"This person's name is Xie Ning!"

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of Wen Huanzhang and the other three, Wang Lun didn't hold back anymore, but took out a few thin sheets of paper from the pile of official documents, stood up and handed them to Wen Huanzhang.Wen Huanzhang took it in doubt, and stood on the spot to watch it carefully.

After reading a few lines, he discovered that this was also the secret report that Wu Yonglu sent back one after another. Wang Lun kept suppressing it and did not take it out. It seems that the importance of this information is self-evident.

The eloquent nearly a thousand words are worth the sum of the comments of a dozen other people.Wen Huanzhang found that there were all compliments between the lines, and his face became a little stagnant at this time. Wang Lun didn't intend to speak when he saw this, but just waited for Wen Huanzhang to read it silently.

Sun Ding and Shi Jin couldn't help but exchanged glances, feeling vaguely in their hearts that the first disagreement between the two big bosses today was probably about to arise.

Sure enough, after a long while, Wen Huanzhang put down the information in his hand, handed it to Sun Ding and Shi Jin who didn't know why, and said: "Xie Ning, even Daoist Li Zhu doesn't know much about him, my lord Are you going to check and check before making arrangements? After all, the chief general of the field army is not waiting for a while, if you hand it over to such an unknown newcomer, wouldn't it be a bit counterproductive?"

In his words, Wen Huanzhang didn't mention Wu Yong at all, and the implication was that he questioned Wu Yong's report.He was very worried that Wang Lun had been misled by Wu Yong and stumbled in the appointment and removal of such a large personnel arrangement.As the first staff member of the Liangshan Group, he felt that he had to remind Wang Lun to pay attention.

as predicted!

Wang Lun knew that Wen Huanzhang would not be able to sit still if Xie Ning threw it out.

However, although Wang Lun didn't know Wang Qing's leaders as well as the original Liangshan faction, he knew far more than Wen Huanzhang and the others.

At that time, Wang Qing was cornered by Song Jiang, who represented the imperial court, and he was divided into two groups from the central army to help the front line. The coach of one route was the familiar old acquaintance Du Po, and the coach of the other route was the one who had already been appreciated by Wang Qing. Xie Ning.

As a former ally, Wang Lun knew Wang Qing better.Although this man is a libertine, he is not out of tune.If his subordinates can stand alongside Du Po, and at this moment when their lives are at stake, the generals who will be dispatched together to relieve the urgent need on the front line, even if they are not as good as Du Po, but the difference will not be too outrageous (The configuration of the two groups of troops is exactly the same, with [-] commanders and [-] troops. It should be emphasized that Xie Ning's goal is the main force of Song Jiang, whose morale is like a rainbow, while the other route, Du Po, is aimed at Song Jiang. Deputy Lu Junyi went).

Wang Lun also put himself in the other place and thought about it. If he wanted to divide the army into two groups, he would never send Lin as coach on one side and Bai Sheng as the main general on the other side. This would be a joke.

Of course, the above inferences belong to Wang Qing's reaction in a normal state.It certainly cannot be ruled out that Wang Qing had no one in his hands at the time and could only use Liao Hua as a general.That's why Wang Lun ordered Wu Yong to "take care" of Xie Ning's actions, but the news that came back was very gratifying!

Wu Yong, this guy, is not so quick-witted, but he is well aware of his own shortcomings, so he got Feng Mei and Bi Sheng to talk with him on the way. First-class skills, seeing that the new owner is asking for something from himself, how can he not work hard?Then again, although the martial arts of these two are only considered average, their knowledge is obviously superior to martial arts. Even they admire and admire secretly. Wang Lun can basically conclude that this Xie Ning, [-]% is himself The Xie Ning I was looking forward to.

This person not only has the ability to command troops, but also is very tough.Even if the army was defeated and captured in the end, he did not choose to bow his knees and surrender.He would rather accept the trial of the Song court than surrender to the hypocritical Song Jiang.His ending is completely different from those of those style figures.

Such a person did not follow Wang Qing to surrender to the court, but came all the way to cast mountains, how could Wang Lun just sit back and watch him go to waste?

However, what Wang Lun had in his mind could not be used as an argument to persuade Wen Huanzhang.Wang Lun just said: "When I was traveling in the rivers and lakes in the past, I passed by Jinghu Lake. At that time, I heard the name of this person. At that time, I had a visit. Unfortunately, this person was not at home, so I never met. But I met here again. To be honest, Mr. Wu said that I specially sent Academician Wu to examine him. If you say good is bad, or bad is good, with Wu Yong's knowledge, it will be natural. Know the consequences of doing so!"

Wang Lun actually endorsed Xie Ning himself, what else did Wen Huanzhang have to say?Looking back on previous examples, Wang Lun's eyes seem to be able to see through everything.Using unknown people repeatedly, they didn't miss a single turn, and all of them had miraculous effects.Wen Huanzhang pondered for a long time in the conflict, before he said: "Put him in Liangshanpo!"

What he meant was obvious, the land of Koryo was about to become a battlefield in the near future, if this person did not have the ability to support an infantry, he might cause irreparable losses to the battle situation.Although Liangshanbo is also on the front line, as long as the navy fights hard, there will be no infantry at all.Moreover, there are many capable people in this village, and Xu Guanzhong is in charge. If Wang Lun really missed Xie Ning this time, at least there is still a chance to redeem it.

Unexpectedly, Wang Lun laughed at this moment, and said: "Although I am optimistic about him, I will not send him to the battlefield immediately. Although this brother has goods, after all, he has no experience in battle. He's a newcomer, even my senior brother doesn't know him very well, so it's better to practice more, Mr.'s words are very flattering to me!" After Wang Lun finished speaking, Huanzhang was still standing on the spot, got up and asked him to sit down , and said:

"He Ji and Chen Yun are famous for their bravery. They also dealt with each other in Lingzhou back then, so they can be regarded as my old acquaintances. I asked them to assist Xie Ning and serve as the deputy generals of the Sixth Army of the new infantry!"

Even if Wang Lun has never met He Ji and Chen Yun, he still knows their details.These two are the characters in the original trajectory of Wang Qing's four strong generals in Longzhongshan. Speaking of these four strong generals, the most famous one is the most famous. Inferior, but more brilliant in many places.

Xingyu is famous, and the other three are not parallel importers.It was only because of bad luck that He Ji met the fiercer Sun An as soon as he came up, and died under the sword of the dragon slayer after thirty rounds.During the fierce battle with Qin Ming, Chen Yun was hit in the nose with a stone by the third person Qiongying, fell off his horse after turning over, and finally died under Qin Ming's stick.

Hearing the names of these two people, Wen Huanzhang didn't say much, even Xie Ning pinched his nose and recognized them, so what else would he say about these two lieutenants?He just said: "He Ji and Chen Yun were famous for their bravery when they were under Wang Qing's subordinates. Xie Ning is considered a rookie under Wang Qing's subordinates. Can Xie Ning convince them?"

Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, "If Xie Ning can't even convince He Ji and Chen Yun, I won't say anything. I will cook myself and make an apology wine for my husband!"

Wen Huanzhang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, he didn't expect Wang Lun to value Xie Ning so much, even betting on the taboo of a gentleman far away from the kitchen!However, he has always had a principle, that is, as long as Wang Lun insists on something, as long as he doesn't bet his fortune on a copycat, he will not oppose it in a too violent way in the end.Because of this situation, Wen Huanzhang just shook his head helplessly.

Seeing this situation, Sun Ding sighed inwardly, thinking that Wen Huanzhang was a heaven-like figure in the Duhu Mansion, but in front of Wang Lun, his aura retreated into an aide-like atmosphere intentionally or unintentionally.It was said that Tian Hu was right in Hedong, but the puppet officials of the Jin Dynasty just didn't dare to contradict him face to face, and they didn't want to do whatever they wanted in private.Where is Wang Lun, who is usually meek and gentle, but when he really speaks hard words, who dares to obey and violate in such a big cottage?

"Right now, Daoist Li Zhu seems to be a little disheartened about the green forest, and has the idea of ​​escaping from the world. How can the lord arrange him?" Wen Huanzhang no longer entangled in the personnel arrangement of the Sixth Army of the Infantry Army, and took the initiative to change the subject.

"My senior brother has absolutely nothing to say to Wang Qing! Now he is hit by the lord's 'betrayal' for no reason, and he is arrogant and arrogant, it is definitely unacceptable! I want him to first Let's relax in Hancheng Mansion, and then go to Erlong Mountain to live for a while. As for the leader of his guards, I don't dare to be him. How about it, he is a military advisor in the west of Beijing, but he will still be a military advisor when he arrives at Liangshanbo!"

In fact, to Wang Lun, although Li Zhu is a cheap senior brother, since this cheap senior brother met him, he has always been sincere and sincere, without any misrepresentation. Over time, Wang Lun also regarded him as a real elder brother.This can be seen from the title he treats Li Xun. In the past, Wang Lun was more or less polite, but now when Li Xun calls his uncle, Wang Lun no longer corrects him.

"Congratulations on the reunion of the lord and brothers!" Wen Huanzhang didn't say anything this time. Li Zhu has made great contributions to Liang Shanbo this time, so what's the point of turning Liangshan's four major military divisions into five major military divisions?

Wen Huanzhang had nothing to say, let alone Sun Ding and Shi Jin.Sun Ding secretly thought, although the lord is a little bit of a sign of nepotism, for example, he insisted on letting Li Xun be the head of Erlongshan.But this can be regarded as human nature, and it is only done occasionally, so there is really nothing to say.What's more, even if Li Zhu is an outsider, this position is really speechless in front of his current achievements.

I just don't know, which aspect will the lord let this military advisor who is really not like a military advisor be responsible for?Charge?unrealistic!It's not realistic to make plans!Sit in the government office?Even more unrealistic!Sun Ding is the person in charge of the meritorious service of the Duhufu. If it were placed in the Song Dynasty, his power would be greater than that of the official officials (the official department does not have the function of a censor).

Wang Lun only knew [-] years later, he is not a god, so naturally he didn't know what Sun Ding was sighing in his heart.At this time, he heard that everyone recognized Li Zhu very much, and it would be a lie if he said he was unhappy in his heart. Right now, in front of these three heroes, he did not hide the smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, taking advantage of Wang Lun's good mood at this time, Wen Huanzhang raised an abrupt topic that had been on his mind all along. (to be continued~^~)

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