Wu Yong, no, he should be called Wu Neng by his new alias. Ever since he went to sea in Mingzhou, his whole body has entered into an extreme state of mental excitement.

Can you not be excited?Counting it, this was the first time he jumped out of Chao Gai's "shadow" and independently accepted the special task assigned by Wang Lun.The key to this matter does not lie in the significance of this mission. The important thing is that he finally escaped from the shackles of Chao Gai's small circle and can appear in front of Wang Lun with an independent personality. This is what Wu Yong values ​​most. .

Of course, saying this does not mean that Chao Gai suppressed him in any way. On the contrary, this loyal elder brother took good care of his old brothers. But Wu Yong is not someone like Xue Yong or Li Zhong. Chao Gai's shade is as sweet as sugar.On the contrary, he is like another big tree expecting to thrive under the big tree. If he does not keep a sufficient distance from the other party, there is absolutely not enough room to rise to support his inner appeal.

If it was said who Wu Yong envied the most in Liangshan, this person must belong to Zhu Wu.The reason is simple and intuitive, the situation of the two of them is extremely similar.Before the two of them went up the mountain, they were both core members of their own small hills. But after going up the mountain, Zhu Wu not only successfully jumped out of the small category of the original Shaohua Mountain, but also entered the core position of the Liangshan Group. At the same time, there was a group of old brothers behind him. Back then, Wu Yong was so jealous at the time that such a life experience was full of good things, so he took the risk and created the legend of one hundred and eight magic stars falling from the sky. It turned out that the tricks were exhausted, and Qingqing's life was almost missed.

Siming Mountain is a key node, enough to affect Wu Yong's direction for the rest of his life.It is an honest and step-by-step boil qualification.Or become a waver standing on the cusp of the storm.It all depends on whether Wu Yong can attract Wang Lun's attention.

Not long ago, Wang Lun, who had just returned to Liangshan, sent a letter with sharp words, to the effect that Simingshan had not delivered satisfactory results for Dazhai in recruiting talents. Wu Yong, who had sought Wang Lun's attention, was uncharacteristically not panicked, because he knew very well in his heart that it was not that he didn't do things, but that he really calmed down and did things honestly.You must know that these two Zhejiang roads are the headquarters of Mingjiao.Fang La's influence cannot be erased in a short period of time. If you wantonly pull people up the mountain without knowing the situation, it will inevitably cause bad consequences. Wu Yong himself can't allow his future to be ruined because of his eagerness for success.

Sure enough, after meeting Wang Lun, Wu Yong explained in detail his working methods and thoughts.Finally, in exchange for the understanding of the other party.Although Wang Lun didn't make a clear statement at the time, he actually picked him up the day before he went to sea, and gave him a special task: try his best to fool the envoy of the Song Dynasty who was going to Korea to inquire about the truth.

Even Wen Huanzhang became his foil, and he tried his best to guarantee him this special task. Wu Yongruo still couldn't understand that this was a sign that Wang Lun was going to let him go.Then this wise man is really blind.It is this person who is grateful at the same time.They all racked their brains to think of ways to deal with the Song Mission headed by Lu Yundi.

When it comes to marching troops and governing the country, he is not worthy of the name of a military adviser, but when it comes to thinking about people, how many people can catch up with him in Song Lulin?Therefore, Wang Lun's knowledge and kindness stirred Wu Yong's nerves all over his body. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Lu Yundi, as a member of the provincial government of the Great Song Dynasty, is also an old fox with a long history of service. Wu Yongchu was still very careful at the beginning.Han Anren and other Goryeo elders were mobilized just to make it easier to get close to this person.Unexpectedly, after some contact, Wu Yong laughed dumbfounded because of his caution beforehand, because the old bureaucrat was simply absent-minded, as long as he didn't touch the little bit in his heart, this person would be as quiet as dough, and Wu Yong could handle it as he wanted.

"Brother Lu, I have to ask you to take care of my relatives who are far away in Jingdong! I seem to have smooth sailing here in Korea, but who can keep me safe for a long time in official affairs, so I haven't brought them here. ...But Brother Lu, please rest assured, as long as you have something that can be of use to my younger brother, my younger brother will never refuse!"

"Where did you come from? Although you and I are new acquaintances, it is better than many old friends! Isn't your relatives my relatives? Although we can't influence a few ministers in the court, what we say , those prefects and handsome ministers in the local area are still willing to give me face!"

Lu Yundi slapped her chest in front of her new friend.Wu Neng's request was not difficult for him, on the contrary, he needed the other party's support even more at this time, and he was already familiar with this kind of back-and-forth scratching.

"Then I will thank Brother Lu in advance! Brother Lu, if you have anything to do on this trip, you can feel free to come to my brother! It's still the same sentence, if I can do it, I must do it, and if I can't, let's sit down and think of a way, how to do it." ?" Lu Yundi patted his chest, and Wu Neng was not far behind.

"Okay! Refreshing! I didn't expect to make a friend like Wu Shilang during this trip to Korea. This trip by Lu is worthwhile!" Lu Yundi's face was full of emotion, but the next sentence changed the subject and looked straight at Wu Neng said: "Since this is the case, Lu has an unfeeling request, and I hope my brother will reveal some inside information to me!"

"Oh? Dare to ask what's the matter? Brother Lu, but it's okay!" Wu Neng said in his heart that the fish began to test the bait, and a very long-lost voice came out in his heart: "It's my plan!"

"Brother must be clear about this matter, so I won't go into details, brother Yu. Can you tell me the whole story, Mr. Xu Jing, the gift officer of the people's boat, was accidentally drowned. I don't know what your court will do. What kind of argument? After all, Master Xu was on board Jin Shangshu's boat at that time, and I haven't seen any of the other sergeants and court ladies accompanying me!"

An embarrassing expression appeared on Lu Yundi's face, but this was not deliberately pretended. In fact, Xu Jing was a member of the Privy Council, and died for no apparent reason along the way. As the envoy of the Song Dynasty Mission, if Without a reasonable explanation and decent pension, Tong Guan might not be easy to fool.

Wu Neng is also a person who knows everything. He pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Lu, I won't lie in front of you. If Master Xu's death is really related to Jin Fushi, I can immediately throw him off his horse." It's just that...although Jin Fushi and Han Anren have always been close to each other, and they are a bit at odds with me, but they are both scholarly, and with their courage, they would not dare to sabotage the important affairs of the king so blatantly. The matter is too involved, and there is no room for falsification. I will first find a way to find out the truth. If it is really an accidental drowning, I will communicate with my lord at that time to see if I can make a fuss about Mr. Xu's motives, such as encountering a strong wind on the road , In order to save the princess, he died in the line of duty and so on. My little brother asks my lord to give Mr. Xu a high-ranking official and honor, as well as a generous pension, what do you think?"

"Okay, okay! My brother is really a person who can talk to each other. As expected, Lu did not misunderstand the person, so I will do as you say!" Lu Yundi quickly set the tone, this is the best result he imagined.Of course, one can raise a serious protest when meeting with Wang Yu and order Koryo to conduct an investigation, but as far as the other party's strong actions have been shown several times, no matter what the outcome is, it will inevitably affect the relationship between the two countries, and this, It was Lu Yundi's Achilles heel.

Wu Neng laughed, but his heart was full of contempt, like this kind of officialdom atmosphere, there is no sense of sorrow among colleagues, especially him.He only said that if anyone on Liangshan dared to betray his friends like this, he would be cast aside by thousands of people.

"Brother Lu, the capital city of Koryo is in front of me!" Wu Neng sighed inwardly, pointing to the capital city which is getting closer and closer.

"I heard that if there is a national envoy from the middle, he must leave the west gate of Beijing, but this time, why do we seem to enter the city through the south gate?" Lu Yundi asked a little sensitively.To be honest, he is still a little uncertain about the attitude of the Korean people, and any small change is enough to cause him worry.

Wu Neng smiled wryly, and said: "Brother Lu, it seems that I can't hide anything from you! You must not let others know about this. Not long ago, Kaijing was occupied by Thief Li, and there was a fierce battle in the west city area. Now the city wall is incomplete. The reception is unseemly, so please enter the city via the south gate!"

"So that's the case, thank you brother for telling the truth!" Lu Yundi felt relieved, it turned out that the Korean people care about saving face, but this is also understandable, and didn't say anything more at the moment.

Not long after, the convoy drove slowly into the city of Kaijing. Behind the city gate, thousands of soldiers, armored horses, flags, and ceremonial objects were lined up in the market, and the onlookers were like a wall.Lu Yundi's mood suddenly improved, and she let out the sulking feeling she had suffered in the Bilan Pavilion before, and now she looked at this exotic scene with great interest.

At this moment, a group of cavalry appeared at the end of the market, led by dozens of cavalry, galloping and jumping between beams and stirrups, sharp and swift, intending to show off their strength.Lu Yundi knew that they were sent by Wang Yu to welcome the delegation from the Shang Kingdom he led, so he couldn't help but secretly sneered in his heart: "The island is far away, and occasionally there are powerful soldiers, but they are eager to be known, it's really ridiculous!"

Wu Neng glanced at Lu Yundi's expression from the corner of his eye, and he was quite proud. These arrangements were all made by him. The Fan Luojun cavalry played by his true colors seems ordinary, but they can often play a role that cannot be ignored, at least so The realistic curtain background allows the viewer to be immersed in the scene without thinking about it.

Just when Wu Yong was complacent, he suddenly saw an abnormality about ten feet in front of him. He saw a commoner wearing Korean costume peeping through the guards on the street and appearing on the only way for the envoys of the Song Dynasty. , babbling, wanting to block the way, Wu Yong's heart beat like a drum, and he was sweating for a while.

Speaking of which, Wu Yong was very cautious in choosing these people who would welcome them. Although these people were all beneficiaries after Liangshan took control of Goryeo, Wu Yong still insisted on not wanting those who knew Song dialect, and not those who could write. I don't want to be stupid, and I don't want to be too thoughtful. I am afraid that the important matter that Wang Lun has entrusted will be ruined. Who knows that day and night defenses will make such a terrible mistake at the critical moment.

All of a sudden, Wu Yong felt a whirl in his head, and there was only one wailing in his heart: Could it be that God wants to kill me? (to be continued~^~)

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