Water Margin Survival

Chapter 905 General, you are Tong Song!

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"Jia Gusa, just...died like this!?" Wei Kang, who was watching the battle at the pontoon bridge, was stunned: "The Song army was clearly defeated, how could it be possible! How could someone dare to stand up after the entire army was defeated? The snot is really promising, there is such a brave warrior who will sacrifice his life for his flower and bird emperor!"

In the hearts of all the Khitan servants, Jiagusa is an insurmountable mountain.Dongxian was regarded as an elite among the tribe, but as a result, such an outstanding figure was suppressed to death by Jiagusa's subordinates, which showed his ability!Such an iron-fisted figure who symbolizes shackles is dead on the battlefield in the blink of an eye. For a while, everyone felt that it was really unreal.

"That General Song, is he the one who hurt your horse?" Dongxian was also shocked, but he was much deeper than Yaoer Wei Kangcheng Mansion, so he just looked at Aric lightly at this time.

"His target was me, but the fist flower took the shot for me!" Aric sighed, and the previous hostility was gone in his tone.

"Take the head of a general from among the thousands of armies, and today I believe in all kinds of legends in the history books of the Han people!" Dongxian sighed, "We Khitan people have been exhausted from walking all the way from the grassland. At this time when the country is in peril, If you can’t be like the Han people, if there are loyal people who stand up and do their best to turn the tide, you have to fulfill the old saying of the Han people!”

"What old saying?" Yaoer Weikang asked curiously.

"Hu people... have no luck for a hundred years!" Dongxian said in a low voice.

When Wei Kang saw this, he immediately became unhappy, "Bah, bah! General, what are you talking about? How can you despise yourself like that? Even if General Song killed Jiagusa with his power, the Song army was still defeated. That's it! The Jurchens who knew about it didn't say anything, and the Jurchens who didn't know were chasing and killing Song Jun! Perhaps, even General Song himself didn't know who he was beheading!"

There are so many ethnic groups under the jurisdiction of the Liao Kingdom. It is not without reason why only the Jurchens can replace them.At this time, the female god will be beheaded.The behaviors shown by the rest of the people are all revenge and hatred, not a complete defeat, which can explain the problem very well.At the same time, this is also the reason for their ruthlessness that they will not let go of the Liao country.

"However. At this time, if someone along the road yelled in Jurchen, 'Jagusa's head is here', and Jiagusa's soldiers were chasing General Song's ass, you think the Jurchens would Won’t they just blow up the camp? I don’t believe it, the hearts of these hunters are made of iron!” Although Weikang is not interested in Da Song.But his inner resentment towards the Jurchen is even greater.There has always been no real comfort in being a second devil to others.Of course, except for dogs whose natural instinct of wagging their tails and begging for mercy cannot be changed.

"I don't know, but I really want to know what it will be like! How about you try it?" Dongxian immediately replied.

"Don't make fun of me, I'm just talking. Who told this group of savages to be too arrogant?" Biao'er Weikang said with a sneer.

"You're sure I'm joking, but I'm not joking!" Dongxian became serious, "It's okay to ask some Erlang who are proficient in Jurchen to try it!"

Seeing this, Bite'er Weikang couldn't help but widen his eyes, thinking: "Crazy, crazy!"All crazy!

"General, you are Tong Song!" Looking at Dongxian, Aric's gaze seemed meaningful.

Faced with Alich's almost accusatory words, Dongxian shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't take it to heart, but asked instead: "We are here to conquer Korea! But if the enemy suddenly changes to Song Dynasty, we Khitan men , why do you want to work for the Jurchens?"

Dongxian's words made Yao'er Weikang a little bit hard to turn around.He clearly meant that he could win against Korea, but not against Song Dynasty. This strange logic made Weikang find it difficult to understand.I saw him wondering and asking:

"Please tell me, the general, how can the country of Koryo be defeated, and how can the country of Song not be defeated!?"

Dongxian's deep eyes passed over the two people in front of him, and focused on a nothingness above the battlefield. "The truth couldn't be simpler. In today's world, even if Daliao and Goryeo form an offensive and defensive alliance, there is no way to shake the foundation of Jin. However, if Daliao and Song join hands, relying on the world's most powerful two countries to exert their strength at the same time , there is absolutely no chance of killing the fortune of the Jin Kingdom!"

Bite children only Kang see said.Feeling more and more confused, the turn of Dongxian is too big, everyone is obviously a surrendered soldier waiting to die, how did he immediately become a man of lofty ideals who cares about the country and the people?

However, Alich's reaction after hearing the words was a bit interesting, just listen to him slowly say:

"What the general means is that it won't help if we fight Goryeo or not, so we marched from Jinnan. But if Song and Liao join forces, the Jurchen's destruction may be expected. Since the Jurchen may be beaten back to its original form, why don't we let go How about a fight?"

Cave Immortal looked at Aric with admiration and nodded slightly.This young general has excellent martial arts skills, but he is not a brave man. It seems that "Hanshu" has really read it.

"Then are you willing to gamble your life on the luck of the Khitan people?"

Dongxian's words were already blatantly instigating rebellion, and even the reckless man was on the sidelines and didn't even dare to speak out, but Aric said calmly: "How can Song and Liao join forces? You must know that the envoy of the Great Song Kingdom has become The guest of Wanyan Aguda!"

This news is true, and it is also one of the doubts that Dongxian couldn't figure out for a while, but at this moment he didn't want to show his timidity, and said calmly: "The primary purpose of Da Song's communication with the Jurchens is definitely not to destroy my Daliao! The violent and savage Jurchens are superior and neighbors, so Song can feel at ease? Right now, the elite cavalry of Song State appearing behind the Dajin State is a clear proof that the Song people are on guard against the Jin people! From what I can see, The Song Dynasty is nothing more than wanting to take back the Yanyun natural danger. If the Daliao can negotiate with the Song people on this, or make a concession to the Song people's satisfaction on the Xixia issue, I think the two countries still have the possibility of joining hands to contain the Jin Kingdom. !"

But just met Song Jun in Koryo, Dongxian was able to infer the future national policies of Song and Liao, Yaoer Weikang couldn't help admiring him, and he looked at Dongxian with admiration and said: "Then we What should we do? Look for an opportunity to revolt and return to Liao?"

"The Liao Kingdom is too far away after all, but the Song Kingdom is right in front of us!" A rather intriguing sentence came out of Dongxian's mouth. Just as the two subordinates bowed their heads in deep thought, Dongxian said again:

"Under the city of Anzhou, Song and Jin have forged a bloody feud. The Kingdom of Jin has been defeated... No, the few elite cavalry of the Kingdom of Song will be wiped out soon, and the Song Army will behead Wanyan Aguda's confidant and beloved general He is the leader of Bojin, the capital of Baozhou Road in the state of Jin. It is easy to form an enmity between the two countries, but it is difficult to resolve it! As long as Song State is dragged into this war, our country will have hope. If you two do not give up , and please follow this general to tide over the difficulties together, abandon the gold and invest in the Song Dynasty!"

"Anti-gold is no problem! Brothers, are you less angry with the gold people? As long as the three of us climb up and shout, we will ensure that followers will gather! The key is, if you oppose gold, you will oppose gold. Why do we vote for Song? We set up this Thanks, can't you go back to the country and ask for forgiveness from the emperor?" Weikang was very depressed, being a second-class person in the Jin country was enough to suffer, but when he went to the Song country, he was not sure what would happen.

Dongxian was noncommittal, turned his head at this moment, and asked Ali Qi: "What is the opinion of the little general?"

"When we return to our homeland, we can only save our lives. It is useless to promote the Song-Liao alliance. Maybe staying here will be more useful. In addition, I really want to see the Great Song Dynasty Andong Governor's Mansion, which the Korean captives said. , and, the general who beheaded Jagusa's head!"

Aric actually agreed to vote for Song! ?

Bite'er Weikang really didn't expect such a result, he just jumped up and said: "Your boxing horse, if you die, you will die in vain? And your girl, if you don't want it, you don't want it?"

"Help me kill your Majesty, and snatch her out?" Aric, who had always been calm, was completely ignited by these words.

As a result, as soon as this remark came out, Yaoer Weikang was immediately defeated, and he was subdued and said: "Come on! You both want to vote for Song Dynasty. Haven't I ever turned against you? As long as the Jurchen can be brought down, it is not the right side to stand on." ? It’s just, I’m afraid that the Song people won’t accept us! No, we just had a fight with them!”

Upon hearing the words, Dongxian exchanged a look with Ariqi, and said with a wry smile: "It's true that we fought, but we were the ones who were defeated! If the people of Song hold grudges because of this, it can only be said that the little general and I are blind!"

Alich took over the conversation: "Although the Song army has such elites as before, its cavalry is still weak and difficult to recover. I will wait for at least [-] cavalry. If I contact the soldiers of the Xi army again, I am afraid that there will be less than [-] soldiers. If we were really ambitious, wouldn’t we treat us kindly? Besides, as long as we show our sincerity, why would the kingdom of etiquette be so contemptuous?”

"How to show sincerity? What kind of sincerity to show?" Biao'er Wei Kanglian asked.

"The icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow! Although this Song army caused heavy casualties to our army, and even the fist flower was poisoned by it, but what is personal hatred in the face of national hatred? Besides, we were fighting for the Jurchens at that time, so we were regarded as gods." Punishment for us descendants! Right now, for the sake of the future of Khitan, we must not just sit back and watch this elite cavalry be crushed by the Jurchen iron cavalry. Aren’t you going to tell the Jurchen Jiagusa the news of his death? It's too late!" Aric said.

Hearing the words, Bite Weikang subconsciously looked at Dongxian, only to hear the latter nod his head and say: "What the little general said is absolutely true! Our army can no longer watch the battle on the side of this pontoon bridge, we must take strong and practical actions, come here Express our sincerity! I want to let the Jurchens know that we Khitan people can endure humiliation, but absolutely no one is a coward!" (~^~)

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