Water Margin Survival

Chapter 838 Give him another chance, okay!

An old man like Wen Huanzhang never spoke directly.Even if you really think about something in your heart, you won't say it directly.Most of the time, he will first raise a seemingly irrelevant topic, and then slowly transition to what he really wants to say: "Since the adjustment of the infantry is so strong, my lord will see if it can be done in one step. With this opportunity , will Wudutou's lieutenant general also be matched?"

"Is there any good candidate for Mr. Wen?" Wang Lun has never forgotten Wu Song, but he has never found a suitable candidate, so the Fuhu Army has always asked Wu Song to take the lead.

"Lei Hengye, who made great contributions in Jeju Island this time, has arrived in Seoul. I met him in person yesterday. He brought his mother with him this time. In front of the old man, he expressed his willingness to change his mind and start a new life." .I think his attitude this time is sincere, will my lord give him a chance?"

"Tell him to go to the field army under the command of Brother Wu Song?" Wang Lun's eyes widened, and Wen Huanzhang had to be shocked by this thought.

Lei Heng is a person whose martial arts are at the top among the first-level capitals of Dasong County, but there are too many uncertainties in him.If it is used well, it will help a lot, and if it is not used well, it will cause a lot of trouble.Wang Lun is not Song Jiang, and not only did he not have any pleasant past with Lei Heng, but they met through confrontation. The origin of the conflict was not a momentary fit, but a fundamental collision of two worldviews.

Originally, when Wang Lun recruited Lei Heng this time, he was planning to put him under his nose and take up the post of Deputy Chief Superintendent of the Army and Horses of the Seoul Prefecture. This way Lei Heng would gain face, and Liang Shan would not have to pay for his uncertainty.Unexpectedly, Wen Huanzhang actually put forward such a bold personnel concept, which really made him feel a little inconceivable.

Either he didn't say anything, or he finished speaking, Wen Huanzhang saw the surprised expression on Wang Lun's face, and didn't mean to back down, but went further: "It's not him, it's them!"

The index finger of Wang Lun's right hand tapped rhythmically on the armrest of the high chair. He now fully understands what kind of medicine Wen Huanzhang sells in the gourd, and he said with a half-smile: "Mr. Wen wants to plead for Xiao Rang, why bother Such a big circle? It has included Zhu Dian and Lei Heng!"

Wang Lun figured out his intention in a very short period of time, Wen Huanzhang was not surprised.But what he pays attention to in doing things is the word "intent", and the other party will usually make some concessions because of this "intention".What's more, Wang Lun has always been a fastidious person. As long as he can let go of this matter a little bit, although Xiao Rang has stumbled now, he still has a chance to catch up, and he won't be severely left behind by other newcomers.

Wen Huanzhang was used to detours, but Wang Lun was not used to detours, so he went straight to the point and said, "Xiao Rang must feel that he has been wronged! Originally, he was in charge of civil affairs, and Zhu Dian was in charge of military affairs. Why should he be dragged along with Zhu Dian's mistakes? He went to see Mr., is that what he complained about?"

Seeing that, Wen Huanzhang was a little embarrassed, obviously being hit by Wang Lun.However, although he made up his mind to intercede with Xiao Rang, he would not hide anything in front of Wang Lun. He nodded honestly at the moment, but he heard Wang Lun sneer, "He didn't dare to complain in front of me, otherwise This cold bench has to continue to sit down!"

Sun Ding could be regarded as an old man in Liangshan, but it was rare to see Wang Lun get so angry, and he immediately noticed the subtlety of the atmosphere at the scene.This time the Shanzhai punished Xiao Rang and Zhu Dian by his hands, which can be called extremely severe.After the two of them were beaten with military sticks, they couldn't even climb up, and they were helped down by someone.If Zhu Ting, a martial arts practitioner, is like this, Xiao Rang's suffering can be imagined.

In fact, this is not the most terrible thing. The terrible thing is that the Shanzhai has never heard anything from these two people since then, and it is not known whether they have been sentenced to death for their political lives.It's okay for Zhu Ting, a person who goes with the situation, to live without an official.But Xiao Rang was different. The dignified direct descendant of Liangshan, the lucky one in the eyes of his brothers, just like this was pushed down from the high position of the prefect, and he didn't know if his future would be cut off from then on.In other words, this kind of huge psychological gap cannot be carried by anyone personally, let alone Xiao Rang, who went smoothly after entering an official position?

"Master..." Wen Huanzhang wanted to explain a few words, but when Wang Lun mentioned Xiao Rang, his face was full of indignation, and Wen Huanzhang never had a chance to speak: "When Zhu Dian passed by, How did I tell him? I said that the prefect of a county is like the head of a family. Even if the governor can share a lot of burdens for you, he still can't replace you. You should pay more attention to family affairs! He is so good, Thinking that he and Zhu Ting are fellow villagers, and that Jeju Island is the rear area, they are lucky and careless. When encountering problems, they are afraid of offending people with harsh words, and they don’t want to tear their faces. What kind of harmony is there! What I want is him like this Maintain the president? What I want is someone who can open up the situation and take responsibility on his own, not a smart person who chooses to take a detour when encountering conflicts!!"

These words were definitely not light, and the three people present looked at each other in dismay.Unexpectedly, after Wang Lun finished speaking, he was even more puzzled, and continued: "I can't do it well in Jeju Island. If I put him in a place like Xuantu and Lelang, wouldn't I have seen a ghost? Relying on the fact that I am the only seedling It’s not impossible to be proud, but you have to show some skills in front of people! Even if you don’t want to give yourself face, can you give me face? I don’t think about business all day long, and put my hopes on relationships. Compared with those lifeless bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty, What's the difference?"

If you care about it, you will be chaotic. Wen Huanzhang didn't expect Wang Lun to be so angry. He secretly thought that he made a mistake, and wanted to make amends, but Wang Lun waved his hand to stop him. At this moment, he took a long breath. Tone, stabilize the mind, and the tone gradually returns to calm:

"Mr. Wen, it's very early for you to go up the mountain. I think our Liangshan Park has only been a few years since then, and it's almost a block, but what's missing? What's missing is accumulation! What's missing is foundation! Xiao Rang was a Copywriter, how long did it take him to go from magistrate to prefect? ​​He didn't notice his own disadvantages. If I don't kill his irresponsible nature in the bud, why don't we wait for him to be transferred to the department before changing his face? No?"

What Wang Lun said was from the bottom of his heart, and Wen Huanzhang couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words. Not only did Wang Lun not beat Xiao Rang to death with a stick, but he still loved Xiao Rang!At this moment, now that Wang Lun has figured out what Wang Lun really thinks, it is not an exaggeration to punish Xiao Rang, but Wen Huanzhang is slow and does not protect his shortcomings: "My lord, I will not bring up the matter of Xiao Rang again! "

"Let him continue to think about his mistakes behind closed doors. If he can't figure it out, I just want to mention him, but I can't bring him up in the end!" When Wang Lun said this, his stern eyes swept across Sun Ding and Shi Jin's faces: "Everyone, If someone spreads what I said today, I will take whoever it is!" The two of them immediately felt the tremendous pressure, and quickly stood up to express their opinions.

Wang Lun waved his hand and signaled the two to sit down. At this time, Wen Huanzhang coughed, his voice was more low-key than usual: "Zhu Dian, Lei Heng... are you also temporarily suppressing it?"

"Forget it, you can't treat people more favorably than others! Lei Heng followed Mr. Wen's wishes and went to serve as a deputy to Brother Wu Song. He is an uninitiated person, and it all depends on who he is with! He learned from Song Jiang when he was Song Jiang, and now he is following Brother Wu Song. , I hope I can understand what it means to 'learn well'! Zhu Dian also ask him to come back, and go to subdue the tiger army as well, just be a cavalry general!"

Wang Lun really had no choice but to deal with the two "treasures" Zhu Ting and Lei Heng. When they were in charge, these two people were ordinary gangsters, and they were absent-minded when they were stationed (Lei Heng actually did not do well in the racecourse. In fact, there is a great chance of committing a crime), and now they can only let them go to war.In the original trajectory, the two men fought east and west and made a lot of contributions, so they didn't make any mistakes.

At this time, Wang Lun can only make one last attempt, and put these two people under Wu Erlang, who is a fine man. If he can't help but have such and such horrible things in the future, he can only invite these two people to go back to retire .

"It's good to let Zhu Tong come out first, it can also stimulate Xiao..."

Wen Huanzhang seemed to be very concerned about Xiao Rang's affairs, and his few recent gaffes were all on his affairs.Wang Lun couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, and comforted Wen Huanzhang, "I'll also give you a clear message here, so as not to worry you all day long. Whenever Xiao Rang understands, he will come back. When the time comes Ask him to go to the Duhu Mansion to be your secretary!"

Wen Huanzhang hurriedly nodded and agreed upon hearing the words, as long as there is a chance to recover, he was afraid that Xiao Rang would not be able to catch up one step at a time, step by step.Wang Lun is a person with a strong view of the overall situation, and he never sticks to the distinction between newcomers and old people, but Wen Huanzhang doesn't want to see that old brother Liang Shan is the only one in the civil official group, and he disappears like a meteor.

Shi Jin saw that the atmosphere was not so tense now, so he asked just now: "Brother, what does this cavalry general do? There was no such position in the cottage before! Is it a general or a lieutenant general? How do we mark it in the following?"

"Do you still want to be a general or a lieutenant? Neither, literally, go to the infantry and lead the cavalry!" Wang Lun's tone was not very good. Could it be that Zhu Dian asked the Japanese to sneak attack, and he went to promote him?Even Xiao Rang had to obediently serve as Wen Huanzhang's secretary for a year or so!

Shi Jin was stunned, and immediately picked up a pen to record on the densely written rice paper. Sun Ding didn't dare to speak at this time, but kept silent.Even Wen Huanzhang didn't know what he was thinking, and was secretly in a trance.

"Where did you talk just now?" Wang Lun called Wen Huanzhang to interrupt him so much that he completely forgot how many people were left undiscussed.That's right, there are five or sixty heroes who threw themselves into the mountains in West Jingxi and Hedong this time. (to be continued~^~)

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