Water Margin Survival

Chapter 886 The Return of the King

When Wang Lun, the owner of Liangshan Park, and his party came to the tent of the Chinese army, the situation was already under the control of Jiao Ting, the leader of the personal guards. Regardless of the surrendered generals or the rebels, anyone who participated in the brawl in front of the tent would be tied up by the brothers of the personal guards. Seriously.

"Brother, who is that person? Zensheng Zhu Junshi is still standing behind him?"

Due to the presence of their enemy Li Xuan who captured them alive, neither Yuan Chao nor Fang Kechang participated in the fight. At this time, Yuan Chao asked Fang Kechang in a low voice.

Hearing the words, Fang Kechang looked at his colleagues in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost, and said, "You haven't seen the portraits on the official arrest document pasted in the Qingzhou government, military camps, and city gates all over the place? do not know!?"

"Wang...Wang Lun is here? Isn't he staying in Koryo!?" Yuan Chao didn't have time to argue with Fang Kechang about the clarity of the arrest document, but was shocked by what the other party said.

It's not that Wang Lun can't appear on Salmonella Island, but coming across the sea in person at this sensitive time, the meaning of this move is a bit intriguing.

Just when everyone was sizing up the visitor, Huang Kui and Li Feibao were taken aback. The figure of Jiang Yuan, the prefect of Benzhou, was in sight. Also dropped..."

"Look at this posture, I'm afraid it's down!" Huang Kui also sighed, and said slowly: "The person next to him seems to be Ren Liang from the Jingdong Transshipment Department. Except for Zhang Zhifu of Xingren Mansion who has not yet shown up, our Enxiang and Judge Ren have already accepted their fate!" Huang Kui couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile on his face when he said this, could other people's jokes be so good?Didn't you also drop yourself?It's a joke in the eyes of others right now.

"There are two big fish, one on the left and one on the right. The one who can stand between them is probably Wang Lun of Liangshan... Sigh! What a clever person I thought he was, but he appears at the joint where he shouldn't appear at the most unnecessary joint." I think Liangshanbo is in danger now!" Li Feibao said dejectedly.

"Fei Leopard, there are some things that you shouldn't have said, but you have said too much! Whether Liang Shan retaliates against Jingdong, has nothing to do with you! Arguing with these people in public, what can be the result of arguing? There is no reason to return Being used as a big gun!" Huang Kui persuaded him earnestly.

Li Feibao smiled, and a sentence of emotion suddenly came out of his mouth, "I'm not afraid of my dear friends' jokes when I say it, I really have hope for them!"

As soon as these words came out, what else could Huang Kui say, he just looked at Li Feibao and sighed.

It is said that the leader who is not controlled is guessing the identity of the visitor, and the leader who is controlled is even more eager to know the identity of the visitor, only to hear Xu Jing's face is full of joy, and said:

"I feel that there is something wrong with the gate today. As expected, brother came personally!" Although his face was covered with blood at this time, he still couldn't hide his excitement.

"The matter is obvious, my brother is here, what suspense is there in Jingdong? How dare you say anything after seeing these crooked bastards!" Wang Lun's appearance made He Ziwei feel very happy.

At this moment, more and more people recognized Wang Lun, and suddenly many people cried out for injustice.The leaders of the rebel army were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to expose the ugly face of the surrendered general.The surrendered generals were really scared. It was pitiful to live under the fence, so they gave the other party a handle if they survived. If Wang Lun took the opportunity to throw a cup as a sign, then it would be a joke.

For this reason, many people were staring at Li Xuan who was reporting the incident to Wang Lun, and their eyes were about to burst into flames. Why don't you stop me, you goddamn dude? !

Amidst the loud noise, Wang Lun had probably finished listening to Li Xun's narration. It turned out that along the way, the new leaders had formed small circles one after another intentionally or unintentionally according to their backgrounds and experiences.Within the circle, there are many contradictions, and outside the circle, there are more differences.This time, it was for Liangshan's next national policy, and it actually caused a scene of full martial arts.

"So, you have been waiting for Junshi Zhu to come?" Wang Lun looked at the young man in front of him, feeling very touched.Everyone in the village said that Li Xun was muddy and couldn't support the wall. Only Wang Lun and other high-level officials knew that the reason why Li Xun didn't attack Qingzhou by force was not because he couldn't, but because Zeng Xiaoyun had already controlled the situation in Qingzhou, and Zhu Gui planted a wedge. Being pulled out by this person, the price to be paid and the harvest to storm the city are really not equal.

It is because of this Qingzhou Raiders Battle that Wang Lun has become more and more optimistic about Li Xuan. After all, there are people on the battlefield who see the big picture, and they are beyond the scope of simple brave generals.At this time, he offered the same bitter strategy as Zhou Yu's attacking Huang Gai, which showed that this brother's nephew really deserved to cultivate him.

In fact, Wang Lun really didn't intend to reuse these defeated generals.It's not that their military literacy is not enough, but that these people's dispositions are prone to surrender at the touch of a button, so Wang Lun really has no way to give them a heavy responsibility with confidence.

It is not unheard of to arrange troublesome people like this at the beginning, but most of them are just a case, and the impact is not great.But now there is a group of people who say that it is equivalent to half of Song's country in Jingdong is not an exaggeration!Such a group of influential people needs to be dealt with coldly. Even Wang Lun, who is rumored to be the best at using people, has to act cautiously at this time.

After all, a person in his position will inevitably have the helplessness of Liu Bangfeng Yongchi.

But right now, because of Li Xuan's participation, the situation suddenly became favorable.

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