Thanks to the heroes for their concern and forgiveness, Jianghu has returned to Wuhan, and the update will start today.


Cut, cut! ?

The muscles on Liang Heng's face were completely stiff, and he was stunned.He had imagined countless endings for himself, but he never guessed that Tong Guan would do things so terribly.

You must know that killing Liang Heng is not just about killing him alone, but also cutting off the way out for tens of thousands of Jingdong generals like him!Tong Guan is so reckless, isn't it obviously forcing people like them to die for Liangshan! ?

No reason, no reason at all!Why did Tong Guan do this? Could it be... is he crazy? !

"Enxiang, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Liang Heng broke free from the guards behind him, took two quick steps forward, knelt heavily in front of Tong Guan, and howled.

The soldiers who can be selected to guard the tents of the Chinese army are all elite soldiers in Tongguan's army and Shengjie army, and their skills can be imagined.Seeing that Liang Heng easily broke free from the hands of the two big men, it shows that this person is quite capable, Tong Guan nodded secretly when he saw this, thinking that Gao Qiu, a rascal, still has some eyesight, and his subordinates are not always full of riches and riches.However, the dark praises are the dark praises, and things have to be what they should be. I saw Tong Guan sternly, looking at the two guards who were at a loss, and said in a deep voice: "You didn't hear what the commander-in-chief said. !"

The faces of the two blushed, and they rushed forward to make amends, and instantly twisted Liang Heng, desperately trying to drag him away.After all, Liang Heng was able to fight Qiu Yue for fifty rounds, and he dared to say that he wanted to capture the other party afterwards. He had to make up his mind not to leave, and these two little pawns really had no way to take him.

It's a pity that his body is not chaotic, but his heart is already chaotic.At this time, the guards behind him had already moved their hands, and Tong Guan had no tendency to say anything, obviously the other party was not bluffing!Liang Heng was completely in a mess, his heart was beating like a drum, how could he become the favor of the imperial court to sacrifice the flag so unclearly?Immediately shouted in a panic:

"Prince Minister, you can't kill me! If you kill me alone, Xingren Mansion will be turned into a thief again! If I never come back, Zhang Jinbiao and Wang will definitely turn against me!"

Tong Guan is not even very familiar with Liang Heng, so how does he know who Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang are?Guessing that these two people must be Liang Heng's confidantes in Xingren Mansion, he sneered and said: "What do you mean, if I don't have you fools, I really can't win the Jingdong State Mansion?"

Although the tone was not rude, Tong Guan finally spoke, and Liang Heng's heart suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope, and hurriedly confessed: "The villain can't wait to die, so as to wash away the shame on his body! It's just that the villain must not die in the hands of Enxiang , can’t die at the hands of the imperial court! Otherwise, thousands of old court minions who have no choice but to surrender like young generals will have no way out! The young general begs for mercy and let the villain die on the battlefield stop!"

After hearing this, Tong Guan showed a sardonic smile on his face, stared up and down at Liang Heng for a long while, and suddenly said softly: "You once had a chance to die at the hands of thieves! But you, shrink your head!"

As for feelings, I said for a long time that I was playing the piano with the cow.It wasn't until this time that Liang Hengfang suddenly realized that from the moment he entered the account, Tong Guan had been making false claims with himself, and he was nothing more than a cat and a mouse!

Thinking about this clearly, Liang Heng's heart was gloomy. It seems that this guy has already made up his mind to take down his own head sacrifice flag.

"Tong Guan! The imperial court entrusts you with the important task of military affairs, but you are so selfish. Are you worthy of Shengen! You have killed all of our Jingdong guards, and you have never dominated Jingdong!? This general is dead, and you have to sue! Go to the imperial court and expose your conspiracy in front of His Majesty!"

When a person reaches the last moment, he either accepts his fate or fights desperately.In the face of the aggressive Tong Guan, Liang Heng obviously chose to kill him.It is simply torn face, he is not easy to get along with!

Don't think that everyone in the world is blind and doesn't know the dirty things you Tong Guan did in Hedong!Taking advantage of the imperial court's drive to suppress thieves, people are placed everywhere wherever they go!One Hedong is not enough for this guy to stop, and now he is focusing on Jingdong, a piece of fat that smells of blood.

"May I ask, which imperial court is General Liang Shou going to sue?"

Tong Guan looked at Liang Heng with only sarcasm instead of coldness, obviously he was not moved by the other party's eagerness to jump over the wall.But just because he doesn't speak, doesn't mean that no one speaks at this time.I saw that Dong Wuzi, Tong Guan's chief counselor, suddenly interrupted.

Liang Heng paused when he heard the words, the words of the white-faced scholar just hit his heart.This matter is obviously caused by Tong Guan's selfishness, but he is bad because he is not clean!Conscience of heaven and earth, although I bear the burden of humiliation, but in the mouths of these traitors, it is a grass on the wall, and it will fall wherever the wind blows.If you can't beat Liangshan, you will surrender the bandits, and if the court comes, you will be fine anyway.It seems that Tong Guan is going to hold on to this point tightly, to the point of killing himself.

Now that Liang Heng knew what it means to be ashamed, his eyes for help lingered on the generals in the tent, begging for help, hoping that someone would stand up and do justice for him.

Wang Qing also sensed this person's call for help, and because he was wearing a civil official's attire, Liang Heng paid special attention to him.

Unfortunately, Liang Heng found the wrong person.How did he know that the straw in his eyes turned out to be Tong Guan's cheap son-in-law.How could Wang Qing waste his "goodwill" in the heart of the cheap husband-in-law for the sake of an outsider?

Avoiding Liang Hengman's pleading eyes, Wang Qing sighed secretly. At this time, the two masters and assistants in the tent expressed their attitudes highly unanimously, expressing that this matter was probably premeditated, and it was definitely not Tong Guan's temporary anger.

To be honest, if Wang Qing were replaced, he would definitely have Liang Heng in his pocket.But at present Master Taishan's moves seem to be unkind, but he has to admit that this move is undoubtedly the choice to maximize his personal interests.After all, taking in a group of generals who have no strength of character, how can it be worthwhile to leave the position under their buttocks to the old people under their own hands to pay for their merits?Tong Guan's rather lacking attitude reminded him of someone suddenly.

It seems that people who have achieved great things can find similarities in them.Compared with these two people, his previous methods are really embarrassing to others.Fortunately, there are two layers of relationship between Li Zhu and Jiaoxiu. Otherwise, if you become the opposite of these two people, you can imagine your fate.

Just when Wang Qing was wandering, one of the generals showed pity and was about to speak, but Dong Yun, who was looking around at this time, nodded at him and said: "General Wang, be careful!"

Even Wang Ting, who has always been loyal and upright, was blushed by a single sentence. This is the cruelty of standing in line!

Seeing this, Liang Heng probably guessed that today's situation would be difficult to recover, so he did not stop doing anything else, broke free from the shackles of the guards again, and uttered a final cry to the puppet-like generals in the tent: "Liang, order me!" It won't be long before death is death! I hope that you will see the love of my colleagues and listen to the heavens, and you must not let this traitor deceive the Holy King!"

Everyone heard the words, but no one reacted, they just silently looked at this hapless man who was dying and struggling, not even Liu Zhongwu made a sound.

Just kidding, stabbing Tong Guan in the back, do you think your life is long?Back then, Fang Shao was the person sent by His Majesty to investigate Tong Guan's secrets, but what happened in the end?Tong Guan actually found an opportunity to kill him!The officials didn't say anything afterwards. Who would dare to show their heads like this?Who doesn't know that some important figures in the harem now speak well of Tong Guan in front of the officials?After all, in the eyes of the officials, they are foreign ministers after all, and Tong Guan is his own... the one who can take care of things for him.

Even Liu Zhongwu, who had a romantic relationship with Liang Heng, wisely chose to remain silent. Who else would speak?It is said that Tong Guan forms a party for private interests and expands his power, but in the end, it is not they, the old people who follow Tong Guan, who benefit in the end?It has always been the hardest thing to ask someone to smash the guy who is eating.

Once the matter is understood, it doesn't make much sense, and Liang Heng became a victim without any suspense.Seeing the four young guards dragging this person down, only beast-like wailing remained in the camp.

How could Tong Guan let bad feelings ferment?Immediately knocking on the table, he said majesticly: "Since the bandit soldiers have come out of their holes, our army will march across the board tomorrow! All generals, listen to my orders!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed, and they immediately forgot about Liang Heng, the loser. They all concentrated on looking at the boss who could kill someone with a snap of the fingers, and only heard Tong Guan's voice clamoring in everyone's eardrums: "Ling Song Jiang The headquarters will set off today to urgently assist Ying Tianfu. We must clear the siege for the defenders before the thieves break through the city!"

Song Jiang didn't respond yet, but Wang Qing was stunned. He really couldn't understand why the old man gave such an important job that showed his face to Song Jiang, an outsider! ?Even if you don't send yourself, you should send your direct descendants!After all, rescuing Ying Tianfu is the top priority of the army at present, and to some extent it is far higher than regaining lost ground. What is the father-in-law's plan? !Subconsciously, Wang Qing felt that his brain was not enough, and he couldn't keep up with Tong Guan's trip at all.

Even Wang Qing expressed his envy, Song Jiang was naturally happy, and stepped forward to accept the order attentively, only listening to Tong Guan's instructions: "As long as Nanjing is kept, this commander will definitely recommend the general before the officials!"

Naturally, Song Jiang was very grateful, and Tong Guan didn't talk nonsense, so he immediately ordered him to set up his account and prepare for the expedition.When Song Jiang brought more than ten or twenty generals out of the tent, Song Jiang's face collapsed before taking a few steps, which made the subordinates who were congratulating each other bewildered, and Mu Hong wondered: "Brother, This is a very good thing! It's rare for the chief minister to take care of it, Ying Tianfu is already registered in His Majesty's heart, as long as we make this great contribution, are we afraid that my brother's position as prefect will be lost again?"

Looking at the earnest and fiery eyes of his brothers, Song Jiang felt mixed feelings in his heart, and couldn't help letting out a long breath of sulk. (to be continued~^~)

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