The eldest brother who had always been calm and calm suddenly acted like this, which made all the brothers panic. At this time, no one put a smile on their face, but they all looked at Song Jiang with concern.

After a long while, Song Jiang opened his mouth, and he said slowly: "Private Tong threw a gold ingot, and it missed his son-in-law and his direct descendant, but it hit me, Song Jiang, an outsider. Tell me, how proud am I?" After all, this Song Jiang is an old fox in the green forest who has cultivated to a high level of proficiency, and he was not blinded by the lure of the bait exuding a seductive smell.

When everyone who was secretly happy heard this, they all felt like a blow to the head, and their hearts jumped, thinking that this guy Tong Guan seemed to be a selfless person?For a while, everyone looked at me and I looked at him, all looking at each other.

At this time, Dong Ping sneered and said: "Brother-in-law, I think this gold ingot must be out of gold and jade, and it must have been ruined!" It is quite different from the original trajectory. In the officialdom, or under Tian Hu's command, his status is higher than Song Jiang's, so no matter whether he marries Song Jiang's righteous sister Su Jinniang, the "brother" in the mouth of the younger brothers, he is more like a partner Identity cannot be called out no matter what.

"Alas..." Song Jiang didn't know what happened today, and he sighed again and again in public, until everyone panicked.Just when everyone was eagerly looking forward to his next sentence, they saw that Song Jiang stopped talking instead, just looked around vigilantly, and lowered his voice: "This is not a place to talk, let's go back to our own barracks and talk about it in detail! "

Although everyone was impatient, they knew that this was where Tong Guan's central army was located. The soldiers on duty came and went, and it was not a problem for them to gather here to conspire. If Tong Guan found out that someone was talking about him behind his back, he might How to concoct them.Everyone shuddered when they thought of the mighty power they had in the tent just now, as expected no one said anything more at the moment, they all lowered their heads and followed Hei Sanlang out of the camp.

"Brother, let's talk about it now, what is the plan of Privy Tong!" After returning to his big tent of the Chinese army, and the outside was guarded by confidants, Mu Hong dared to ask questions, but even so, he still didn't dare to speak directly. Call Tong Guan's name taboo.

"Brothers, we are going to help Yingtianfu this time. We can only win, not lose! I hope everyone will show great abilities and don't slack off. Song Jiang is here to ask you all!" Song Jiang sang to everyone without warning. It's a big deal.

Seeing this, everyone rushed to return the salute. Sun Li is a smart man. Seeing Song Jiang's abnormal behavior again and again, he thought about it, and suddenly said: "Brother, in your opinion, what Ying Tianfu set up is a trap?"

When the crowd heard the uproar, they all looked at Song Jiang eagerly. Song Jiang never acted like a child this time, neither affirming nor denying Sun Li's words. If the Liangshan bandits are called to break the city, and the court fails to accompany the capital, someone will certainly fall into the trap, and we will most likely be responsible for the scapegoat at that time!"

"Damn it, what do you call this!?" Yan Shun cursed angrily, raised his flushed face and vented: "Someone squeezed us out like that, Mr. Cai doesn't care?"

"It's not like that!" Song Jiang shook his head and said: "Although I have Cai Xianggong who is considerate in the court, but in the affairs of the army, the old man will inevitably be beyond his reach. Besides, I can't wait for everything. He! He only said that sending us to the expedition is justified, how can you and I disobey orders?"

Everyone was weighed down by Song Jiang's words, and the tent was so calm that a needle could be heard for a while. Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Song Jiang began to take back the words: "However, it was just my imagination just now. Maybe I didn't care too much. Definitely. The prime minister is an important minister of the country after all, and he can't do things as he wants. In short, everyone should be careful! When you are really facing the enemy, you must work hard!"

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years. Anyway, I would rather believe in something than in nothing!" Dong Ping pouted and said, ever since he met Wang Ting's eyes that were about to burst into flames, he knew Tong Guan's words. I can't go up this yangguan road by myself, so I simply discard this fantasy.At this time, seeing Song Jiang speaking cautiously, he stood up and said:

"It was Qingzhou Qin Ming who besieged Yingtian Mansion. Now with Yang Zhi, there are about [-] bandit soldiers under his command. This time we have [-] soldiers under our command. They are all rolled down from the dead. Lose to him! Brother-in-law, without further ado, let me be the vanguard this time, to meet the five bullshit generals and the three generations of bird generals, if one or two generals can be captured alive, the rebel soldiers will be in chaos without a fight! "

Seeing that Dong Ping finally invited Ying, Song Jiang was relieved in his heart. To be honest, there are only a few generals under his command now, and Dong Ping's name must definitely be ranked first.

"Husband, my concubine is willing to help you!" After all, it was the benefit of the bright matchmaker's marriage, and it was the husband singing and the wife following, and Su Jinniang also voiced her support afterward.Seeing that the younger sister (sister) has expressed her opinion, how can Su Liang and Su Yi be willing to lag behind, even the head coach Hong also came out to challenge.

"If there is Dong Yichuang from the Megatron River East as the vanguard, I have a [-]% chance of winning!" Song Jiang pretended to be emotional, with undisguised joy on his face, how could he see any sadness?

"This time the thieves are all horsemen, and there are advantages and disadvantages against our army. However, Wang Lun's siege with the horse army is simply a joke in the world, and it will completely expose the ignorance of the Liangshan grassroots. If I If the estimate is correct, Yingtian Mansion has already cleared out Liangshan in the city, otherwise the city would have been lost. Therefore, my brother-in-law and brothers should not be too eager, as long as the Liangshan bandits are held back, victory will be won. It has been launched, and the further we go, the better the situation will be for us!"

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, you can only scare people like Qin Ming and Yang Zhi, but they can't do anything to me!"

If Dong Ping said that he is a reckless man, it is not necessarily true. For example, when he analyzed the enemy's situation just now, he was very conservative. He did not think that his own side had an advantage of five times the strength of the opponent.

"So, my brother-in-law will go ahead with the troops from the headquarters, and I will send Brother Sun Li to join your troops!" Song Jiang ordered.

Seeing the complaint, Dong Ping resigned, and several leaders of the Su family under his command, the head of Hong and Tian Hu's department went to organize the army anyway. Song Jiang waited for him to leave, and he dispatched troops again, and the order was completed. , So I asked everyone to go down and prepare, and then set off after eating.

After everyone went out of the tent one by one, they saw that a Taoist hadn't left, lingered at the tent door, looked at Song Jiang hesitantly, at this moment Song Jiang behind the stage was rubbing his brows, wondering what he was thinking, As soon as he raised his head to meet the other party's gaze, he hurriedly said, "What can Taoist priest teach me?"

"Brother, there are some things that I don't know if I should say it or not..." The Taoist seemed a little hesitant.

"The Taoist priest has something to say, but it's okay to say it!" Song Jiangke said politely.This Wang Taoist is the old man who followed him down from Erlong Mountain. Song Jiang has always been short of a mastermind, and this person often plays this role unnaturally.

"The imperial court has mobilized 40 troops to conquer Liangshan, and [-]% to [-]% of them are newly recruited troops. Brother, this imperial court recruited troops to encircle and suppress Liangshan bandits. It's a bit chilling..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Daoren hadn't finished speaking, but he saw Song Jiang walking towards him. Before he could figure out Song Jiang's intentions, he saw Song Jiang passing by, walked to the tent door quickly, and told his soldiers to say : "No one is allowed to enter without my order!"

When Wang Daoren saw this, he was terrified on his face and determined in his heart. He waited for Song Jiang to pull him to sit down, and pretended to be flattered to wait for Song Jiang's instruction. Sure enough, he didn't wait long. Don’t understand? It’s just that you are a sensible person, Taoist priest, some words are easy to say but not pleasant to listen to!”

"The poor Taoist just can't figure it out, why is the court darker than Tian Hu? If the brothers figure things out, I'm afraid they will be discouraged!" Wang Daoren pretended to be confused, but expressed emotion.

"So, it's better not to say something!" Song Jiang sighed, staring at this savage Daoist who didn't seem to be a threat, but finally decided not to pretend to be confused. It's been an old routine for many years. I think the court is the same this time. They didn't expect the army to point them out, and the thieves surrendered in anticipation. So there was a scene where Tong Shumi refused to treat the surrender well. They made it clear that they wanted to fight the Liangshan bandits. In the end, blood flowed like a river in Jingdong, and the 40 conscript army of the imperial court should be transferred, what should be rectified, and what should be buried should be buried. At that time, Tong Shumi's achievements will shine for thousands of years, you and me If you're lucky, share some of the credit later, and that's it!"

Wang Daoren was a little surprised to see Song Jiang being so "frank" in front of him. This elder brother has always been a master of peace and never refused to understand. Secretly annoyed, don't be self-defeating this time, and let this black three get jealous.

"Ahhh! Brother Gongming sees thousands of miles away and sees the opportunity. Xiaodao, Xiaodao really didn't expect that the court would be like this... Forget it, brother just pretended to be Xiaodao and didn't say anything. There are some things that Xiaodao can't stand!"

Song Jiang laughed, and his tone became very sincere: "Master, there are some things, since you and I can't change anything, we can only adapt to the current situation. Now the army has become an irreversible trend of destroying thieves, although bloodshed and sacrifice are unavoidable. But you and I are not grass without roots, and it’s not like no one is taking care of us behind the scene. As long as this cutscene goes through, the ancestors must be honored! And Song Jiang will never forget, in front of his benefactor, he will tell the credit of the Daoist brother’s strategizing!" Song Jiang’s bottom line, As long as others don't ruin his business, they can buy them if they can. What's more, this Taoist is just raising his own price and has no intention of doing bad things.

Based on his understanding of Song Jiang, Wang Daoren feels that this person's promise is still very valuable, and he is relieved at the moment.He's not a general, he doesn't know anything about marching and fighting, and he's half tuned in planning, so he can only engage in conspiracy. The most feared thing for such a person is to be kicked away by the benefactor while picking peaches.At this time, Wang Daoren got Song Jiang's promise, and he had the bottom line in his heart, and he said a lot of false words, so he left.

Song Jiang sent him outside the tent door, staring at the man's back in a daze. After a while, he came back to the tent, sighed again for no reason, and murmured to himself: "I've walked all the way." This step is over, do you want me to turn back? Don’t blame me for being cruel, at least you have lost your reputation..." (to be continued~^~)

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