Water Margin Survival

Chapter 869 There is a big difference between having a backstage and not having a backstage

I don't know if it was because of Cai Jing's hard work behind his back. Song Jiang, who was condemned by the officials as a criminal, was not bound or bound all the way, and he was able to travel on a fast horse.In addition to the rigid rule that he must travel more than a hundred miles every day, the civil servants along the road should be received and received, which should be convenient and convenient. Song Jiang's trip is as easy as traveling at public expense.

On the contrary, Song Jiang was eager to "face the saint" when he went to Beijing, and urged the angel to hurry along the way, so that the old eunuch greeted the eight generations of Song Jiang's ancestors in his stomach every day, but he didn't dare to say it clearly, so he had tasted the Taoism of Shandong's timely rain .

The angel and his party took seven or eight days to come, but only five or six days to return, which can be described as rapid.It is said that when the sun was setting that day, the horse team escorting Song Jiang finally arrived in the capital.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this group of people arrived outside Xincao Gate, the nearby people surrounded them, and those who had good intentions shouted: "Taiwei, which state capital was taken back by the imperial court?"

Seeing this scene, Song Jiang showed a bewildered expression, but the old eunuch seemed not surprised, and drove away the onlookers with his whip.Song Jiang was puzzled, and turned to ask the officer of the imperial camp beside him.Thinking about this team, who didn't benefit from Song Jiang?This officer got acquainted with Song Jiang on the way, so he didn't hide from him at this time, and finally told the truth.

It turned out that it wasn't that Song Jiang was ignorant, but that the matter of repaying victory at the gate of the city had just started in recent days.

Back then, when the Liangshan bandit was on the verge of death, he kicked his legs desperately, the aura was too fierce, it didn't look like a flashback before the end of his life.This room is still immersed in the great victory in the east of the river and has not recalled it. The Liangshan bandit army has already killed the Xingren mansion at the gate of the capital. How embarrassing is this?

However, if it's just embarrassment, it's fine, and it will kill you anyway.The point is that this group of thieves is not only embarrassing, but also frightening. Their soldiers are only one world away from Kaifeng Mansion, the heart of Song Dynasty!After leaving Xingren Mansion, it is a majestic place in Gyeonggi!

Although Tong Guan's 40 troops were stationed at the gate of Jingdong Road at that time, and there were still a large number of forbidden troops stationed in the capital, but in view of Liangshanbo's notorious precedents of beheading the Taiwei and capturing the accompanying capital, it is called that Kaifeng mansion is not good. Young dignitaries and dignitaries are all trembling with fear and panic.It is said that they are not afraid of [-], just in case, and some people have even secretly sent their family members out of the capital.

However, these dignitaries have a way out, but Zhao Ji, who is the emperor, has no way out. The Taoist emperor can't imagine how he, as a master of the ages who is determined to surpass the achievements of the Taizu, can drive all the thieves out of the capital. flee! ?

If such a scene really happened, then the damage done to Zhao Ji by this incident would be irreversible.Even if the Liangshan bandits are completely wiped out in the future, he, the holy king, will be ashamed to face others.In fact, it is a trivial matter to be ashamed to see people. If it hurts Taoism and prevents him from ascending to immortality in the future, then it is really bad luck. Even if everyone in Liangshan is smashed into pieces, it will not be able to make up for the pain in Zhao Ji's heart.

Fortunately, Tong Guan is still up to date.So much so that the originally menacing Liangshan bandits were terrified by him, and turned to plunder the state capital eastward.Afterwards, thinking of the record of this group of people on Jingdong Road, Zhao Ji couldn't help feeling afraid. He began to reflect on whether he was dazed by the great victory in Hedong, and he was a little anxious to start a war.After all, in just a few months, most of the prefectures and counties on Jingdong Road were separated from the imperial court. This kind of intensity was much more violent than that of Hedong Tianhu last year.

Even the emperor was frightened from the bottom of his heart, not to mention the panic in the hearts of the citizens of the capital.

Therefore, in order to reverse the panic situation in the capital, the emperor Zhao Ji ordered that whenever the royal master of the imperial court regained a county, he would immediately enter the city from the Xincao Gate of the outer city on a fast horse, and report victory along Niuxing Street to reassure the people.

However, what Zhao Ji didn't expect was that Liangshan's bandits were fierce, but Tong Guan was even fiercer!Originally, this was just a temporary move to boost morale, but I didn't expect that Tong Guan really deserved to be the good general who protects the country in Zhao Jigui's eyes. Since he was reprimanded and started to send troops to intervene, the victory documents from county to county have poured into Tokyo like a tide. In the end, Zhao Ji felt a little embarrassed, and finally went to Jinkou to expand the scope of the victory report to recovering one state before reporting victory along the street.

Even so, the continuous recovery of more than a dozen state capitals made Kaifeng mansion feel like a new year every day. For a while, everyone felt that the capital was as solid as gold. carry.At the same time, the topic of Tong Guan has directly become the most popular topic in the streets and alleys and even in the official circles of the empire, not one of them.

"Look, look, look, there are officers and troops from the front line entering the city again. This time, the old lair of Liang Shanbo is probably called to the court!"

"How can it be that simple? I clearly remember that Qingzhou and Dengzhou have not reported victory yet!"

"Isn't it just a matter of time? Now that the news is so good that I can remember all the state capitals on Jingdong Road, how long can the thief leader Wang Lun last? Don't tell me, I have heard people say that Tong Shumi It's the Nine Heavens Smite Demon Patriarch who came to the world, and came here to assist Sheng Tianzi to level the world. It's not that the Hetian tiger has been wiped out, and Wang Lun of Liangshanbo is almost at the end of his life. Wang Qing has become the son-in-law of the Tong family. The next step is probably nothing It's Jiangnan Fangla!"

"Hey, Tianhu will be destroyed when it is destroyed. This person has done all kinds of bad things, so there should be retribution. But Wang Xiucai doesn't seem to be as cruel as the Kaifeng mansion preaches. I have a relative who lives in Jeju. I heard that Wang Lun is in Shandong. He has done a lot of good deeds there, and the people there are very devoted to him!"

"What's the use of facing him? As soon as the heavenly soldiers arrive, they will immediately scatter like birds and beasts! A thief like this can deceive those country folks by virtue of having read two books. What do you think we are going to make fun of? Happy birthday to everyone!"

Taking advantage of the time when the old eunuch picked up the guard of honor and entered the city solemnly, Song Jiang consciously collected a lot of public opinion from the people.When he learned that the citizens of the capital were not as close to Liangshan as the people of Jingdong, he did not gloat. If Emperor Zhenwu came to the world, then Song Jiang, as a "positive figure" framed target, probably won't have a good reputation in the future.

Forget it, life is not short, and there are several decades, and there will be a time to wash away the shame in the future.Now that I have climbed the high branch of Cai Jing and Cai Enxiang, why are I afraid of him?You know, Cai Jing didn't bother to say a few more words to him at the beginning, but this time Liang Zhongshu specially asked Wen Da to take the lead. Doesn't it mean that he has begun to miss him?

Full of worries, Song Jiang was brought to the imperial city in a muddleheaded manner. He thought that it was getting late today and he would not see the emperor's face. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ji was so diligent in his administration that he summoned him, a sinner, overnight. .

When he reached the main hall, Song Jiang, who was nervous, suddenly saw an old man beside the holy car, and his heart immediately felt warm. At this moment, he felt an indescribable feeling, as if as long as this person was around, Song Jiang would be affected again. The big grievances are also worth it.

After Long Live Shan Hu, the Son of Heaven ordered Song Jiang to flatten his body. When Song Jiang peeked at him, he found that although the Son of Heaven was not half happy, he did not show any sign of thunder. He looked at Cai Jing and Yuan Chang, who were old in the family, and felt much more at ease.

"Song Jiang, Tong Guanzuo, you missed the military plan, refused to do things honestly, and almost killed the pillars of the court, what do you have to say?"

Here comes, Song Jiang felt a "thump" in his heart, even though he had simulated this scene thousands of times during the journey, when facing Zhao Ji's real questioning, he still couldn't help his heart beat faster, he managed to adjust his breathing, and followed his thoughts on the road. A good answer is to kowtow and confess: "The guilty minister is guilty!"

Zhao Ji said "um", just waiting for Song Jiang to express his feelings, but Song Jiang's head could not be lifted up after being knocked down, and the whole person did not make a sound at all. Zhao Ji waited for a long time, but there was still nothing to say, Zhao Ji said "Huh" , looked at Cai Jing suspiciously, and this was the first time he seriously looked at this general who was born as a petty official.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say!"

Without waiting for Song Jiang's petition, Cai Jing, the important minister in the court, spoke. The Emperor Daojun would not let him speak, but Cai Jing said: "It is true that Song Jiang delayed the military plan, but he refuses to act sincerely. This old minister I absolutely disagree! I think it was Song Jiang who led the army to rescue Yingtian Mansion when it was besieged. Although the two armies misunderstood and caused casualties on both sides, the city was never lost. The Qing government rescued Qingzhou and marched for more than a thousand miles. There are still people attacking a minister like this who refuses to do things honestly. This old minister feels chilling for the ministers who are doing things honestly!"

Zhao Ji heard the words, nodded noncommittally, and fell into deep thought.Song Jiang, who was kneeling in front of the palace, almost burst into tears when he heard this. Enxiang's Enxiang knew him too well, and they all said that a scholar died for a confidant. He hesitated when he bet on the treasure, but now it seems that he is really a woman. Human kindness!

Cai Jing is not a superficial person, he usually refuses to speak lightly, but at this time he started, and he will never stop easily if he fails to achieve his goal, just listen to him continue and say: "And the old minister heard that the reason why Song Jiang delayed the military plane is because If there is a reason, please ask Your Majesty not to commit the crime of disrespect in front of Song Jiang's palace, and let him take off his court clothes!"

"No need, I'm not an unreasonable person, Song Aiqing, since she is sick, stay in the capital to recuperate, and return to the front line to make contributions after the injury is healed!"

Looking at the silver-haired Cai Jing, Zhao Ji sighed, even though he didn't like Song Jiang in his heart, he understood that the more this kind of time, the more he, the emperor, wanted to support Cai Jing.

Personally speaking, this old official has been assisting him for more than ten years. It is already a rare year. As the saying goes: "73, 84, the king of hell will not let me go." Can't help feeling a little sad.For Yu Gong, if Cai Jing loses power or dies, Tong Guan is left alone in the court, and there is no heavyweight opponent to check and balance him. This balance has been maintained with great difficulty, and it will take a lot of energy to restore it after it is broken.Alas, if his son Cai You could have half of Cai Jing's skills, the emperor wouldn't be so tired.

Song Jiang was really overjoyed when he heard that the emperor would not pursue his crimes. He didn't expect that the whip that was raised high would fall down so lightly!

Although this time was to discuss his crimes, from the beginning to the end, Zhao Ji didn't talk much to the Lord, and Song Jiang once again got a taste of Cai Jing's weight in the court.It seems that there are people above and no one above, it is really different.Otherwise, with Tong Guan's current power and unmatched military achievements, the emperor will stop him if he thinks about the whole person! ?

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Looking at the trembling Cai Jing bowing down to thank him, Zhao Ji was moved with compassion, and immediately got up and said: "The discussion is here today, Yuan Chang should go back to the house early to rest!"

Cai Jing was thanking him when he suddenly saw a young eunuch rushing in from outside the hall. After several passes, an urgent memorial was delivered to Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji frowned, opened the memorial with a little dissatisfaction, and said impatiently: Don't see what time it is!"

The little eunuch was not as favored as Gao Qiang, and when he heard the words, his face turned pale with fright, and he knelt down and said, "Because, because General Song is involved, Taifu Liang ordered slaves, slaves..."

In fact, there is no need for this little eunuch to remind him at all. Zhao Ji has already seen the content about Song Jiang in the secret book, and suddenly he saw that he was already dissatisfied with his face, and his muscles were trembling constantly. Obviously, the anger in his heart had reached the extreme. . (to be continued~^~)

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