Water Margin Survival

Chapter 884 It's Not A Fuel-Efficient Lamp

All of a sudden, the generals spoke to each other, eager to cover various professional angles, crucifying Liang Shanbo's counterattack on Jingdong as an act of digging their own grave, which immediately attracted collective dissatisfaction from the leaders of the rebel army who still expected to make contributions in the counterattack, and they all Feeling resentful, I wanted to teach these cowards who are full of beards a lesson, but at this moment He Ziwei said angrily:

"Nonsense! Nonsense! Who said that the folks who didn't follow us are determined to fight against me in Liangshan? Every family has its own difficulties. It's easy for you to leave your hometown? Why don't you just say everyone? Point at us to fight back and save them!"

"That's right! You still regard the folks as burdens! I see that the pickled things from the court have always been used by the common people, and you accidentally spoke your mind! Why are the folks a burden? Folks We are the foundation of Liangshan’s foothold in the world! Without the support of all the folks on Jingdong Road, you **** officials will talk nonsense here!? I’m afraid they are sitting in the government office thinking how to squeeze the oil from us. !" Xu Jing was also annoyed, he no longer showed affection in his words, and directly poked the opponent's spine.

"Didn't the person surnamed Huang just say that there are tens of millions of people in Jingdong? As long as Brother Wang Lun drives away these tofu soldiers, he can raise his arms and form an army of millions! At that time, go north to Hebei, Go south to Huainan, grab his mother! Why worry about not enough food and grass to support the people and soldiers?" Wu Hu also joined the "battle group", and when he spoke, his provocative eyes never left Li Feibao's side.

With these three heroes starting, Li Xuan, the official leader of Liangshan Po, had no obvious intention to stop it. How could the remaining leaders of the rebel army let go of the opportunity, and immediately resorted to the wheel fighting method, taking turns to show their voices.

This scolding meal made the scene fall into embarrassment.Although the surrendered generals were at odds with the leader of the rebel army in terms of position and opinion, they did not want to offend this group of people who were about to gain power.

Li Feibao knew that he had provoked the matter, and now that the people around him were being scolded, it was impossible not to speak, so he immediately said:

"Big Brothers, Big Brothers, please listen to my brother! I know that you are the leaders of the rebel army. You are from the common people, so what you have seen and heard is true. But my brother is not talking nonsense about 'why not mince meat', Li was born Mr. Cunfang also really saw that some things are far from being as optimistic as they appear on the surface! Just say that in my village, anyone with a bit of blood followed Liangshan. The ones left now are all timid, not to mention They are at least unwilling to cause trouble. They have already made a choice between the imperial court and Liangshanbo. Just like what this elder brother said just now, they are not necessarily hostile to Liangshan, but you cannot deny that they are absolutely afraid of the imperial court!"

The leaders of the rebel army were very annoyed when they saw Li Feibao repeating his old words, and were about to refute him, when they suddenly heard that this man was shooting arrows like arrows, and no one could question him, they said again: "Forget it, we are all from the countryside, you see is believing, I also see is believing, and I really can't argue with each other. Let's put aside the 'harmony', let's talk about the right time and place. Although the younger brother was born in the countryside, he had read a few military books in his early years. I also have a little personal opinion. I think Tong Guan's use of troops this time is intended to indulge. Otherwise, he ordered two partial divisions to station troops in Hebei and Huainan, and cooperated with the central road to go south to Qizhou, north to Xuzhou, and Jingdong to block the middle!"

"What I said before is clear, even if we try our best to win Jingdong again, what we will get will be nothing but ruins. At that time, the imperial court will definitely take away everything that can be taken away, and will not leave us with anything that cannot be taken away. .After he strengthens the wall and clears the field, we will not be able to get effective supplies in the entire Jingdong. If we fight again, it will be pure consumption and fight for the foundation! Forgive the little brother who is ignorant and has never heard of it. With a corner of the land, we can fight against the entire country It’s a desperate battle, but it can still be won!”

It was only when everyone heard this that they understood, this Li Feibao!It turned out to be waiting here!

It's a pity that successful people in officialdom are good at seizing opportunities.How could the generals fail to catch Li Feibao's assist?I only heard Fang Kechang, the surrendered general of Qingzhou, echoed:

"Your brother's words are very reasonable! If you want to waste your time without thinking, you will only drag Liangshan down wishful thinking!"

As soon as Fang Kechang finished expressing his emotions, Yuan Chao, a colleague from Qingzhou, took over the conversation tacitly: "Attacking is not easy to attack, and defense is not easy to defend. Why does Jingdong need it!? The leader of Liangshan King finally established a foundation overseas. Let's not put the elite The soldiers and Yinshi’s family have all filled this bottomless pit! Otherwise, I, a recent descendant, can’t help but feel sorry for the leader!”



The leaders of the rebel army, who were blushing and thick-necked, were desperately waiting for the group of surrendered generals on the opposite side. Although they wanted to refute each other verbally, how could they be as eloquent as the other party?Although anger can be converted into power in fists and feet, it is usually not helpful in words.

Seeing that the leaders of the rebel army were so overwhelmed by the surrendered generals at this moment, Li Xuan couldn't help but secretly sighed. None of this group of surrendered generals was fuel-efficient!

First of all, what they said was not entirely unreasonable, and many of them were old-fashioned words when they were simply understood from the perspective of offensive and defensive strategies.Among other things, the current grain and grass reserves in Liangshanbo alone will ensure that the people who have thrown into the mountain this time will not be hungry until next year's autumn harvest. Overspending, it is estimated that Du Qian and Jiang Jing will hang themselves with a rope.

But it is reasonable to be reasonable, and it will not be wronged to label these people as fear of war!One by one speaks eloquently and impassionedly at this time. Why?Isn't it because he has no confidence in Liangshan and is unwilling to fight to the death with the court?They don't even think about it, everything is sure, and no one in the world will fall into the grass.

Therefore, in terms of attitude, the leaders of the rebel army are much more vigorous than these sluggish people, but their shortcomings are very obvious, that is, apart from being quite appealing in their hometown in the past, their abilities in other aspects are impressive. Feeling worrisome.

There are also the four leaders who were born in the green forest, especially Hu Liu, Ruan Ba, and Huadao Meng Futong from Huangfengling. It's not worth being happy by yourself.At this time, seeing that the Yijun faction and the Jiangjiang faction were about to quarrel, they had no desire to participate in the discussion at all, as if the fate of another family's cottage was being played out in front of them.

Uncle really... No, it should be formally called Chief Wang.Thinking about how to arrange these new leaders, Li Xun is full of bags now, where can he find so many suitable positions to arrange these old men?

"Even if the king is here, my younger brother will say that! I think I, Li Feibao, was originally the coach elected by the villagers. I was supposed to lead the village brave to defend the village and resist the army of Liangshan! It's ridiculous to say, but Li's Zhuangbing They all followed Liangshan spontaneously with their families! Xiaoke knew at the time that the people’s hearts were like this, and Liangshan should be prosperous! Therefore, like all the elder brothers, he came here to vote for Dazhai! Just because he had great hopes for the king, I can't bear to see Liang Shanbo, after playing a series of good moves, suddenly make a bad move and ruin his future!"

As Li Feibao talked, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He really came to Liangshan spontaneously this time, and it didn't start with Huang Kui's recommendation.But Huang Kui's subsequent recommendation played a great role in promoting him.Otherwise, he is not eligible to participate in this meeting that only the leader can attend.

"I know you guys are unreliable, but if there is a way out, you refuse to go forward desperately, but you still pretend to be affectionate and righteous, bah! Disgusting!" The monk Liu Wenshun was not moved by Li Feibao's words, he only knew How can a person who quits have the face to show his loyalty?

At this time, He Ziwei stared at Monk Liu meaningfully, and yelled hello to the guy who didn't deal with it, and then glared at the generals and shouted: "If there is no seed, there will be no seed! Trick your mother!" Why many? Hand over the team, and I will take them into battle to kill the enemy!"

"What!? What did you say!"

This time it's the generals' turn to blow up the pot, right to fight!For the warriors, it is undoubtedly to cut off their siblings, and the generals are a little uncertain at this time, whether these words are rushed out, or this person is speaking on behalf of the "officials", or is a test.

"You said hand over to the team, but I will hand it over? What are you!"

Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang, whose faces were covered with blood, jumped out, reacting more violently than the other generals.It's funny to say that, with his two official positions, he was just flattering in front of the princes of the states.Unexpectedly, thanks to Liang Heng's blessing, he took the defenders of Xingren Mansion who had not suffered much losses and threw them into the "embrace" of Liang Shanbo. As a result, Kou Jianxi, the commander of the soldiers and horses who attacked Qing Mansion, did not have as many troops as the two of them. , not to mention that Huang An suffered from the arrogance of these two live treasures along the way!

The leaders of the rebel army did not have the physical skills that professional officers depended on for survival, but they did not lack courage at all. He Ziwei stepped forward and said, "Boy, are you asking me?"

"You're the one who's asking! What's wrong? Who are you!" Wang Dengbang also took a step forward and asked forcefully.

He Ziwei laughed suddenly, and then said mockingly: "Your uncle, I am standing here because I am not afraid of death! But you, the reason for coming here is exactly the opposite of your uncle and me!"

He Ziwei's words hit the hearts of Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang. They said that they didn't want to become bandits at all. Poor Liang Heng had already used his life to show them the way. If it wasn't for their lives, who would Suffering on this desert island?

After a person is furious, his behavior is not easy to control, not to mention that Zhang and Wang just had a fight, so why are there any scruples at this time?I just want to vent my anger on He Ziwei first.

Facing the two professional officers approaching aggressively, He Ziwei said in his heart that it was a lie that there was no trace of panic. How could he have any decent punches?But there is a saying in Jianghu, which is called "You don't lose your identity when you lose face, and you don't lose when you lose"!Trying to beat someone up at this time, he can't run away, otherwise, he will never have a foothold on Liangshan!

Just when He Ziwei made up his mind to advance instead of retreating, he suddenly felt a huge force pulling him back from behind. Before he had time to figure out the situation, a fierce monk had already stood in front of him , Straight towards Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang.

In an instant, the three of them wrestled together, turning the venue upside down.Li Xun, who didn't say a word, was so angry that his face was almost green. Someone wanted to take the opportunity to demonstrate to himself. Did he have to weigh the consequences before seizing military power?

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