[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary, the day with the most benefits.In addition to gift bags and school bags, you must watch the 515 red envelopes this time. There is no reason not to grab the red envelopes. Set the alarm clock~

In the green and yellow suburbs of Niancicada, several fast horses who had left the battlefield were running desperately towards the southwest. In the dust not far behind them, hundreds of prairie cavalry dressed in typical northern nomadic costumes were biting tightly.

It's funny to say that, if it weren't for the backbone of this group of pursuers to defeat the cicada reinforcements that were more than twice their own, I am afraid that the prairie cavalry who are showing off their might at this time would have already become captives in the hands of the "prey" ahead.Just because the situation was successfully reversed by the Jurchens who were good at reversing the situation of the battle, the grassland coalition forces, which were still sluggish, suddenly felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and couldn't wait to kill the scattered cavalry on the battlefield.

Shi Tijue was not a defeated soldier, but a messenger for help who was ordered in danger.It was unprecedented, since he followed his old boss Peng Qi and was incorporated into the team of Lu Junyi, a famous scholar in Hebei, he never received such an errand like asking for help.Let's talk about it, don't say he hasn't received it, the entire Ma Qijun is no exception.

Shi Tijuan did not go up the mountain in vain, he was an officer of the imperial army before falling into the grass.As far as the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty is concerned, it is very common for veterans to go to the army for entertainment when there is nothing to do, and to pull the army into the water when there is something to do. The material treatment divides the team into three, six, and nine grades), but he has gained insight after going to Liangshan.

It is insulated from calculation here.Treatment is also consistent and equal.All the extra mental energy of the whole army was used in the competition!This kind of competition is all-round. In addition to the military branches, the navy competes with the infantry, the infantry competes with the horse army, and the horse army competes with the garrison.Within the military branch, there is a competition between the big number and the small number, and the competition between those without a number and those with a number.In short, everyone has a neighbor who secretly vows to surpass.

So, in this atmosphere, let them.Especially for a well-known fierce man like Lu Junyi to say "beg" to the friendly army, it is almost more uncomfortable than killing them.

It's just that if there are exceptions to everything, it will be bad.No, Ma Qijun, who never asked for help, made an exception and became so serious that he wanted to ask the friendly army for help.Shi Tixia knew better than anyone else that even under the premise that the two generals Han and Peng were trying their best to gather the defeated army, if the Jurchens continued to stick to this unconventional style of play, the entire army would be wiped out sooner or later. One point difference.

"Tiha. This won't work! Lao Wu and Xiwang are gone, and we are the only three left! If things go on like this, I'm afraid you and I will be murdered by this gang!"

"Yeah, we are only five people, it doesn't matter if we die, the key is once we die. Brothers, it's all over! Tiha. You go first, leave us alone, Lao Wang and I will lead these guys away! "

Accompanied by the sporadic flying arrows and the strong wind blowing head-on, the shouts of the brothers hit Shi Tiha's eardrums. Before he had time to look back, he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him fading away. .Shi Tixia's heart felt hot, and he was waiting for a response, but he felt a sharp pain in his back just after he stood up, and his whole body seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and he almost fell off the horse.

He knew he was hit by an arrow.When his life was at stake, the old soldier's subconscious action saved his own life in time. Just after taking advantage of the situation and leaning on the saddle, he clearly felt another arrow passing by his forehead.

This is a master!Shi Tijuan secretly groaned.It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel the fear of death at this time, but at this time he wanted to complete the mission assigned by General Peng Qi, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of sacrifice to protect his brother?

The arrow hit by the "prey" greatly stimulated the pursuers behind.I saw a dozen or so prairie cavalry leaving the main force and chasing after the injured prey.At this time, everyone cursed the opponent's quick death with red eyes, so they could carve up this person's good battle equipment from top to bottom.

Unexpectedly, this prey is so tenacious, lying on the saddle and wanting to fall, but the horse under him is fast and stable, only one of the pursuers has been assigned a bow and arrow, and at this time, he wants to shoot but is eager to shoot. , who can shoot horses but is really reluctant, so the two groups of people just chased after each other, blinking past for four or five miles, abruptly bypassing a small hill that is very common in hilly areas.

People, the worst thing is greed.If it weren't for coveting the opponent's armor, fine bows and good horses, these dozens of cavalry would have stunned them so much that the lone army went deep and circled out of this mountain.If they hadn't bypassed this hill, how could they have been hit by a rain of deadly arrows?

It was the first time Shi Tihat saw his own people want to cry so much. When the scout team of the Golden Spear Army appeared in the woods behind him, Shi Tihat was already full of tears, but when he was in agitated mood, But he never forgot his mission. At this time, he didn't even want to waste the time to turn the horse's head. For a moment, Shi Tihat's slightly hoarse voice resounded in the mountains and forests: "Ma Qi's army is unable to fight, and General Peng Qi is crying!" Blood for help, our army's gold medal..."

However, after the sound of the arrow piercing into the flesh, the cry for help stopped abruptly, and Shi Tihat fell off the horse before he finished speaking.With such a sudden change at the scene, the faces of the scouts of the Golden Spear Army turned green, and there were Hulu pretending to be dead and sneak attacking! ?At this time, without waiting for the officer's order, four or five sharp arrows flew to the place where the backstabbing wounded the person, and immediately made the person who attacked him pay the price in blood.

When Xu Ning, the general of the Golden Spear Army, saw Shi Tixia's body that hadn't cooled down and his incomplete message, Ru Jiang's confident temperament was immediately burned to ashes by burning anger.Looking at the golden armour, which was soaked in the blood of the goose feathers, Xu Ning only felt a rush of blood in his chest rushing straight to his forehead, and his eyes were suddenly bloodshot.

Feng Mei and Bi Sheng, who are self-proclaimed fierce generals, shuddered at the same moment when they met the general's eyes. They were supposed to comfort the general on such occasions, but for a while they licked their lips in embarrassment. Can't speak.They had never seen Xu Ning in this state.

No wonder they are so rare, after all, even my close friend Lin Chong has never encountered such a strange state of Teacher Xu.It's also no wonder that Xu Ning is not calm. He is not an impulsive person at all. The reason why he is so groggy right now is that apart from being stimulated by the sacrifice of his colleagues, Xu Ning is still pressing Wang Lun's entrustment to him before leaving the teacher.

Because of this, Lu Junyi was leading the charge for the first time, and his opponent was Wang Lun's repeated emphasis on the best team in the world. If Lu Junyi hadn't rushed to issue the military order, Wang Lun would not have broken the spirit of Ma Qijun , this time it's time for the Golden Gun Army to fight forward.

It doesn't matter if you don't become a pioneer. Xu Ning is no better than others. He is always the master of Diaoyutai, full of confidence!But Wang Lun's words, "With you in the lineup, I can rest assured whoever will be the vanguard", put Xu Ning under more pressure than being a vanguard.He understood that Lu Junyi was facing such a strong opponent for the first time, and his brother was actually not at ease, and needed to take care of himself.

The legend of exchanging a thousand pieces of gold for a good general is still talked about by heroes all over the world. Even if Wang Lun said something casually at this time, Xu Ning would be willing to go there with his life, let alone such a trustful entrustment before the battle?

So along the way, although the Golden Spear Army followed Ma Qijun and ate up the dust, Xu Ning didn't say anything.Who would have thought that Lu Junyi seemed to be a little bit wrong. He ran forward desperately, but he "forgot" to inform the army after setting up camp early this morning. how.

"Three Wonders of Hebei", "There is no right gun and stick in the world", "Liangshan Five Tigers No. 1", such a hero with many titles in one body is actually "crying for help" at the moment. Of course, although the words are not from his own mouth , but it doesn't make much difference whether you kiss him or not.Although the Tianmu general Peng Qi is not good at personal martial arts, he was also a veteran general in the imperial army of the Song Dynasty, and he is an excellent lieutenant general. Now he is crying blood. How can Lu Junyi's situation be better?All kinds of signs are telling Xu Ning that the current situation has deteriorated to the point that it cannot be reversed by the Ma Qijun itself.

"Pass down the order, throw away all the items except the battle equipment, and the whole army rushes to help!"

The good man who was very intoxicated with family happiness disappeared, and was replaced by a decisive general with a strong fighting spirit. Bi Sheng was intimidated by the general's aura, accompanied Xin Xin and asked: "This dry food, water bag... "Before he finished speaking, Xu Ning's response came, "Throw it all away! If you win this time, you can come back and get it. If you can't save Yuanwai this time, we don't need these anymore!"

Xu Guan'er is going to work hard!

Bi Sheng and Feng Mei looked at each other when they heard the words, and their hearts couldn't help but tremble. It's really that Xu Ning, who is decisive in killing at this moment, is too different from his previous image of playing fun!At this time Xu Ning didn't say much, and led the front team to go first. Feng Mei and Bi Sheng hurriedly took their positions, not daring to let Xu Ning lose the chain at this time.

Let's say that Mr. Xu led the former army of his team and bypassed this hill on the southwest road outside Nianchan City, and his vision suddenly became clear.It's a pity that although some things have been prepared in advance, people's emotions will still fluctuate greatly when faced with them.For example, the scene of human tragedy unfolding in the vast wilderness in front of him made Xu Ning's mood sink to the bottom in an instant.

It turned out that wherever you look, there are scattered soldiers and rangers of the Seventh Army of Ma, who were defeated by the Hulu, and there are more than a thousand horses at a glance?At this time, three or five riders, or dozens of riders, galloped desperately towards the road.For Liang Shanjun, fleeing for his life was embarrassing enough, what was even more humiliating was being chased and hunted after him.It is no exaggeration to say that with almost every breath, soldiers of the Seventh Ma Army fell from their horses and died under the arrows of the Hulu.The rout soldiers were completely stunned, driven only by the instinct to escape.If the pursuit soldiers were not equipped with too few bows and arrows, the casualties of the rout soldiers would have doubled.

Shame, shame!Since the establishment of the Liangshan Majun, has it ever suffered such a big loss?

As the founder of the Liangshan Horse Army, Xu Ning is bleeding in his heart!Although the relationship between the establishment of Ma Jun and him is not as close as that of the teams with higher numbers, the relationship is different from others. Seeing his children being hunted and shot by outsiders, Xu Ning was completely angry!

PS. It's raining red envelopes on 5.15!Starting at 12:515 noon, grab a round every hour, and a large wave of [-] red envelopes depends on luck.You all go grab it, and continue to subscribe to my chapters with the coins you grab! (to be continued~^~)

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