enemy wants to defeat you, and the friendly army wants to surpass you.All this is because you are the first army in Liangshan.

"This is a military order. Are you bargaining with me?" General Jiao glared at Wang Dalong.Then he said: "The marshal said that good steel should be used on the blade, not for boiling oil!"

Seeing that he walked back as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Dalong hurried forward to see him off, but General Jiao suddenly turned his head around and said, "How long has this guy been here?"

Wang Dalong was taken aback when he heard the words, but fortunately he had enough brains, and instantly realized that the general was referring to the Korean who surrendered, and immediately said: "It's been two hours! He has been idly outside the door, and asked him if he wanted to inform Shi Wengong General, he also said no. But he just won’t leave!”

Seeing this, General Jiao stopped and saw that the figure of the descendant from Gaoli was stretched extremely thin under the firelight. If you come to Shi Wengong, tell him to wait outside Yuande Hall!"

Yuande Hall is the place where soldiers are discussed in the nine halls of Miyagi. Its function is similar to that of the White Tiger Festival Hall in the Taiwei Mansion in Tokyo. At this time, the lights are brightly lit. On the contrary, the main hall where the meeting was held before, the Huiqing Hall, the candles have been extinguished for a long time.

Just when Wang Dalong turned around to convey Jiao Ting's words, there was a lot of voices outside the Yuande Hall, probably tonight's meeting was over.

Among the crowd at the end of the meeting, Shi Jin looked rosy, proudly leading the two lieutenants to the front of the crowd, as if he couldn't wait to rush back to the camp, but at this time Zhu Wu chased him out, calling Shi Jin alone, Seeing this, Shi Jin told the two lieutenants: "Since the military commander has something to do with me, you go back to the camp first and tell everyone about our army's happy event!"

"It's time to make the brothers happy! How can you say that you are also the first team on Liangshan with a place name as a designation. When you mention this name, even after hundreds of years, anyone who hears it will know that you are the first team to enter Wangjing. , No, it should be the Liangshan Army in Seoul?" Xu Ning smiled and congratulated the leaders from Shaohua Mountain.

"To each other! Teacher Xu's golden gun army will be famous forever, and no one will forget you, the famous founder!" Shi Jin clasped his fists and smiled.As the two teams with the most special achievements in this battle, Wang Lun personally awarded them the military flag tonight.

"I think we should stop flattering each other, so as not to irritate the other brothers, haha!" It seems that Xu Ning is also happy from the bottom of his heart tonight.

"Xu Guan'er, let's go first, don't care about them!" Chen Da stepped forward to invite him, but he actually wanted to ask something: "You are from Tokyo and have a lot of experience, why did the marshal change the name of this city to Seoul?"

"The old name of this place, Wang Jing, is no longer appropriate!" Chen Dashen was mysterious, and Xu Ning thought it was some kind of problem, and then smiled and expressed his opinion: "There is water here called Han River, and there is a mountain called Han Mountain. It was laid down by us Han people again, isn't it very appropriate to call it Seoul?"

"I still don't understand! Why did the Marshal look so careless just now, and said something serious on the spot, if anyone dares to change the name of this city in the future, he will be killed!" Chen Da still looked confused.

"This..." Xu Ning couldn't say well about this question, and guessed: "I'm afraid I don't want to see countless people who have forgotten their ancestors doing wrong in the future! But since your army is the Seoul Army named by the marshal himself, it is quite a bit of a Seoul army." The meaning of the guardian, whoever dares to mess around in the future, you just destroy these Xiaopis!"

"Ah! This word must be passed on! It means that the three of us who will grow old in the future will retreat as often as possible. This tradition cannot be lost! No matter when, whoever dares to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, first ask the soldiers in the hands of our Seoul army. Will the sword and gun do what it wants!"

In front of all the leaders on the way out of the meeting, Chen Da made his great wish, looking full of domineering.

Everyone smiled and looked at this person, some praised, some laughed and scolded, everyone gradually dispersed amidst the commotion, leaving only two solitary figures under the torch, Xuan praised and said: "Brother, we offended them this time." Crap!"

"If you don't shrink from yourself, even though you are brown and broad, I don't feel anxious; if you shrink from yourself, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!" Guan Sheng borrowed a famous sentence from Mencius, "Though there are tens of millions of people, I will go." It expresses the meaning of "If I'm wrong, I won't fart; if I'm right, thousands of people can't stop me".At the same time, it reflects from one aspect that their Guan family did not only read "Spring and Autumn".

Shi Wengong, who was the last to leave the palace, heard this and shook his head unconsciously. Seeing Zhu Wu and Shi Jin talking about the old days, he didn't disturb them. Walking halfway, I saw a familiar figure hovering there and called out, "General Li?"

Hearing this voice, Li Zhishi, whose legs were almost numb, was overjoyed, and hurried forward to greet him, but he didn't know how to open his mouth. It was Shi Wengong who knew what he wanted, and took the initiative to say: "Li Ziqian will not kill him, he should He will be sent to take care of Wang Yu's daily life. His family members have served hard labor for ten years and can be good citizens again, but within fifty years he will not be recruited into the official line! Of course, you do not belong to his line!"

When Li Zhishi saw it, his face suddenly relaxed. Even in the internal struggle of Goryeo, this kind of result is undoubtedly very lenient. You must know that although this place is small, powerful ministers usually attack political opponents by destroying their bodies. for the ending.

Historically, Han Anren died at the hands of Li Ziqian, and Li Ziqian was destroyed at the hands of his former confidant Tuo Junjing, who was pulled over by the king. Tuo Junjing was finally crossed by the king and demolished the bridge, and he did not die well.

Being expelled from the Li family by Wang Lun, Li Zhixi was excited but grateful. He wanted to say something at this time, but he didn't know how to say it. It took him a long time to ask: "Young general saw that the generals are all smiling. I don't know if there is any happy event?"

Shi Wengong glanced at Li Zhishi, thought for a while, and said: "The imperial court ordered that the marshal will open his teeth and build a mansion immediately!"

Li Zhishi just asked casually to cover up the urgency in his heart, but he unexpectedly asked about a big event, he said in a dazed voice, "Open your teeth and build a house?"

"Andong Governor's Mansion! The yamen is located in Seoul! Oh, you don't know, Wang Jing has already passed away, and this place will be named Seoul forever!" Shi Wengong said indifferently. (to be continued~^~)

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