"Yang Zhi and Suo Chao recommended Zhou Jin to me several times, saying that although he was not good at arching horses, he had been in the army for a long time and was better at military affairs. He wanted to win the position of lieutenant general for him. It has been suppressed, but now the time is ripe. Let Yang Zhi's deputy general Han Tao be transferred to Lu Yuanwai's command, promote Zhou Jin to assist Yang Zhi in handling military affairs, and clarify his identity as the leader. However, this deputy general is weaker, so I will give him another The Fenwei army should fill in with a lieutenant general, Qiu Yue should be the candidate!" Wang Lun glanced at Shi Jin who was in a daze, and said again.

Wen Huanzhang had no objection to Zhou Jin's promotion and Han Tao's transfer.After all, father and son are soldiers in battle, brothers who fight tigers.The generals understand each other and have a deep friendship, which will play a positive role in wartime.Letting Han Tao and Peng Qi work together under Lu Junyi at this time has the same meaning as transferring General Shenhuo and General Shengshui to the same place before. It can be seen that Wang Lun is experienced and skilled in appointing and dismissing personnel.It's just that Wen Huanzhang still has something to add to Qiu Yue's arrangement:

"Qiu Yue did a good job in Siming Mountain. It's just that if he moved, Zhou Ang should move too?"

"Mr. Huanzhang, who knows me!" Wang Lun laughed: "Zhou Ang went to cover Qiuyue's vacancy, and let him know that there is a way out if he does a good job! As for the Liangshan recruits, please ask Wang The coach took Wang Wenbin to worry about it! Isn't Qiu Yue going back to Liangshan this time, and he can't be idle with the recruits!"

The three present heard that they had nothing to add, and they all nodded.Wang Lun took a sip of tea and said again: "Jeju Island's post of governor has been absent for more than a month, I think Jin Baozi Yang Lin will be on top! Zhu Gui's side and Hebei's side have two chiefs, it's too wasteful ! The night attack on the Xia Kingdom’s death riding camp avoided a direct confrontation and minimized the casualties. It’s all because of Yang Lin’s intelligence work, so I deserve this award!”

Yang Lin is an old brother, and his qualifications are also worthy of being a state military commander. After all, his two younger brothers have grown into Zhenfan and Lintun regiment trainers.Besides, Jeju Island really lacks a careful and cautious person to head the house. After all, it is impossible for Shi Wengong to stay on the island for three to five years, and he will be transferred sooner or later.It's just that Wen Huanzhang still had some concerns, worried that Yang Lin would be a little weak to go to Jeju Island alone, so he said:

"Yang Linke is dedicated to his duties and shoulders heavy responsibilities. However, he has been at the intelligence port and has never led troops before. Should you send him a right-hand assistant?"

"Sun Qi from Hedong, and Zhu Neng from Jingxi, served as the training envoy of the Jeju Island Regiment at the same time, and the latter was in charge of the Jeju Island Navy full-time. Yang Lin's personal relationship does not need to be transferred to the garrison, but stays in the hotel system and accepts Zhu Guihe. Shanzhai has dual leadership, and I plan to hand over the information on Japan to him in the future!" Every time Wen Huanzhang had doubts, Wang Lun quickly answered the question, obviously he had thought it through carefully.

Wen Huanzhang had no objections, and Wu Yong's comments on the two were acceptable, which was enough to make up for Yang Lin's shortcomings in some aspects.At this moment, Wen Huanzhang nodded, and said proactively: "By the way, what do you plan to do with Fan Quan? This man is a big trouble!" As soon as Wen Huanzhang said this, both Sun Ding and Shi Jin put down their brushes , his gaze fell on Wang Lun involuntarily. This person's arrangement was more troublesome than the two imperial generals and eight capital supervisors.

Of course Wang Lun knew what Wen Huanzhang meant by this trouble. Fan Quan was a seller seeking glory, so reusing him would set a negative example.But this person has indeed contributed a lot to Liang Shanbo, how to arrange him is really a big problem.At this time, I saw Wang Lun pondering a little, and said: "Give him a sum of money, let him be a rich man in Hancheng Mansion."

"My lord, our great cause has not been accomplished. Such a person, even if he pinches his nose, he still has to stand up!" Wen Huanzhang could feel Wang Lun's contempt and contempt for this person, so why did he have the slightest affection for this person?But for Liangshan's future development, he had to persuade him.

"Sir, is there any good way?" Wang Lun looked up at Wen Huanzhang and said.

"Since it's for some people to see, it's either an official or a noble. We all know what kind of person Fan Quan is. Right now, we can only settle for the next best thing. Just don't let him take a real job! Just give him How about keeping a noble title? Anyway, Tian Hu gave us a big gift this time, and it’s been sealed up and hasn’t been moved yet!” Wen Huanzhang, worthy of being a seasoned country seeker, immediately offered a feasible solution.

This time Wang Lun did not give a quick answer, only to see him pondering for a long time before he said slowly: "So, according to Mr. Wen, make him a surrender baron (baron)!" Wang Lun looked at Sun Decided, with an emphatic tone: "Remember, don't pass it on to your descendants!"

Sun Ding nodded in agreement, and quickly wrote it down. Wang Lun slowed down and changed the topic to a more relaxed one: "As for Zhao Gui, people in the world call him the General Who Disturbed the Sea. Didn't everyone say that there are only wrong names and no wrong nicknames? Let him go and defend Tsushima Island!"

Tsushima Island was originally within the sphere of influence of the Wa Kingdom, with a land area of ​​about [-]% that of Jeju Island. It was the frontier of the island country's defense against Jurchen pirates, and it was also a springboard for the island country's dwarves to launch foreign invasions when their ambitions flared up.The strategic location of this island is extremely important. It is said that on sunny days, Busan can be seen directly from Tsushima High Terrace. The future Busan is now Liangshanbo Lintun County. ?

Therefore, not long after the Japanese forces launched a sneak attack on Jeju Island, Wang Lun took the island backhand, incorporated it into Tsushima County of Jeju Island, and sent local officials and [-] naval troops to garrison it.

Wen Huanzhang had very little impression of this sea-disturbing general, so he flipped through the materials in his hand again, and after reading them at a glance, he found that the other party was indeed from a family background, so he nodded to express that he had no objection.

"Zhu Jing and Ni Lin will discuss later. In this way, the discussion on Tian Hu's side is over, let's discuss on Wang Qing's side next!" Wang Lun's complexion improved, and he said frankly: "Lu Cheng, Zheng Jie, in Beijing He followed our Liu Zhibo all the time when he was in the West, and this time he will be sent to station on Yuetuo Island, taking the fifth and sixth positions respectively (There are currently four leaders in Yuetuo Island, and the rankings are Liu Min, Wen Zhibo, etc. Ren Shichong, Liu Heihu, Zuqiu.)

At this time, Wen Huanzhang may have realized Wang Lun's intentions, and this time he nodded without saying a word, but at this time Shi Jin couldn't help but said: "Brother, what an important place Yuetuo Island is, now It’s all under the control of Wang Qing’s subordinates, so don’t we let anyone of us go?”

Wang Lun chuckled, and followed Shi Jin's words: "If you don't let any of your own people go, sooner or later all six of them will become your own people. If you let go of one of your own people right now, you will be forced to become an outsider!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he saw that Shi Jin was still a little puzzled, and added, "I have a lot of contacts with Liu Zhibo, this man has to be smoothed!"

Shi Jin seemed to realize something when he heard the words, Wang Lun smiled, and continued: "I heard that Ren Shichong and his three brothers took over Wei Zhaode's river boat fleet, so there is no need to make another establishment, and they will all be placed under the Yuetuo Island system. .But the navy needs to make a major adjustment!" Having said that, Wang Lun waved his hand:

"Now that the relationship between Korea and the Song Dynasty is warming up, maybe the sea ban in Shandong will be lifted. In this way, our salt fields along the coast of Jingdong and Huainan will not be safe. It is no pity to lose some salt, but the method of drying salt Don't let it out, after all, this is a major source of income for me in Liangshan. That being the case, Fei Bao, Ni Yun, and Di Cheng's Sixth Navy Army will be reorganized into the second amphibious fleet of Shanzhai. Destroy all the existing salt farms and rush to the Wharf of Renxian County, Seoul for reorganization. In addition, Bu Qing led Hu Jun and Hu Xian brothers to choose another salt farm in the southern end of Zhenfan County. There are thousands of islands here, and there is always a suitable place!"

Wen Huanzhang said "Yes". Wang Lun had discussed with him about the changes in the navy beforehand. He was just waiting for Shi Jin to record it. Sure enough, he only heard Wang Lun continue:

"From now on, the Ninth Army of the Liang Shanshui Army will be newly established, and Yuzhuolong Chenggui will be appointed as the general, Jinlinlong Zhai Yuan, and Xizhulong Xie Fu will be the deputy generals. At the same time, the Tenth Army of the Liang Shanshui Army will be formed, and Wei Zhaode will be appointed as the general. General, Liu Ti, and Han Kai are the deputy generals. In addition, Zhang Shun’s Fourth Water Army in Langli Baitiao will also be reorganized, and Zhang Jingzu will be transferred to be his deputy. The battalion-level organizational system under the command of the army is enough!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he looked at Shi Jin and said, "Da Lang, right now Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu have important responsibilities, and Mr. Huanzhang can't get away from him. The redistribution of the navy ships is up to you. Allocation!"

When Shi Jin heard about this extra task, he knew that Wang Lun valued him, so he immediately put down his pen and got up to express his opinion, "Don't worry, brother, I will deal with it fairly!"

"Sit, sit!" Wang Lun waved his hand, and when Shi Jin sat down again, he threw out another major move: "If the navy moves, the infantry must also move. After all, we may face three parties at any time." For the enemy's pincer attack, relying solely on the defenders of the counties and counties to defend the territory may not be enough. In addition, on the main island of Liangshan, there is only Yuan Lang's infantry stationed at present, and it is not a long-term solution for us to tear down the east wall to make up the west wall!"

"I think Li Kui's entrapment army and the mountain army of Li Kui should be placed under the garrison system. The vacated number of the Fourth Army of the Infantry Army will be given to Deng Yuanjue. Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli, who came from Zhejiang and Zhejiang, have a fellow villager with him. Zhiyi (a fellow countryman in Guangyi), transferred these two leaders to be the deputy generals of Baoguang Tathagata. Since Deng Yuanjue was transferred from the Mad Demon Army, Zhu Jing and Ni Lin from Hedong were called to help and serve as the deputy generals of Master Lu!"

The talents who can make Qiao Lie recommend seriously are naturally not the ones who are waiting for you.What's more, Wang Lun's understanding of these two people far exceeds Wu Yong's knowledge.Zhu Jing has the strength to quickly defeat Zhang Qing in [-] rounds, and he is one of the few heroes under Tian Hu, and Ni Lin can also fight head coach Lin in [-] rounds. After getting off the horse, Ni Lin's performance did not stop there.

Therefore, with the martial arts of these two people, although it is difficult to rank among the first-rate fighters, there are still second-rate fighters, but this is not what Wang Lun values ​​​​them most!

You must know that the Crazy Devil Army has no shortage of strong generals, no matter how fierce the two are, they are no match for Deng Yuanjue, and Lu Zhishen is also a figure in the Liangshan infantry.In fact, what Wang Lun valued the most about these two men was that they had valuable practical experience in a year of bloody battles with the Western Imperial Army.As long as the two of them can be Lu Zhishen's loyal assistants with peace of mind, maybe the Crazy Demon Army can not only offset the loss caused by Deng Yuanjue's transfer, but also improve its combat power to a higher level.

This is all worth looking forward to, after all, the chief general of the Mad Demon Army is also very human.

Wen Huanzhang was also not very worried that the Mad Demon Army's combat power would drop sharply after losing Deng Yuanjue. After all, everyone knew that the real core of the Mad Demon Army was always Lu Zhishen, the former Western Army general.As long as he is there, the Mad Demon Army will not lose its backbone.What he was really worried about was Deng Yuanjue, the former apostolic king of Mingjiao, who had no experience in commanding an army before joining Liangshan, and had "studied" by Lu Zhishen's side for less than a year. Wang Lun let him lead the army alone at this time , what is the intention?Just because the cottage infantry is stretched?

"The reorganized Fourth Infantry Army, where does the Lord plan to place him?" Wen Huanzhang asked tentatively.

"At present, it is going to be placed in Liangshanbo, but it is not going to go now. After all, the Fourth Army is just an empty shell now!" Wang Lun did not hide his intention, and said bluntly:

"The source of the Fourth Army is selected from the minions from the west of Beijing and the east of the river. This will shorten the time for the new army to form combat effectiveness. The three newly appointed generals and deputy generals will be transferred to Seoul to form a new army. I will follow Several old Jiedu envoys greeted them, asked them to participate in the construction of the new army, and taught these three. I don't need Deng Yuanjue to become a commander-in-chief like Sun An, but since he has filled Li Kui's vacancies this time, I don't think he can do worse than Tie Niu!"

Wen Huanzhang was a straightforward character, and now Wang Lun was speaking so bluntly, how could he still not understand what Wang Lun meant?Now that he understood Wang Lun's position on Deng Yuanjue, Wen Huanzhang didn't ask any more questions.At this moment, Wang Lun said again: "Han Zhe, Kou Meng, Han Fan, and Ban Ze will fill the positions left by Gao and Zhang. The first two will go to Yinmachuan, and the last two will go to Qingyun Mountain. ! Seats, just arrange them in the order of first come, first served!"

"Where is the serial number left by Brother Yan? Among the new leaders, apart from Boss Du, it seems that there is no other general in charge!" Although Shi Jin is Cao Canjun, a soldier of the Governor's Mansion, he is also the official of the Third Army of the Liangshan Infantry. General, how could he not care about the major adjustment of the Liangshan infantry?

"Yes! There is such a person, even my senior brother doesn't know him well! If Wang Qing hadn't rushed to surrender to the court, sooner or later he would have found this piece of jade!" When Wang Lun mentioned this person, the corner of his mouth could not help showing a trace of smile.Can he be unhappy?It was like going down with a hoe, and suddenly found a huge gold ingot in a pile of brass and silver dug out.

"Who is the lord talking about?" Wen Huanzhang was also a little moved, he said that a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find, but when he searched through the information in his hand, he didn't find such a person hidden. (to be continued~^~)

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