Water Margin Survival

Chapter 764 Only by going with the flow can we go further

Wang Jing was renamed Seoul by the people of the Song Dynasty. In fact, Li Zhishi was not touched much. After all, there are many rivers and mountains prefixed with the word "Han". feel.On the contrary, the news of the establishment of the Anton Protectorate Mansion made him open his mouth for a long while, but he forgot to close it.

As the outstanding son of the largest wealthy family in the Goryeo Kingdom other than the royal family, the uncle of the clan was also an envoy to the Song Kingdom many times. Still have some understanding.

The ancestor of the royal family of the Song Dynasty, as a military leader who started his career as a mutiny, has been avoiding the emergence of fierce men with similar aura in the country all his life.The release of military power with a drink of wine shows his political skills.Later, his sons and grandsons never relaxed their grip on the warriors. In this country that had been shrouded in the coercion of the northern nomadic power, it was not easy for a famous general like Di Qing to appear. As a result, he died of suspicion and exclusion in his 40s.

In his mind, Wang Lun probably couldn't escape this fate.It should be noted that the words "high meritorious service shakes the master" are lessons from the blood fed by countless innocent souls for thousands of years.

If the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty responded quickly, it is estimated that the imperial decree sent to Wang Lun has been drawn up at this time, and it depends on who will pick the peaches.

Who would have thought that on the night when Wang Jing was just broken, a ghost that had disappeared for hundreds of years would glow with vitality again, transforming itself before his eyes, and resurrected!

At this moment, he did not have the joy and excitement of witnessing history in his heart.Some are just deeply shocked.Although.At this time, he was already attached to the Song people.

Compared with the Great Song Dynasty, although Koryo is small in size, it is no less than all the way in its territory!Under the premise that the local area is inconveniently connected with the Song Dynasty by land and sea, the military and political power of such a large area is still easily under the control of one person. Like crazy.Then it was Marshal Wang who had other plans in mind.

It was obvious that the mansion was built as soon as the city was broken, without delay for a single day, either with the permission of the court in advance, or on the spur of the moment afterwards.Although what he learned from Shi Wengong was the first type of answer, he would not believe such words even if he killed Li Zhishi.Could it be that Emperor Song sent people, food, money, and effort just to create an independent kingdom that he couldn't control?

No wonder Shi Wengong, a person who has just stepped into the threshold of a general, has the confidence to speak on the issue of dealing with the monarch of a country.It turns out that the doorway is here!

His benefactor Wang Lun is about to take over all the power of Goryeo!

I think that Li Zhishi is also a person from a political family, but he was born at the wrong time. Fortunately, he has always remembered the golden saying that only by following the trend can he go further in politics. Since Shi Wengong closely follows Wang Lun who represents the current trend, then Shi Wengong It was his only choice.As for the emperor of the Song Dynasty, it is really better for the county magistrate to take care of it now.Forget about that much.

"Thank you, General, for taking the trouble to save the villain's family in front of the guardian. This kindness will always be in my heart, and I will never forget it!"

Li Zhishi remained silent for a while, then suddenly fell to his knees, which caught Shi Wengong a little unprepared, he was stunned for a moment, stepped forward to help him up, and said: "I'm just beating the side drum, it won't do much!"

"The general's words are wrong! My Li family, if the general hadn't come forward, I would have protected everything in your face. How could I have been saved! The demon monk Miaoqing was unrepentant, and his head fell to the ground. The villain's heart is like a mirror." !" Li Zhishi's words were flattering, but they were not groundless, the facts were exactly like what he said, the bloody Miyagi who did not speak, and those who spoke, were saved from death.

Shi Wengong didn't think much about this matter at first, but he couldn't help feeling hot when he heard this son say this.

To be honest, except for him, Shi Wengong, no one in the whole village spoke up for this hypocrite.Wang Lun didn't seem to have the need to save this person's life.After all, Miao Qing, who was captured together with Li Ziqian, was chopped off with a knife.In the end, this person survived, and if he insisted that he had nothing to do with him, it would be hypocritical.

Shi Wengong felt very excited when he thought that Wang Lun could take his own face into consideration on such a big matter.So, why are you afraid of offending people?To be honest, Shi Wengong didn't show any grievances with Pudong Sanjie on the surface during this period of time, but in fact he was under a lot of pressure.

After all, the three of them went up the mountain one after another, not to mention each of them alone, Huarong, Wei Dingguo, and Shan Tinggui were in the same breath as them, accounting for half of the Ma army!If these few people work together to promote themselves, it may not have much effect, but if they work together to destroy themselves, it is absolutely easy to catch.

At this time, Wang Lun's support is crucial.But fortunately, ever since he was punished for picking dung, he had an intuition that Wang Lun was really special to him.Although this sounds like a joke, intuition is sometimes very accurate.Otherwise, Qiu Yue and Zhou Ang wanted to take over their own class and take the initiative to deal with that filthy thing, why would Wang Lun be too lazy to do so?

When doing business, the most fearful thing is that the people above do not support it, and the people below do not buy it.It's all right now, Wang Lun and himself have formed a tacit understanding, and the people below are still listening.In this promising world, what else can tie Shi Wengong's hands and feet?

"The marshal is the most considerate of his subordinates. As long as you put your heart and soul into it, he won't miss it!"

Although Shi Wengong was admonishing Li Zhishi, the words he said seemed to be tailor-made for himself, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the words from the heart.

"Yes, the villain has come all the way north. What he has seen and heard with his own eyes, he has great prestige in the army. He must be fair and rewarded and punished! The villain coincidentally joins such famous generals and General Shi, dare you? Do your best?" Li Zhishi hurriedly asked.

"Yeah!" Shi Wengong nodded in satisfaction, took two steps forward, and suddenly turned his head to Li Zhixi who was catching up quickly: "One guard at a time, after all, a child from an aristocratic family is as sharp as I am! "

Although this was a joke, Li Zhishi dared to accept it calmly.I saw that he was busy confessing.But Shi Wengong waved his hand and said seriously: "General Su is recovering from his wounds in Guangzhou, you have to pay more attention to the next battle, maybe you and I have to act separately!"

"Ah!?" Li Zhixi was quite surprised, and hurriedly said: "This... the villain has just been taught by the general, and he has improved a little in marching and fighting. How can the general send me away?"

"It's not that I want to send you away. It's because... everything is necessary for the war. I'll tell you more about it later!" Shi Wengong thought for a while, but stopped talking. It's a secret, and it's not the time to reveal it yet.

Seeing that Shi Wengong's tone was unquestionable, Li Zhixi didn't dare to ask any more questions, but he was anxious all the way. In fact, Shi Wengong's foundation in the Song army was relatively shallow and he was excluded by others.He, Li Zhishi, was not a piece of wood, so he was aware of it, but such a cold stove would work best. If he were to be replaced by other experienced generals, the situation would not be so optimistic.

If people have the confidence, they will naturally not take Koreans who surrendered like them in their eyes.Needless to say, eating bones and drinking porridge.The point is that it would be a disaster if they were assigned to General Shi's opponents and were "taken care of" specially.

Thinking of this, Li Zhishi accompanied Shi Wengong to the stables to get the horses in a state of dissatisfaction, then gathered with a group of relatives, and wandered away to the station.

"Who! Stop!"

The shouts of Shi Wengong's relatives made Li Zhishi's heart tremble, he looked forward along the firelight, and found two old people, a man and a woman, peeping under the palace wall, wanting to come over to recognize each other but He didn't dare to look like that.A surge of anger welled up in Li Zhishi's heart.He stepped forward and yelled: "I tell you to stay here, what are you doing out here? This city is in chaos, if you encounter a rout, tell me where to go to find you!"

Although Li Zhishi spoke the Korean dialect, Shi Wengong still listened to it at least a little bit, and this tone of scolding servants made him frown involuntarily.

"My son, how is your uncle? Your father is restless at home, so I will accompany him to find you to inquire about it!" A mother would never get angry with her son, even Li Zhishi's father Already so angry that her beard almost straightened, but the mother still had the look of resignation, looking at Shi Wengong who had been orphaned since she was a child, her heart was sour.

"He can't die! General Shi has pleaded in front of the marshal and spared his life! I said, can you stop making trouble for me, I'm tired enough now!" Li Zhixi had no intention of introducing his parents to Shi Wengong , in his opinion, their presence will only bring trouble.The food box in the mother's hand is proof.

Li Zhishi's parents were arrested by his cousin Li Ziqian to Wang Jing, because Li Zhishi was a rebellious son in the family.Fortunately, the house arrest was under house arrest, but the two old people didn't suffer much. They had meat to eat and a bed to sleep in, so Li Zhishi's parents didn't resent their cousin.Not long ago, they heard that a big man had been executed on the edge of Miyagi, and the two of them were so anxious that they insisted on finding out.

"That's good, that's good! Your father asked me to make some of your uncle's favorite side dishes..." The old woman was holding a full food box and was about to hand it to her son, when she found that his son was holding Holding a rein, the old woman looked along the rein, and a burly general came into view. The old woman quickly performed a Korean etiquette, and the thin figure looked extremely humble under the firelight.

Li Zhishi was furious. Sure enough, his parents came to make trouble for him again!Then Li Zi...is he able to get in touch with his uncle?It's too late to avoid suspicion right now, how can he take the initiative to cause this trouble?The moment I snatched the food box, I wish I could smash it to pieces.

"You, you bastard!" The old man was so angry that he couldn't breathe smoothly, pointing at his son and yelling.

Li Zhishi has always been resentful towards his parents, why?The Li family is a big family with countless children, other people's parents are willing to put aside face for their children and go to Li Ziqian to get benefits for their children!But he, his parents, usually refused to come to the door even if they died, but now that it's good, everyone avoids Li Ziqian in time, so they just jumped out!

Seeing his father scolding at this time, a long-suppressed anger broke through the defense of reason. Seeing that the food box was about to become a punching bag, he suddenly heard the person on the horse say: "General Li, are you Gui Geng?"

Shi Wengong's words seemed to have magical powers, making a manic man docile instantly, and Li Zhishi replied in the Song and Hebei dialect that his parents could not understand: "Don't dare, I am thirty years old this year!" !"

"It's not too young to stand at thirty!" Shi Wengong said to himself, then turned around suddenly, looked at the army beside him and said, "Second son, take the food box from General Li, and go into the palace to find it. Commander Zhu, be sure to ask him to make it easier for you!"

Hearing this, the soldiers took the food box from the stunned Li Zhishi, and hurried back. Li Zhishi's father originally had a complicated attitude towards Song Jun who drove the Li family from Inju to the altar. , knowing that the person who can let his son lead the horse must be a big shot in the Song Kingdom, but even so, he refuses to go forward and salute.Unexpectedly, the general's actions, under the contrast of Nizi, appeared to be so humane, which made the stubborn old man step forward and salute for the first time.

"General Li, it's getting late at night, you don't have to go with me anymore, let's take your parents back first!" After Shi Wengong finished speaking, he took the rein of the horse, and Li Zhishi felt the rein in his hand "whoosh" and walked away, feeling in his heart. No reason to panic.


Shi Wengong didn't wait for him to say anything, and rushed away with a dozen of his own troops.On the way, his captain caught up with him and asked: "General, we don't have to help Li Ziqian to deliver the rice. If the marshal knows, I'm afraid the general will be misunderstood!"

"I am selfless and selfless, and the marshal's heart is like a mirror! It's a pity, I think people are a thousand miles away from the marshal! With such a character, I still plan to..." Shi Wengong sighed, no longer speaking, but in his heart Silently repenting: "As the saying goes, a loyal minister must come out of the door of a filial son. It seems that if one day I fall into peace, this person will rush to draw a line with me even if he doesn't step on it!"

Seeing Li Zhishi's nature clearly, Shi Wengong felt that it was not worthwhile to maintain a personal friendship with this person, and at the same time, he was also a little worried about the official arrangements.After all, it's a trivial matter for this person to let me look away. If I delay the important tasks of the army, how can I be worthy of Wang Lun's trust?

If only Su Ding was here!

Shi Wengong sighed, Su Ding's injuries healed within a few months, but he was in urgent need of help, seeing that Li Zhishi was an unreliable person, where could he find help in a hurry?

Just thinking about it along the way, Shi Wengong glanced at the word "Yi Lie" behind the guard when he passed a yamen, and suddenly thought of it.

How did the conflict between him and Guan Sheng come about?It's not a mistake to say a word!The root cause lies in the number one Korean general who was defeated by Hao Siwen!I heard that this person has been imprisoned for a long time and has been refusing to surrender. It seems that he still has a few bones? (to be continued~^~)

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