Water Margin Survival

Chapter 785 At the Right Time, Hitting the Right Head

Food is a bottomless pit.

Regardless of whether Liangshanbo is ready for less than four years from its development to growth, it has to face a fact that is both glorious and heavy:

That is, there are already more than seven figures of people pointing to the cottage to eat.Maybe in less than half a year, no, maybe in the next three or four months, this number will exceed 200 million.

Since they came to Tokyo to cry for poverty, there is no need to talk about Glory, only how serious the impact of these millions of people will be on the logistics.

As we all know, Liangshan now has four states, which account for more than [-]% of the land suitable for cultivation on the peninsula. However, the cruel reality is that, except for Jeju Island, which can be self-sufficient and has a slight surplus, don't think about the other three states.

If you say that the civil war in Bangzi is definitely the only opportunity to show the ferocious side of human nature (fighting with others can only contribute to the joke), the land south of Kaesong, Han Anren first scorched the earth once, and then Li Ziqian scorched the earth again, even After all the hard work, except for Hanzi County (formerly Luozhou) under the rule of Qiu Xian, there is no need to count on the harvest of other places this year.

The existing land can no longer be counted on, and can only be supplemented by external sources.

Although Liangshan has been vigorously absorbing the grain and grass circulated among the people of the Song Dynasty, the increasingly high grain price and the depletion of grain sources available for sale in the grain production areas around the villages have put a shambles on easing the current situation in Koryo. The everlasting haze.

There is a saying that no food is unstable.In fact, the immigrants from the Song Dynasty and the natives of Korea who were assigned to the fields were fortunate. No matter how they got benefits and saw hope, they would definitely try their best to survive this pre-dawn darkness hand in hand with the Anton Protectorate.But the hundreds of thousands of Korean captives are different. If they suddenly stop their food, let alone the efficiency of building the city and paving the road, it is difficult to guarantee whether they will jump the wall in a hurry.

Therefore, the issue of food is always the most critical issue.But at this time, it is related to whether the new Anton Protectorate can take root completely!

what to do?You can't pin your hopes on the so-called Dawei country that you don't know, and hope that there will still be a huge amount of food and grass seized, right?I don't know how many thousands of mouths there are in the north, pointing at the "Song Army" to fight over!

However, how can a living person be suffocated to death by urine!

Gao Qiu, the captain of the transportation team, is dead, and Zhao Ji, the captain of the transportation team, is still here!

The state of Song has always had abundant reserves of official grain. Except for the behavior of the Shuo Rats guarding and stealing themselves, there are basically two paths for official grain and private grain merchants.That is to say, Wang Lun is planning with two hands at the moment. On the one hand, he will continue to use Liangshan channels to purchase grain and grass among the people, and on the other hand, he will try to see if he can buy grain from the official warehouses of the Song Dynasty on a large scale in the name of Koryo.

After all, only the Song court can raise the massive amount of food and grass needed by Liangshan in a short period of time.But then again, in fact, this is also sending money to the Song court, which is definitely a mutually beneficial business.Even if there are political factors in it, 1000 million shi, grain and grass are at least two to 3000 million yuan worth of business, definitely the largest single deal in the world!Even the state of Song, which has the largest financial income in the world, cannot be indifferent to this huge sum of money.

Therefore, Cai Jing questioned Jin Fushi on the spot that the state envoy was not joking, and Jin Fushi also patted his chest, saying that the advance payment of 10 taels of gold for grain purchases had been brought and could be traded at any time.Then he promised to pay for every shipment of grain in Mingzhou in the future. Such a clean and neat behavior moved even the old and spicy Cai Jing, and he couldn't refuse this "purchase offer" in the end.

Of course, Zhao Ji was the happiest at this time.I think he spends money like running water on the construction projects in recent years. Although Cai Jing is a rake who collects money and is good at collecting people's fat and people's cream, he can't stand the speed of Zhao Ji's prodigal family. Now there is a huge sum of money that can be used to revitalize the grain accumulated in the Jiangnan granary, which is extravagant Life can continue to live without any worries, who would be unhappy?

Therefore, after Zhao Ji was shocked by the figure of 1000 million shi for a moment, he immediately winked at his Cai Qing. What he was worried about was not whether the Song Dynasty could get this amount of food and grass, but whether your Koreans were reliable ?Can you come up with such a huge sum of money?

Cai Jing is more experienced and professional than Zhao Ji, and he knows that with Liangzhe Road and Jiangnan East Road, he can securely take over this "big order". You must know that the combined grain output of these two roads has already exceeded 60 million shi .He even had the impression that in Suzhou alone, Zhao Ji's tax and food had reached an astonishing 600 shi in the year before Zhao Ji ascended the throne, let alone now more than ten years later?In addition to supplying [-] million shi of grain to Kaifeng Prefecture in the capital city every year, these two roads also have a large part of surplus, which exists in the local area.

So after Jin Fushi showed his confidence a little, the atmosphere became more harmonious. Although the king and ministers of Song Dynasty cherished their face, they didn't just talk about the price at the banquet.It's just that the dinner party, which was about to end, was extended for more than an hour for no reason, and it was only after midnight that it dispersed.

The high-ranking officials who accompanied the banquet were basically elderly people. Only after heavyweights such as Zhao Ji and Cai Jing left the stage did they dare to yawn profusely and not hide their fatigue.

Cheng Wanli, the servant of the Ministry of Officials, who has only been in office for a few months, is still young among the big bosses. He is still relatively energetic at this time.

The reason why he called it home, apart from the warm feeling, was that this courtyard was extremely disproportionate to his status, but it was difficult to call it a "mansion".It turned out that Tong Guan had already gone out to fight when this popular Minister of the Ministry of Officials returned to Beijing, and Cheng Wanli was not a ostentatious person, so he didn't put much effort into "living".

This courtyard was not far from the imperial palace, and after a while on the streets of Tokyo, Cheng Shilang's sedan chair finally stopped.


A crisp female voice came from the porter, and Cheng Wanli only felt the beauty in his heart, and the presence of his precious girl was enough to drive away his tiredness all day long. (to be continued~^~)

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