Water Margin Survival

Chapter 834 A sense of belonging needs to be cultivated

"We always unite with all those who can be united, and stand firmly on the side of tens of millions of people in Song Dynasty. If we fail, it will not only be the failure of Liang Shanbo, but also the disillusionment of the hopes of thousands of ordinary people. Will they see us fail? Will you see us fail?"

It seems that there are really unpredictable skills, the cunning Wu Yong seemed to see through the confusion in Feng Mei and the others' hearts, and accidentally interjected a paragraph.After these words were spoken, not only Chai Jin immediately looked at him with admiration, but Xie Ning, who was closest to Wu Yong, also had something very different in his eyes.

"Damn it! Of course I won't watch Liangshan collapse!"

Chen Yun suddenly roared, and he didn't know why he roared at this time, but he just did it unconsciously.Most importantly, it feels pretty good.At least it's better than the grass-roots team that took their lives to maintain.

Yes, it is the Grass Team.Compared with Liangshan Park, the Song Dynasty court is like a flower shelf, let alone other green forest hills?

"Do it! I will never sit back and watch! Don't think that there are no heroes in Hedong!" Zhu Jing and Ni Lin also said angrily. Tian Hu's anger in the Song Dynasty does not mean that his broken ship is hopeless Man, these two have had enough of their consciences.In their hearts, they have always longed for an encounter, an encounter that can justify their name.

Qiao Daoqing smiled, very pleased.When he looked at the thoughtful Fang Xuedu, he dared to pat his chest and say, not only did he get on the wrong boat this time, but he also gave guidance to those people who shouldn't just disappear in this turbulent era. There is a clear path.

"So, we are destined not to fail!"

Wu unabashedly shot provocative eyes at Ju Sifu, who couldn't even utter a single sentence at this time, and could only accuse Liangshan with such pale nonsense as "you...you..." The trembling appearance made Wu Yong feel an unprecedented pleasure for no reason.

It turned out that he didn't have the ability to dominate the audience, but in the past, there was no room for Wu Yong to display it.

"This is the program set by Brother Wang Lun for us, that's why Liang Shanbo has come to this day! We can unite the people of the Song Dynasty, and naturally we can unite the people of Korea. This is the principle of Yilitong and Bailirong! What do you think The Koreans are surprised to guard the land for us, but I want to ask, why did the Koreans rebel? They live better than before, live with more dignity than before, and can enjoy the honor of the people of a great country. Why did they drag Seeing those old men who eat vegetarian meals on their corpses forcefully offer sacrifices to their heads? Let me ask, who is born cheap!?"

Wu Yong stopped completely with this speech, Feng Mei, Bi Sheng and the other ten people lost their temper completely.Although Wu Yong's words were plain, they contained countless political truths, and based on their experience and knowledge, they felt that they could not refute them.

More importantly, they don't want to refute at this time.

Because, this is their last resting place.Liang Shanbo has maintained a long-term prosperity, and their wealth is naturally guaranteed.For no reason, who is willing to break Lu Bu's record and create a new allusion of four family slaves?

"This... military division, the whole army is lined up..."

County magistrate Liu had to interrupt Wu Yong, who was on the upper body of the god and Buddha.By the way, this is the first time for this proud Tai student to face up to the sour scholar who is said to be a village school professor.He never expected to hear such deafening words from this person's mouth.Originally, he agreed to become an official in Korea for many reasons, but now, he suddenly felt that his choice had a sacred meaning.

"I am the head of the counselor's military affairs, and I work for the military division, not the military division! Don't call me wrong in the future!" Wu Yong corrected the other party, and said: "Then county magistrate Liu, please do what you want!"

Wu Yong's aura suddenly became stronger, making it difficult for County Magistrate Liu to get used to it for a while, but at the end, he felt a lot more relaxed when he let himself go. The commander winked.

The commander received the instruction, stepped forward and saluted the leaders of the gang, and said loudly: "The fourth battalion of the garrison Zhenfanbu has assembled, please inspect it!"

"What? Inspection?"

"Grand! It's too grand!"

Many leaders from reckless backgrounds were rubbing their hands together with joy. After the scene just now, several former court officials had begun to stop treating themselves as outsiders, and whispered to each other immediately: "The scar on the commander's face is obviously The knife wound should have come from the battlefield. But these people under him obviously don't feel the murderous intent, maybe they haven't fought a war before?"

"Well, except for a few officers with different postures, I think most of them should be good family members who have never been on the battlefield! However, if you look at their movements so neatly, I am afraid that they do not practice less on weekdays. The garrisons in many state capitals are too strong! In my opinion, given time, they should not be underestimated!"

"Yeah, this is Liangshan's second-tier state and county soldiers. What they call 'field army', I'm afraid it should not be underestimated!"

"You don't know? Director Qin and a man named Hao Siwen teamed up to support us in Hebei... Tian Hu invited thousands of Xia Kingdom dead cavalry. The strength is amazing! Wang Zhi is probably the same as Liang Shanbo There has been a relationship for a long time, and the heads of the Fanbing who died in battle have been sent to the court to ask for credit!"

"How do you know that the daughter of the magistrate of the Xiqing Mansion back then is now the wife of Chief Wang. This guy Wang Zhi was stationed in the Xiqing Mansion at that time. The matter is already clear. What else is there to guess?"

The ten generals here are talking endlessly, and the leaders from the west of Beijing have dismounted one after another, and they really started to inspect in a serious manner. Seeing the soldiers in the cold wind standing tall and straight, not moving at all, several people shouted: "What else do I want?" The old department? Just such a soldier, give me a thousand children and eight hundred, and I will be satisfied!"

Everyone almost laughed at their companions for being so worthless, but seeing the solemn expressions of the soldiers in front of them, unmoved by the outside world at all, the undisciplined energy of the reckless heroes subconsciously suppressed them.After a while, there was basically no noise at the scene.

The atmosphere changed from cheerful to dignified, and even Xie Ning, his key "mark" object, had a thoughtful expression on his face. Wu Yong knew that this visit might have worked.Coupled with his impromptu remarks, it seems to have played a catalytic role to some extent.In fact, this is just the beginning. Unexpectedly, these people have been suppressed. In the future, if the three major counties of Zhenfan go on like this, I am afraid that Lintun County will not be necessary.

Of course, he was just thinking about it this way. How could he dare to oppose the major event set by the Duhufu?

It was night, and everyone stayed overnight in Haiming County.

After the welcome dinner, Li Zhu went to bed early.The leaders from the west of Beijing and the east of the river went out to visit the county in twos and threes on their own.Ten imperial generals and governors specially applied to visit the servant army barracks.Ju Sifu locked himself in the guest room and didn't know what he was doing, anyway, the candles in his room were lit all night.Elder Zhizhen knew that he was just a helper, and he didn't bother everyone, so he only meditated in the guest room.Qiao Lie, Fang Xuedu, and Li Tianxi also did not leave the office, and Chai Jinxiang accompanied them to talk.County magistrate Liu seized this opportunity to report to Sun Ding alone in the county office on his feelings since he took office.Wu Yong is still a maverick, walking with Xie Ning on the city wall of Haiming County, discussing the means of attack and defense enthusiastically.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone thanked Haiming County for the hospitality, and set off for the county where Zhenfan County is located.Because all the transfers were new horses, they were full of energy and traveled quickly, so the horse team had already arrived at the destination before it was dark that day.

Chen Wenzhao, the prefect of Zhenfan, took Niu Geng, the training envoy of the county regiment, and greeted him ten miles outside the county. Li Zhu saw that he was a senior member of the Mushou side under his younger brother, and went forward to say many words of thanks.Everyone also met Chen Taishou very politely, but when Ju Sifu faced Chen Wenzhao, he really wanted to drown him with a mouthful of spit, but in the end he didn't make any mistakes and just played it perfunctory.

Ping County was originally the former site of Jeonju in Korea. After all, it is not comparable to the small county of Haiming. Not only is the city much higher and deeper, but the streets are also much wider and more lively.Moreover, after Liangshanbo was established as a county, it was positioned as the granary of the peninsula, which not only expanded the area of ​​the city, but also built a large warehouse that could store 1000 million shi of grain and grass. The prosperity of the first county is no less than that of an ordinary state capital in the Song Dynasty.

In the evening, as usual, the prefect's mansion held a banquet to welcome the wind. For these distinguished guests, Tou Pingxiang was opened to drink. Everyone was in a mess that night. They originally planned to leave for the south the next day, but everyone was like this, so they had to postpone it for a day.When everyone woke up at noon, Niu Geng continued to serve wine at the Bingma Division. This time, everyone was like a thief, and they didn't dare to open their mouths to drink anymore.

But Niu Geng refused, saying bluntly that you are so snobbish and learn to watch people order food.Chen Taishou is a big shot, but I, Niu Geng, are made of mud?If you come two steps late, I'm afraid you won't be able to run into me in this city.The crowd couldn't resist Niu Geng's enthusiasm, and they didn't want to get drunk again, so they resorted to the strategy of delaying the attack.Zhidao, since you, Niu Tuanlian, are going to be stationed in Hanzi County, our next step is to go to Hanzi County, and we will let go of drinking at that time.

Niu Geng was a sincere and honest person, he was forced by everyone's soft words, so he had no choice but to let it go.After dinner and wine, Niu Geng came forward in the afternoon and led the mighty group to visit the newly built garrison barracks in the city.Because Qixian County is the seat of the county, the military strength here is strong, with the third battalion of the Han army stationed directly and the fourteenth battalion of the servant army.Many leaders from reckless backgrounds have never seen tens of thousands of "foreign" troops gathering together, and they feel very novel in their hearts.After some contacts, I saw that these people were so obedient, no different from what Wu Yong said, let alone the pride in my heart.

After an afternoon of visits, everyone finally understood how powerful this Liangshanbo, a state and county regiment training envoy is.Niu Geng, most of the gangster brothers in the past have heard of his name, but the head of a small village on the Hebei Road did not even get the position of leader when he went to Liangshan, and it is said that he was filled later.Who would have thought that he has also come out with the leader of the king now, and he actually holds [-] soldiers and horses in his hands!

What is the concept of [-] soldiers and horses?

One must know that Wang Qing, one of the four bandits, hurried to Tokyo for this recruitment, how many people did his subordinates take away?Thirty-eight thousand people!Right now, just one Niu Geng is worth more than half of Wang Qing, which is unbelievable.

It was just this time that Li Zhu worked so hard to help his younger brother, earning more than half of Wang Qing's abandoned family property, but the people who brought him to Yuetuo Island this time were only five or six. All people.

Now being stimulated by Niu Geng, everyone has a different understanding of Liang Shanbo.After saying goodbye the next day, everyone still had an aftertaste of yesterday's experience, talking non-stop along the way.

As everyone knows, this is just their hors d'oeuvres. The main meal along the way is Daifang County and Hanzi County in Zhenfan County. After visiting these two counties, Zhenfan County will be considered complete.Next, they will also go by boat to Cantai County, Dongyu County, and Buer County in Lintun County.They waited until they had visited all these places before they turned to land and entered the core of Andong Protectorate's Mansion: Hancheng Mansion.

Anyway, if these chiefs are not completely dazzled and their buttocks get cocooned, this journey will not be over. (to be continued~^~)

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