Water Margin Survival

Chapter 883 One Group Wants to Fight, Meets One Group Who Doesn't Want to Fight

Just because Liu Dalang doesn't know this strong man doesn't mean that Li Xuan doesn't know him either.

As Liang Shanbo's newly established branch village, Shamenzhai, in name and in real sense, the second master, no one knows the actual situation of these islands better than Li Xuan.Even Xu Jing is no exception, although this old Jiedushi is the head of the Salmonella village appointed by Zheng'er Bajing Shanzhai.

Li Xun's current situation, if said to be a bit embarrassing, would be considered as saving face for him.The situation has completely collapsed, and almost everyone agrees that the number one Bole in the Jianghu has broken his golden body on this son, and he has gone wrong.

Of course, Wang Lun's "war example" of knowing people is too brilliant and too terrifying.Finally figuring out such a mistake once or twice will only make the brothers feel relieved, brother is like a normal person!Think about it, if you pull a random person, as long as Wang Lun takes a look, you can determine the future of this person with absolute certainty. All the well-educated people can't help but suspect that the legend of the heaven and earth that Wu Yong created...is it not all nonsense! ?

Then again, everyone will look at the boss's occasional mistakes in a tolerant or even "happy to hear and see" way, but when it comes to Li Xun, people will unconsciously become strict, "This young man is not good", "It's nothing more than relying on relationships." " and other assertions gradually began to become the consensus among the leaders of the cottage.

After all, when others attack cities and lands, he also attacks cities and lands. They can conquer everything, and the whole Jingdong is like a flat trip.But he fought against the dilapidated Qingzhou, and after a long time he couldn't beat him. Instead, he got involved with Zhu Gui's insiders who were lurking in the city. How could this be the shadow of a famous general?If it wasn't for someone covering him up, if someone else made Zhu Gui suffer such a big loss, let's see if he would be better off.

In this way, bearing the reputation of a mediocre general, Li Xuan landed on Salmon Island.Liang Shan decided to combine the two villages of Erlongshan and Qingyunshan into one to form a new management organization of the archipelago, Shamenzhai. More or less can explain the past.

However, after the order came down, Xu Jing's attitude towards Li Xun was quite intriguing.Since this old Jiedu came to the island, except for the old department of Qingyun Mountain, he basically didn't ask or express his opinion on other affairs, which seemed to be a way of letting go of the shopkeeper, leaving everything to this person who had been tortured by public opinion recently. Second master.

If it is in a relatively closed environment, the head of the family will "cultivate" the second head behind closed doors, and the family will not say much.The key is that on the archipelago, there can't be more people outside the establishment of units outside the system.When there are more "outsiders", Xu Jing's abnormal behavior will inevitably attract controversy.But for some unknown reason, Lao Jiedu not only ignored the gossip, but even reduced the number of appearances.So it was rumored that the old Jiedu envoy was repaying the favor he had received from Li Xuan's uncle Li Zhu.

Li Xuan wants to laugh when he hears this kind of statement now, if he asks Xu Jing if he has any intention of repaying the favor, yes, of course he does!But if you simply regard this arrangement as just to repay a favor, that would be naive!

You know, there is only one person who is qualified to be the shopkeeper of Liang Shanbo, and that is his uncle Wang Lun.If other people want to hide their leisure, be careful that the military justice judges you for a crime of dereliction of duty, and then makes you idle forever.A father like Xu Jing who wants to fight for a few more years to gain more political resources for his son's future development obviously has someone's acquiescence before he dares to be so "blatant". To do this is exactly what he wants in his heart Things to do.

That is, this whoever, from the very beginning, did not put extra pressure on him. Even though the public opinion in the cottage was generally unfavorable to him, I did not see this whoever said anything negative about him.On the contrary, it was the arrangement of many subtleties that made Li Xuan gradually realize that whoever treats him not only as a son or nephew.He clearly has other expectations for himself, which belong to the ardent expectations of a lord for his subordinates, and it is much more troublesome and laborious than keeping a dude in captivity.

In the past, I didn't think at all that calling "Uncle" and "Uncle" actually avoided many troubles unconsciously.But now, Li Xun understands that since he has this uncle, he has taken advantage of himself. If he lies at home and enjoys the benefits brought by this advantage, no one will make irresponsible remarks about him.

But if he insists on choosing to perform on the same stage with other people, then I'm sorry, you have to put in much more effort than others to have such a slight possibility to prove that you are not mediocre.

There are so many roads in the world, but some people just like to take the difficult road, and Li Xuan is one of them.When he found that he couldn't be a captive dude, he began to mature, began to learn to speak less and carefully, and began to learn to watch more and listen more.

"Brother Li, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it! It makes sense, and I will report it to Chief Wang for reference!"

At this time, the calmness displayed by Li Xuan gave people a calmness that did not match his actual age.Seeing this, the strong man's heart moved slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly reminded by Huang Kui beside him: "Fei Leopard, don't talk nonsense!"

After all, Li Feibao cast a grateful look at Huang Kui, and nodded vigorously to reassure him. Seeing this, Huang Kui's face was full of helplessness, so he heard Li Feibao say to Li Xuan, "May I ask Leader Li, how many people are there in our Jingdong?"

Li Xuan is not a native of Shandong, and even his hometown is thousands of miles away from here. At this time, he didn't rush to answer the question, but turned his head to look at the surrendered generals at the scene.It's a pity that although these warriors are officials in various prefectures in Jingdong, they have nothing to do with civil affairs at all. How do they know the specific number of the population of the whole road?

Just being overwhelmed by Li Xuan's eyes, someone said by feeling: "500 million!" When the number came out, another human said: "Less say there are 800 million!" Later, some people said it was 1000 million. When everyone was arguing and trying to get a clue, they only heard a calm voice say: "130 households!"

As soon as this number came out, there was a sudden silence, and everyone was stunned by this odd and complete household registration number.Looking at the person who spoke, it turned out to be Huang An from Jeju.Only then did everyone realize that his Huang family was considered a big family on Jingdong Road after all, and it was not uncommon for the children of the Huang family to know their homeland, so no one doubted it at the moment.At this time, only Huang An continued:

"This number is a statistic made two years after the official's accession to the throne. It has been more than ten years since now. If the average household has six people, the total of Jingdong East Road and West Road back then would No less than 800 million people. Now more than ten years have passed, counting the new population, fleeing households, black households, and tenant households in Hebei, Huainan and Gyeonggi attracted by the superior environment of Jingdong, I estimate that the population is close to tens of millions Left and right!" (Again, the census of the Song Dynasty does not count women, so Jianghu can only estimate the actual population at that time by the number of household registrations recorded in historical books)

This Huang An is really a character with a bit of morality!Li Xuan slapped his hands, and his eyes fell on Li Feibao again, wanting to see what kind of medicine he sold in his gourd.But Li Feibao nodded and said: "Huang Tuanlian's statement, my younger brother is convinced. Let's say that we Jingdong has a population of tens of millions, and there are 70 million people who followed the leaders to the island, which is equivalent to four stops. One stop!"

Liu Dalang, Wu Hu and the others were ignorant, and they didn't know what Li Feibao wanted to express. However, listening to his list of statistics proved that the number of people who followed Liangshan to the island was quite large, and everyone was very happy. After all, they were all rebels. Leaders, among the more than 200 million people, they also have their share of credit.

"Four stoppings came and stopped, and it is obvious that the leaders of Liangshan Park are very popular. But what I want to say is that Liang Shanbo's advantage of "people and harmony" in Jingdong has been offset by the departure of this stop. The rest Even if their hearts are still towards Liangshan, they are more afraid of the court and more attached to their homeland. The foundation of Liangshanbo’s survival has been lost with the departure of more than 200 million people who firmly believed in Liangshan!"

Everyone was refreshed by this different perspective. They only heard Xue Tianxing, the former military commander of Yizhou, said: "There is a saying in the art of war. The weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the harmony of people. It turns out that Liang Shanbo faced the imperial court in the east of Jing. Renhe. But the key is that the people who followed Liangshan wholeheartedly have already gone to the island, if we want to counterattack Jingdong, the greatest advantage of Renhe may no longer be used!"

"It's more than useless? Nowadays, the people in Jingdong are simply the burden of the copycats! One more person, one person must be managed! One more city, one city must be managed! It's easy to manage people's meals, but the difficulty is to manage their three. , Five months. We spent a lot of effort in Jingdong this time, and we only removed three to four million stones of grain and grass. Now it seems that the people on this island alone are not enough to eat! Although we can’t take it away The grain and grass are distributed to the people everywhere, but I am from the army and know their routines. I don’t believe that the imperial court can leave these grains and grass to us to grab! When the time comes to conquer a city, there will be an extra city’s mouth. There is a whole city more belly, what do you use to fill it? Eating is no better than anything else, and you can't play with a little hypocrisy. If you don't fill their stomachs, you will die!" Kou Jianxi, the general manager of Xiqing Mansion, also warned.

"Once people are starved to death, or on a large scale, the reputation that the leader of Liangshanbo King has accumulated over the years will be completely ruined!" Li Feibao's eyes were bright, with a hint of warning, looking straight at Li Xuan and said: " If Liangshan loses its reputation, it will be like a tiger without claws, and its situation is in danger! Therefore, I am very pessimistic about the army's counterattack against Jingdong this time!"

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