Water Margin Survival

Chapter 868 Song Gongming generously went to Beijing

In the previous article, the name of Zhou Xing who was starred before was Jinlin Python Horse Garden (don't say it in the garden). I don't know why it can't be displayed, so I hereby explain it.


"Criminal Song Jiang accepts the decree, long live my emperor, long live long live!"

Ever since he made up his mind to hold Cai Jing's thigh to death, Song Jiang knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he never thought that this day would come so soon.

The imperial court's reaction this time can be described as swift. Less than three days after the army of Jinlin Python Horse Garden defeated the bandit soldiers outside Yidu County, the angel from Tokyo joined hands with the imperial generals and supervisors who took over Song Jiang's command. And to.Counting the days, Song Jiang knew in his mind that when Tong Guan ordered Ma Yuan to turn around, he delivered the black materials about Song Jiang to the Tokyo imperial court.

"General Song, pack up now and go to Beijing with our family to meet the holy!" The angel just finished reading the imperial decree, and then complained: "I have pity on this old bone of our family, because of your general Song, I went back to the lowly shop for no reason, and drove [-] miles in less than seven days, but I had to suffer again on the way back, alas, I really don’t know what crimes our family committed in our previous life!"

This is a face-to-face extortion of bribes.Song Jiang is a master who likes to spend money, how can he not understand his tricks?Seeing that he hastened to show his disciples, a plate of gold and silver that had been prepared was entrusted to him. The angel glanced at it, and still had the same indifferent appearance, and said loudly: "General Song sent some Our family will keep the vegetable money!"

An old eunuch here took a bribe, but it angered a young eunuch over there.He has been well-clothed and well-fed for many years, and he has long since disregarded money, but when things come to an end, there are other people's shares but not his own. He said, "Should I take these money for vegetables alone, or should we share it among the three of us?"

Although the old eunuch who delivered the decree was much older than the young eunuch, but seeing that he didn't dare to show off in front of the young eunuch, he immediately gave way shyly: "If such a vulgar thing is the chief of the cabinet..."

"Old Zhou, did you say something ugly? I am arguing with you, how can I pass it back?" The young eunuch raised his eyes contemptuously, without looking at the old eunuch, he just squinted at Song Jiang and stopped talking.

Song Jiang's heart skipped a beat. Unexpectedly, this little eunuch with greasy hair and pink noodles was a more coquettish person than the old eunuch who had experienced many things in the world. People, if they find an opportunity to blow the wind in front of the officials in the future, wouldn't his Song Jiang's situation be worse?

"Quickly, hurry up and hand over the ceremonies for the general and this nobleman!"

Originally, only a gift was prepared in advance, but the two brothers Kong Ming and Kong Liang couldn’t do other things. They are self-taught in this kind of thing, and they didn’t ask Song Jiang embarrassing words such as “the nobleman’s ceremony is not prepared at all” Come on, hear the words and hurry up to get ready to go.

"General Song, our family heard that your reputation was not passed on in such a way among the people. What is it that Shandong is raining in time, and Yuncheng is called Baoyi? Such a famous name, how can you be so confused? It is because there are a lot of us, Mr. Gao, otherwise you would do this. Pai, hum, how can Mr. Liang mention you!"

What the old eunuch said with a gun and a stick, Song Jiang could only bite the bullet and listened with a smile on his face. At this time, he had already angered a big man with red hair and yellow beard behind Song Jiang, thinking that Song Jiang was his My God, there are Liang Zhongshu, Cai Jing and other strong backers behind this "heaven", how could he be ruined by this eunuch for no reason! ?He was about to get angry immediately, but it was a pity that he was held back by the seasoned Kong Bin, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yan, let's not make trouble for Gongming! This person knows our background and dares to be so arrogant, I'm afraid he is Tong Guan's person ? Right now, I can't bear it for a while, and I'm forced to tear my face, it must be bad for Brother Song!"

"You bastard, I feel ashamed to be near him, bah!" Brother Kong's uncle made sense, Yan Shun didn't intend to stand out any more, he just cursed in a low voice.

Unlike Yan Shun, who still has the mentality of a marginal man, Song Jiang, who is determined to make a name for himself in the officialdom, is not angry at this time, but secretly blames himself for going wrong.But he also felt a little wronged, you rushed from the capital in a hurry, wishing to go faster than the soldiers who reported the news, I know how many fathers will come?

"This is the emperor's close attendant, Gao Qiu, Gao Taiwei's yamen, and the chief of the cabinet! I am here today to serve as the military supervisor. This is General Wen Dawen, the former military chief of the Daming Mansion. The general will hand over the military affairs to these two!"

When Song Jiang heard this, he was stunned. It turned out that this oily-faced guy was Gao Qiang called Wang Lunjiao!The last time he had a face-to-face meeting, Gao Qiang happened not to be around to serve him, and Song Jiang was not considered a high-class figure in Tokyo, and he would not be able to visit Gao's family in ordinary times, so he didn't know Gao Qiang.It's just that the old eunuch introduced Gao Yanei at this time, and Song Jiang knew that his money was fed to the dog. What's worse, the dog didn't even bother to wag its tail, and wanted to provoke Gao Qiang's relationship with him!

Villain!Why do you meet all the villains?Also let the people who are really willing to do things feel comfortable?

Song Jiang sighed secretly in his heart, it happened that Kong Ming and Kong Liang each entrusted a plate of gold and silver. Song Jiang took a plate, presented it to Gao Qiang himself, and said in an almost obsequious tone: "Gao Taiwei is loyal to the country. Going out of Beijing is not only showing filial piety, but also serving as a minister, and it is really an example for all the people in the world to be sons of men and ministers, and I, Song Jiang, wish I could get to know Ya Nei sooner!"

Gao Qiang talked about his cheap dad all day long, but it wasn't because he had deep feelings for Gao Qiu, but because he was using the light of the dead to continue to cover the living. Shaoji said reservedly: "My late father died for his loyalty to the official family, how can our family forget his last wish?"

Seeing that Gao Qiang didn't have such a deep prejudice against him as the old eunuch, Song Jiang suddenly felt that Tong Guan could not cover the sky with one hand in the court. Its backing is by no means a cheap decoration.

Climbing with a pole is Song Jiang's philosophy of life. Immediately, he took his strong, wet and greasy hand and said a lot of nasty words that the brothers behind him couldn't bear. After a sunny day.

"General Wen, congratulations on your promotion! This congratulatory ceremony was only made up today. I'm really ashamed, please accept it!" After Song Jiang flattered Gao Yanei, it was naturally the turn of Dao Wenda who took his place.The other party is Liang Zhongshu's confidant, and he himself was developed by Liang Zhongshu himself, so he has a bit of a fellow party.

Sure enough, Wenda's attitude was the most kind among the three, and he went up to ask about Song Jiang's injuries. Song Jiang was afraid that Gao Yanei would hate him for his carelessness in suppressing thieves, and he didn't want to avenge his father, so he undressed in front of everyone. , revealing a bowl-sized piece of fresh meat on his back, and two eunuchs, one old and one young, pointed and pointed.The old eunuch even laughed out loud, and said with a stick in his gun: "It is said that the famous generals of the ancients have the regret of 'died before leaving school'. Our family has always admired it, but we can't see it. I don't want to see it today." Once the wish of my life is fulfilled, I have seen a living example!"

Seeing Song Jiang's embarrassing apologetic smile, Yan Shun's heart burst into flames, and he cursed in a low voice: "If you scold the neighbor next door, if he is still alive, curse him to death!"

The original atmosphere of "laughing and laughing" in the hall became unusually quiet after Yanshun scolded.All the brothers around Yanshun gave him weird looks, even Dong Ping, who was usually the most arrogant and domineering, lowered his head at this time, as humble as he could be.The three members of the Kong family who had the closest relationship with Song Jiang were already frightened and at a loss what to do. Be obedient and insult the angel. Is this yellow-haired monster looking for death or murdering Song Jiang?

"What nonsense, you brothers want to quarrel, go down and quarrel, now in front of the angel, what are you making a fuss about!?" Although Song Jiang's face was more embarrassing, but fortunately he had seen a lot of scenes, and at this time he was quick-witted , and immediately pointed at Yanshun and Mu Hong who was closest to Yanshun and cursed.

Gao Qiu smiled and folded his hands, watching the bustle with nothing to do with himself.Wen Da sighed secretly, seeing Liang Zhongshu's instructions before leaving, he stepped forward to smooth things over: "Although the brothers in the army are all from rough backgrounds, and they are used to fighting in daily life, everything should be divided. On this occasion, an angel's disrespect in front of him is just like an official's disrespect! Come on, give me a slap!"

Although Mu Hong was always teasing him, he still knew the occasion. At this time, Wu Wu received about ten big mouths from Wenda's personal soldiers, but he could bear it no matter what.When the soldiers were about to smoke Yanshun, Song Jiang was afraid that the firecracker would be ignited, and after casting a grateful look at Wen Da, he immediately looked at Mu Hong.The latter was annoyed at being beaten in vain, and stepped forward to cut Yanshun when he saw this, and let outsiders slap his brother's face left and right.

The old eunuch couldn't get angry after being made such a fuss, not to mention he was the one who made trouble first.In fact, he can also see that these burly men under Song Jiang look scary, but they are not as bloody as this yellow-haired monster. If he provokes such a person, he will dare to kill him.Therefore, he just snorted coldly on the spot, and rationally did not hold on to it anymore.

It was finally smoothed over, Song Jiang immediately ordered a banquet, and invited an old man like Kong Bin to accompany the old eunuch, so he seized the time and invited Gao Qiang and Wen Da to go down to hand over the official duties.

It's a pity that Gao Qiang is not a serious person. When he was a son, he only knew how to bully others. When he was a eunuch, he was full of flattery. When he became a military supervisor, he was naturally a watcher. How could he be serious about handing over at this time? ?After patting his butt, he took people on a tour of the mountains and rivers.Song Jiang thought that it would be good if he dismissed him, and he could have some thoughtful words with Wen Da, so he immediately sent Kong Ming and Kong Liang to play with Gao Qiang.

"General Wen, it was my younger brother's fault that he failed to save Li Dujian's life..." As soon as he got to a place where no one was around, Song Jiang seized the opportunity and took the initiative to conduct a self-criticism.

Seeing the mention of Li Cheng, Wen Da looked at Song Jiang and sighed, and said leisurely: "Brother Li is also fate... that's all, let's not talk about gossip. General Song, Enxiang sent this general to come before the imperial court decides on a candidate. Come take over, should you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I will understand in the end!" Song Jiang nodded like pecking rice, Liang Zhongshu intervened, which meant that the backer behind him started to act.Speaking of the military commander of the Daming Mansion across the way, Li Cheng was a stalk between him and himself, but at this moment even Wen Da had let go, so why should he not be happy anymore?

"In this case, you can go to Beijing with peace of mind. Enxiang asked me to bring you a message. When you arrive in the capital, you will be taken care of by Lu Gong and him. You can rest assured about the things here!" Wen Da emphasized.

After hearing Wenda's words, Song Jiang finally felt at ease, thinking that he would not hesitate to disobey the imperial decree for Cai Jing. Such loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, right? (to be continued~^~)

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