Water Margin Survival

Chapter 786 Another Goryeo Envoy

The grand ceremony to receive the Korean envoys was originally scheduled to be held the next day, but it was abruptly postponed for half a month.It's not that the king and ministers of the Song Dynasty intend to show off the Koreans, but the news brought by the other party's trip is too unexpected. The Song Dynasty needs time to fully evaluate the pros and cons implied in this discussion.

In terms of politics, especially military affairs, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of Tong Guan, the prime minister who is far away on the front line in Hedong, but business matters are much easier to handle.

The Koreans in this box had just offered a deposit of 100 million guan (10 taels of gold), and Zhao Ji in that box couldn't wait to order dozens of related military states in the southeast to transport the grain and grass in the treasury to Mingzhou according to their share for shipment.Judging from this matter alone, Song Ting's efficiency can be described as astonishingly high.

The most eye-catching price issue was finally negotiated after a lot of bargaining: Among them, the price of three-stone japonica rice ranged from four taels of silver to four taels of five taels of old grain according to the year.The new grain is a buy-buy price, one stone and two taels of silver.

Regarding this price, it was higher than the psychological expectations of both parties.

As far as the imperial court is concerned, this price is lower than the steadily rising market price, but the southeast region is a grain-producing area, and the price cannot be sold at the current price in the north. The state sells grain, and what they are talking about is a large-volume and preferential wholesale business, and secondly, there is some meaning of supporting Fanbang's younger brother, so both Zhao Ji and Cai Jing think that this business is done well.Even later, Cai Jing tried to explore Jin Fushi, wondering if this business is a one-time transaction, or is it a long-term business?

As for Liangshan, it must have taken advantage of it.Not to mention that this price is cheaper than buying it from the private sector.And the delivery cycle is much shorter.This point is very important for stabilizing the emerging territory of Liangshanbo.What's more, because of Liangshanbo's big move to buy 400 million shi of grain in the market, the price of grain on the market has risen too much.At this time, the intentions of the several military advisers in the Shanzhai coincidentally have the idea of ​​killing this price increase trend.

A deal, since both parties are satisfied, then everything is easy to negotiate.

After that, Jin Fushi proposed to buy fifty large sea-going ships with five thousand materials to receive this batch of grain, which was quickly approved by the court of the Song Dynasty.Finally, it was sold at a friendly price of [-] guan.Even Zhao Ji waved his hand, showing the prodigal spirit of the emperor of a great country, and presented [-] large ships of the same size with the Koryo State as ordered, in recognition of his obedience.

It is said that this news also led to an episode, and the excited Lehe Xianbao reported the news to Wang Lun, but it attracted the other party's understatement: "Tucao":

"The shipbuilding cost of only 50 million yuan is less than half of the rebate in front of the 2000 million yuan business. Who says this stupid gentleman is a fool?"

Interlude belongs to episode.While Jin Fushi was busy bargaining with Cai Jing who made an exception to participate in the negotiations, other members of the Korean mission were not idle.

In fact, if you want to say that Song Huizong, a faint emperor, has advantages.Although it promised to send students to Goryeo, it did not engage in any forced apportionment, but asked the students to sign up voluntarily.

then.Accompanied by relevant officials from the Privy Council of the Song Dynasty and Taixue. In front of thousands of students, the "Korea envoys" tried their best to publicize the importance that the Goryeo king attached to them. Among them, the most talked about was to promote the legendary history of Song Dynasty Liu Zai, Ouyang Zheng and Xiao Mingzong in Goryeo. .

It’s nothing more than Ouyang Zheng and Xiao Zongming. These two are already deceased. They were not too big officials in the Goryeo Dynasty. Close the door.

The key is that Liu Zai is incredible.This person is not only alive, but also alive and well, and has become a senior official under Wang Yu.If it is placed in the Song Dynasty.That is a member of the slaughter group.Moreover, he is not the first Song Guoren who became a prime minister in Goryeo.As early as several decades ago, Shen Xiu, a native of Kaifeng Prefecture in the Song Dynasty, went to Korea with a ship, "learned and skilled in medicine", and became an official to Situ, Zuo Pushe, and political affairs.His son An Zhishi was in the Rui and Ren dynasties, knew Shuizhou, was a clean government, and the officials were afraid of the people.

With these shining examples in front, the Taixue officials who received the emperor's will were willing to work hard to "endorse" the Goryeo people, promising that when these students returned to the country in five or ten years, Da Song would recognize their status in Goryeo. Official qualifications will definitely be properly arranged in the future.

Of course, the disadvantages of Goryeo itself are not small. After all, it is a barbaric land, far away from the Central Plains, and a good student from Tokyo, traveling thousands of miles across the sea is like being sent.

You must know that there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in this Taixue, and many powerful children are waiting for their parents to support them, so that they can enter the officialdom of the Song Dynasty and show their grand ambitions.Don't look at the officials of Taixue who are eager to pat their chests as a guarantee, but you can see that they themselves are so marginalized, why should they promise a future? (Tai Xue is unattainable in the eyes of the common people, but if viewed in the real Song Dynasty officialdom system, it is still too far away from the core of power)

The children of the aristocratic family will not be fooled by this, they just laugh at the Korean envoy's yelling like a monkey playing.However, for scholars from poor backgrounds, this opportunity did make many people quite tempted.

After all, it is a fact that the officialdom of the Song Dynasty is bloated. In this pure place of Taixue, there are three classes: outer house students, inner house students, and upper house students. There is a shadow on the upward path to realize one's life aspirations, not to mention that there are countless invisible masters hidden in the depths of the officialdom, who will fall from the sky at critical moments and wantonly fiddle with their already fragile and ethereal future.In fact, there are not a few people who have dropped out of Taixue in recent years, and the vast majority of them are poor scholars who have seen through their fate and are disheartened.

Therefore, if you choose to stay, you have the confidence to stay, and if you choose to go, you have reasons to go, gradually forming the current polarized situation of "cold and cold, hot and hot".After a few days, 140 six students finally made up their minds and voluntarily went to the small country of Haidong to try their luck and try to rewrite their own life paths.

Their future leader, or the leader, took the final list and compared it with the recommendation letter of the former Taixue student Lu Jiang, and found that five of the 37 people recommended by the latter had not signed up. Lun finally asked the Korean mission to contact the five people again, and finally saved three people, so that the list was finally fixed at 140 nine people.

After the list was finalized, not only did Zhao Ji have no objections, but even the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty of Song Dynasty, no one bothered whether the extra 49 people should be returned.So, this "little matter" that made Wang Lun anxious, but Zhao Ji didn't take it seriously, was settled like this.

The selection of people in the government-run Taixue is so loose, and then the Korean mission recruited doctors in Tokyo, and there was no resistance for the apprentices. Good doctors from the three levels of three thousand, two thousand, and one thousand for a total of five years The buyout price ranges from dozens of guan to hundreds of guan, which has attracted the favor of many Chinese medicine practitioners.In particular, I heard that in the future, people with excellent medical skills can join the Hanlin Medical Bureau of Korea, and there will be official titles, salaries and even titles, which makes this solicitation even more attractive.After all, although a good doctor is not short of money, when he returns to the country five years later, he bears the title of the chief imperial doctor of Korea on his head. Whether it is in Xinglin of the Great Song Dynasty or among the people, it is definitely a very popular existence.

The time of waiting slowly passed away while the Koryo missions were throwing money around in search of "supply".

This time, it is no longer a private banquet such as the Luming Banquet, but the serious link of submitting credentials and signing the covenant. Judging from the kind of politeness shown by the Privy Council reception officials, it should be Song Guo was already planning to eat this piece of cake that fell from the sky.

The ostentation of a big country represents the majesty of the emperor, but Jin Fushi, who followed the steps, did not feel any trace of solemnity. In this puppet show that lasted for more than one hour, he felt a little pitiful for the emperor of Song Dynasty.

I am a chess piece, and you are also a chess piece.We have all been manipulated by the chess player.

"I am ordered by Haotian's family to write to the king of Goryeo, Wang Yu: The emperor will build a country, and he must choose talents and appoint them; It belongs to..."

"Wang Yu was ordered to be the third division of Kaifu Yitong, the chief inspector of the school, the governor of Xuantu Prefecture, the envoy of the Dayi Army, and the king of Koryo, and Wang Kai was canonized as the son of Koryo..."

After Zhao Ji's sacred decree was read out in the solemn Huang Zhong Da Lu's voice, the envoys from Korea saluted and thanked each other, and then the two countries signed the covenant. Everything was carried out step by step according to the established routine.Although the lengthy etiquette made most people exhausted, Zhao Ji was still in high spirits, and even at the end of the ceremony, there was still some unsatisfactory meaning.

Looking at the obedient Goryeo envoys under the imperial steps, the emperor of Song, who had been bullied by the Khitan, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, just when Zhao Ji was distracted, an unexpected scene appeared in the ceremony:

"My minister, Jin Fushi, Minister of the Ministry of Rites of Goryeo, has something to tell the emperor of Shangguo!"

Seeing this, the two groups of courtiers of the Song Dynasty couldn't help frowning slightly, and they laughed at the Goryeo envoy's ignorance of etiquette.Only Cai Jing, who had dealt with Jin Fushi before, was slightly moved in his heart.You must know that although today's etiquette is grand, it is just going through the motions. Matters that really need to be negotiated have been negotiated before.Unexpectedly, when the ceremony was about to end, this person put on a serious look. According to Cai Jing's previous impression and perception of Jin Fushi, a kind of intuition emerged from the bottom of his heart: Is this guy going to make trouble again! ?

On the other hand, Zhao Ji seemed to be very interested, and he magnanimously gave Jin Fushi a chance to overturn the Daqing Palace. In fact, according to his nonsensical thinking, he might just wait for the envoys to present poems to add to the fun?

At this time, Jin Fushi took a deep breath and looked at the emperor of Song Dynasty without squinting. Immediately, a loud voice filled the inside and outside of the hall: "My servant, according to the will of our country, implore the eldest son of Haotian God, Emperor Shenxiao, Give a marriage to my lord, King Goryeo!" (to be continued~^~)

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