super robot clone

Chapter 115 Science Fiction Film and Television City

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter with this investment?"

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Don't you always speculate that the company has connections with foreign countries? In fact, our head office is indeed in foreign countries, and I am only responsible for developing domestic business. According to the agreement between me and the headquarters, this time the head office will invest three 60.00 million dollars to buy 30.00% of the shares of Cybertron Digital, the remaining 5.00% is in my own hands, and the other [-]% is used as employee shares to reward outstanding employees. However, these shares only have dividend rights and no decision-making power! Wu, you must have a share in this, and as far as I know, the shares should be at least [-]% or more, and then you have to treat me!"

Wu Jun's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his voice trembled: "Mr. Chen, this... is this true?"

Chen Xin nodded with a smile, he could completely understand what Wu Jun was thinking.

Let’s not talk about the future of Cybertron Digital, just Chen Xin made up $60.00 million to buy 500% of the shares, then the value of one percent is equivalent to $[-] million, not to mention the right to dividends in the future up.

Anyway, these shares are not a big deal to Chen Xin. Whether it is the offshore company Xinghuan Group or the Cybertron Digital that has already taken shape, the core is steel. As long as there is steel, even if these two companies collapse Yes, Chen Xin can pull up a batch of new companies at any time.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to reward some employees with outstanding performance.


When passing by the Zhenzheng Fu of Yanjiang Town, Chen Xin asked Wu Jun to stop the car, and the two went directly into the Zhenzheng Fu.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a man in his thirties wearing glasses came out and saw Chen and Xin. He asked, "Who are you? You are about to leave work today. If you have something to do, come over tomorrow morning."

Chen Xin smiled and said, "Where is the office of the Management Committee of Wujiang Industrial Park, I just want to ask something."

The man was slightly taken aback, and said, "What Wujiang Industrial Park..."

Then he suddenly seemed to think of something, patted his head and said: "I know, there is no such thing as the management committee of Wujiang Industrial Park now, and the wasteland is currently being coordinated and managed by the people from the industrial department. How about I help you ask?" Just ask!"

Perhaps Chen Xin and Wu Jun's backgrounds were unusual from their attire, and this man's attitude was not as rigid as it was at the beginning.

Chen Xin and Wu Jun looked at each other. A Nuoda industrial park was actually affiliated with the industrial department of a town. From this, one could imagine the current predicament of Wujiang Industrial Park.

Soon, the man brought Chen Xin and the others to an office with an industrial department, and went in without knocking on the door. Inside, a young man who looked like a student was cleaning the table.

The man with glasses said, "Xiao Gu, where's your section chief?"

Xiao Gu was slightly taken aback, and said shyly, "Director Wu, you are here. Aunt Xu Ke's son got married today and left work 10 minutes ago. Do you want me to call and ask?"

Director Wu waved his hand and said, "Forget it, these two are businessmen from other places, come here to ask about the situation of Wujiang Industrial Park, Xiao Gu, you are in charge of receiving them."

As he said that, he turned his head and smiled at Chen Xin and the others: "You two, if you have any questions, feel free to ask Xiao Gu. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Seeing Director Wu's back disappear behind the door, Xiao Gu smiled at Chen Xin and the others, "Sit down, you two, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Chen Xin said with a smile: "Little Gu, don't be so busy. Anyway, it's almost time to get off work. You can help us make a copy of the materials of Wujiang Industrial Park. We can take it home and have a look."

Xiao Gu hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "That's good! I'll make a copy!"

Although Xiao Gu has just started work, he has encountered several waves of merchants who came to ask about the general situation of Wujiang Industrial Park. Usually, they are sent with just one piece of material, and those merchants will basically not come again after they come once. .

Soon, after receiving relevant materials from Xiao Gu, Chen Xin and Wu Jun drove back to Jiangcheng

"Wujiang Industrial Park was established in 1998, with a planned area of ​​1000 square kilometers and more than 2.5 mu. Because it uses saline-alkali land and the surrounding area is sparsely populated, there is basically no problem of land acquisition and demolition. At the beginning, Wujiang District Government invested [-] million Yuanyuan has built a batch of supporting infrastructure. Unfortunately, due to the lack of maintenance in recent years, many facilities have been aged and damaged, and are not functional. At present, these materials are basically consistent with what Zhou Lide said .”

Wu Jun paused, and continued to say to Chen Xin: "Mr. Chen, according to the current land transfer price in Wujiang District, even if it is just a piece of saline-alkali land, the price per mu is at least 8 yuan. If all of them are won, it will cost about one billion yuan. , plus the construction of related supporting facilities, it is impossible to get it done without 20 billion. This is only the initial investment part, and the investment in the future will only increase... and the company's stall is getting bigger and bigger, and then it will cast "" "The Wandering Earth", I am worried that the head office will..."

Wu Jun's meaning is very clear. Judging from the current situation of Wujiang Industrial Park, the funds needed to develop it are simply a bottomless pit, and the next investment will only increase. If you want to make a profit, you must I know I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!

Chen Xin smiled lightly, and suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with the industrial park: "Old Wu, what do you think of China's film industry in the future?"

Wu Jun was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and said, "According to the current development trend, it will be a matter of time before the Chinese film market surpasses that of the United States. Especially since last year, the development of the Chinese film industry has begun to accelerate in an all-round way. In 2010, the urban film market in Mainland China The box office revenue is 101.27 billion. Several "giant" films are clear at a glance: as a new benchmark for global commercial films, "Avatar" received 13.7 billion. At the end of the year, three domestic blockbusters celebrated the New Year. In the middle of the year, "Tangshan Earthquake" was 1 million, creating a new domestic box office record, and "Inception" 2 million, a total of nearly 13 billion. More than 6.73/4.4 of the annual box office, into the The pockets of these 38 movies."

Wu Jun paused, and continued: "And judging from this year's situation, this kind of development momentum is becoming more and more rapid, and domestic films are also continuing to make efforts. Except for "Let the Bullets Fly" not long ago, our company "Bring Her Eyes" set a box office record of one billion. At present, whether it is the number of viewers, the number of 3D screens or the total box office, there has been a substantial increase compared with the same period last year, and according to the population size of our country, The next 20 years will be the golden age of Chinese film development..."

Chen Xin nodded, and then he confided to Wu Jun the plan he had just thought of not long ago: "Old Wu, this is the real reason why the company is interested in this land! Because we are going to build a science fiction film and television city. Even I have no right to ask about the company's decision-making. In addition, our estimated investment amount is about 50 billion US dollars!"

"Sci-fi film and television city? 50 billion dollars?" Wu Jun opened his eyes wide and stared at Chen Xindao dumbfounded.

Chen Xin nodded and said: "Yes, it's the Science Fiction Film and Television City! Science fiction films can be said to represent the overall level of a country's film industry, and they are also one of the most important types of commercial films. , sci-fi movies account for more than one-third of the share, and among domestic movies, sci-fi movies are just the weakest link. The field of sci-fi movies is basically monopolized by Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters, of course the appearance of our Cybertron digital can only be regarded as an accident!"

"For us, this is an uncultivated land. The company wants to build a sci-fi film and television city to complement these links and establish the most basic sci-fi film industry chain. At that time, our film city will not only provide related CG special effects production, props design and manufacturing and other services. At the same time, this film and television city will also be a sci-fi theme park with popular science education as the main content. There will be more profitable projects by then, such as space museum, space city, weightlessness experience, holography Lens and so on... As long as this industry chain is completed, the rise of domestic sci-fi movies will sooner or later, and even occupy a place in the world! By then, we will control the field of sci-fi movies again. Is it difficult for us to make a profit? Another point is that this kind of behavior of enhancing the country’s soft power will also receive strong support from the government. After you go back, you will call the company’s employees to write a report Plan, when the time comes, we will go directly to the Jiangcheng municipal government to ask for land, and I believe we will get a lot of discounts." (To be continued.)

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