Water Margin Survival

Chapter 784 At the Right Time, Hitting the Right Head

No one expected that when Wang Xiang mentioned the Jurchen issue, the gentle and refined Jin Fushi would become impassioned:

"Jurchen, barbarians too! Our Goryeo Kingdom has fought against them for more than a hundred years, and it can be said that we have forged a bloody feud. Although our clan is not as civilized as the Celestial Dynasty, we also know the ambitions of this wolf. When this beast was young, he forced our lord to submit to the court. Ask for anything from my country, and never tire of asking for it! My lord is very worried, and has deployed heavy troops on the border to prevent this rascal from doing anything wrong!"

At this time, it was not all Jin Fushi's acting skills that exploded, but that Goryeo and Jurchen really had such a deep entanglement that he was deeply integrated into the role of an envoy of a small state who dumped bitterness on the suzerain.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, the Goryeo Kingdom set up two borders in the north and east on the border with Jurchen to protect the central hinterland.The territory of Koryo State was originally small, and the north-south boundary of the Guangbei border was hundreds of miles deep.The eastern boundary is even more outrageous, including two-thirds of the coastline of the entire east coast of Koryo, directly bordering Gyeongsang-do at the southern end, forming a deformed long and thin defensive area (anti-Jurchen pirates).Judging from the setting of the administrative district alone, we can get a glimpse of how deeply the Jurchens have troubled the Koreans.

"Our country has always served the great powers of the Central Plains as Zhengzu. How can we be a vassal with the lowly people on the border in the past? My country is united as one, and I would rather fight for ten years than be oppressed by the Jurchen! Now in front of the emperor and ministers of the Holy Dynasty, Your servant begged the Holy Dynasty to be the master of my small country!"

The last paragraph of Jin Fushi's words is righteous, but there are two tricks hidden in the middle. One cleverly hides the characteristics of the two ends of the Goryeo Kingdom for a hundred years, and the second cleverly warns the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty that our country is very unwilling to surrender. Jurchen, but if you really can't bear it anymore (ten years of bloody battle), you Da Song will lose me as a little brother, so please support me.

All of you here are people who think about people, why can't you hear Jin Fushi's digression?This person's words are also in line with the nature of the Goryeo Kingdom. A hundred years ago, they were unwilling to be the Khitan's ministers.However, after being mopped up by several soldiers from the Liao State, they immediately changed their national policy and gradually drew a clear line with the Song State.The Jurchens that are emerging today are quite like the Khitans of the past, and the Koreans are once again squeezed to the forefront.

However, for the Koreans to have such a posture, it was enough for the main fighters in the Song Dynasty.Zhao Liangsi was secretly delighted when he heard the words, holding half a glass of residual wine in his hand, he stared intently at the "opposition" Wang Xiang.It's a pity that Wang Xiang was a minister of the Ministry of Officials, so how can people get a glimpse of his heart from his facial expressions.At the moment, he said without any haste:

"Your monarch and ministers have this determination, and I admire you. However, Jurchen's current power cannot be underestimated. Not only has it invaded the land of Longxing in the Liao Kingdom, but even more than [-] states in Liaodong have fallen into its pocket. In the future, it will inevitably be with us. The Great Song Dynasty is a neighbor, and I would like to ask the envoy the truth, if the relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty deteriorates, where will Goryeo go?"

An old fox is an old fox. It is clear that Jin Fushi has already expressed Li Jin's irreconcilable position.But Wang Xiang still didn't leave any chance for the other party to be vague.After all, the state of hostility belongs to the state of hostility. If the Jurchens tried to misbehave against the Song Dynasty, they would definitely stabilize Koryo and avoid fighting on the two fronts.And at this time, Gao Li's attitude.It is directly related to whether Song's containment strategy can be realized.

This point should be the most difficult point in this negotiation to reach a consensus. After all, the two countries' strategic cooperation with each other will test the sincerity and determination of both sides more than the establishment of a defensive alliance.Wang Xiang didn't have much hope at first, but unexpectedly, Jin Fushi showed an unequivocal attitude on this issue.

"It's war and peace. Goryeo must follow the pace of Shangguo!"

Unexpectedly getting the promise from the Goryeo envoy, the king and ministers of the Song Dynasty felt that it was not true, although it did not cause an uproar in the audience.But the expressions on everyone's faces are almost the same as this effect, so loyal, so loyal, is this still the Koryo country with two heads?Totally wrong!

Next, it was time for the king and ministers of the Song Dynasty to exchange glances with each other, only to hear Zhao Liangsi cough dryly: "Although this is a banquet, there is no joke, Jin Shangshu dares to conclude an alliance on this matter?"

A trace of humiliation after being underestimated flashed across Jin Fushi's face, and his eyes opened angrily, "This is the will of our country's sovereign. How dare Fu Shi lie to the emperor of the Holy Dynasty? My minister is willing to form an alliance with the Celestial Dynasty on behalf of Goryeo at any time!"

If it wasn't for taking the wrong medicine!That is drinking too much!

Taiwei Duanchang made a judgment in his heart, when did this slippery little country become so tough?Interjected: "Concluding a covenant is not a trivial matter. Can your envoy dare to guarantee that when something happens on the border between Song and Jin, Goryeo can enter the hinterland of Jurchen as promised?"

Everyone's eyes once again focused on Jin Fushi. Faced with this more specific assumption of the war situation, the eloquent Goryeo envoy finally showed embarrassment. The common people are weak, and it is difficult to defend the soil, but to be aggressive is to be powerless!"

Right, this is the style of the Koreans!

Although this answer was unavoidably disappointing, everyone felt that this was "normal" for some reason.It's just that after calming down a little, I feel that this Gaoli is really tasteless, and it can't reach the level of Xia thief at all.It's really useless except for being loud.This is not to make an ally, but to carry a bottle of oil on your back.

Even Zhao Ji, who was in high spirits at the beginning, couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at this time, a yawn was a bit abrupt in the unusually quiet environment.


In this embarrassing situation, Jin Fushi's voice was even more abrupt, "However, my lord has ordered that although Goryeo cannot share its worries with Shangguo, at an extraordinary time, Goryeo is willing to open its territory to Shangguo, so that the heavenly soldiers of the Song Dynasty can take advantage of it." Dao goes straight to the hinterland of Jurchen and provides all the food and grass needed!"

Undoubtedly, this promise was a powerful booster. Even Cai Jing, who was half-closed, opened his eyes and looked at the Korean envoy in surprise.


At this time, everyone is considering the pros and cons of King Goryeo's proposal.How should I put it, the Koreans were honest this time, saying that they didn't have much ability, but they were willing to go with Da Song for the greatest convenience.This is also a huge concession!After all, no matter how ignorant and ignorant the Korean people are about the story of the deception and destruction of Guo, they should have personal experience and vigilance in the face of very likely threats.

Moreover, the Koryo people open their borders to the Song State, and they will also bear the pressure from a third party. When the time comes, the Jurchens will come all over the country to retaliate. At that time, the Song Army can withdraw across the sea and return to the country. Where can the Koryo people withdraw?

Goryeo, who even the envoys of the Song Dynasty refused to borrow the way a few years ago, unexpectedly took an unprecedented turn, and even the army of the Song Dynasty could also borrow the way. Can there be such a change?

Seeing that Koryo was willing to make such a big concession, neither the main fighters nor the opposition ever spoke out to test Koryo's bottom line, because in their view, Koryo has no bottom line, and it is already an undisguised loss. Sincerely.

It seems that the mighty Liao Kingdom has really fallen.Even the little Goryeo has completely abandoned it, and instead pinned all its diplomatic resources and hopes on Song Guo.

My God!You finally opened your eyes!Over the past hundred years, the Liao Kingdom has fed Xixia and consumed the Song Dynasty from time to time. Now it has been in Hedong for 30 years, and Hexi for 30 years!The situation has finally turned to Da Song in an all-round way, and finally there is a hardcore younger brother who is willing to use it for me.

Zhao Ji has never been so happy as today.It's like a century-old daughter-in-law who has finally become a mother-in-law and can support her younger brother to participate in northern affairs. This kind of comfort is beyond ordinary people's comprehension.He seemed to see that the achievements beyond Taizu were already within his reach, and even looking at Jin Fushi at this time, he became more and more pleasing to the eye.

Although he said that this issue was so important that even he, who is used to being casual, refused to make a decision on the spot, but the sincerity shown by the Koreans still gave him a considerable sense of accomplishment.

Jin Fushi was also smart enough not to take the initiative to touch on this topic. Even he felt that this almost "losing power and humiliating the country" excuse treaty was embarrassing. How could the people of Song Dynasty not feel the "sincerity" of the rulers of Goryeo?

Suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, Jin Fushi once again keenly seized the opportunity and started the mode of asking for help, "Your Majesty, although the country has put down Li's rebellion, the country is full of holes, and the granaries everywhere are in emergency. Thousands of people are starving for food, so my lord implores Shangguo, at this time of crisis, for the sake of diplomatic relations between the two countries, give Xiaoguo a hand!"

This rather colloquial request for help made Zhao Ji, who was immersed in reverie, almost laugh, "Wang Yu is good in everything, but he doesn't know how to employ people. Jin Shangshu is a talented person, and he should go to work in the province! Cai Qing, Mingzhou crowded Don’t squeeze out one hundred thousand grain and grass? Just tell Lou Yi to get ready for shipment! In addition, order him to prepare a ship to transport grain, and when Jin Shangshu returns to the country, he will take it with him!”

To say that Zhao Ji is not stingy, the [-] grain and grass are compared with the value of the tribute from the Goryeo Kingdom, and the sea boats that transport the grain are exactly the same as the value of the tribute.

"My servant bows down on behalf of my lord to thank you for your grace!" Jin Fushi expressed his gratitude, Zhao Ji said with a smile, and then turned to look at the eunuch behind him, as if he wanted to have a feast.Jin Fushi pretended not to know, and before the eunuch with arrogant face announced the end of the banquet, he reported: "Your Majesty, the next country is willing to use gold, silver, and raw copper to buy the grain and grass of the Song Dynasty to fill the grain storehouse. Please also ask your majesty Grace!"

"It's a small matter, just discuss it with Cai Xiang and Wang Xiang!" Zhao Ji said indifferently because of his laziness again.

"Xiaguo wants to buy a lot, and it's because I have the courage to beg Your Majesty to open my mouth first. Don't ask the two ministers to kill my ministers!" Jin Fushi saw Zhao Ji's affection for him, so he was joking in his request tone.

Sure enough, Zhao Ji didn't blame him, but pointed at Jin Fushi with a smile and said, "You! How can there be a country's minister who is full of businessmen's words? Come on, tell me, how much grain and grass does Goryeo want to buy?"

Jin Fushi chuckled, and said a number that surprised all the kings and ministers present:

"1000 million stones!" (to be continued...)

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