It's better to run around outside!

Looking at the mountain of official files in front of him, Wang Lun put down his pen and shook his numb right arm.It is said that he has gotten used to writing with a brush in the past few years, but no matter how used he is, he can't handle the never-ending official documents in front of him.

Although there were a lot of affairs in Liangshan in the past, it is unimaginable that since the grassroots government of more than 20 counties in four counties (Le Lang and Xuan Tu are not counted for the time being), the government affairs have increased exponentially.No, it won't work like this.Buried in the pile of documents all day, how can I have time to think about big things?Don't talk about big things right now, I don't even have time to deal with my own private affairs.

At least Wang Lun hadn't accompanied Wan'er on the street for a long time, he was so busy every day that he couldn't leave the ground, and he could only accompany his sweetheart when he was having dinner. At this time, not only did he not complain about all kinds of acts of forgetting selfishness, but he always advised Wang Lun to pay more attention to his body.

The relationship between the two of them is a bit strange now, they say they are not married, but they actually live together (living together in the former royal city, not far apart).But when it comes to getting married, it's still a matter of Mr. Cheng's approval.After all, Wan'er came to this overseas place alone, without even a mother's family around her. Wang Lun didn't want to plant any bad seeds in her heart to take root and germinate in the future.Furthermore, although the acquaintance between the two is not short, the actual days of getting along are only a handful.This time, if it was as Wu Yong, the dog-headed military adviser, said, it would be a donkey. Not to mention that Cheng Wan'er couldn't accept it for a while, even Wang Lun felt that it was too hasty, and it felt like a flash marriage in later generations.Wang Lun felt that it would be better to use this time to cultivate and cultivate mutual feelings. The future of the two will be long-term.

Anyway, the daughter of the old Cheng family will be Mrs. Wang sooner or later!

Wang Lun still has this confidence.

"Brother, the white fungus pear soup is still hot, hehe!" Jiao Ting came in with a bowl of sweet soup, and put it on the table in front of Wang Lun with a silly smile.

No need to ask, Wang Lun knew who made the soup, and said, "Wan'er has been here?"

"I've been here, and seeing that you're busy, I asked my younger brother to do it for you. By the way, my sister-in-law told you to go back early for dinner!" Jiao Ting said with a smirk.

The sound of "Go home for dinner" made Wang Lun feel a little sweeter in his heart. He said "Got it", picked up the sweet soup that Wan'er had boiled, and slowly tasted it one bite at a time.After drinking half a bowl, Wang Lun found that Jiao Ting was still there, pointed to the bowl and said, "You want some too?"

"Thanks to you, I drank half of the bucket just now!" Jiao Ting licked his mouth and said, "This bowl was served for you by my sister-in-law. I want to drink it, but my wife will not scold me to death!"

Wang Lun laughed. He didn't expect Jiao Ting to have bronchitis potential, so he shook his head, raised his head and drank the remaining soup, put down the bowl and said, "My senior brother, where are they now?"

Jiao Ting let out an "oh" and said: "I left Lintun County yesterday, I think I can come here in just a few days!"

"Oh, so, go and invite Mr. Wen, Gong Cao Sun Canjun, and Bing Cao Shi Canjun, some things have been pressed for a long time, and it's time to discuss them!" Wang Lun ordered.

Jiao Ting let out an "Hey", turned around and went out.Wang Lun wiped his mouth, sat back at the desk, and returned to his business.Not focusing is not enough, although the cold winter makes people feel tired, but when the spring comes next year, troubles will follow one after another.Now he can only hurry up and arrange everything in advance, so as to survive the biggest crisis since Liang Shanbo built his village!

It is said that when Wang Lun was meditating, Wen Huanzhang, Sun Ding, and Shi Jin came together. Wang Lun got up to greet him. Shi Jin saw the empty bowl on the table, sniffed exaggeratedly, and said with a smile: "My sister-in-law is worthy She is a lady of everyone, she will hurt people after all!"

Wang Lun laughed and said, "I don't know when to drink Da Lang's wedding wine?"

Shi Jin was only in his early twenties, his face turned red when he heard this, and both Wen Huanzhang and Sun Ding laughed.Wang Lun didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, so he invited the three of them to sit down.Jiao Ting personally went forward to pour tea for the three of them, then withdrew.Wang Lun took out several volumes of official documents and handed them to the three of them respectively: "This was sent in batches by Daoist Li Zhu and Wu Xuexue, and now they are all compiled, and the situation of the leaders who came here this time is introduced in detail. The three of you take a look first, and after reading it, let's discuss their arrangements and try to resolve it before dinner!"

It's finally time to discuss this matter!

Wen Huanzhang couldn't help but look at Sun Ding.Wang Lun had been suppressing it beforehand, presumably waiting for these reports to be released, and now he must have made a decision in his mind.The two of them didn't speak, they took it and looked at it carefully.It was Shi Jin's first time to participate in such a core personnel arrangement, and his hand holding the report couldn't help shaking a little.Fortunately, he is also Wang Jin's high-ranking apprentice, so there is nothing to say about his aptitude, and this time he basically just came with his ears, so he took two deep breaths and gradually calmed down.

When Shi Jin calmed down, Sun Ding was not.

To be honest, he can be regarded as a witness to the change of heart of this group of new leaders. Looking at the detailed report in his hand, let alone the emotion in his heart.I don’t know which clerk is stupid right now, and even copied the original words of Wu Yong’s request to end the tour early on the way. It seems that this trip has a significant effect on these newcomers who are mixed with fish and dragons!

The three of them finished reading the report in hand and exchanged with each other. In less than a cup of tea, all three of them finished reading.At this moment, Wen Huanzhang asked, "How will my lord arrange them?"

Wen Huanzhang's words were a signal, and Sun Ding immediately got up and borrowed a pen and paper from Wang Lun, ready to record.Although Shi Jin was a little bit late, he imitated his example and took a pen and paper at hand.

"There are fewer people on Tian Hu's side, let's discuss this side first!" Wang Lunyan returned to preaching.Seeing that Wen Huanzhang had no intention of opening his mouth at this time, he threw bricks and said: "Qiao Lie is loyal, upright, and resourceful. In my opinion, follow Wu's example and arrange to be the head of the military affairs of the Shanzhai Counselor! Chao Tianwang doesn't have a mastermind. I'm going to send Qiao Daoqing over there to help, what do you think?"

Wen Huanzhang knew that Wang Lun had been valuing Qiao Lie for a long time, and Xu Guanzhong also had a very high opinion of him.On Wu Yong's side, I don't know if he has figured out what Wang Lun meant. In the report, he did not hesitate to praise Qiao Daoqing, saying that he is loyal, straightforward, and skilled in military affairs.Wen Huanzhang believed that Qiao Lie was a capable person, but he felt that Wu Yong was joking, and the visit could also show off his military talent?

Of course, Wang Lun still had no objection to Qiao Daoqing's arrangement.

Seeing the two meeting each other, Shi Jin began to record, although the personnel arrangement of Zhuzhai in the Great Song Dynasty was not under the framework of the Duhufu, but in the future he will publish the article in the name of Wang Lun, so there is no problem of overstepping.Seeing that Shi Jin was recording, Wen Huanzhang didn't urge him, and started a joke: "I heard from Sun Canjun that Mr. Jia Liang has another joke. It seems that others respect him as a military adviser, and he still avoids suspicion!"

Sun Ding also laughed at this time, and told the situation that day as a joke. Wang Lun laughed and said: "If there is a deputy military adviser, the head of the counselor's military affairs is the deputy military adviser. Why can't he be called a military adviser? This Wu Yong, now I have learned to be humble!" Speaking of the head of the military affairs counselor, it was a trick that Wu pedantic thought of when he pushed Zhu Wu away. Later generations often say "the staff officer does not have a leader, and he does not fart loudly!" This is exactly what it means .

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while. Wen Huanzhang waited for Shi Jin to finish writing, but he still didn't take the initiative to speak. Instead, he picked up a teacup and drank water. Wang Lun knew that he, an important assistant who was experienced in seeking the country, would not carelessly intervene in personnel arrangements. , Immediately said: "It's a matter of discussion, if you don't discuss it, let's talk about it, sir!"

Wen Huanzhang chuckled, put down his teacup and said, "Judging from Wu Junshi's letter, Fang Xuedu still has some concerns, should we wait for him to come and make arrangements?"

"It doesn't matter if you have worries. If he really doesn't have any worries, I'm afraid I think highly of him!" Wang Lun smiled and said, "Then wait until he comes!"

Wen Huanzhang nodded in agreement, and finally picked up the teacup again. Wang Lun said with a smile: "Mr. Emotion is here to drink tea!"

Wen Huanzhang laughed when he heard the talk, but it was just a smile, and he still didn't intend to speak.That's right, he has already been involved too deeply in the arrangements of the civil servants of the Protectorate's Mansion, so how could he be willing to intervene in the arrangements of this group of new leaders?It doesn't fit his mature and stable temperament.

Wang Lun also noticed it at this time, and stopped pressing, and said straightly: "I still have someone on hand, so I asked Li Tianxi to be the secretary of Baihutang. The Eight Capital Supervisors were divided into two shifts, and Wang Huan and Zhang Kai were two old generals. Let's start. As for how to subdivide it, it's Shi Canjun's business. Feng Mei and Bi Sheng went to the Golden Spear Army to help Teacher Xu. Wei Dingguoping, the former deputy general of the Golden Spear Army, was transferred to the Xiongyi Army. Hao Siwen did a good job this time , Send him another right-hand assistant, so that he can be liberated from mundane affairs and save some energy to think about big things!"


Shi Jin, who was memorizing by himself, heard this arrangement, subconsciously stopped the movements of his hands, and couldn't help secretly shouting.

In his opinion, among this group of new leaders, other people are easy to arrange, but the ten old court generals and Fan Quan are the most difficult to arrange. His subordinates have been elevated infinitely. Although Liang Shanbo pays attention to the ability to use them, it would be inconsiderate to keep their status too low.

Now that the Badujian is fighting with the two ex-Jiedu envoys, what else do they have to say?And Feng Mei and Bi Sheng went to the field army as lieutenant generals, that would definitely be reused.Xu Ning is no better than others, he is the founder of Liangshan Majun, and his qualifications in the Shanzhai are directly comparable to Lin and Lu. , Even if you measure these two, you dare not feel inferior.

No wonder my brother changed his mind temporarily and asked these people to go to Zhenfan County. He originally planned to let them go out and come back, so he used it directly!

Shi Jin suddenly had a feeling that he could see the sun through the clouds. If he had also played the role of a family member, he felt that this brother's methods were really far behind.Otherwise, based on his knowledge, if these people are directly dragged to the Seoul Mansion, they will definitely be idle for a period of time no matter what.But such a free time is time-consuming, and it is not conducive to integration, and it is inevitable to make people suspicious and dark ghosts. How can my brother be so clever? (to be continued~^~)

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