Water Margin Survival

Chapter 797 Your Excellency, Korea is full of liars!

The one in charge of guarding Kai County (Beijing) today is the Fan Luo Army in the Liangshan garrison sequence. Ever since Shi Wengong, the main general who followed them on the Han River, fought a fierce battle that was impossible to win under normal circumstances, the entire army The morale of the army suddenly exploded, and the whole army already regarded itself as the main cavalry army under the command of the Anton Governor's Mansion.

This time, the Liangshan army continued to march towards the remnants of Koryo in two ways. This brave man was left behind, and many veterans felt that they were underestimated.For a while, those who wrote blood books wrote blood books, and those who cut their fingers cut their fingers. The Korean camps were all very restless.In the end, it was Shi Wengong who lost his temper violently during the meeting, which cooled down a little.

Of course, a victory can at most boost the confidence of the soldiers, but it is not enough to make this Korean-dominated army regard Song as its motherland, so the crux of the matter is not here.The key point is that in the hearts of the vast majority of natives on the peninsula, there is a deep-rooted concept, that is: "If you can't beat them, join them!"

They are not strong, but they are born to attach to the strong.

What's more, what they met this time happened to be a strong man who was determined to accept and integrate them.

During the training in Seoul, [-]% of the officers and soldiers of the Goryeo Battalion who could contact their families were assigned to the fields first. Among them, the outstanding military personnel and the families of the soldiers who died in battle were assigned to the fields under their names. The excellent paddy fields in the two counties of Lintun were something that they would have never dared to think about in the past. They did not expect the dawn to shine on them so soon.The little feelings in many people's hearts were immediately thrown to Jeju Island.I went with the old master Wang Mata.

As the saying goes, people who tend to miss the past are mostly people who are unhappy in the present.In the current Fanluo army, no one is proud of their former status, and no one is ashamed of their current status.Although everyone's status as the Song Army has not yet been warmed up, the envoys of the Song Kingdom came across the sea to canonize Marshal Wang to the throne and take charge of Korea, but no one felt lost.What General Shi said clearly, as long as you follow Marshal Wang, is there any real difference whether you are an official Song Army or a vassal army of the Song Dynasty?


As long as you follow the right person, it doesn't matter what identity is on his head, isn't it just a name?In the past, the Eight Guards of Kaijing were very prestigious, but what happened?

Not to mention.

Therefore, this time the Fan Luojun received the task of stationing in Kaixian County and welcoming the angels.The whole army was very excited, thinking that the marshal entrusted them with such an important task of defending the guard, not other teams, it was definitely out of trust.At the moment, everyone is as excited as if they have been beaten with chicken blood, and they all expressed that they would seize this opportunity to show their unique style.

Unexpectedly, it is right under their noses.There was such an emergency blocking the way.Isn't this slapping them in the face?

I saw that the man in traditional Goryeo costume had just broken through the security of Yiwei, and the guards around him had already reacted, and they were aggressively trying to give this man a good look.Unexpectedly, when they were just approaching, they suddenly heard the man yell: "My lord, the whole country of Koryo is full of liars!"

It's good that this person doesn't speak, everyone treats him as an ordinary Korean commoner, but when this person speaks, his identity as a Song person is undoubtedly revealed.At this moment, the guards who rushed up to take charge of the guards hesitated. The people of Song Dynasty in this land are definitely beyond the existence of national treatment.Fluency in Song dialect is a symbol of status and a guarantee of safety. No native dares to challenge the prestige of the Song people, even if the other party is just an ordinary immigrant with no power.And this includes the Fan Luojun.

"Bastard! How did this General Dung Bucket lead soldiers!" Wu Yong scolded in his heart. He really didn't expect that Shi Wengong was said to be good at leading soldiers, but these muddy things actually retreated at a critical moment. Wu Yong's own life?If he told this fellow to spoil his deed with a few words, would Wang Lun tolerate a Chen Ping who made mistakes again and again?

"Catch it, catch it for me! What are you doing in a daze!" Wu Yong shouted hysterically, looking a little out of breath.

Zhan Wei knew Wu Yong, and in Kaixian County, their bosses had to temporarily listen to this man's orders, how dare these ordinary soldiers disobey Wu Yong's military order?What's more, if the mistakes are made on them, if they don't fix them, will they wait for the military law to deal with them?

Having obtained Shangfang's sword, the little leader of the Fanluo Army led someone forward, ready to capture this person, but during the stalemate, the sudden sharpness in the opponent's eyes surprised the little leader of the Gaoli camp who had caught up with him. It's the same breath!As a veteran who climbed down from the pile of dead people on the banks of the Han River, Zong Wei dared to conclude that this person was definitely not an ordinary Song person, subconsciously holding a knife handle, ready to face a fierce fight.

Unexpectedly, the Song man only occasionally showed his sharpness, and immediately covered his breath, turned his head and shouted at the Song envoy: "My lord! The villain is from the great Song family, and the villain has a top-secret reason to tell you..."


Seoul, Qing county government office.

Zhang Xiaochun was paced back and forth in the hall, obviously a little restless, and he even brought two escorts to report on the county's internal affairs, but told him to retreat without saying a word.Both of them couldn't figure out what happened to Zhang Tongpan these two days. He, who has always been diligent in government affairs, actually took a break from government affairs. He didn't look like he was sick, but he was frowning all day long, and he didn't know what it was. reason.

The Yasi is an official of the county government, so naturally it is not easy to ask Zhang Xiaochun face to face what is bothering him, but he also feels that it is not an option for Mr. Tong to keep distracted like this.After all, as the southernmost county of Seoul, the immigration task is very heavy. Originally, the officials in the county were not fully equipped, and Zhang Xiaochun, who had worked as the prefect of Taiyuan, took on a lot of extra work. He did not say anything about the operation of the government. Shutdown is actually almost the same as a shutdown.

The two chief officers were old men from the early days of Liangshan. Although they were not very capable, they still had a sense of professionalism. After discussing it, they decided to invite another county-level official in the county, Liu Xianwei, who had just taken office, to take care of Zhang. General judgment.

However, County Lieutenant Liu has a fiery temper, so if he hears that the county magistrate is negligent in governing, is that okay? !Immediately cursing: I'm fighting with my life on the front line, and the reason for taking down this country is to let you wait for a big turban to be a hand-slinger?At the moment, he didn't care what title the other party had as a judge in Seoul, so he went to the county government angrily.

I saw that when he stepped into the lobby of the county government with the spirit of seven in and seven out of thousands of troops, he saw the magistrate of the county with his hands behind his back and looking up at the "upright and bright" hanging on the wall. Plaque, secretly lost in thought. (to be continued~^~)

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