"Quiet! Quiet!!"

After Jiao Ting yelled loudly, the huge Chinese army tent finally became quiet.Whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, they all looked up at Wang Lun at this time.At this time, what remained on everyone's faces was still an expression of eagerness to make a statement.

Wang Lun did not go to Dianjiangtai to sit down, but stood in a messy scene, looking around at the crowd.When the incident got to this point, Wang Lun didn't speak, and everyone was even more afraid to speak. It didn't take long for the scene to become audible.I don't know how long it took before Wang Lun finally spoke up: "Wang really didn't expect to meet the heroes of Jingdong under such circumstances!"

After all, he is the current hero who actually controls a country. At this time, Wang Lun's simple sentence made the two people in front of him, Ma Qiqi, bow their heads. Everyone who was eager to try just now, even if they have no shame, they will hear the word "hero". Sometimes, I can't help but blush.

"It's been a while since everyone went to Dazhai. It's a pity that Wang has always been in a small foreign country, and he has neglected you all. We meet today. If you have any opinions about me, Wang Lun, you can just raise them! Wang is all ears! "After Wang Lun finished speaking, he made a gesture to Jiao Ting, Jiao Ting understood, and immediately took Li Si and others, and went forward to untie the ropes on everyone.

If there were no previous brawls, the leaders of the rebel army must have something to say, after all, they have seen the role model in their hearts.But now that there is such a commotion, who dares to speak indiscriminately?The generals are even more straightforward. In their life creed, there is no such thing as giving advice to those who can determine their own destiny.

So, this group of tangled people continued to remain silent.

"Since you heroes don't have any opinions on me for the time being, I would like to give you some opinions here."

coming!Wang Lun's words made the hearts of the people who caused the trouble just "thud". No one expected that the lesson would come so quickly. Just when everyone was uneasy, Wang Lun's tone sank: "Everyone fights in this central area of ​​mine. Don't you have fun?"

"All, all the fun..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no!"

In a panic, Cheng Fu Qian has already given the answer.And more people were sweating non-stop on their foreheads. Although what they said was ironic, their anger was not fake.This is a ruthless character who dares to kill Gao Qiu, who can guarantee that he won't kill someone in a fit of rage?

"As the saying goes, the country has its laws, and the family has its rules! Many of you are high-ranking officials in the imperial court. Wang wants to ask here, what is it like for the forbidden army to gather people to fight privately in the Chinese army tent during the war? punish?"

I'm really afraid of something!As soon as Wang Lun's words came out, everyone's hearts were not just "thumping", but they suddenly rose to a state of beating like thunder, "The general has a personal enmity, and he will retaliate against each other..." Cut it!

Of course, although the Forbidden Army has such regulations, of course there is a lot of moisture in the implementation, but everything is afraid of being serious.If the ruthless character on the opposite side really made up his mind to do something wrong, everyone suddenly realized sadly that they really have no countermeasures other than waiting to die!

When people face a desperate situation from which they cannot escape, they usually hate the person who led them to it.Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang, the pig teammates who killed people, naturally became the focus of the field. If their eyes were like knives, these two people would have been cut into pieces.

"Brother, won't the king and the leader of the king really want their heads?"

Huang Yong, who was extremely fortunate to have escaped, looked at his elder brother with reverent eyes, but saw Huang An shook his head, and said: "It has never been known who killed and surrendered. Although these fellows committed their own crimes, Chief Wang is a man with great ambitions. This kind of reputation is not good for the development of Liangshan!"

Sure enough, the authorities were bewildered by the onlookers, and Huang An's decades of official career were not in vain. Wang Lunduan didn't mean to kill them all. He only heard his tone soften and said: "Well, since no one is willing to explain this to me If you are confused, I will not ask! Originally, you have already made a clean break with the Song court, and it is unreasonable to ask you to use the court's military law. However, Zhu Junjun, if this happens in my cottage, what should I do? How to deal with it?"

"Punishment in normal times, beheaded in wartime!" Firefighting captain Zhu Wu quickly replied.Immediately, everyone who had managed to climb back from the desperate situation was scared and fell into the ice cave again. Brother Wang Lun, no, what exactly is Grandpa Wang Lun trying to do this time!If you don't come to a straightforward one, everyone really can't bear it!

"My lord, although they broke up with Da Song very early, the battle was busy, and the cottage didn't hold a reception banquet with everyone... Therefore, according to the usual practice, these heroes are not considered to be officially in the group, and they are not very suitable for us. The military law of the stronghold!" Zhu Wu then said very tacitly, and it was not difficult for him to cooperate with Wang Lun properly in such a small sudden situation.

Wang Lun laughed when he heard the words, and looked at the people who were overwhelmed by the deer, and said: ""The national law of the imperial court is not applicable, and the family law of the Shanzhai is not applicable. This fight seems to be a good time for you guys!"How about it?If you haven't had fun yet, just play until you have fun! "

The gate of hell is closed and walked twice, how dare everyone make a mistake?Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Dengbang almost cried. They almost thought that they had been tricked by Wang Lun.

Wang Lun waited for a while, but no one said anything. Seeing this, Wang Lun said, "Okay, after passing this village, there will be no more shops. After a drink, everyone will be a member of Liangshan. Since We are all our own people, and we will not see each other anymore, and the Military and Political Department has clear rules on how to punish family law and military regulations in the future! Military division, what kind of crime is it to privately condone colleagues to fight in wartime!"

"It's a crime to sit together!" Zhu Wu replied while looking at Li Xuan, thinking that this young man is going to fight this time, knowing that sitting and watching this group of people fighting without stopping it is obviously a violation of military law and will be held accountable, but He just doesn't move.With this kind of ruthlessness alone, he is worthy of being Wang Lun's nephew.

"It's just that they haven't formally joined the gang yet. Li Yan is not considered to be arranging colleagues privately, but only for being rude to guests. He will be fined twenty military sticks!"

Wang Lun looked at Li Xuan, "What do you have to say?"

"Convince me, the crime of the last general!" After Li Yan finished speaking, he lay down on the ground in public, as if preparing to be punished, and his vigor made the leaders of the field army who followed Wang Lun tremble slightly.Although this young man is not good at fighting, he insists on being a man.

Li Xuan got down on the ground in public, instead of going outside the tent to subdue the law. His thoughts are self-evident. Seeing that Wang Lun hesitated for a moment, Li Xuan's heart warmed up, and he immediately said: "Li Xuan requests the execution of the military law!"

At this moment, an embarrassing scene appeared.The prisoner demanded the execution of the military law, but there was no suitable executioner in sight.The civilian head of the Liangshan Military Judiciary is either in Liaoerwa on the main island, or in Hancheng Prefecture in Korea. The military officer Guanghui Toutuo and his garrison are stationed on Liangshan Island. Koan.

"Brother Jiao, why don't you come? Give this little brother a treat!" Li Xuan shouted on the ground, "My lord, please borrow brother Jiao Ting!"

"No need!" Wang Lun took a long breath and looked at Li Xuan who was lying on the ground. Their eyes met for an instant, and both of them felt very relieved.Finally Wang Lun finally made up his mind, turned his head and shouted, "Liu Wenshun of Kaiyuan Temple comes out!"

Liu Wenshun was suddenly called by Wang Lun's name, and he didn't come back to his senses suddenly. It was reminded by his fellow villager Sun Lie that he answered in a ignorant manner. At this moment, Wang Lun asked: "Liu Wenshun from Kaiyuan Temple Monk, is your tutor?"

The leaders of the volunteer army couldn't help being stunned when they saw this. Usually when they called Liu Wenshun, it was Monk Liu. They never thought that there is another monk Liu in Kaiyuan Temple?It turned out to be Liu Wenshun's master!

"How does the king know the name of the little monk's mentor?" Liu Wenshun was also very surprised.

"Master Pingfengling Guanghui recommended you to the Shanzhai. He had a relationship with Zunshi several times, and he highly respected his martial arts and character. Now I heard that you defected to the Shanzhai to join the team. Not long ago, he wrote three letters to me people!"

Wang Lun didn't play charades, but just looked Liu Wenshun up and down.He has heard a lot about this person's martial arts, so he is not worried.It's just that this person's temperament is good enough to be the leader of the security force?That's an example for the whole army!But this one was still "havoc in heaven" just now.

"Master Guanghui?" Liu Wenshun was startled when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed, and said: "I once heard from my mentor that he had an old acquaintance many years ago, and he joined a group in Dazhai. The little monk once asked him his Dharma name, that is Toutuo Guang Hui, could it be this master?"

"Both sides talk like that, so it's a match!" Wang Lun nodded and said, "Do you know what Master Guanghui's guard does?"

Liu Wenshun shook his head, expressing his ignorance. Wang Lun said very seriously, "Maintain Liangshan's military and legal discipline! Do you think you can do it?"

"When the little monk was in Kaiyuan Temple, he was the precept monk in the temple!" Liu Wenshun understood and replied honestly.

"In that case, you should execute the punishment on behalf of Guanghui first!" Wang Lun said.

Seeing this, Liu Wenshun's face turned red immediately, thinking that he was a troublemaker who was going to execute the execution, which was really ironic, so when he met Wang Lun's gaze again, he unconsciously lowered his head.Just when everyone thought that the monk was afraid to accept the move, they suddenly saw Liu Wenshun stepping up to ask for a standard long spear from a soldier, turned the body of the spear around, and using the tail as a stick, first bowed to Li Xuan who was lying on the ground. Bye, Li Xuan said: "Monk, hurry up! When you finish beating me, you might be able to go to the garrison!"

Liu Wenshun was startled when he heard the words, and then he let out a long sigh. He struck out with a long stick, and the stick penetrated into the flesh. Everyone was terrified. Wang Lun even beat his nephew. Who would dare to ask for trouble?

Liu Wenshun said that he was a Buddhist monk, and he was skilled in Duan's techniques. Although Li Xun couldn't get up after twenty sticks, he didn't have any reactions such as internal injuries.After Liu Wenshun finished the fight, he didn't hand over the stick. Instead, he held the tip of the spear in his hand, over the head, and slammed it towards his back. Suddenly, he heard a "click", and the spear broke in two. Everyone was shocked and puzzled. Liu Wenshun said to himself: "I'm ashamed! If I don't count as joining the group at this time, there should be a temple to regulate me!"

"Okay, get Leader Li up and apply the medicine, let's start the meeting!" Wang Lun walked towards the general platform without looking back. At this time, Ren Liang and Jiang Yuan looked at each other, but they couldn't help shaking their heads, but their eyes seemed meaningful.

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